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Seeing lots of anti-vax anti-covid on FB


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You know how FB pushes posts on you: "suggested for you"?

The last week I've been getting post after post suggested with lots of anti-vax, covid is a hoax, blame Biden type pages - all of them are American, and I'm not! I keep pressing the 'don't show me any more' but they just keep coming up. I have very few friends and am part of very few groups, none of which are American or anti-vax, so I'm not clicking on anything remotely similar. 

They're not 'ads' so there's no way of turning anything off in the ads section. Any other ideas about a) how to stop it and b) why it's happening?

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So, after googling, I read that if you change your newsfeed to chronological, it can reduce the dodge suggestions - I used the link  below to do it and I think it's working? Worth a try. I have put it below with some spaces so you can see the code.

https// www. facebook.com/ ?sk = h_chr 

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27 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

Are you on homeschool pages?  So disappointing but there’s a few homeschool pages pushing anti vax stuff so it may have been coming that way.

Or there’s a disinformation campaign going on.

Well, there's definitely a disinformation campaign going on. And FB is definitely in on it in that they don't police it very well and prioritize posts that cause reactions, which these do.

Edited by Farrar
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I’ve found when I’m getting too much like that they’ve adjusted information about me to be incorrect somewhere in the settings.  Like it will say I’m conservative when I’m not, etc.  When I dig through the privacy, targeted ads, and profile settings I can usually turn these off. I haven’t done it in long enough that I can’t give specific instructions.

The other thing I do is block the third party source of everything I find offensive.  It took a year of consistently doing this but now it’s pretty rare for a new offensive thing to pop up. All my friends who post offensive things get them from the same places.

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Well, I am glad I'm not the only one. For the past two weeks, I have been getting more "suggested for you" posts than ever and they have mostly been people doing stupid stuff (like epic fail stuff or hold my beer kinds of stunts) or for things I have absolutely no interest in but people who do stupid stuff would probably like. No anti-vax propaganda, yet (I have enough of those from one of the nurses I am FB friends with!)  I have been methodically clicking 'hide all from "misc. stupid poster"', but that hasn't eliminated the recent onslaught. I will try the "most recent" button, thanks pp!

In terms of spooks, I was very concerned last week about this; I googled "needhams candy" on my home computer at home because my father would like some for his birthday. Later that week I went into work and opened the shared computer only to find three links to recipes for needhams (complete with mouthwatering photos) popping up on the bottom of the search screen. I don't consider needhams default kinds of things that would pop up on just any computer. Somehow "they" are following me all around town with their suggestions!  Glad I wasn't googling something like "comfortable underwear"! Nobody needs to see that at work!

Edited by Kalmia
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Yeah it isn't specifically anti-vax - so this morning it was 'the military has become too woke' from some page called Conservative Weekly. Again, it's American, and I'm not. It's that sort of thing I'm getting over and over.

Yes, that code I put down makes it most recent and that definitely works. I do think it's weird that these suggestions (which are all mostly negative to the current us govt) have popped up over and over in the last week. 

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7 hours ago, PeterPan said:

How about a more spook explanation... You have the microphone turned on for the FB app on your phone and it heard someone mention "anti-vax"...

This would not surprise me. My doctor plays K-Love in the waiting room of her office. A few hours after being there, my fb feed was full of ads for women's Christian life coaching services. I am not Christian. 😒

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7 hours ago, PeterPan said:

How about a more spook explanation... You have the microphone turned on for the FB app on your phone and it heard someone mention "anti-vax"...

yeah I don't have it on my phone, just my pc. I do wonder if the explanation above - ie looking stuff up re covid - is the reason.

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One time Google Maps set a town about 3 hours away as my default because my neighbour was saying something about it to me over the fence while his phone was in his pocket. My phone was in my house, and the only online contact we've ever had was a couple of favours asked over Messenger. We're not even actual Facebook friends. 

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There have been experiments with microphone recordings feeding into search results, but they were very unsophisticated (not even differentiating between different people who happened to be in range, let alone reliably picking up enough words to figure out context). This has led, among other things, to pro-vax people getting anti-vax stuff. However, that was tending to be more on mobile than desktop, and OP's getting it the other way round, so I think this is not the cause. The more traditional "misinterpreting search" seems more plausible*.

* - My search misinterpretation story: back in 2015, a sports team I supported went into a specific form of administration I didn't understand, so I looked it up. Cue all the targeted ads for the next 8 months trying to sell me the administration type in question. Despite me not having a business to put into administration. I suppose I should consider myself lucky that I lived in the same country as the team in question... Fortunately, after 8 months, I figured out how to stop targeted ads from most of the sources I was getting them from. My journey planner software still thinks I live 800 miles and 3 countries away from my actual home, but I leave that as it is for safety reasons.

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