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Football season JAWM

Grace Hopper

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I’m not a football hater, but I am really frustrated by having the total schedule hassles the season brings. I know many of you are fans and watch your teams at every opportunity, but I’m not that interested in early season games when coaches are swapping players around to test out the newbies and new strategies, while the weather outside is perfect for doing things outside that aren’t game related. I don’t really call myself a football widow but the season is sooo long, I just can’t commit to watching every single game.

I had a lovely day planned but then came the reminder, oops, the game starts at x o’clock so we can’t do that other fun thing that happens at the same time. Anyway, just my rant. I’m disappointed that the weather is finally beautiful but the first activity choice is to sit on the sofa and watch TV. I’ll probably just walk it off and that I will be doing solo. I think I’m just truly burnt out on Sunday have-tos.

I hope you all have a wonderful day, doing what you like whether or not it involves pigskin. 

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I will happily agree with you. I do not understand people's love for football when they simply can't do anything else if a game is on. I don't have to deal with that in my house, as no one watches any sports here. But I really hate going over to mil's for a family dinner and having to always have football on.

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I am so thankful that dh got out of that.  I don't hate sports really, but I am not into them.  The most I want to watch is some of the Olympics.  Dh is a fan of football, but he doesn't watch games and hasn't for YEARS (I think about 17 or 18 years) thank goodness.  He will watch highlights of some games every now and then late at night.  Way better than having the game on constantly.   I couldn't deal with a spouse that had to watch all the games, and the whole thing too.  It seems like every sport season gets longer and longer.  College football and then pro football.  And then as soon as that ends it is on to basketball and baseball.  

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Yes I feel for you.  It's that way here but luckily for only one college team.   They will watch other games if they have free time but the schedule only revolves around the one. I have learned to just plan around it.  I also assign simple chores like folding laundry or cleaning the kitchen that can be done during the game.   It helps me feel less annoyed. 

The part that does annoy me to no end and has made it so I don't even watch anymore is the yelling 🙄. Not like cheering or groaning but calling the coach an idiot for making some call or other such nonsense.   I grew up watching and going to games with my dad and I was in marching band and I legitimately like football but I can't watch it at home anymore. I find something else to occupy myself or a leave.  

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Yeah, I like football, but I'm not a slave to it.  😛  Many times a certain loved one has been unavailable for at least half a day thanks to a football game, and that half day was the only time that worked for my family for whatever I was hoping to get done.  Or the person will say, "ooh, there's a ___ game that day ... oh well it's OK, I can miss the __ game" but you know you are putting them out.  It would be different if these were pivotal games we were talking about.  🙂


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From life on the other side:  as a mom with lots of outside responsibilities, I look forward to my Bengals games every week.  I try really hard to not resent it when other things come up but it's my thing.  I look forward to it like others look forward to any other hobby that they enjoy.  

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2 hours ago, Tenaj said:

From life on the other side:  as a mom with lots of outside responsibilities, I look forward to my Bengals games every week.  I try really hard to not resent it when other things come up but it's my thing.  I look forward to it like others look forward to any other hobby that they enjoy.  

I do enjoy watching, when I do watch! I just get frustrated that our home team doesn’t consult me about their scheduling. 😂😂😂

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I would hate to feel tied to every game. That said, sometimes I do wish my husband was a fan so I could go out and do my own thing on a Sunday occasionally. 

(Wow, that sounds like my husband won't let me out of the house. It's a me thing, needing more time alone than he does.) 

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I actually enjoy the sport, but totally agree on the control it has over time. We quit watching games we don't really care about, and we tape the one/s we do care about and watch them when it is too late in the day to do anything.  It takes less than an hour to watch a recorded game because we flash through all the ads. Tonight, we will probably watch 2 games in less than a couple of hours.  

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I actually hate football. My father was obsessed so every football season though I needed to practice the piano two hours per day on school days and four per day on weekends, I had to go to my aunt's home to get my four hours on Sunday because he refused to move the tv into his bedroom or go to a friends house to watch. He did not attend my fall recitals because they were always on a Sunday afternoon, and football. The only time he ever missed football on t.v. was when my brother was in marching band and had a Sunday afternoon parade. He was willing to miss football for his golden boy's event. So my hatred of the game deepened.

We got hassled one time by some 4H leaders because we didn't root for MSU football. Well, it wasn't like we rooted for UM Wolverines! We literally didn't give a rip about the game regardless of who was playing. They thought that was disloyal to MSU who administrators 4H. You know....because apparently that's the only reason for the existence of MSU, football. 🙄🙄🙄

So I get it.

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42 minutes ago, Kassia said:

I hate football because of concussions/TBIs.  I had a dear friend who played college football and died by suicide after battling depression for many years and I blame it on his football injuries.  

I have to say this very thing is dampening my interest in the sport.

I'm getting more into tennis, women's golf, and F1 racing. All of them can also be an even bigger time sink but again, we record. I watch the tennis quarterfinals on in major tournaments, the last 5 minutes of the qualifying races before the week's Grand Prix, and then the Grand Prix (2 hours).

F1 racing is dangerous but the sport has done a lot more to protect their drivers than the NFL has done to protect their players. I'm not sure that doing any sport at the highest competitive level is without damage to the body, at least at some point. But the football injuries are bad and long term. And for the record, I do not know how boxing is still even legal.

We recently had house guests who were track competitors in their college days, and they wanted to watch the world championships, and by golly, by the time the guests went home, I was hooked.  

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25 minutes ago, Resilient said:

I have to say this very thing is dampening my interest in the sport.

I'm getting more into tennis, women's golf, and F1 racing. All of them can also be an even bigger time sink but again, we record. I watch the tennis quarterfinals on in major tournaments, the last 5 minutes of the qualifying races before the week's Grand Prix, and then the Grand Prix (2 hours).

F1 racing is dangerous but the sport has done a lot more to protect their drivers than the NFL has done to protect their players. I'm not sure that doing any sport at the highest competitive level is without damage to the body, at least at some point. But the football injuries are bad and long term. And for the record, I do not know how boxing is still even legal.

We recently had house guests who were track competitors in their college days, and they wanted to watch the world championships, and by golly, by the time the guests went home, I was hooked.  

As a racing fan, have you seen the movie Gran Tourismo? I went with dh when it was his turn to pick the movie and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Good story, told well. 

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I don't hate football either, I just don't follow it. My ex and I followed NASCAR for several years, which was great. We also had a lifestyle that allowed us to just chill and watch a race on Sunday. 

I will watch when our local team get to the playoffs and super bowl (which they have in the last few years). I know enough to follow a game, but I couldn't tell you the players except for about 3 or 4, even on our local team. 

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I loathe spectator sportsball for many philosophical and sociological reasons.  I won't go into detail because it would offend a lot of people. Also, you know that thing inside people making them capable of caring about the location of a ball? I do not have that thing.  My husband has many great qualities.  One of them is that he doesn't care about spectator sportsball. 

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4 hours ago, HS Mom in NC said:

I loathe spectator sportsball for many philosophical and sociological reasons.  I won't go into detail because it would offend a lot of people. Also, you know that thing inside people making them capable of caring about the location of a ball? I do not have that thing.  My husband has many great qualities.  One of them is that he doesn't care about spectator sportsball. 

Same for me, but my dh does love football.  We are the eternal opposites attracting.  It's easy to avoid seeing it for me, and he's certainly not obnoxious about it, it doesn't change our plans or anything like that.  Middle kids watch soccer: European leagues, world cup, anything.  Those games are a little more disruptive as the schedules seem entirely random, unlike Sunday or Monday night football.  Ugh, even just thinking about professional sports makes me start to stew - why oh why would we spend the resources we do when we can't even feed or protect the people on Earth etc etc - so I'm running away from this convo, appreciating that there are others like me out there 🙂 

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12 hours ago, HS Mom in NC said:

I loathe spectator sportsball for many philosophical and sociological reasons.  I won't go into detail because it would offend a lot of people. Also, you know that thing inside people making them capable of caring about the location of a ball? I do not have that thing.  My husband has many great qualities.  One of them is that he doesn't care about spectator sportsball. 


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I don’t loath football, I just have no interest in following it. Hubby doesn’t either.

We have occasionally watched the superbowl, but more for the commercials and halftime show.

Last week I spent 3 days scrapbooking with friends…we have been doing this for years. They follow baseball and college football.  I was lucky enough to be with them Saturday and there were 3 college football games on back to back. My workstation was directly under the wall mounted TV. 😎🙄

I put my earbuds in and turned the volume up high. Fortunately, they were boring games and didn’t get a lot of attention. 

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