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11 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

78 F is  only 25 C right? 

That is a very cool tempreture 

We don't have an air conditioner


I don't think Australia is humid? The humidity makes a huge difference. So here the temp was around 89 or 90F yesterday at one point, but the "heat index" that factors in humidity made it 116F. Basically, when you sweat NONE of it evaporates, so there is no cooling at all. I literally felt dampness on the outside of my clothing yesterday when I walked out to get something from the backyard. Not sweat on the inside (although there was some of that) but literal dampness from the air collecting on my clothes. It's that humid in the south. It almost feels like you need a snorkel to breathe. 

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Agree that the not. cooling off at night thing also makes it worse - there is just no relief. People in other places talk about opening the windows at night to cool off the house, then shutting it up during the day. But that won't work here. Heat index was over 90F the other night at almost midnight, and same when I got up at 7am. Humidity in the 90s. Some days it is 99%. 

WITH the A/C unit running full blast all day I can't get the upstairs below 78F until the sun goes down - it just can't cool the air below that because it is SO humid and yet also SO bright. No real cloud cover so the sun bakes the house like an oven, while also steaming it with humidity, lol. 

And yet, that 78 feels heavenly compared to the outside. 

I have a rash under and between my bOOks all summer every summer because the second you step outside you sweat, and none of it evaporates so you just stay wet all the time you are outdoors. This year I've been using anti perspirant under my bOOks which helped that a lot, but still have some issues in the cleavage area. And that's just from say, walking from the car to the store, or whatever. I don't spend much time outside unless I'm in a pool if I can't help it at this time of year. 

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There's not much point in arguing about what temperature is too hot.  People really vary a LOT on what is comfortable.  I've lived much of my life in the southern US, with a 10 year stint in NM.  During that NM decade, I found that it could get hot if you were in direct sun but otherwise I was never hot, no matter the temperature.  During my grad school years in GA, I didn't use AC in my apartment.  I'd turn on a box fan when I went to sleep but was otherwise fine. During the summer of 2020, many of my kids activites were open but adults couldn't come in.  It was unusually hot for TN, with temps in the 90s and abundant humidity because it rained fairly often.  I spent 2-5 hrs/day sitting in parking lots.  I'd bring a chair and sit outside, reading and snapping beans.  If it rained I sat in the car.  I'll admit that was unpleasant, even for me, since I couldn't crack the windows.  But, unless I'm doing manual labor I rarely get uncomfortably hot.  We set our AC on 80 during the day (spouse works in the basement where it is cooler) and heat in the 60s during the winter to minimize usage (I wear fleece and have blankets everywhere).  We recently had guests and turned the AC down to a more normal temperature and in the parts of the house that are shaded (and therefore cooler) I was chilly to me when wearing my usual summer attire.  When we went to Disney in August one year, I didn't find it particularly uncomfortable.  

That's not to argue that other people don't do better with different temperatures - I know that they do!  But, there's not much to be gained by trying to figure out what a 'reasonable' temperature is - heart and her dad aren't compatible and for various reasons can't compromise to something that is fine for both.  That doesn't make either of them unreasonable, but does mean that finding a new housing situation would be ideal.  

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10 hours ago, Scarlett said:

And being shut up in a house with no air flow is worse than not having ac at all.  At least when I was a kid with no ac we had windows open with box fans.  

Good point. My in-laws house felt so stale and hot all the time--I used to secretly open my bedroom window at night when staying there.

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I noticed the thermostat on 78 the other day (not done by me). So I think he was trying to help. And it was more comfortable yesterday. When his a/c was broken we did open windows but it didn’t help much. I’d go to the gym at night and then shower and go to bed with damp hair and the ceiling fan on. That helped.

he’s always been anti pet (hence why my cat isn’t here) but my aunt shared that he discussed possible places to put the litter box so I know he at least considered letting my cat come which meant a LOT. She ultimately was the one that said it won’t work… the laundry room is too tiny and she is scared the cat would zoom out of furniture causing her to trip/fall. She’s still recovering from a knee surgery gone bad (does swim therapy every week) and is older so I totally respect her concerns/fears with getting hurt. 

I ended up not totally giving up on casinos. I applied to several positions at a different casino and their application asked what shift you wanted. 

The Pet Smart application was the worst!! lol I did get to include salary expectations so I hope we don’t waste each others’ time. It asked if you could do the job with reasonable accommodation. I said yes assuming they let me sit sometimes (reasonable accommodation being having access to a chair and I could bring a dr’s note). 

While typing this post the income-based apt complex called with an opening. I thought about it and I’m going to pass. When I first went there a couple months ago it was $699 for a 2BD. It’s now $764. That’s really not that much better than that $800 townhouse I turned down. I don’t have a local job yet so given the income restrictions, location etc it’s just too risky to commit. I have job applications in several cities so I’m just gonna stall a bit longer. I did scour the internet for 1 bedrooms (even looked at one studio) and the only affordable ones were dumps (read reviews etc) or by the shipyard on the other side of the coast. Everyone says get a job at the shipyard. I applied to the one job I was semi qualified for. The rest are things like pipe fitter, journeyman etc. I’d only be eligible to work there after the extended construction class. I don’t want to do this but I will have to bite my tongue, focus on my job hunt and stall a bit longer before I can move out. 

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Have you looked at the local utilities, like their customer service or billing options? Usually its a website like cityname.gov. Yes, you'll have to deal with the public but you can sit at a desk.  (My dh works at a local utility and they always need dependable workers who can pass a drug screening--oddly it's hard to find that. While the pay is lower, the benefits do make up for it since our insurance is so great. We seldom have to pay out of pocket medical stuff) Of course, your area may be different, but I thought I'd mention it.

Also, local schools? Any desire to teach? Our districts are so desperate for teachers that they will overlook the requirement of a teacher's license for several years. Additionally, our districts need admin support staff like secretaries, attendance clerks, etc.

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7 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

Have you looked at the local utilities, like their customer service or billing options? Usually its a website like cityname.gov. Yes, you'll have to deal with the public but you can sit at a desk.  (My dh works at a local utility and they always need dependable workers who can pass a drug screening--oddly it's hard to find that. While the pay is lower, the benefits do make up for it since our insurance is so great. We seldom have to pay out of pocket medical stuff) Of course, your area may be different, but I thought I'd mention it.

Also, local schools? Any desire to teach? Our districts are so desperate for teachers that they will overlook the requirement of a teacher's license for several years. Additionally, our districts need admin support staff like secretaries, attendance clerks, etc.

Substitute teaching is a great idea. 

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Yes on another page of this thread I explained I looked into school jobs. I can’t teach and the clerk, assistant teacher etc jobs pay peanuts. No amount of benefits can really offset it. And they probably have crappy state ins through BCBS. I was on that with xh as well as on my own with the library job. You pay out of pocket every visit til you meet your deductible. The only time we met it was like in Dec when it’s useless. The yearly salary was under 30k for those jobs. 

Sub teaching is not appealing to me, though I did consider it. I want stability and to deal with adults in my daily job. The pay is I think 70-100 a day. Let’s say max you work 20 days a month at $100. That’s less than the magazine job and I can’t even make ends meet on that. I really don’t think it’s $100/day though. 

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Just now, heartlikealion said:

Yes on another page of this thread I explained I looked into school jobs. I can’t teach and the  clerk, assistant teacher jobs pay peanuts. No amount of benefits can really offset it. And they probably have crappy state ins through BCBS. I was on that with xh as well as on my own with the library job. You pay out of pocket every visit til you meet your deductible. The only tune we met it was like in Dec when it’s useless. The yearly salary was under 30k for those jobs. 

Sub teaching is not appealing to me, though I did consider it. I want stability and to deal with adults in my daily job. The pay is I think 70-100 a day. Let’s say max you work 20 days a month at $100. That’s less than the magazine job and I can’t even make ends meet on that. I really don’t think it’s $100/day though. 

Rats! Sorry to offer options that aren't workable. This thread has gone on awhile. 

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15 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

Ok just for reference, it is currently 8:48 PM here. The weather app says 75 degrees with 94 percent humidity. 

But I don't need to know the figures. My curly hair poofs up the minute I go outside LOL 

I cannot handle heat. We had 74 degrees with 94% humidity the other day and I was just drenched in sweat. We keep out house at 68 degrees at night, not above 74 during the day and that depends on the temp outside.

I'm with you on needing the a/c. Some of us really don't handle the heat as well as others, just like cold weather.


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To bring up other job ideas you may have already done/considered: have you looked at your state's job site? Or county jobs? Hospitals usually have openings, non-clinical, for maintenance, cleaning, records, registration, etc. If you go through with the construction class, that may open up your options to maintenance positions, also.

eta: all this to say, I'm sorry your job market stinks, and hope you find a good fit soon. Having so many things in the air isn't fun and you're doing well being as flexible as you can.

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8 minutes ago, Moonhawk said:

To bring up other job ideas you may have already done/considered: have you looked at your state's job site? Or county jobs? Hospitals usually have openings, non-clinical, for maintenance, cleaning, records, registration, etc. If you go through with the construction class, that may open up your options to maintenance positions, also.

eta: all this to say, I'm sorry your job market stinks, and hope you find a good fit soon. Having so many things in the air isn't fun and you're doing well being as flexible as you can.

I applied to a city job (jumped through tons of hoops and got rejected), a few state jobs through the government jobs website, and looked again last night at one city job list. They need a clerk in the police dept but it pays $14.50. I can’t afford even a one bedroom on that. I did apply at a hospital job recently that I thought I was suited for and got a rejection letter. They even asked if you heard about it from an employee and I answered yes and put the name of the guy I met at the 80s/90s networking event (he shared the job posting on his linked in).

I’ve applied to several communication jobs, receptionist, clerical type things. They either don’t pay enough or don’t interview me. But now that I’m at my dad’s I’m putting his local address on everything. Before I was just saying in the cover letter that I was relocating soon. I dropped off my resume in person as requested by an ins company that wants a secretary but I’m not holding my breath because they probably pay like $13-15 and close at noon on Wednesdays which means I’d be considered PT and get no benefits I’m guessing… and definitely need a second job to cover rent. 

I went into a PT office this week and he said he would have hired me on the spot but it was filled and doesn’t pay much. He did keep my business card & said they have a high turn over rate so might call me later for another location. but not sure that is useful since it won’t cover rent. 

I might need to apply for govt assistance but the most I think I’d get is SNAP and only for a household of one right? Because I don’t get to claim the kids. So I’ll just keep applying. 

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Have you thought about a school job? If I remember your state correctly, (LA?) there are numerous alternative pathways to licensure. I went through an alternative licensing program in VT to become a special educator. My district paid for the whole program, and I was able to get a job ASAP on a provisional teaching license. Good benefits and kid-friendly schedule. 

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11 hours ago, ktgrok said:

I don't think Australia is humid? The humidity makes a huge difference. So here the temp was around 89 or 90F yesterday at one point, but the "heat index" that factors in humidity made it 116F. Basically, when you sweat NONE of it evaporates, so there is no cooling at all. I literally felt dampness on the outside of my clothing yesterday when I walked out to get something from the backyard. Not sweat on the inside (although there was some of that) but literal dampness from the air collecting on my clothes. It's that humid in the south. It almost feels like you need a snorkel to breathe. 

Oh, it is humid! 

I die in summer. It's like wading through soup..

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1 hour ago, AmandaVT said:

Have you thought about a school job? If I remember your state correctly, (LA?) there are numerous alternative pathways to licensure. I went through an alternative licensing program in VT to become a special educator. My district paid for the whole program, and I was able to get a job ASAP on a provisional teaching license. Good benefits and kid-friendly schedule. 

She's in Mississippi, I believe, but there's a post a little above saying she doesn't to teach, and the other school jobs don't pay enough. 

3 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

Have you looked at your local animal hospitals/vets?  We have a shortage of vet techs and a lot will train someone.  The pay is usually decent in the beginning.  

I could be wrong, but I'd be very surprised if vet tech pays a livable wage in her area. I'm probably no more than a few hours away from her, but across state lines and I think a bit better job market. The vet tech job that lists pay is $14 an hour.  

@heartlikealion, I can't remember if this has been covered, but are you looking at remote work at all? That zero commute really does save some money! 

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3 minutes ago, katilac said:

She's in Mississippi, I believe, but there's a post a little above saying she doesn't to teach, and the other school jobs don't pay enough. 

I could be wrong, but I'd be very surprised if vet tech pays a livable wage in her area. I'm probably no more than a few hours away from her, but across state lines and I think a bit better job market. The vet tech job that lists pay is $14 an hour.  

@heartlikealion, I can't remember if this has been covered, but are you looking at remote work at all? That zero commute really does save some money! 

It might be the perfect stepping stone though for a better job long term.  Especially, if they train her. 

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28 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

It might be the perfect stepping stone though for a better job long term.  Especially, if they train her. 

Vet techs make a fraction of what people with less skills and training make in human medicine. Definitely not a living wage for many jobs, and things like a CNA often make more. 

It's also a very very physical job. 

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1 hour ago, Melissa Louise said:

Oh, it is humid! 

I die in summer. It's like wading through soup..

“Soupy” is exactly how we described it yesterday. It was in the low 90s, then we got about 10 minutes of rain midday. It wasn’t enough to help the plants or cool anything down. It just made steam. When I left work at 5:30 last night my glasses fogged up and I could FEEL my hair curling tighter. I usually love the heat, but yesterday reminded me that we really do live in a swamp. 

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1 hour ago, ktgrok said:

Vet techs make a fraction of what people with less skills and training make in human medicine. Definitely not a living wage for many jobs, and things like a CNA often make more. 

It's also a very very physical job. 

Depends on the area.  CNAs here make less than a vet tech now. It is kind of sad how little a CNA makes here.  

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I don’t want to be a vet tech. My best friend was one and hated it. Do they have to administer shots? I couldn’t do it. I don’t know how accurate this pay scale is but it’s not very promising. 

One time I did research getting a teaching credential. I was interested in second grade - you cannot get an alternative method certificate for that age. You can get a masters degree and teach 7th and up? I asked what I would need for the early elem. They sent me a huge list and it amounted to the equivalent of earning a bachelor’s all over again. Teacher satisfaction is low (imo). And even after years of teaching they don’t make much. One of my siblings is a teacher. But she doesn’t have kids.


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Re: remote work 

I have looked at some, but I don’t want to do a sales job and/or or cold calling. Customer service… I am unsure. I was mostly looking at remote data every jobs. I didn’t see a good fit.  Like some remote desk jobs need you to know programs I don’t (bookkeeping, etc). 

I am partially sick of working from home. I’ve been doing it since Feb 2020. I only go into the office on occasion, but my gas consumption has mostly been from things like going to the dr, grocery shopping, and any form of entertainment (meeting friends for trivia night). 

At times I love it and at times it’s very isolating. 

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Do you live near an airport? Southwest has a link that lets you sign up for possible hirings other than flight attendants.



Also, are there any upscale restaurants nearby? Maybe that type would provide more than the $13-15/hour  you're encountering? 

I know you're in a state that, let's face it, sucks income and benefit wise. I'm so sorry. County and state jobs here seem to offer much better pay and insurance than where you are, too. Are there any postal job openings? 

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14 hours ago, itsheresomewhere said:

Depends on the area.  CNAs here make less than a vet tech now. It is kind of sad how little a CNA makes here.  

Wow. When I was working I, with a 3 year associates degree in veterinary technology and having passed state licensing exams and being required to get a certain number of CEUs each year made WAY less than what a medical assistant with a certificate of 6 weeks of training made. Most of the good vet techs I know went into juman medicine eventually because of that- several became nurses, one became a pharmacist, one is an ABA provider I think, and all had either spouses making more than them or had to take on a side gig to pay the bills- either taking night or weekend shifts at vet ER clinics or pet sitting, etc

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23 minutes ago, Idalou said:

Do you live near an airport? Southwest has a link that lets you sign up for possible hirings other than flight attendants.



Also, are there any upscale restaurants nearby? Maybe that type would provide more than the $13-15/hour  you're encountering? 

I know you're in a state that, let's face it, sucks income and benefit wise. I'm so sorry. County and state jobs here seem to offer much better pay and insurance than where you are, too. Are there any postal job openings? 

I saw a UPS job but I can’t stand all day at the counter and I always see them standing. As far as USPS, I noticed they come in on Saturdays to sort mail or something even if the window is closed. I’m nervous to get a job that requires weekends since my visitation is limited to weekends. Well it is on the books right now as Thursday and every other weekend but I lost a bunch of Thursdays when he moved. The weeks I had weekends I drove to my dad’s on Wed night so I could pick dd up on Thursday after school. With a typical job I really can’t do any weekdays with the kids. I can’t afford to live in their school district so getting her to class or picking her up would be logistically likely impossible. 

I can’t do a restaurant job because of my feet. You name it, they are standing (cooks, hostess, waitress etc). You’d likely have unfriendly hours for parenting, too. Can’t work at a restaurant and say I need every other weekend off… most will dismiss you immediately. 

Target might pay $15. I heard that Best Buy started paying that at one store but again, standing all shift and possibly hours that affect my visitation. I found one apt this week that’s $700/month. I asked if it was a safe area. My friend said it used to be bad but has improved. So I dunno. I could barely afford that on $15… and remain in the 30% of income on rent goal. Some places make the rule for you… require you earn 3x the rent to even qualify to live there. 

My aunt suggested airline, too. She worked for one. I’m gonna investigate it. 

ETA: I did apply to some jobs that pay ok but many jobs are slow to respond to applicants. I do try to follow up. I emailed HR to ask the status on a state job I applied for in early June. They ignored my email. 

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Have you looked at call center jobs doing incoming calls? 
also, consider getting any tech certifications? Tech jobs pay comparatively well and vets matter way more than what your degree is in. You can study for the certain on your own time and then just pay for the test. Not an answer right NOW but an option. 
also what about nanny jobs? Have you looked at care.com and such? 

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1 minute ago, ktgrok said:

Have you looked at call center jobs doing incoming calls? 
also, consider getting any tech certifications? Tech jobs pay comparatively well and vets matter way more than what your degree is in. You can study for the certain on your own time and then just pay for the test. Not an answer right NOW but an option. 
also what about nanny jobs? Have you looked at care.com and such? 


Just now, ktgrok said:

Pet sitting can be side income- would need to feed/walk pets on weekends but only for a hour or two and potentially take kids with you

I’ve been on Rover for many months. Never got anything but scam artists contacting me. And I paid $30 for the background check. Net -$30 lol 

I couldn’t finish the app for Meowtel because I didn’t have references that I cat sat for 🙄 I just own a cat. 

I did exactly one pet sitting job and it was booked through Facebook. Their usual sitter was out of town. I’ll see if I can change my zip code on Rover but I don’t know if it will allow. 

I started to sign up for care.com this week. The website wanted me to pay for my profile and said “up to $15 (or $16?) an hour.” I scrolled through a few jobs in my dad’s area and these people want to pay like $10-12 for you to look after their elderly parent. People do not like to pay. You can sign up for both elderly care & child but neither pay well. I’m sure the site takes a cut. 

The nanny agency I’m employee with pays me a min of $18/hr and a min of a 3 hr shift. 

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2 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

Do they have any full time nanny jobs open? 

They did at one point but those rates are set by the family and the benefits are up to the family… the agency will place nannies all over the state but primarily cater to the area away from the kids. Babysitting jobs are only by my current rental. 
I don’t want to work FT with infants/toddlers and that’s mostly what people want a nanny due. I like watching other people’s kids in smaller doses. I’ve been void of adult interaction for years. 

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Papa pals is one you might be interested in.  You choose the job/hours you want to work.  You can run a few errands for the person, walk the dog, watch a movie with the person.  It is a nice service for those who need an extra hand with some who is elderly, special needs, etc. Sometimes the person who provides the normal care is home and they just want a small break. You choose what you want to do with it.  The jobs are 1-2 hours long.  One of my friends does it for extra cash.   She has a few favorite clients who request her.  She had picked up medication for one, one just wants someone to sit and play chess with, and the other needs someone to just give her a minor break as they don’t qualify for help yet for her mom.  My friend enjoys it.  

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1 hour ago, maize said:

Can your remind me what education, experience, and skills you have?


I have a BA in advertising (which is why people always try to steer me into sales jobs but I don’t like commission-based jobs or pressuring people to buy something). I went into that field to do graphic design but we were only taught a little QuarkXPress in my courses. I went onto work as a graphic designer for 4 years at a newspaper mostly learning on the job. We used both Quark & Photoshop. But it was old versions like QXP4 and Photoshop CS. I left there in 2012. Since then I’ve self taught myself some things in Creative Cloud (YouTube, Udemy) but I feel so far behind the curve to do much. I also own Affinity design programs. When I see graphic design jobs they often want more skills than I have or photo editing, web stuff etc. I feel so under qualified. 

I have worked for 2 newspapers and a magazine. I’ve applied to positions for copy writing, communications etc. I’m not thrilled with PR but a couple times I applied for those. 

I do side work for a nanny agency and have an up-to-date CPR/first aid/AED cert and my CPST (child passenger safety technician) cert. 

I’m falling into debt and scared to death to go back to school. I just want to work. Maybe add skills later but I’m too overwhelmed to consider being a student right now. 

I know this sounds looney tunes but I have been told & watched YouTube videos on all the chemicals in the air in dental offices which turned me off from being a dental hygienist. But that’s something I considered. Then at my most recent cleaning my hygienist said she suffers chronic pain from leaning over patients all day and she’s looking to transition to another field. 

I did apply as a receptionist at an orthodontist office though… not sure they have any less exposure. 

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I have a job interview Sunday at PetSmart.

The trailer is loaded and the car. I got a lot but will still need to do more trips with or without the trailer. I might not bother keeping the couch. It’s cheap, uncomfortable and will require the trailer again. 


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Just thinking out here-  since you like crafting, are there any florist or garden centers hiring near you?  It could be steady work part time for a bit while you keep looking.   The garden centers here will start hiring now for the fall/Christmas seasons for people to decorate wreaths for sale.  And florists will hire and train people how to arrange.  The pay wasn’t too bad for either one. 

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15 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

Just thinking out here-  since you like crafting, are there any florist or garden centers hiring near you?  It could be steady work part time for a bit while you keep looking.   The garden centers here will start hiring now for the fall/Christmas seasons for people to decorate wreaths for sale.  And florists will hire and train people how to arrange.  The pay wasn’t too bad for either one. 

Yes! I wanted to apply for a florist position but I think they stand the whole shift. My aunt said don’t do that. They pay nothing (no wage was listed) and they wanted someone with some experience. 
but I don’t it could hurt to go inside the place and speak to someone 

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4 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

Yes! I wanted to apply for a florist position but I think they stand the whole shift. My aunt said don’t do that. They pay nothing (no wage was listed) and they wanted someone with some experience. 
but I don’t it could hurt to go inside the place and speak to someone 

They don’t stand the entire time unless you have a nasty boss.  There are often stools for you to use.  I will say it did help pay for my college classes years ago.  

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I’m getting more confident in my abilities & problem solving. My dad made one of his belittling comments about me never taking physics when I made my suggestion on how to move the dryer off the trailer. I ended up ignoring him and moving the dolly myself no problem. Then I got him to brace the washer a bit as I lowered it using the dolly. I insisted on being under it rather than above it going down the trailer. He wanted to rope the exercise bike to the trailer (took to his house so I can use) and I said let’s just use my bungee cords, it’s faster. We did it quickly. When we got to his house he was doing something in the car and ds was melting and feeling ill so I sent him ahead and I lifted the exercise bike off the trailer and carried it across the yard to which my dad said wow lol. 

I know it wasn’t that heavy but it felt good to be able to do some stuff without much aid. 

Loose plan is go up one more day with trailer but dd doesn’t want to do the 4 hr car ride. I have up to go this week. Between the cat, moving, meeting with my lawyer, picking up insoles and court — yes I gotta go. 

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A friend shared this with me. Can’t hurt to try. I ordered one on sale. 


Supposed to relieve sore feet. 

My cat was so riled up the other night she attacked me and my bf. So I don’t think I have anywhere to send her. I can’t in good conscience ask him to watch her now.  Especially since he has kids. I don’t want to rehome her and she’s so temperamental I don’t think she’d adapt to anyone else. Once he left she was fine. She gets temperamental with lots of people. 

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Pet Smart wanted me only part time and pay was $13. Then they try to put you through a pet grooming academy, after so many dogs (100?) you switch to full time/commission on each groom plus a base hourly rate. It’s not for me. 

Tensions were sky high at home today. I got mad my family asked me to take my cat to a shelter. I was called ungrateful. It just escalated from there. I contacted potential roommates but I think they were scammers. Waiting to get info from a legit landlord. 

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So, what happens if you are just unable to move back to this area?  That your ex unilaterally moved to?  It seems like the cost of living is higher and you are unable to find either a job or a place to live.  Moving there just seems impractical.

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56 minutes ago, Terabith said:

So, what happens if you are just unable to move back to this area?  That your ex unilaterally moved to?  It seems like the cost of living is higher and you are unable to find either a job or a place to live.  Moving there just seems impractical.

I’m asking myself these questions, too. I’m considering renting a room to save money til I secure a decent job. But roommates might look bad to the judge so I’m in limbo. And some room rentals cost more than my whole house rent. 

I suppose worst case I got this storage unit practically for no reason and will have to move the stuff again an hour or so away. 

My cat attacked the neighbor today when she went over to check on her. The cat is so stressed. 

I don’t know what to do. I just keep applying to jobs and following up. 

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Can't get a response from my attorney. I went to several places today to follow up face-to-face. One of them refused to take my hard copy resume and said just use our website (which I had done prior to going in person... but they don't care). 

One of them has a job fair soon, but I won't be in town so I made a point to explain I can't be present at the job fair but I applied and am interested in one or more openings. The gatekeepers on floor 2 said I would have to call HR and leave a message because the HR office etc. are on the third floor, but I can't go up there. After being on hold with no end in sight I said screw it and took the elevator to the third floor. Explained that I didn't mean to go somewhere I shouldn't, but couldn't get a human on the phone. The lady looked as if she thought it was weird they forbid from me going to the floor lol. She said she would give a copy of my resume to both HR and the Marketing director (it was for a marketing position). That made me happy. I wrote down her name and several of the other people I spoke to today. 

One place that had been less than helpful a few days ago -- I returned with the filled out paper application packet, new print outs of the stuff I had sent snail mail, and a sticky note and binder clip holding it all together. They said the president of the company does come in there and they would be sure it got in front of him. If it's this hard to apply to the job maybe I'll get an interview for my persistence LOL. 

I'm officially set up with a second hiring agency, but they said the "$11-15" receptionist job I saw would likely pay me $13 at best. 

I tried to set up an account with the state employment agency, but the computer was having a fit with my user info (I think from the past when I used it with my maiden name). I went in person to get it handled, but they had so many issues they sent me home and said they'd call me after tech support fixed the issue. Ugh. 

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