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Are we talking about this impending cold weather?


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1 hour ago, Faith-manor said:

Good news! The Moose Lodge announced they will be open as a warming center. The folks at the Moose Lodge are very civic minded people. When we had our rocket trqk, they would put on fundraising dinners for them and give a big donation. Very kind hearted folk. They made their announcement on the county community page and asked everyone to get the word out while they change their sign out front. They said they will have all their volunteers in place by 5 pm, and throughout the night will have hot cocoa, tea, coffee, soups, bread, and baked potatoes. Such wonderful people! The manager of the new Aldi is donating food supplies. We have some extra throw pillows that we do not use, and some wool blankets that are also just spares because I have made numerous quilts for the house. We are going to take them over there as soon as someone can meet us. I figure if other folks in the community will also pitch in then they will be able to bundle up anyone who is chilled as they arrive.

Our county, square mileage wise, is large so there need to be more centers. My hope is that on the south side of the county which is quite remote, the Knights of Columbus Hall will open.

So happy somebody stepped up.   In my city, I see on my news sites that not only do we have warming centers set up, but also rides to warming centers.

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12 hours ago, fraidycat said:

This is the worst part of winter driving. The road conditions can suck, but it's the *other drivers* that make it terrifying.

Yes, for sure.

Although if it's icy, it's just plain terrifying. I don't mean slushy. I don't mean re-frozen snow (also icy in its own way and supremely annoying because it could be avoided if the snow were cleared away). I mean like glass on the road. There is no safe way to drive on that. Sometimes the highway will be melted enough, but you have to get to and from the highway...and those roads are never okay to drive on when it's like that. 

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14 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

So happy somebody stepped up.   In my city, I see on my news sites that not only do we have warming centers set up, but also rides to warming centers.

I am always impressed with Huntsville. It just seems to be a city that has it's act together compared to so many places we have lived.

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So far this is nothing, and I am annoyed.  Cancelled an ortho appointment because it was supposed to be so bad.  All the schools were cancelled.  But there is not even an inch on the ground at this point and the weather guy said it was going to start last night and it didn't.   And now can't get the kid into the ortho for a month. 

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I’m feeling uneasy.  
My hour by hour forecast is supposed to have everything melting in a few hours before the big freeze, but the actual current temperature isn’t aligning with that.  
If it’s colder for longer, we’re going to end up with ice on top of ice instead of just ice.

I wasn’t able to get my car in the garage because of the packed down snow-ice on our slight incline, and was really hoping the higher expected temps would let me get it in before dark.

Turns out, the terrific sun exposure I enjoy over most of this property excludes most of my driveway area in winter, so it doesn’t melt nearly as easily as I’m used to!

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3 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

So far this is nothing, and I am annoyed.  Cancelled an ortho appointment because it was supposed to be so bad.  All the schools were cancelled.  But there is not even an inch on the ground at this point and the weather guy said it was going to start last night and it didn't.   And now can't get the kid into the ortho for a month. 

Lewis Black had a whole comic routine based on weather predictions by monkeys throwing darts a boards because he figured that wouldn't be any less accurate and would save money. Then everyone would be less unhappy because "The weather man is a monkey, so what are you going to do?" Sometimes it feels that way.

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1 minute ago, Faith-manor said:

Lewis Black had a whole comic routine based on weather predictions by monkeys throwing darts a boards because he figured that wouldn't be any less accurate and would save money. Then everyone would be less unhappy because "The weather man is a monkey, so what are you going to do?" Sometimes it feels that way.

Thanks that totally made me laugh!

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17 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

So far this is nothing, and I am annoyed.  Cancelled an ortho appointment because it was supposed to be so bad.  All the schools were cancelled.  But there is not even an inch on the ground at this point and the weather guy said it was going to start last night and it didn't.   And now can't get the kid into the ortho for a month. 

We have the opposite!  We got 10 freaking inches yesterday and we weren't supposed to get any!  The snow accumulation today has matched the forecast.  The "Real Snow" does not begin until later tonight but we have had about 6 inches since I last shoveled at 8am.  I am going to heroic measures to get my dd to the dentist later this afternoon.  They are scheduling out 6 months so we will go even if we have to ski there!

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I wish I knew if I could count on ours being accurate. DH is stuck staying overnight if there is any chance it's as bad as it's supposed to be. If it's as bad as it's supposed to be, then getting home after work tomorrow is not going to be particularly safe either. 

He can't not go in, and his commute is too long to just wing it. 

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3 minutes ago, kbutton said:

I wish I knew if I could count on ours being accurate. DH is stuck staying overnight if there is any chance it's as bad as it's supposed to be. If it's as bad as it's supposed to be, then getting home after work tomorrow is not going to be particularly safe either. 

He can't not go in, and his commute is too long to just wing it. 

It is so hard to make the call.  Dh had to go into work today and I thought it was nuts based off of the forecast.   But I can see the street/sidewalk still.  He said there wasn't any snow on the roads he was on.

But I hate trying to make this call for dance like I have been doing since 2017.  The commute has always been at least some of it on 2 lane country roads that are not well maintained.  This year it basically is all country roads in really dangerous turns too, in normal weather.  If you go off the road someone might not see you for a long time.  Dh and I have both been in conditions with almost 0 visibility.   I hate all things about winter, but the driving in it is the worst.

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48 minutes ago, Carrie12345 said:

I’m feeling uneasy.  
My hour by hour forecast is supposed to have everything melting in a few hours before the big freeze, but the actual current temperature isn’t aligning with that.  
If it’s colder for longer, we’re going to end up with ice on top of ice instead of just ice.

I wasn’t able to get my car in the garage because of the packed down snow-ice on our slight incline, and was really hoping the higher expected temps would let me get it in before dark.

Turns out, the terrific sun exposure I enjoy over most of this property excludes most of my driveway area in winter, so it doesn’t melt nearly as easily as I’m used to!

Same. This was supposed to be rain today. Instead it’s 29 degrees and the snow is pouring down.  The weather channel has the highs climbing into the evening and overnight hours with tons of rain, so I don’t know if this is all turning to ice or what.  I have a hard time envisioning 43 degrees overnight and so far it’s been wrong anyway. 

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2 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

It is so hard to make the call.  Dh had to go into work today and I thought it was nuts based off of the forecast.   But I can see the street/sidewalk still.  He said there wasn't any snow on the roads he was on.

But I hate trying to make this call for dance like I have been doing since 2017.  The commute has always been at least some of it on 2 lane country roads that are not well maintained.  This year it basically is all country roads in really dangerous turns too, in normal weather.  If you go off the road someone might not see you for a long time.  Dh and I have both been in conditions with almost 0 visibility.   I hate all things about winter, but the driving in it is the worst.

I hope it's not bad for his drive.

We are potentially getting flash freezing. If the rain turns to snow before the temps plummet, the roads are likely to be messy but passable, and he's driving at a time of day that not that many people will be on the highway (at least to work; driving home is more congested). If it happens simultaneously or freezes before the snow comes, it's going to be a sheet of ice. 

The forecasted lows here are getting lower, but it's supposed to happen more slowly than originally forecasted, I think. 


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4 hours ago, kbutton said:

Yes, for sure.

Although if it's icy, it's just plain terrifying. I don't mean slushy. I don't mean re-frozen snow (also icy in its own way and supremely annoying because it could be avoided if the snow were cleared away). I mean like glass on the road. There is no safe way to drive on that. Sometimes the highway will be melted enough, but you have to get to and from the highway...and those roads are never okay to drive on when it's like that. 

Yes, this.

We go nowhere when there is snow, freezing rain, or ice here. Just not worth the risk when it will be gone in a few days.

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1 hour ago, kbutton said:

I hope it's not bad for his drive.

We are potentially getting flash freezing. If the rain turns to snow before the temps plummet, the roads are likely to be messy but passable, and he's driving at a time of day that not that many people will be on the highway (at least to work; driving home is more congested). If it happens simultaneously or freezes before the snow comes, it's going to be a sheet of ice. 

The forecasted lows here are getting lower, but it's supposed to happen more slowly than originally forecasted, I think. 


Ugh. By tomorrow morning it will all be ice. 

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4 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

So happy somebody stepped up.   In my city, I see on my news sites that not only do we have warming centers set up, but also rides to warming centers.

Same here. I don’t like our mayor or city council, but they generally handle severe weather reasonably well. 

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Update on son in law. His flight from Huntsville to Detroit and then to Albany was a total disaster. Left Huntsville on time, and then had an emergency landing in Fort Wayne because they were losing fuel so fast they couldn't make it to Detroit! So not remotely storm related. 

Fort Wayne is a small, very understaffed airport without much for amenities. He was in line for 1.5 hours before anyone could help him after being on the ground on the plane on the tarmac for an hour waiting for a gate. Needless to say he missed his connecting flight in Detroit.

They finally got him on another plane to Detroit, but then there were no more outgoing flights to Albany so he asked for Philly because he had an aunt there that can pick him up. No flights. Everything is a mess because Detroit had a disaster that is the domino effect of a mess at O'Hare.

So at 6 pm, 12 hours since he left Huntsville, he will leave Detroit for LA GUARDIA. 3 hr drive from Albany so Dd will do 6 hours of driving to get him back to the house. On top of that, the grandsons are very upset about all of this and are very hesitant to stay with grandma and grandpa (which I did anticipate because unfortunately, that set of grandparents have not gotten to spend very much time with the boys and aren't used to being left with them) and so she has a 7 year old and an almost 3 year old with her on this trip. Son in law had an IT emergency last night so he had to stay up all night fixing it before he left. He hasn't slept since Tuesday night/Wed morning.

Delta offered $30 in food vouchers (useless since he has significant food allergies) and $100 towards a future flight. I told him to tell them "No way" and ask to speak to management higher up the chain. This whole mess was their own mechanical failure that could have ended tragically if they hadn't been able to make that emergency landing and had put it down in some Indiana field, on top of which they will go through a lot of gas money with this 6 hr road trip. So I think $1000 cash not as a ticket voucher is appropriate. Does that sound right?

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6 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

I am always impressed with Huntsville. It just seems to be a city that has it's act together compared to so many places we have lived.

Yes, it really is,  We had a bill here to vote on whether we wanted Huntsville to raise our sales tax by 1/2 a cent and totally dedicate that to roads- both new construction that is needed and resurfacing.  In Al, most road construction and resurfacing is funded by the state or Feds if Interstate.  We weren't getting anything enough.  My kids, dh and I all voted yes- and we have seen it happen.  My kids were so very surprised that road construction and road resurfacing started almost immediately and keeps happening.  They had lived in many places where projects were supposed to be happening after voters voted, and never did. This was a wonderful change.

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I am feeling terrible for my boys who have to work at the grocery doing carts tomorrow in -35 degree windchill. I really hope the roads aren't bad. I'd rather have snow than ice here. 

It's pure craziness at the grocery the past couple of days. Between the holiday and the impending cold weather, the whole city was out in mass at the same time.  

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I am posting this article that goes through the stages of frost how to frostbite. Folks who are not used to frostbite warnings in their area may not be aware of what to look for, and it is important that if you or loved ones are out shoveling, snowblowing, required to do other outdoor work, you are alert and evaluating exposed skin. Many do you in warmer climates will not have face masks, scarves that are windproof, etc.


Also, for the future: you can make reasonably warm emergency gear from old wool sweaters, even picking up some from thrift stores. Set your washing machine to its hottest water setting and use only half the normal amount of laundry detergent that you would normally use. Wash. Then set the dryer to its hottest setting and allow the sweaters to dry. The fabric is now pretty well air and water tight. You can trace around your hand for the pattern or download a mitten pattern online. I always leave 5/8 inch seam allowance because I line my mittens with lining material or quilters cotton so that the mittens are not icy for people who dislike wool. These mittens are way better than the thin, knit mittens and gloves often available in areas not prone to harsh winter. You can make them pretty cute too if the sweaters have borders on the cuffs or waist/hip line. I make sets from the sleeves first using the wrist cuff as the natural wrist cuff of the mitten.

65% wool can be used, 80% is better. Beanie hats can also be made from the front and backs of the sweater. I always line those too so that the wool doesn't itch on ears.

I have also used old wool army blankets from the military surplus for this as well.


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1 hour ago, cintinative said:

I am feeling terrible for my boys who have to work at the grocery doing carts tomorrow in -35 degree windchill. I really hope the roads aren't bad. I'd rather have snow than ice here. 

It's pure craziness at the grocery the past couple of days. Between the holiday and the impending cold weather, the whole city was out in mass at the same time.  

I’d keep them home? 

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Update. Dd is NOT a fan of NYC drivers but she did manage to make it to LaGuardia, and they will make it to son in law's parents before the light rain they are experiencing turns to ice because the temp is going to hold for a while. We are relieved. We also predict she will never be tempted to drive in the city again!

Here in our part of Michigan we are getting pouring rain, terrible pouring rain and the temp is going to drop 20° overnight so we will wake up to a sea of ice. 😜. Then the snow, and we have five different predictions. I feel like the township supervisor should be running a betting pool. Predictions are 3-7" from one source. 4-6", 6-8", 8-10", and one weather service put it at precisely 11.7"  If there was a betting pool, I would take 11.7" simply because I don't feel lucky enough for it to be less than that!

Kidding aside, the situation is deteriorating. Just a reminder that the Great Lakes are really more like small oceans, and they have a lot of ocean kind of issues. We have cyclones that have pressure and wind speeds that rival hurricanes, and they produce tsunami waves called meteotsunamis since they are caused by weather and not seismic activities. Waves of 15-20ft + are predicted by the Coast Guard on Lake Michigan, 25ft + for Lake Superior, and 15ft+ and in a couple places 20ft on Lake Huron. These are based on buoy measurements which are notoriously unreliable and often under a measure so the MSU Sea Grant researchers think there will be places at sea which will experience waves pushing 30ft.  Freezing spray is predicted which is super dangerous because as it coats the decks of the freighters on open water,  mechanical and electrical failures do happen. Capsize warnings are now in effect and while those warnings would normally be small craft advisories,  the Coast Guard has upgraded to commercial vessel warnings and by that I mean ocean freighter and cruise ship size vessels because we have a bunch of those that won't make it to port before the Bomb Cyclone hits and produces the freezing spray and tsunami waves.

I don't think anything will rival the 1913 Snow Hurricane on Lake Huron at St. Clair that killed 250 people and caused in today's dollars $117,000,000 in damage. However, I do think there is the potential to be worse than Cyclone Huron of 1996.  So be thinking of the mariners at sea on the Lakes tonight because they are in for a rough, dangerous night. We would really hope to NOT be adding any ships to the Shipwreck museum at White fish Point!

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On 12/21/2022 at 9:43 PM, KungFuPanda said:

Y’all, I am not ok. I work at a landscaping company that sells firewood. Tomorrow it will rain all day. Today EVERYONE bought firewood. I was selling it faster than the crew could replenish the racks. The boss picked up a few temps to help us keep up with demand. It was a long crazy day. I got zero actual office work done. I’m shocked that my money was right at the end of the day. I expect zero customers tomorrow so I should be able to catch up. I’m still feeling a little stunned by the pace of the day. 

Morgan Freeman: She did not have “zero customers” on Thursday. In fact, her boss declared it “the busiest rainy day in history.” Kung Fu Panda is very relieved that she only works two days a week. 

10 hours ago, kbutton said:

Yes, for sure.

Although if it's icy, it's just plain terrifying. I don't mean slushy. I don't mean re-frozen snow (also icy in its own way and supremely annoying because it could be avoided if the snow were cleared away). I mean like glass on the road. There is no safe way to drive on that. Sometimes the highway will be melted enough, but you have to get to and from the highway...and those roads are never okay to drive on when it's like that. 

My part of Maryland LOVES to hover at the freeze-thaw line all winter. If there’s snow, it inevitable melts and makes everything wet, then that freezes to black ice so you get to play “Wet or Black Ice” all the time. Actual snow is so much easier than ice and much safer for driving. I really detest winter. 

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Good news here! The bulk of our snow was supposed to happen overnight and all we got was a dusting. Still worried about potential ice on dh’ hour long commute this morning although the internet is saying the slick spots are minor. I think Christmas Eve with my family is on! It is dang cold though.

Edited by Elizabeth86
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52* when I went out this morning. The 5-6” of snow that was in the yard is now a thin, wet, slippery layer over mud pits. There are some hard spots of ice I’ll need to smash up shortly.

This is what I could fit in a screenshot. Temps reach single digits by 6pm and should bottom out at 3* by 4am tomorrow.  The ice is going to be horrendous.


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9 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

Update. Dd is NOT a fan of NYC drivers but she did manage to make it to LaGuardia, and they will make it to son in law's parents before the light rain they are experiencing turns to ice because the temp is going to hold for a while. We are relieved. We also predict she will never be tempted to drive in the city again!

Here in our part of Michigan we are getting pouring rain, terrible pouring rain and the temp is going to drop 20° overnight so we will wake up to a sea of ice. 😜. Then the snow, and we have five different predictions. I feel like the township supervisor should be running a betting pool. Predictions are 3-7" from one source. 4-6", 6-8", 8-10", and one weather service put it at precisely 11.7"  If there was a betting pool, I would take 11.7" simply because I don't feel lucky enough for it to be less than that!

Kidding aside, the situation is deteriorating. Just a reminder that the Great Lakes are really more like small oceans, and they have a lot of ocean kind of issues. We have cyclones that have pressure and wind speeds that rival hurricanes, and they produce tsunami waves called meteotsunamis since they are caused by weather and not seismic activities. Waves of 15-20ft + are predicted by the Coast Guard on Lake Michigan, 25ft + for Lake Superior, and 15ft+ and in a couple places 20ft on Lake Huron. These are based on buoy measurements which are notoriously unreliable and often under a measure so the MSU Sea Grant researchers think there will be places at sea which will experience waves pushing 30ft.  Freezing spray is predicted which is super dangerous because as it coats the decks of the freighters on open water,  mechanical and electrical failures do happen. Capsize warnings are now in effect and while those warnings would normally be small craft advisories,  the Coast Guard has upgraded to commercial vessel warnings and by that I mean ocean freighter and cruise ship size vessels because we have a bunch of those that won't make it to port before the Bomb Cyclone hits and produces the freezing spray and tsunami waves.

I don't think anything will rival the 1913 Snow Hurricane on Lake Huron at St. Clair that killed 250 people and caused in today's dollars $117,000,000 in damage. However, I do think there is the potential to be worse than Cyclone Huron of 1996.  So be thinking of the mariners at sea on the Lakes tonight because they are in for a rough, dangerous night. We would really hope to NOT be adding any ships to the Shipwreck museum at White fish Point!

You really misrepresented this storm

*it was historically known as the Big Blow and the White Hurricane. I’m sure people will find info if they search 1913 snow hurricane but that is not a name in wide spread use

*it hit the entire Great Lakes basin, with ships and men lost on 4 of 5 lakes. (Ontario alone escaped the deaths of sailors) centered over Huron (it was hit hardest) but it affected cities and communities in US and Canada, not just St. Clair

*the storm lasted 4 days and it is believed to be bc of 3 storms meeting, very different from this storm

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Marine update: 

We have that best Coast Guard! We really do. I can't say enough good things about the men and women who are C.G. in Michigan! They did a magnificent job assisting marine traffic and they have assisted getting most of the vessels into port. There is one though that can use good thoughts, Kay S. is at anchor off Whitefish pt., Paradise, MI also known as "Shipwreck Point" and for very good reason. Cue the song, Edmund Fitzgerald". She couldn't make it in (yes, ships are shes with mariners) and is at anchor, and this particular location is NOT great. Waved are going to be steady at 20 ft all day around the point with some waves at 26, and the freezing spray began in the wee hours of the morning. 

On land, we didn't get the snow dump we were supposed to get. Not even close. Nor did Kalamazoo. Ours sons are very frustrated because they could have made it home since youngest's boss sent everyone home at 1 pm yesterday. But all the forecasts called for it setting in on the I94 corridor east of Ann Arbor by 4 pm., and at 2 pm there were some car accidents because of nuts driving at high speeds, recklessly to get where they wanted to go ahead of the storm. I do think the snow portion has just stalled over the lake on the west side, but is still heading this way.

Winds are howling steady at 35 -40 mph, and gusts are easily pushing 75 at times. The inch of snow we did get is blowing so hard that visibility is not really a thing outside of town, and it has honed the road to a mirror glaze of ice. There is a pile up on I 75 at the M-46 exit near Saginaw, Mi. Multiple vehicles, and the highway is shut down north bound. It is 9°F and  -12 windchill. There are some power shortages north of here on the Bay. So potential tsunami waves coming ashore, potential Cat 1 hurricane force winds up there, negative wind chills, and no power. It will be 1:30pm EST at the earliest before power is restored, and I highly doubt it because the crews are facing wretched ice conditions, and this wind isn't going away any time soon so there will be more power lines down before this is over. I think those folks may be looking at no power all day! 

So, ya...also, good thoughts for electrical linemen all across this nation today. They, just like EMS, face a fearsome, dangerous work day!

We are snuggled down here doing fine. We have checked in by phone with our moms, and they are cozy, sewing, and making cookies. I am laughing about the cookie baking because there are no grandchildren here to eat those things up, and Mark and I do not want to have dozens of cookies forced upon us! I suppose we will take them, and then when the road is passable, run them over to the Moose Lodge that is acting as the only warming center in the county. I am sure they will have folks happy to have them.

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Update on my family…we are the ones taking our once-in-a-lifetime vacation in Cap Cana, Dominican Republic right now. 

We were supposed to fly home today, Friday. We first changed our flight to Thursday, then back to Friday with the plan to fly through Ft Lauderdale. Yesterday evening, all of our flights cancelled and we are now rescheduled to fly out of the Punta Cana airport on Sunday. So two more days here. 

Positive is two more days in the most beautiful place we’ve ever been! But negative is that we have to pay out of pocket and hopefully get reimbursed through the travel insurance we purchased. Thankfully the resort gave us a pretty nice discount since our flights were cancelled. So that helps. 

Other negative is that we aren’t home for Christmas Eve with my family. I’m really sad about that. But our kids are older (15 and 18) so we are all fine. 

We will arrive in Columbus Ohio late Sunday night and have to drive to WV. Hoping and praying the roads are good by then!!!

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Dh and I were outside for much of the night tending to our horses. The temp (-20) isn't that bad (for here, anyway), but the combo of 50 mph winds and -40 windchill is deadly. The flashlight that I use for nighttime chores kept quitting because it was frozen, and I would have to bring it in the house to thaw out. Never had that happen before in all my years of winter chores.

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We are in the South, and aren’t faring too badly compared to others. One son’s flight was delayed so he had to get a hotel for the night. He is scheduled to fly in today. Other son drove home last night when temps and wind was not so bad. 

We just lost power. Temps are steadily declining down to 12 by morning. Colder with windchill. We will do ok, though, as we have gas logs, county water, and grills outside to cook with. 745 people are without power in our immediate area, and I’m concerned for those who have less ways to stay warm until power comes back on. Hopefully it won’t be out long. 

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29 minutes ago, Indigo Blue said:

We are in the South, and aren’t faring too badly compared to others. One son’s flight was delayed so he had to get a hotel for the night. He is scheduled to fly in today. Other son drove home last night when temps and wind was not so bad. 

We just lost power. Temps are steadily declining down to 12 by morning. Colder with windchill. We will do ok, though, as we have gas logs, county water, and grills outside to cook with. 745 people are without power in our immediate area, and I’m concerned for those who have less ways to stay warm until power comes back on. Hopefully it won’t be out long. 

Oh no! I hope you get power back soon!

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5 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

So sorry he is stuck. At least he is satisfied and they are taking good care of him!

Yep, Europe has good laws surrounding cancellations and consumer compensation. It sure does help eliminate the stress of making last minute changes as a result of weather or other factors out of one’s control. 

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38 minutes ago, MEmama said:

DS’s flight was cancelled so he’s stuck in Paris. He’s being put up in a nice hotel overnight and was given food vouchers so he’s plenty pleased. 🙂 


So  he recovered from his illness and mental health crisis?

did you end up going to him then?

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2 hours ago, Just Kate said:

Update on my family…we are the ones taking our once-in-a-lifetime vacation in Cap Cana, Dominican Republic right now. 

We were supposed to fly home today, Friday. We first changed our flight to Thursday, then back to Friday with the plan to fly through Ft Lauderdale. Yesterday evening, all of our flights cancelled and we are now rescheduled to fly out of the Punta Cana airport on Sunday. So two more days here. 

Positive is two more days in the most beautiful place we’ve ever been! But negative is that we have to pay out of pocket and hopefully get reimbursed through the travel insurance we purchased. Thankfully the resort gave us a pretty nice discount since our flights were cancelled. So that helps. 

Other negative is that we aren’t home for Christmas Eve with my family. I’m really sad about that. But our kids are older (15 and 18) so we are all fine. 

We will arrive in Columbus Ohio late Sunday night and have to drive to WV. Hoping and praying the roads are good by then!!!

I am so glad everything worked out.  Enjoy your extra long vacation in paradise.  Safe travels home.

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9 minutes ago, MEmama said:

Yep, Europe has good laws surrounding cancellations and consumer compensation. It sure does help eliminate the stress of making last minute changes as a result of weather or other factors out of one’s control. 

I am glad he is safe and sound.  Does he know when he will be able to come home at all?  Or does he still have time to come home?  How long is his school break?

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2 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

I am glad he is safe and sound.  Does he know when he will be able to come home at all?  Or does he still have time to come home?  How long is his school break?

He should fly in tomorrow; he'll be home til mid January. I’m glad we don’t have to drive back and forth to Boston today in the storm, though the drive will make for a break in our usual Christmas Eve traditions tomorrow, lol. 

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1 minute ago, MEmama said:

He should fly in tomorrow; he'll be home til mid January. I’m glad we don’t have to drive back and forth to Boston today in the storm, though the drive will make for a break in our usual Christmas Eve traditions tomorrow, lol. 

Oh that is great he still gets to come home and in time for Christmas too.  

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