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January 2023 craft

Melissa in Australia

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What are you all working on this month? 

I have cut out some fabric ready to sew up into clothes

I am also thinking of making a patchwork skirt. Just haven't decided what style of skirt yet. 

Have finished all the square tops  for my quilt as you go quilt, just need to do the quilting part then join it all up. 

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One of my goals this year is to do something art/craft-y every month, so I’m going to join in, if that’s ok!

I don’t really know how to sew, but I do have some basic knowledge on cross-stitching, so I ordered a cross-stitch kit of a peacock - all yellow and orange, kind of a 70s vibe - to do in January.

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In the freezing weather last week, my pillowcase always seemed cold in the middle of the night.
I found some fleece fabric at Walmart & quickly sewed a fleece pillowcase.  Big improvement!
(My crafts are mostly like this---mending, or a solution to a small problem.)
Love this thread!



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I have fabric on the way to make vintage style baby compete and dresses with shorts for our honesty granddaughter due in May. I am really anxious to get started on that.

I also have fabric for a baby quilt, and a tablecloth. I need to also purchase fabric for slip covers for the pillows on the couch. I made Christmas themed ones, and the couch looks so nice with a seasonal print on it. I intend on leaving those on for a couple weeks yet because I am enjoying them so much. If I run onto a good sale, I might make red and white ones for February (Valentines), and then I want to do something in periwinkle or lavender/blues/ mint or moss green for spring. I have a summer print in my stash.

We will see how many things I get done this semester. I do not expect my Science Research Ethics online class to be difficult, but I do expect some tedious, long writing assignments. The aerospace class is going to kick my hind end to the curb and back though so I have to balance, "I would rather be sewing" with, "I really should be studying".

Photos everyone. Photos! I love to see what you are working on.

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I am not crafty, but one of my goals this year is to try and be a bit more creative. Much of my creativity has gone into gardening and decorating, but I want something different, so I'm looking into some sort of craft. I have some parameters though, so to fit what I think I'd like, I'm leaning towards trying wool felting with embroidery. I am not a sewer (I get frustrated with a sewing machine because things break or don't work right or I can't remember how to thread it and it takes forever to set up etc. - just too many frustrations) but I think I can pick up enough hand embroidery stitches to do what I'm thinking about. First I'm going to buy a hoop and materials and just practice some simple stitches and then play around with some needle felting this month.

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17 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

What are you all working on this month? 

I have cut out some fabric ready to sew up into clothes

I am also thinking of making a patchwork skirt. Just haven't decided what style of skirt yet. 

Have finished all the square tops  for my quilt as you go quilt, just need to do the quilting part then join it all up. 

If you make a patchwork skirt please post an picture! I would like to do something like that as well.

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May I join y'all? 

Today I did all the bits I can w/o cutting more fabric, as a means of stalling for what goes in the center (which is going to be hard). So the goal for January is to get this finished the rest of the way. I need to cut/assemble the 3 missing blocks on the middle right (to mirror the set of 4 on the left of the empty space) and then work on the center medallion (a Mariner's Compass block, with a circle of flying geese around it, paper pieced, hard hard hard). (shown in the drawing/computer drawing of it, although I changed the colors a little from that). 

By the end of the month, I'd like to have the top at least all together, and theoretically possibly be done quilting it even.  



Anniversary Quilt.JPG

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4 minutes ago, TheReader said:

May I join y'all? 

Today I did all the bits I can w/o cutting more fabric, as a means of stalling for what goes in the center (which is going to be hard). So the goal for January is to get this finished the rest of the way. I need to cut/assemble the 3 missing blocks on the middle right (to mirror the set of 4 on the left of the empty space) and then work on the center medallion (a Mariner's Compass block, with a circle of flying geese around it, paper pieced, hard hard hard). (shown in the drawing/computer drawing of it, although I changed the colors a little from that). 

By the end of the month, I'd like to have the top at least all together, and theoretically possibly be done quilting it even.  



Anniversary Quilt.JPG


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44 minutes ago, TheReader said:

May I join y'all? 

Today I did all the bits I can w/o cutting more fabric, as a means of stalling for what goes in the center (which is going to be hard). So the goal for January is to get this finished the rest of the way. I need to cut/assemble the 3 missing blocks on the middle right (to mirror the set of 4 on the left of the empty space) and then work on the center medallion (a Mariner's Compass block, with a circle of flying geese around it, paper pieced, hard hard hard). (shown in the drawing/computer drawing of it, although I changed the colors a little from that). 

By the end of the month, I'd like to have the top at least all together, and theoretically possibly be done quilting it even.  



Anniversary Quilt.JPG

I really like paper piecing and I've always admired the Mariner's Compass. I can't wait to see how your project turns out! I love your colors!


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9 minutes ago, TechWife said:

I really like paper piecing and I've always admired the Mariner's Compass. I can't wait to see how your project turns out! I love your colors!


I have only done paper piecing once, and so this is a huge -- HUGE -- challenge for me but I think I'll be able to do it. I hope. Ha! We shall see. I'll definitely post my progress once I get going! 

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I have to figure out what to do with 2 dozen needlepoint canvases.  My mom loves doing needlepoint, but not finishing the project.  She has again decided she needs to downsize and brought 24 canvases she has done to DD and DS.  She has reminded them over and over how important the canvases are.  One has the date she completed it--1983--yes for forty years it has sat not being blocked, framed, or otherwise finished (and mom has moved at least 5 times since 1983).  Blocking mats and pins arrived today--if anyone has hints please, share them.  

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I started a stripey cardigan in bulky yarn. I'm doubling a lot of thrifted and gifted yarn to make it. It takes up a ton of space right now, but it will be nice to clear out some the yarn without a pattern. And it has fringe! 

I'm also in a long term project repairing a quilt my mother made for my husband. Our past dog ripped it up quite a bit, so I'm learning and practicing different patching and sashiko techniques. 

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I have learned some quilting basics in the last year and want to do more.  I’m also looking for smaller sewing projects, but I haven’t decided what to make.  Dd crochets and we are thinking about making a bunch of stuff to sell at a local craft fair in the fall.  Unfortunately, I have a lot going on this month, so it may be February before I actually get started.

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After being more or less craft dormant for the last few years, I had a little blip of interest and bought myself this cross-stitch pattern. I'm currently working on stitching the bookcase -- about 30% done, give or take -- and the plan is to add each book as I finish it throughout the year.

If I can keep up with this, I may try to get back to some crocheting, assuming I can find a good place to donate the results. (Living in Florida doesn't exactly offer lots of need for crocheted items.)

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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5 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

After being more or less craft dormant for the last few years, I had a little blip of interest and bought myself this cross-stitch pattern. I'm currently working on stitching the bookcase -- about 30% done, give or take -- and the plan is to add each book as I finish it throughout the year.

If I can keep up with this, I may try to get back to some crocheting, assuming I can find a good place to donate the results. (Living in Florida doesn't exactly offer lots of need for crocheted items.)


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I am off to the fabric store for bias tape, elastic, and some other notions. The fabric for the baby clothes will be here Saturday, and I may as well be ready. I also start some pot holders and fabric trivets today. Some sewing will be on hold tomorrow because we are picking up a shelf unit tonight that will be better for my house plants/indoor herb garden, and I will have to assemble it in the morning as well as rearrange some furniture.

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Well, I finished two pairs of pajama pants this month.  These were supposed to be my pandemic projects - I've had the fabric for 2 years.  I didn't get a picture of my daughter in her pants - it is an adorable dog print.  She's a mega dog lover.  Here is the 2nd pair of pants - I did these for my son, the evolutionary biologist studying cicadas.  Unfortunately, the print didn't have any cicadas on it, but he loves them.  He is leaving in 10 days for New Zealand for his Fulbright, so I had to get these done.  

I have some leftover cicada print and I'm trying to figure out something to make with it.  I made a bunch of masks for him and his department early in the pandemic and was thinking of making a pillow or something, but that would take up too much room in his suitcase.

bug pajama pants.JPG

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8 minutes ago, dirty ethel rackham said:

Well, I finished two pairs of pajama pants this month.  These were supposed to be my pandemic projects - I've had the fabric for 2 years.  I didn't get a picture of my daughter in her pants - it is an adorable dog print.  She's a mega dog lover.  Here is the 2nd pair of pants - I did these for my son, the evolutionary biologist studying cicadas.  Unfortunately, the print didn't have any cicadas on it, but he loves them.  He is leaving in 10 days for New Zealand for his Fulbright, so I had to get these done.  

I have some leftover cicada print and I'm trying to figure out something to make with it.  I made a bunch of masks for him and his department early in the pandemic and was thinking of making a pillow or something, but that would take up too much room in his suitcase.

bug pajama pants.JPG

Since it is a long, long flight to New Zealand, could you cover one of those neck pillows with this print? 

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2 hours ago, dirty ethel rackham said:

Well, I finished two pairs of pajama pants this month.  These were supposed to be my pandemic projects - I've had the fabric for 2 years.  I didn't get a picture of my daughter in her pants - it is an adorable dog print.  She's a mega dog lover.  Here is the 2nd pair of pants - I did these for my son, the evolutionary biologist studying cicadas.  Unfortunately, the print didn't have any cicadas on it, but he loves them.  He is leaving in 10 days for New Zealand for his Fulbright, so I had to get these done.  

I have some leftover cicada print and I'm trying to figure out something to make with it.  I made a bunch of masks for him and his department early in the pandemic and was thinking of making a pillow or something, but that would take up too much room in his suitcase.

bug pajama pants.JPG

Love the fabric 

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On 1/2/2023 at 6:25 AM, scbusf said:

I have a couple of crochet projects I need to finish. And a new one I want to start!

My crocheting group (all 2-3 of us) is working on shawls this month, to be donated to a women's emergency housing ministry. I found some lovely yarn with a bit of alpaca and long color changes, perfect for shawls!

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Look what I bought! Our honorary daughter is having a baby girl, and we are to baby A, Marmee and Pops, so I am having fun with the idea of having her to sew for, and cannot help myself. I have an online order being delivered tomorrow with three or four prints for her. I am making sundress tops with little shorts for summer. Baby is due in late April which can be chilly here, so I making them in 3 months size which should be perfect for when it is hot. But I am making one newborn size and a little fleece cardigan to go with it, and little flannel pants so she can swap out the shorts if it is cold.




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3 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

Look what I bought! Our honorary daughter is having a baby girl, and we are to baby A, Marmee and Pops, so I am having fun with the idea of having her to sew for, and cannot help myself. I have an online order being delivered tomorrow with three or four prints for her. I am making sundress tops with little shorts for summer. Baby is due in late April which can be chilly here, so I making them in 3 months size which should be perfect for when it is hot. But I am making one newborn size and a little fleece cardigan to go with it, and little flannel pants so she can swap out the shorts if it is cold.




OMG how cute!

I esp love the bunnies! ❤️

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It should have two baby outfits to show you. BUT, when I went into my stash of bias tape, and thread, I didn't have the right colors!! 😯😢😵

So I do have more fabric for the babies to show off. My hope is though this coming week will be busy, I will have two baby outfits done by the end of it. My goal is to make 12-16 outfits, 8 for each baby. Then I want to get some corduroy for fall/winter, and make them 6-9mos size pants/leggings, and some polar fleece jackets. The honeybees look light tan in the photo, but the background fabric is actually pale yellow.




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29 minutes ago, TheReader said:

I got the pieces made for the center medallion - now need to join them. I'm sure a more advanced paper piecer could probably do this differently, but I made LOTS of little sections. 

All of it, then a close-up of the fabrics. 



I love your fabric choices. Do you have a favorite fabric shop?

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11 hours ago, Miss Tick said:

I love your fabric choices. Do you have a favorite fabric shop?

I am very fortunate to live near two really great ones locally -- both of these are within an hour-ish of my home (which, for the Houston area, is considered "local").  

It Seams to be Sew  -- this one has a good online presence -- most of the fabrics in this quilt came from here

Painted Pony & Quilts -- this one has a good online list of their block of the month stuff, but not a great online fabric list (although their FB is updated often with new stuff)  (this one is HUGE in person, if you know quilt shows, the Houston IQF Quilt Show always has "bus tour to PPNQ" as one of the activities you can purchase/do as an add-on for folks coming from out of town -- it's amazing; their online store is not nearly as good, sadly)

As far as online shopping, I really like Fat Quarter Shop and Stitchin' Heaven

And my all-time favorite fabric ever is Cherrywood, but it's hand-dyed "solids" and they are pricey and scrumptious and amazing. I've done full quilts out of them, but for this one I wanted prints.  (my boys' graduation quilts are 100% cherrywood on the front, with a print backing).  

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Baby summer top number 1 done. The pattern had a couple of errors in it including for the length of the shoulder straps, so I will be correcting that for round 2. I think though that this turned out okay despite that.

I was going to now make the solid burgundy shorts for it. However, I think it might be easier to do all the tops in this style, kind of assembly line, and then make all the shorts for the tops so I just keep working with one pattern, one process. It might go faster.


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1 hour ago, Faith-manor said:

Baby summer top number 1 done. The pattern had a couple of errors in it including for the length of the shoulder straps, so I will be correcting that for round 2. I think though that this turned out okay despite that.

I was going to now make the solid burgundy shorts for it. However, I think it might be easier to do all the tops in this style, kind of assembly line, and then make all the shorts for the tops so I just keep working with one pattern, one process. It might go faster.


Oh my gosh, that is freaking adorable!!  I like assembly-lining stuff usually, so I vote yes, do that. 

I love the decorative stitching you did around the hem. So cute!!

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38 minutes ago, TheReader said:

Oh my gosh, that is freaking adorable!!  I like assembly-lining stuff usually, so I vote yes, do that. 

I love the decorative stitching you did around the hem. So cute!!

Confession about the stitching. I went to start sewing and of all the ridiculous things for a seamstress/quilter to be out of, I had NO white thread. 🙄🙄🙄 😡 I could not believe it. I went after all the notions I needed yesterday so I could make these outfits and did not check my box for white thread. So I was trying to decide what to do and thought, "Well, if I top stitch the hem in one of my decorative stitches in a contrasting color, then all the top stitches that show will look like it was planned that way to be 'cute'." 😂😂😂 So, the whole top was stitched in burgundy! My oh my. If my mother sees the red stitching on the elastic casing, and around the arms, she is going to roll her eyes hard at me. She is miss prim and proper. She took four years of apparel construction when she was in high school. 8 semesters of that, 8 semesters of food science (kitchen safety and management, cooking, and catering) as part of her 5 year track of Home Economics. I tend to, well, take short cuts and all my cooking and sewing is rather, eclectic. I know she laughs at me as well as scolds me behind my back!

Edited by Faith-manor
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4 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

Confession about the stitching. I went to start sewing and of all the ridiculous things for a seamstress/quilter to be out of, I had NO white thread. 🙄🙄🙄 😡 I could not believe it. I went after all the notions I needed yesterday so I could make these outfits and did not check my box for white thread. So I was trying to decide what to do and thought, "Well, if I top stitch the hem in one of my decorative stitches in a contracting color, then all the top stitches that show will look like it was planned that way to be 'cute'." 😂😂😂 So, the whole top was stitched in burgundy! My oh my. If my mother sees the red stitching on the elastic casing, and around the arms, she is going to roll her eyes hard at me. She is miss prim and proper. She took four years of apparel construction when she was in high school. 8 semesters of that, 8 semesters of food science (kitchen safety and management, cooking, and catering) as part of her 5 year track of Home Economics. I tend to, well, take short cuts and all my cooking and sewing is rather, eclectic. I know she laughs at me as well as scolds me behind my back!

Oh, gosh, you sound like me! I love it! 

I did a purse class once, and the instructions said "matching thread for topstitching" and I was all, "hmmm, no, I think not....what color do I have that will look cute with this?" and did exactly what you've done here, went with a fun contrast.  The teacher was very skeptical, until I was done, and said, "Wow, that is really cute!! Why didn't I ever think of that?! I'm going to suggest a contrasting color from now on!"  LOL! 

I'm all about the shortcuts, use what I  have, do it my way, etc. 

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