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Well-trained bodies - turn of the year, goals, January, etc

Laura Corin

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My day was packed yesterday but I was able to get a short outside walk after dropping the girls at TKD.

This am I got in my 30 min power yoga and will do another outdoor walk later. It is rainy and icky so I'll probably not stay out long but I'll get out for a bit. It is so wet and soggy here. We need some dry days.

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I talked my husband and kiddo into joining me to walk a nearby neighborhood with really impressive holiday lights last night, which turned into kiddo and me dancing a bit to some of the music. It was silly, but nice, especially since it made kiddo laugh. 

Started this morning with a 4.3K ramble with the dog, then had the luxury of time (since I'm off work today) and spent close to 40 minutes on the mat on the patio doing a combo of some yoga and my regular strength exercises. 

It sounds like we are going to head out in a while to wander the cute downtown shopping area. 

At some point today, I will try to hop on the stationary bike to log some mileage, since my challenge ends tomorrow, and I will probably take the dog for another walk before the evening is over.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 523.5 of 550K
Walking Streak: 3

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I've tried to jump in now and then the past few years but never kept up with the threads. I really need accountability so I plan to participate next year. Dh retired at the end of 2021 (literally Dec. 30th). He worked an odd schedule and I used to exercise when he was at work (or sleeping on the days he had to work overnight). Since he retired I haven't been exercising enough. I thought we'd go to the gym together or take walks but it just hasn't worked out. He had knee replacement in October so much of the year before the surgery was spent nursing the bad knee. Yes, I could have gone on my own but I didn't. We're finally getting into a groove with him being home all the time. And the other day I told him that with or without him I plan to get back to regular exercise.

I'm still working on a plan but feel like I'm almost starting over, not from scratch but not where I was before. These goals are still a work in progress:

- Lose 12 pounds

- Eat more fruits and vegetables throughout the day, not just at dinner

- Walk 3x a week

- Strength training 2x a week

- Stretch or flexibility exercises daily

@Ali in OR that roasted sweet potato dish looks delicious. I put it on our menu for the next week. I haven't decided if we'll do a bowl or salad but I know  either one will be good.

I already started walking this week, did some beginner yoga videos plus morning and evening stretching. I haven't yet started any strength training.

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@Soror I just have a weekly planner where I write down the plant products I eat every day. I just write new ones down if I’m repeating and then add them up. I usually get to 15-20 in the first couple days with my regular meals and then try to find some variety. I try to make sure it’s at least a serving size to count it. Some things I eat have less than a serving size, but I eat it several times a week to count it. 
Once I got in the groove, it wasn’t hard- I eat about 7-8 different nuts or seeds, triple berry mix, a different lettuce each time I eat a salad, 2-3 different types of beans, and then the rest I try change up. 
I do get in a rut, so I try to buy different veggies each week at the store. 
I think I’ll look for a bound weekly planner so I can see the progress this year. I was using a tear away one, not quite as easy to keep. 

Thanks for the tips on getting up! I’ll work on those variations too. Right now I just go up and down from my knees over and over again:) I saw that as a practice build up and it’s just hard enough to be helpful, but still  doable. This is the planner I’m using now. I like everything about other than it’s a tear away. 


Edited by Toocrazy!!
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1 hour ago, Soror said:

don't track calories any more but from past experience I know I could not make it on 1300 calories. I'd be snacking on everything in sight in short order. But I'm pre-menopause with a fair amount of muscle mass and activity level. I know once women have went through menopause their calorie needs changed. I'd be mindful for hunger signals. With so few calories you are going to want to get lots of nutrient dense food to keep you fuller but if you still find you are starving to death it might not be enough.

Thank you.  I learned from doing the Goal group thread to really consider whether a goal will be realistic and if not why not, and I already know that calorie counting will not be!  Just one day of it as a trial was far too much bother. I will start with just not snacking and yes, keeping the focus on nutrient dense meals.  I'm post-menopausal and very active, just prone to mindless snacking. I've also placed my health and fitness habit goals into a "bucket list" category in my mind for positive reinforcement.

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Dh and I went for a walk late this afternoon. We just went around the outside streets of our small subdivision. From our driveway around and back is 1.79 miles. We wanted 2 miles so we went to the cluster mailboxes to check our mail which gave us 2.18 miles. Dinner was a quinoa salad loaded with veggies and drizzled with a quick dijon vinaigrette. 

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It was almost 60 today, so most of the snow is melted, though a few drifts still remain. Walking today was just harder than it should have been, and I usually feel pretty good once I get started, but today it just wasn't happening. I'm going to chalk it up to having had treatment 10 days ago, and trust it will be better tomorrow. Covered 1.1mi in 22min.

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Got in a nice dog walk in the woods. Lots of slush, ice and water on top of ice, though enough snow left on the ground that it wasn't too bad. Dh and I played 1.5 hrs of mixed doubles this evening. It was a really fun session. Lots of laughs, running around and smacking the tennis balls. 

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16 hours ago, Toocrazy!! said:

@Soror I just have a weekly planner where I write down the plant products I eat every day. I just write new ones down if I’m repeating and then add them up. I usually get to 15-20 in the first couple days with my regular meals and then try to find some variety. I try to make sure it’s at least a serving size to count it. Some things I eat have less than a serving size, but I eat it several times a week to count it. 
Once I got in the groove, it wasn’t hard- I eat about 7-8 different nuts or seeds, triple berry mix, a different lettuce each time I eat a salad, 2-3 different types of beans, and then the rest I try change up. 
I do get in a rut, so I try to buy different veggies each week at the store. 
I think I’ll look for a bound weekly planner so I can see the progress this year. I was using a tear away one, not quite as easy to keep. 

Thanks for the tips on getting up! I’ll work on those variations too. Right now I just go up and down from my knees over and over again:) I saw that as a practice build up and it’s just hard enough to be helpful, but still  doable. This is the planner I’m using now. I like everything about other than it’s a tear away. 


Hmmm. Interesting. I have a bullet journal and played around with this but couldn't figure out a configuration that I liked. Where do you track plants on that planner? 

I'm torn because I do like writing things down and find it can be beneficial but I don't want to bog myself down. I think at least giving it a go would give me an accurate idea of where I'm at now and push me to do more. Maybe with a bit of tracking I can get my produce intake closer to where I want it and then back off a bit after I get it established.

9 hours ago, Kidlit said:

Is it too early to join in if I'm just proud of myself for doing a little bit of yoga before bed last night and getting up early enough to walk approx. 2 mi in my neighborhood before work?  (I haven't exercised in longer than I care to realize.😲)

Come on in!

Great job on the yoga and walk!

15 hours ago, Eos said:

Thank you.  I learned from doing the Goal group thread to really consider whether a goal will be realistic and if not why not, and I already know that calorie counting will not be!  Just one day of it as a trial was far too much bother. I will start with just not snacking and yes, keeping the focus on nutrient dense meals.  I'm post-menopausal and very active, just prone to mindless snacking. I've also placed my health and fitness habit goals into a "bucket list" category in my mind for positive reinforcement.

Aha. I think it is great to focus on habits. Best wishes!

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They ended up having pickleball yesterday so I went to that instead of my walk.

Friday wrap up- 2 hrs pickleball + 30 min power yoga

Saturday's plans- 30 min power yoga+ Body By You  (bodyweight strength training)- Week 1Day 3 -20ish minutes+ walk

Dh and I should be working more on siding today so I don't know how much time I'll have for a walk.

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Came home yesterday from family vacay in the mountains. (Or, as my Rocky Mountain friends say, the “mountains”!) We had a nice AirBnB on a lake. (I did not ski myself.) 

I did 15 minutes of yoga each day. 15 minutes of stretching in the morning and night, however, I bought the Yogabody Science of Stretching program so I will switch to doing that only at night. I would like to make a video record of my (lack of) flexibility today, so I can check my progress along the way. 

Im getting ingredients today to make some nutrient-dense, veg soups, and I will also get fruits and Clean Snax, which help when I feel I must snack on something. 

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 Can I join?
I’m working on setting some health goals for the year. I’m recovering from some surgical procedures and in a few weeks will have a tooth removed. In between I’ll be walking some. I might add some arm weights after I recover from the oral surgery. My big plan is to have my gait analyzed and do gait training for fall prevention. As a family, none of us kids put our feet down properly when we walk - it’s not obvious, and I only realized it a few years ago when I had PT for plantar facitis and the PT pointed it out to me. We worked on it then, but whatever I  learned didn’t stick. I fell about a month ago when I shouldn’t have, so I want to address it ASAP before I break something as I’m quickly approaching the age where my mom started falling frequently. I think many of her falls may have been preventable- she would get her toe caught on carpet or misstep slightly when she put her foot down. Her solution was to shuffle her feet, but that probably made it more likely she would fall. I want to change those habits now if I can. Generally speaking, I’d like to end 2023 stranger and with a bit more endurance than I have now. I just have to figure out how to get there! 

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Did Yoga with Adriene's Fundamentals of Ease this morning.  The scale is showing some holiday weight gain, so along with other eating healthy goals I think I will need to do some tracking on My Fitness Pal to reset eating habits. My MFP goals are 25 gm fiber, 58 gm protein, 12 gm saturated fat all in 1500 calories per day. I'll try that for January or as long as it takes to get back to baseline weight.

Got all of the inside Christmas decorations down yesterday. Usually I do the tree while watching a New Year's Day bowl game, but I was just ready to be done and get this house clean. We have a break in rain today so I'll get the outside lights down.

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Walked the dog for a little bit (1.2K) last night, then spent about an hour to log some distance (18.4K) towards my seasonal challenge. 

Joined my yoga teacher for her quarterly meditative hike (about 3K) yoga class.

We are heading out momentarily to wander the farmers' market and do a little shopping, which might finish off the remainder of the distance for the challenge.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 547.2 of 550K
Walking Streak: 4

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35 minutes ago, TechWife said:

 Can I join?
I’m working on setting some health goals for the year. I’m recovering from some surgical procedures and in a few weeks will have a tooth removed. In between I’ll be walking some. I might add some arm weights after I recover from the oral surgery. My big plan is to have my gait analyzed and do gait training for fall prevention. As a family, none of us kids put our feet down properly when we walk - it’s not obvious, and I only realized it a few years ago when I had PT for plantar facitis and the PT pointed it out to me. We worked on it then, but whatever I  learned didn’t stick. I fell about a month ago when I shouldn’t have, so I want to address it ASAP before I break something as I’m quickly approaching the age where my mom started falling frequently. I think many of her falls may have been preventable- she would get her toe caught on carpet or misstep slightly when she put her foot down. Her solution was to shuffle her feet, but that probably made it more likely she would fall. I want to change those habits now if I can. Generally speaking, I’d like to end 2023 stranger and with a bit more endurance than I have now. I just have to figure out how to get there! 

Welcome!  It's strange how one can just not notice one's own peculiar gait. Just recently I noticed that in mule slippers I scuff with one foot but not the other. I assume that is connected to a slight oddness in my right leg that has led to arthritis in that knee. None of this was obvious to me in my first fifty years.

Today - just a walk. Daughter goes back tomorrow so I'm maximising time hanging out with the family.

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I did not get in my strength training yesterday. I slept in due to being up in the night. We started working outside after breakfast and only had a few short breaks until a bit after 4. At that point, I did a quick walk and my yoga, cooked dinner, and relaxed with the family.

I'm up in the night again but we have a lazy morning planned so I hope I still have time for strength training and yoga.

Today's plan-

30 min yin yoga; W1D3 Body by You strength training; first day hike with family (short)

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20 hours ago, TechWife said:

 Can I join?
I’m working on setting some health goals for the year. I’m recovering from some surgical procedures and in a few weeks will have a tooth removed. In between I’ll be walking some. I might add some arm weights after I recover from the oral surgery. My big plan is to have my gait analyzed and do gait training for fall prevention. As a family, none of us kids put our feet down properly when we walk - it’s not obvious, and I only realized it a few years ago when I had PT for plantar facitis and the PT pointed it out to me. We worked on it then, but whatever I  learned didn’t stick. I fell about a month ago when I shouldn’t have, so I want to address it ASAP before I break something as I’m quickly approaching the age where my mom started falling frequently. I think many of her falls may have been preventable- she would get her toe caught on carpet or misstep slightly when she put her foot down. Her solution was to shuffle her feet, but that probably made it more likely she would fall. I want to change those habits now if I can. Generally speaking, I’d like to end 2023 stranger and with a bit more endurance than I have now. I just have to figure out how to get there! 

Toe walking? I believe it’s linked to retained primitive reflexes so you can try exercises specifically for integrating them. Not all PTs are well-versed in it. It took more than one for us to get good feedback. 

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Saturday I went on a walk (I think it was approx 5k steps) and then rode my stationary bike 95 min. 
I really want to lose this remaining problem area in my stomach but my boyfriend said I was already slim and that made me feel better. I’m just so self conscious when I look in the mirror and see it. I will work on it for my own sake but now I don’t feel so stressed about it. 

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I’ve been enjoying the short Yoga for Hips series from Joelle and got myself a thicker exercise mat and a better pillow for some seated positions. Excited about that and hoping I stick with it once I go back to work this week.

The weather is gorgeous for upstate NY in Jan so I’ll get out for a walk again today!

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22 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

I’ve been hemming and hawing over the fabric bands. Saw a deal online and bought a bundle with small and long fabric bands. I’m returning the long rubber resistance bands to Amazon. That offsets some of the cost. 

Fwiw I've used shorter rubber and fabric bands. The fabric bands did much better staying in place but are also higher resistance level. I use them for glute exercises some time. I also have long rubber bands that I use for assisted pullups. They work great for that 

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3 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

Toe walking? I believe it’s linked to retained primitive reflexes so you can try exercises specifically for integrating them. Not all PTs are well-versed in it. It took more than one for us to get good feedback. 

No, not toe walking. It’s sort of a shuffle, maybe? My heel & the flat of the foot hit at very nearly the same time, then when the rest of the foot follows, it’s sort of a slide, but it doesn’t happen with every step - there’s a rhythm to it, sort of. It’s much more noticeable in dress shoes because of the sound it makes - I’ll try to figure out how to better describe it. Of course, if I think about how to describe it as I’m walking, I’ll probably not do it, which is good! 


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I took a few short walks yesterday and ended up meeting my seasonal distance goal by early evening. 

Started the new season this morning, allowing the dog to lead me on a leisurely 4.5K ramble. Although Sundays are normally my rest day from anything other than walking, I am doing Joelle's 7-day jumpstart challenge. So, I did that 10-minute session. 

More walking at some point later.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 550.6 of 550K
Winter Warmup 2022 Challenge: 4.5 of 500K
Walking Streak: 5

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2 hours ago, Soror said:

Fwiw I've used shorter rubber and fabric bands. The fabric bands did much better staying in place but are also higher resistance level. I use them for glute exercises some time. I also have long rubber bands that I use for assisted pullups. They work great for that 

The long rubber ones look awful for putting behind the neck as some exercises want you to do. Like what she’s doing around 2:42

The resistance level I was trying for the long rubber one was super skinny and I just prefer to work with a wider band. I was worried about getting hurt from the dang band. 

The small rubber loop bands were so cheap I think I’ll keep both sets. I think I got a Cyber Monday price. 

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We drove down to Edinburgh today to put Daughter on the train,  as no trains were originating in Fife due to flooding and landslides.  We pottered around the Leith waterfront a bit,  then later I walked the dog and continued on further, taking in a couple of hills.

Today is Son's last day at home, so we are hanging out by the fire.  More exercise tomorrow. 

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I looked at Joelle's yoga for hip pain and IT band pain. It turns out pretty much every exercise, pose, or stretch on both videos are the same as my physical therapy exercises. I ended up doing the exercises without watching a video (I watched 2 of them all the way through first). That ended up being about 20 minutes of yoga/stretches. I had hoped to get a walk in today but it's not going to happen. I'm happy that I at least did something. I'll probably do some stretches tonight too.

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Yesterday took a four mile hike with the family, and even though I hike that far frequently, yesterday's hike was very steep and had a lot of rock hopping; today I am stiff verging on sore. A good reminder to mix things up on my walks. Husband and I took a long, leisurely walk this morning and then another walk with the whole family at dusk. I ate very clean and fresh food today after eating poorly for a few days.

My routine is messed up right now due to the holidays. We are in Central America where my husband works. I'm enjoying myself immensely but also missing my routine which helps me stay on track with sleep, food, exercize. The kids and I return to the States on the 5th and I am excited to have a little more control over my schedule. 

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Yesterday three of my kids and I jumped in the ocean, 4th and ddil watching and shivering on the beach.  While not technically cardio, it did get us going!  After that we walked a mile, for a very low-key New Year's day.  Both sons leave today, so I will start in earnest today.

Today: stretching and leg lifts this morning with coffee, shooting for a three hour hike later. 



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I haven't done any deliberate exercise yet but dh and I have been doing a lot of heavy labor redoing things at my work.  Pulling up carpet, cleaning the underfloor, leveling the concrete, painting, moving furniture, reorganizing storage spaces.  Lots of walking, lifting, bending, stretching.  Today I'm reorganizing a storage unit that will involve hours of all those things.  

Tomorrow I meet my oldest dd for our first workout of the year at Planet Fitness.  We generally warm up on the treadmills for 15-30 minutes then do two groups of weight machines.  I think we were doing back/biceps one day, chest/triceps a day, legs/buttocks another.  

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Yesterday I was standing all day working on a project and tried to march in place to get my steps. My back was sore so I stretched and got up and down off the floor several times. 
I had a short walk with the dog this morning, about a mile and a half. Hoping to play pickleball this afternoon. 

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Started the day with an airport run as middle dd returns to school/student teaching. That was a record time of 3 hours 20 minutes. We allow 2 hours to get to the airport but no traffic this morning. Then I did a 30 min neighborhood walk with the dog and I am also planning to do Day 1 of Adriene's 30 days of yoga today. I entered today's food into My Fitness Pal and I'll meet all my goals with 100 calories to spare (5 servings fruit/veggies, 58 gm protein, 25 gm fiber, <12 gm sat fat, about 1500 calories). Yesterday's ended up short on protein and short on calories but met everything else and the first pound of holiday weight gain is gone (that's the easy one).

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Starting to feel more like myself, and happy that it will not be taken away by chemo this week. 😊 Walked 1.6mi in 30min. I might have gone a little faster if I had not been distracted trying to identify the large bird of prey that was watching me walk circles.

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I spent a couple of hours yesterday afternoon/evening organizing and packing away holiday decor, which earned me some steps. I then finished off with a 2.4K walk.

Started this morning by again letting the dog lead me to the dog park. I'm a little worried about my ability to walk quickly for a lengthier distance, given how much of my walking these days is strolling with the dog, and I have a 10K scheduled for Friday. So, once I dropped her home, I went back out for some walking at pace. All told, it was about 4.8K. I then did day two of Joelle's new year jump start series (which included some balance stuff that was beyond my capability) and about 15 minutes of the usual strength and stretching before it got too warm on the patio.

I've done a little more organizing and packing this afternoon (almost done, I think), which has clocked some incidental steps. Another walk later to top off whatever's left by that time. 


Winter Warmup 2022 Challenge: 11.7 of 500K
Walking Streak: 6

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I began 8 minutes in the morning today. I hope it sticks. I despise weightlifting because I find it so incredibly boring, so I need something quick and easy. My dd and I will go to the YMCA at least 3 mornings a week for their pool class. I hope to also attend one of their Friday morning dance aerobics classes at least 2-3 times a month. 

Because we farm, I never have trouble getting walking in. Most days its between 12K and 15K steps just doing my normal stuff. 

Eating...I'm trying to get that back on track. I MUST moderate the sugar in my diet. It's my nemesis.

Also, my dad bought me a 40 ounce water jug for Christmas and I am planning on drinking three of them per day. The only problem is that I have to potty all. the. time. Which is most inconvenient!

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I did day one of Yoga With Adriene today. Dh did it with me which was a treat. He hasn't done much yoga before and really enjoyed it. We took a walk into town today for lunch and then went horse back riding at a nearby farm this afternoon. I played badminton with my kids in the backyard and lost terribly but moved a lot and laughed heaps. It was a lovely day.

Tomorrow is our last day before our two day treck back to our home in the U.S. I always eat terribly and move very little on travel days and have never really figured put how to do a good job of taking care of myself when I'm on the move. I will gonto the market tomorrow to buy some healthy snacks and hopefully will.eat them instead of junky airport food. Also, I will try to get some steps in at the airport. 


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I signed up for Joelle's 7 day yoga challenge. It started yesterday but I started today. Her videos are short and doable, enough to get me motivated. I also like that many of her videos are focused on pain relief.  Day 1 video was an upper body stretch. I took a peek at Day 2 since I already have it in my email and it looks more like yoga, with actual yoga poses. Still easy and doable though.

Dh and I took a 2 mile walk late this afternoon. When we got back I did some hip opening/stretching exercises. I'm not logging those because they were just informal and didn't take long.

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This morning I did a walk but forgot my pedometer. I would estimate 5k steps. Then I biked for 30 min. Ate 3 cookies lol 

@fairfarmhand I think it’s funny about the water container - I think I need to upgrade mine to a bigger size. I run out of water before I run out of steam. Mine is 16 or 18 oz. But I don’t want to carry something too bulky either. 

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I’m feeling overwhelmed this morning. (And I’m being a tiny bit over dramatic about it, but anyway.)

For some background, I completed a personal trainer program a few years back. I passed the online test, but never bothered to take the proctored test for official certification. In addition to the nutrition content within that, I got certified in kid’s nutrition. And I’ve also read plenty of other resources, so I’m aware of the many contradictions out there.

So now I’m over here very happy and excited to get back to gaining muscle strength and losing some flabbiness. I already struggle to get the most commonly recommended amount of protein for my body weight. The recommendations for building muscle while losing fat feel so far out of my reach!!!

 I’m not one to count calories/macros long term. I tend to do a week here, a week there, just to check in with reality vs. perception, so I don’t particularly want to pay for any premium app features to work things out for me short term.

I don’t know specifically what advice I’m looking for, lol. Sneaky protein sources??? I’m already aware of science and how people screw up the interpretation so it’s almost all a gamble. I’m just… ugh.

Making a separate post for another complaint…

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