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Hot Seat- WTM edition`


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I heard this on a podcast I liked and thought it would be fun to do here. I've got to post and run as I have to start the day but I'll come back to answer when I have time. I look forward to reading the answers. Pick and choose what you want to answer!

  • What is your current favorite podcast, blog, or person you follow?
  • What was your favorite book last year- fiction and/or non-fiction?
  • Favorite purchase last year
  • Best life hack
  • Biggest regret - this was a financial podcast so it was my biggest financial regret but I think it's best to open it up for interpretation
  • What did you do to make your life easier this year?
  • High point of last year


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I follow a bunch of NASA blogs. I don't have a particular favorite.

Favorite book last year was Hail Mary, fiction. That is unusual for me because I normally gravitate to non-fiction.

Favorite purchase? LOL, 24 wood palettes, heat treated but no chemicals, for $1 each. Mark made raised beds out of them, and now we have another $24. I thoroughly enjoyed verbally abusing tomato plants to try to get them to grow. 😅

I don't think I have any really good life hacks. Hmmmmmm...must think.

Biggest financial regret was the purchase of this current house which we will take a total financial bath on, going into the hole big time when we leave.

To make life easier, I hired a driver for some of my mother in law's medical appointments. She has a bazillion, and relies exclusively on me. It made for a major upheavel of my life, and she won't let me go into any of these appointments with her despite the fact she has lost 75% of her hearing. So I was just sitting for hours and hours every week in doctor and hospital parking lots. I now pay my mom to do some of the driving as well as two retired ladies who live near her. I still do some, but easily less than a 1/3 of it now, and all the ladies appreciate the extra cash.

Highpoint of last year was three weddings of honorary daughters. I provided music for two of them, and decorations for two of them. Mark was the father of the bride in two due to absent fathers for our girls. We gained three wonderful in laws, a daughter in law, and two son in laws, well, not traditionally, but by "adoption". So now we kind of need a castle so when they all converge on us for Christmas and what not, I can manage to house and feed the lot of them. It has turned into quite a houseful! Oh, and we also for to attend our dil's (eldest son's wife) college graduation.

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What is your current favorite podcast, blog, or person you follow?: Bible in a Year, Catechism in a Year, The Meditation Podcast, Weight Loss Made Real Podcast

What was your favorite book last year- fiction and/or non-fiction?: I've been rereading series from my past, which has been a lot of fun: Anne McCaffrey's Pern books, The Hobbit, LOTR, Harry Potter, Wheel of Time. I really can't pick a favorite out of those - maybe the Harper Hall trilogy out of the Pern books. Non-fiction: How Not to Age by Michael Greger. I have all of his books, and I am on his site all the time, I just can't listen to him. He has an odd way of speaking that he didn't have in his earlier days. 

Favorite purchase last year: A larger tv for our rec room and a wall mount, but my favorite has been LED light strips that go on the back of the TV and splash color onto the wall behind the tv. It has a camera that senses the colors on the screen, so the colors on the wall match the tv. I thought it was silly when dh ordered it, but it's made movie night a lot more immersive and fun! I was a bit reluctant to spend the money, but we got a surprise check from a judgement against a company we use for our business, so we decided we needed a splurge for ourselves. Plus the TV was a great price at Costco.

Best life hack: Hmm, I can't say I have any amazing hacks. When we make dinner, if it's something that freezes well we make double and freeze what's left for a busy night. This has saved dinner and kept us from ordering out quite a few nights. But there are those nights that we just want takeout.😁 We will also spend a weekend making personal size pot pies for the freezer. We do chicken, shepherd's pie, cottage pie and a creamy tarragon chicken one with a polenta topping. They get wrapped individually and everyone can pick which one they want. 

Biggest regret: We had a tough time making ends meet for 2022 until the beginning of last year, so I had to use credit cards for a few emergencies. Things are better now, thankfully. 

What did you do to make your life easier this year?: I stopped worrying about the amount of sleep I was getting and went with the recommendations of a sleep app I was using. It was recommending 1:30 am as my ideal bedtime. I decided to go with that time, and delay my wake up time. I'm fortunate that I work from home and can make my own hours. I sleep better, and I have much better focus during the day. It was a burden trying to fit into the 'norm' of sleep/wake times and work times, and I'm much happier this way.

High point of last year: Christmas! It was so much more relaxed this year. We didn't have financial pressures for once, family issues seemed to mellow for the holiday season, we were able to celebrate the way we wanted to. It was probably the best Christmas we've ever had. 

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Current favorite podcast is still History That Doesn't Suck.  It's just long enough for my walks during the nice days.

Book - I finally got around to reading Call The Midwife memoirs.  Lovely.

Favorite purchase last year was a Le Creuset short dutch oven.  The sides are only about 4-5 inches tall, but it is absolutely perfect for so many of our meals and I can make 5 pieces of chicken at once.  It's heavy, but not unbearably so, which means I don't struggle to wash it.

Best life hack......cleaning my shower every day.  It takes 30 seconds to squeegee the walls, door, and floor, but it means I can go longer between deep cleans.  Also, keeping $36 in my wallet: a 20, 10, 5, and 1.  It's not uncommon for a kid's activity to crop up or organizations selling things.  I've gotten a few kids coming door to door and that's a rough gig.  This way I can make sure that any of my own kid's expenses are covered and that I have extra for the Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts/Little League/6th grade bake sale (we know they're a standard fixture now at the polls 😉 )

I have no biggest regret.

Making my life easier: meal boxes.  We get so busy in the winter that it's nice to shop online for 3 meals once a week, have them arrive in a box, and only needing to grab the individual bag to get ready to make dinner.  We tend to do a lot more vegetarian/plant first meals this way rather than relying on just what we think up.  During the summer I grab the recipe cards that we've collected and head to the grocery store, making some repeats of what they've sent us.

High point - visiting D.C.  I've been several times, DH has been a few, and ds only when he was a baby, so it was a nice trip.  We got to see a few things we had never done, and some that are worth doing every time.

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6 hours ago, Soror said:

I heard this on a podcast I liked and thought it would be fun to do here. I've got to post and run as I have to start the day but I'll come back to answer when I have time. I look forward to reading the answers. Pick and choose what you want to answer!

  • What is your current favorite podcast, blog, or person you follow? I enjoy the Off Air podcast with Jane Garvey and Fi Glover. They previously had a BBC podcast called Fortunately.  Middle aged women's voices are quite rare.
  • What was your favorite book last year- fiction and/or non-fiction? I Contain Multitudes by Ed Yong.
  • Favorite purchase last year. We paid to have a pond dug in our garden
  • Best life hack. Standing up to do boring, repetitive tasks at work. More generally,  working hard to disengage so that I only feel responsible for the tasks that are actually mine to influence.
  • Biggest regret - this was a financial podcast so it was my biggest financial regret but I think it's best to open it up for interpretation. Hmmm. Not sure about that. I try to move on rather than dwelling on regrets 
  • What did you do to make your life easier this year? Started going to bed earlier - I am better rested and less rushed
  • High point of last year - my son's graduation. 


Answers in quotation. 

Edited by Laura Corin
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11 hours ago, Soror said:

I heard this on a podcast I liked and thought it would be fun to do here. I've got to post and run as I have to start the day but I'll come back to answer when I have time. I look forward to reading the answers. Pick and choose what you want to answer!

  • What is your current favorite podcast, blog, or person you follow?
  • What was your favorite book last year- fiction and/or non-fiction?
  • Favorite purchase last year
  • Best life hack
  • Biggest regret - this was a financial podcast so it was my biggest financial regret but I think it's best to open it up for interpretation
  • What did you do to make your life easier this year?
  • High point of last year


I've been thinking about these all day, might be ready to answer.

I love the "Jack" podcast about Jack Smith.

Favorite book: Bury The Chains by Adam Hochschild

Favorite purchase:  I had some great barters last year, including time for two different friends at my business in exchange for dd19's beautiful watercolored diploma and some meadow plants for this year's garden.

Best life hack: paying someone to watch over my mom.

Biggest financial regret: not requiring dh and ds to take a truck they wanted to buy for ds to a mechanic. They got it home from buying it 2 hours away and took it to a mechanic down here who told them it was unfixable. It's still in the yard.

What did I do to make my life easier this year: didn't work this winter

High point of last year: our Smithsonian/DC trip with three of the kids. The best of times!


Edited by Eos
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What is your current favorite podcast, blog, or person you follow?

A Special Place in Hell with Megan Daum and Sarah Haider

What was your favorite book last year- fiction and/or non-fiction?

The Mirror Visitor Series - YA Fantasy set of four novels - they were fantastic! 

Favorite purchase last year A car for my son so I don't have to drive him anymore, and he can feel more independent

Best life hack Pilates after dinner - we eat dinner early but go to bed later, so it makes me feel somewhat productive still without it being boring stuff like cleaning:) 

Biggest regret - this was a financial podcast so it was my biggest financial regret but I think it's best to open it up for interpretation Probably having my oldest daughter stay with us for two years before leaving for law school.  One year made sense but two years were rough on all of us and set her back in launching.   

What did you do to make your life easier this year?  Embraced take out to be honest, lol.  We get take out twice a week now and it's the high point for everyone! 

High point of last year Getting my daughter out of my house and into law school 2500 miles away from us! But only because against all my worry and trepidation she is doing awesome. 

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  • What is your current favorite podcast, blog, or person you follow? Jessica Sowards Roots & Refuge Farm
  • What was your favorite book last year- fiction and/or non-fiction? A Caravan of Brides by Kay Hardy Campbell
  • Favorite purchase last year: 10 lbs Caribou Russet seed potatoes, grew enough to last me until this spring.
  • Best life hack: Reusable and money saving cleaning swaps: Small-ring chainmail scrubber instead of Brillo pads and Blue Surgical Huck Towels instead of paper towels.
  • Biggest regret -Despite trying everything, not being able to mediate my husband's family's sibling fighting during the months leading up to their mom's death.
  • What did you do to make your life easier this year? Started tutoring so finances won't be so tight.
  • High point of last year: Spending one warm, clear night staring up at the Milky Way.
Edited by Kalmia
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  • What is your current favorite podcast, blog, or person you follow?  I follow a several sonography and radiology social media creators who have funny and informative content.  Oh, and Nurse Blake is a hoot.  But the podcast I listened to the most is Circle Up hosted by two rock climbers - one who we knew on the youth competitive circuit in our region who ended up going to the Olympics and the other is a Canadian climber who is a funny, real person.   Oh, I forgot that I listen to Sleep Cove for sleep meditations to help interrupt the worry train that starts the minute my head hits the pillow.  
  • What was your favorite book last year- fiction and/or non-fiction?  I don't get to read much for pleasure so I listen to audio books in the car.  For fiction, I loved Sisters of the Night and Fog by Erika Robuck.  For non-fiction, although I haven't finished it yet, I've been enjoying The Long, Steep Path by Catherine Ryan Hyde.  I've loved most of her fiction.  
  • Favorite purchase last year:  It's a toss-up between blinds for my living room (we went 20 years without any window coverings because I kept buying them and they didn't fit so I had Costco come out and do them)  and a new duvet cover for our bed.  I splurged rather than just getting what was on sale that was passable and I really like it.  The colors make me happy.  
  • Best life hack  Since I have to get up at O'dark thirty for work (and I struggle with sleep), I prep and lay out everything possible the night before - setting up my smoothie ingredients, filling my tea kettle, packing my lunch and work bag, laying out my clothes in order of putting them on since I have to do so in the dark, untying my shoes.  It means I can be out the door in under 40 minutes.  
  • Biggest regret - this was a financial podcast so it was my biggest financial regret but I think it's best to open it up for interpretation.  Not making friends.  Not sure how I could have changed it, though.  
  • What did you do to make your life easier this year? Hired a professional organizer to help me deal with mountains of paper (as well as other clutter.)  She helped us get all our important papers together and create a "file of life" so that if something happens to one or both of us, everything is easily accessible.  The work is mentally and emotionally exhausting, but I feel lighter after every session.  
  • High point of last year  Once in a lifetime trip to New Zealand.  Oldest was there for a Fulbright fellowship and we got to travel to with him for 2 weeks, and we got to meet @lewelma in person and meet up with some acquaintances from the states who moved there.  It was a whirlwind and I wish we could have stayed longer.  
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Thank you all for sharing I'm enjoying the answers. 

  • What is your current favorite podcast, blog, or person you follow?

I just started listening to podcasts regularly. I was a bit of a curmudgeon about the whole idea for the longest time until it occurred to me that they are a lot like talk radio. I used to listen to talk radio every morning until they changed the line-up.

So far I like--

ChooseFI- This one is about finances, financial independence to be specific. I have been in this Facebook group for years but just started listening to their podcast. While I've been learning about the FI/FIRE movement for years I've felt difficulty relating. Listening to rich people talk about how it's so easy just to save 50-90% of your salary when they are making 100k/200k+ as single people isn't very relatable when we're making 60 as a family of 6. However, the movement at least this corner of it, has lost its religiosity. They have also embraced the fact that while we have to prepare for the future we also need to live now and our money habits should match our priorities, not some dudes online who live different lives.

1000 Hours Outside-  I thought this would be narrow in focus but although the primary focus is on getting our kids outside she weaves in so many other topics. She does really interesting author interviews about nature, parenting, motherhood, exercise, mental health, etc.

  • What was your favorite book last year- fiction and/or non-fiction?

Last year was such a whirlwind. I didn't read much and remember even less. I scrolled through my library emails to jog my memory.

I loved Untangled (non-fiction). This was recommended here and discusses parenting teenage girls. I felt her advice and information was spot on. Most of the things I already do but she gave me a different perspective on some points. 

  • Favorite purchase last year

I'd say new walking/hiking shoes. I've been looking for some for a few years since my last ones bit the dust. I've tried on and returned so many pairs. I finally tried the Altras and I LOVE them so much. They were pretty cheap too since I picked up the last season's model.

  • Best life hack

In the evening when I'm relaxing I do some mobility moves on the floor. Trust me!!!! Your body will thank you. Try some youtube videos (Nourish Move Love has a few different ones I really like one 5 min one that has great modifications)  to learn some moves and then you can do them watching tv.

  • Biggest regret - this was a financial podcast so it was my biggest financial regret but I think it's best to open it up for interpretation

Letting fear stop me-  the trip to Rome we didn't take before kids, the local Master's program I didn't do before it ended.

  • What did you do to make your life easier this year?

I made everyone in the house help more with tasks, including dh. The kids started helping with meals years ago but I'd loosened up on it and needed to adjust things now that dd3 was older and ds wasn't around as much. I threw dh on the cooking rotation too. I started making monthly meal plans over a year ago and now I have them each think of things to cook for their nights so I'm only coming up with 3 nights a week and one of those I aim for leftovers. 

  • High point of last year

Hmmm of the top of my head we did a short family vaca to the city. We all loved the little animal farm and staying up late for the corpse flower.

Edited by Soror
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  • What is your current favorite podcast, blog, or person you follow?

I follow a variety of podcasts on a variety of subjects but most are history or book podcasts. I don't really have a favorite. I do have some favorite people I follow on BookTube (YouTube book reviewers) - abookolive and Books with Emily Fox are two I consistently watch.

  • What was your favorite book last year- fiction and/or non-fiction?

I read every day. Favorite fiction is a tie between Elena Knows and The Light Pirate. Favorite nonfiction is also a tie - River of the Gods and The Woman Who Smashed Codes.

  • Favorite purchase last year

A new sewing machine. 

  • Best life hack

Using baby washcloths in place of paper towels. They're smaller so you need more but I bought a lot and just toss them in the washer when enough of them are dirty.

  • Biggest regret - this was a financial podcast so it was my biggest financial regret but I think it's best to open it up for interpretation

I try not to have big regrets and try not to dwell on the ones I do have. We all have regrets but mine were minor and often fixable. 

  • What did you do to make your life easier this year?

Meal prep - where you prep ingredients such as cutting vegetables, making sauces, shredding cheese, etc.. It's not pre-cooking (occasionally I'll cook rice or quinoa in advance), just prepping ingredients.

  • High point of last year

Any time spent with my grandchildren counts as a high point.

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On 2/21/2024 at 9:23 AM, Soror said:

I heard this on a podcast I liked and thought it would be fun to do here. I've got to post and run as I have to start the day but I'll come back to answer when I have time. I look forward to reading the answers. Pick and choose what you want to answer!

  • What is your current favorite podcast, blog, or person you follow?
  • What was your favorite book last year- fiction and/or non-fiction?
  • Favorite purchase last year
  • Best life hack
  • Biggest regret - this was a financial podcast so it was my biggest financial regret but I think it's best to open it up for interpretation
  • What did you do to make your life easier this year?
  • High point of last year


Favorite podcast: Holy Post. 

**I'm just sooooo grateful for the voice of reason this podcast represents. It's brainy and incisive and covers a wide range of topics. 

Favorite book last year: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, by Maya Angelou.

**I had a work project for this book and absolutely delighted in immersing in Angelou's gorgeous, lyrical prose. Highly recommend.

Favorite purchase last year: Foot massage machine. Thank God.

Best life hack: Fresh air. Cracking open my bedroom window at night makes the whole room feel lighter. Just a beautiful atmosphere. I've started embracing open windows as much as possible and just layering up if it's chilly. I feel downright smug about all that healthful fresh air.

Biggest regret: Not jumping into coursework for ESL degree or certification. I should have done it last year. I'm looking forward to doing it this year if I can work it out. 

What did you do to make your life easier this year? Actually, I made it much harder. We took in a foster teen, and her needs are deep and all-encompassing. We love her but it's been a LOT on my plate. I have stopped doing lots of necessary things (cleaning, sorting our basement, sewing for recreation) in order to make life easier--I'd like to get to a less intense place in my life and get some of those necessary things back in my life. Actually, one thing I did do to make life easier is I insisted on keeping my exercise routine and I refuse to share that time with foster teen. 

High point of last year: Trip to France with dh. The whole country looks like a fairy tale and the food is divine. A close second high point would be time with my grown-up kids. I also think of some small but significant moments we were able to have with a former foster daughter--we adore her and we miss her like crazy. It's a palpable, tangible ache and we wish we could have more time with her. We had some unexpected moments with her in November/December that were balm to our souls.

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On 2/21/2024 at 9:23 AM, Soror said:

I heard this on a podcast I liked and thought it would be fun to do here. I've got to post and run as I have to start the day but I'll come back to answer when I have time. I look forward to reading the answers. Pick and choose what you want to answer!

  • What is your current favorite podcast, blog, or person you follow?
  • What was your favorite book last year- fiction and/or non-fiction?
  • Favorite purchase last year
  • Best life hack
  • Biggest regret - this was a financial podcast so it was my biggest financial regret but I think it's best to open it up for interpretation
  • What did you do to make your life easier this year?
  • High point of last year


Podcast: The Popcast when I just want to laugh. Pantsuit Politics is a close second when I want something more substantive. 

Book: Demon Copperhead. 

Purchase: On shoes. They have saved my feet. 

Life Hack: Getting two separate duvets and a king sized bed. It's like sleeping separately, but in the same room. I'd be ok in separate rooms, dh isn't. This is a great compromise and has revolutionized my sleep. 

Biggest Regret: Nothing major. 

Life Easier: Let other people do more and stopped micromanaging how they do it. 

High Point:  Lots of performances: King Lear at Shakespeare Theater, Giselle by ABT at Wolftrap, Indigo Girls concert. But also just having my oldest home from college over the summer and all the little everyday stuff we did as a family when he was here. 

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  • What is your current favorite podcast, blog, or person you follow?

Oddly enough, my own. Solidarity Forever: The History of American Labor is a History of Rome style history podcast starting in 1619 and coming to the present, with hints and tips along the way for making labor history of your own.

  • What was your favorite book last year- fiction and/or non-fiction?

I really enjoyed "The Secret Lives of Shellwomen" by Geneviève Bluoin. It's a short story, very strange, and very French somehow. That's what came to mind first, but I must have read dozens of books last year - in fact, still reading some of them, "finishing what I read" is one of the habits I'm adopting.

  • Favorite purchase last year

We got Lyra her own little model kitchen for Hanukkah, and that has been a Godsend.

  • Best life hack

Do one thing at a time. You don't have time to do everything at once, you barely have time to do one thing at a time.

  • Biggest regret

I enrolled in the local karate club at 12. My father had to get a special exemption for me, because Sensei Goss didn't at that time train anyone younger than 14. I quit out of teenage pique at 17. I'm 38. I still don't have my black belt. But I'm going back.

  • What did you do to make your life easier this year?

I now have a calendar and cross things out on it when I finish them. I also have implemented doing one new habit at a time, and only seriously starting a new habit when the current one is pretty well set.

  • High point of last year

Watching Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny at the drive-in with my wife, my childhood best friend, and my daughter for my birthday. Either that, or seeing the union start to take on momentum at work.

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On 2/21/2024 at 9:23 AM, Soror said:

I heard this on a podcast I liked and thought it would be fun to do here. I've got to post and run as I have to start the day but I'll come back to answer when I have time. I look forward to reading the answers. Pick and choose what you want to answer!

  • What is your current favorite podcast, blog, or person you follow?

I have been listening to "The Place We Find Ourselves" It is a psychologist named Adam Young.  It has Christian references but I wouldn't say it is only for Christians.   

  • What was your favorite book last year- fiction and/or non-fiction?

 I had too many things to read that I had to read to really comment.   

  • Favorite purchase last year

I bought myself a projector and use it instead of a TV.  I love it!   It fits my 200'  bare wall in my hang out area.

  • Best life hack

Figure out what you want and then research to find the lowest price you can get it for and save the difference.

  • Biggest regret - this was a financial podcast so it was my biggest financial regret but I think it's best to open it up for interpretation

I don't know that I have regrets, more like happy accidents~. 😂   No, I do regret agreeing to move to NC in some ways, I miss CA a lot.

  • What did you do to make your life easier this year?

Moved/Downsized our house

  • High point of last year

Finally getting our new house



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I've been meaning to respond! And I want to go back and read. 

  • What is your current favorite podcast, blog, or person you follow? 

The Holy Post and My Favorite Murder.  Need to branch out. I was featured on a podcast this year, which was embarrassingly exciting for me. 

  • What was your favorite book last year- fiction and/or non-fiction?

Last year was so hard - I can't remember any books I read.

  • Favorite purchase last year

I got a new work outfit at Talbot's that I've gotten a lot of wear out of.

  • Best life hack

I have no life hacks, really. Maybe just really refusing to do things for my kids/husband that they can do for themselves?

  • Biggest regret - this was a financial podcast so it was my biggest financial regret but I think it's best to open it up for interpretation

Probably my career path. I probably would have done really well in a more technical or engineering environment, but I didn't consider that path at all. 

  • What did you do to make your life easier this year?

Convinced my dad to move closer to me.

  • High point of last year

Again, really rough year. No high points stand out...

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What is your current favorite podcast, blog, or person you follow?

I change these things constantly, but right now I've been most enjoying Peter Santenello on YouTube.  I've been doing a deep dive into this guy he covered, Titus. He's a somewhat naive fundamentalist (don't watch if you get offended by that), but is one of those rare pure souls who really seems to try very hard to follow his conscious at all times. His life is simple and peaceful, or at least it was before he became a public person. Peter's done four videos with Titus. Here's the first:



What was your favorite book last year- fiction and/or non-fiction?

F- Squeeze Me by Carl Hiaasen.  This was so good when I was on a road trip and unhappy with other audio books I tried, I played it a second time. Trigger warnings: snakes, Florida, and fictionalized shenanigans of 45.  Really great humor when you cannot stand the political situation in the USA. Even better the second time. Absolutely NOT for children.

NF- Shakespeare Was a Woman and Other Heresies by Elizabeth Winkler.  I had a whole thread about how delightful I found this one.

Favorite purchase last year

DH got me some Airpod Pro 2's for my birthday recently.  I love them and am surprised by how much I use them.

Best life hack

At the moment the only thing that comes to mind is revenge bedtime procrastination. Which is why I'm still up at almost midnight when I should have been asleep two hours ago.  Hack? No. Possibly necessary when I brought back some sort of virus from a funeral and have slowly cared for every member of my family constantly since with zero free moments? Yes. Sweet introverted relief.

Otherwise one thing I shared with a girl in my family recently is that when people tell you they are jerks, believe them. Because they are giving themselves permission to be as selfish and mean as they want to be whenever they want.

Biggest regret

I wish I had more patience with my children at various times almost daily. I don't really believe in regrets. There are many decisions I would make differently in retrospect, but I usually try to do what I think is right at the time. 

What did you do to make your life easier this year?

Contacted our trash company to request a second barrel. It's $12/month and I'm no longer stressing over getting that can filled up early in the week before DH hogs all the space.

High point of last year

The school IEP meeting for one of my kids when I realized the child I felt like a failure at teaching had actually learned something from me after all.

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Favourite Podcast: the literary life podcast - I’m back to enjoying this after a break 

Favourite book: this is hard, I’ve enjoyed a few but not absolutely loved any. I think maybe Tom Lake by Ann Patchett

Favourite Purchase: microwave. After 20 years without one I can’t believe how handy it is.

Best Life Hack: honestly not doing that great at life so not sure. Doing yoga is helping reduce pain and make me more happy though.

Regret: not getting my act together and getting DS driving lessons. I’m really looking forward to reducing my crazy running around

What did I do to make life easier: hmm.. chose not to take on any more study after finishing my course last year. Shifted one of my work nights to a day time instead. Not 100pc sure if it was the right choice but is better for getting everyone to bed 

High Point: Getting to go to the Australian Open was a bucket list thing that I thoroughly enjoyed 

Edited by Ausmumof3
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