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Happy Buy Nothing Day!!!

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Well, i couldn't do it - DH got paid from his 2nd job and i had something i had waited long enough to order (magazine subs for christmas). If i had waited - he would have spent the money when he got home! LOL!!


But really, i had no intention of buying anything on Wednesday - i just didn't realize what size the check would be!

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My little guy had a doc appt, and I forgot the hot chocolate and popcorn for our annual decorating day (today), so that had to be done. I did not do the black friday thing though. Tomorrow I will certainly buy nothing! My ILs are coming and we are hanging out all day eating food I have already bought. :001_smile:

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My twins turned 9 yesterday and got birthday checks from my grandma, so in the afternoon I drove them to the village 5 minutes away and they spent them in the small toy store. Then I looked in the thrift store for a coat (didn't find one), browsed a gallery with work by local artists, and bought ornaments for my siblings.


So I spent money, but in a very relaxed and local way.


(Oops. I also bought some Christmas gifts on Amazon for my husband.)

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I didn't know about Buy Nothing Day, but I celebrated anyway. ;)


Not only did I not buy anything today, I will be returning something when I go into work soon. :)


In fact, I won't be spending money until Sunday when we head to the cities and I can go to Costco. I do have a budget though because we have to spend a good chunk of our savings on some attic/roof repairs. :(


I am hoping to celebrate a lot more Buy Nothing Days in the near future!

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I bought quite a bit today. Most of it online.


4 sets of flannel sheets

2 webkinz

1 barbie

2 movies

4 sets of pajamas

1 jacket

2 pairs of jeans






Um, so maybe next year?


I buckled too under the pressure. I couldnt resist Old Navy sale. It was even out of my budget.

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I bought nothing but didn't realize it was an official day. I did get a call from the American Cander Society that they are doing a pick-up on my street next Thursday, so I plan to get some bags together. I am really against consumerism, but I can't seem to convince any one else in my family to get on board. I would love to spend Christmas day at church and at a soup kitchen helping out. But everyone else just wants to exchange presents. *sigh*


I followed the link and I loved the "What would Jesus buy?" idea. I think that pretty much says it all.

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. . . the last two years, my daughter has blown it for me.


She's home from college for just a few days (picked her up Tuesday, made it home Wednesday, leaving to drive her back on Sunday). And she needed new undergarments. There are very few shopping options near her school, especially for someone who is carrying 19 credits and doesn't drive. We want to be free for her to spend some time with her dad when he's off work tomorrow and to finish up some homework, so today was our only option.


We hit two department stores and waited in line for a very, very long time just to buy two bras. Yuck. (Last year, she needed new jeans because she had lost weight and none of her old ones fit.)


Then, since we were already out, we stopped at the pet store for cat and guinea pig food. And we hit the supermarket for a few items for dinner.


My only defense is that I did not buy anything I would not have bought anyway. This wasn't gift shopping--we did most of that online a couple of weeks ago-- just normal household purchasing that would have happened on any typical Friday.


Congrats to all who made it through the day!

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We started a new tradition this year. Green Friday. My sister and her kids joined us for a nature hike. We gathered treasures (apples, berries, twigs, rose hips, moss, and cedar) for decorating our homes. I have some fun pictures up on my blog.


I won't pretend I didn't buy anything, though. We filled up our gas tank, mailed a few packages of books to blog friends, bought myself some nice Boggs boots to wear on our hike since my others had a hole in them (purchased at the local farm store), grabbed some bread sticks to go, and purchased tickets (and snacks) at our local gorgeous vintage theater where we saw Fireproof for a date night. :) I wouldn't change a thing. Oh, and we visited a carosel museum/workshop and looked at all the horses/animals being carved and painted.

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I almost bought nothing. I ended up buying one thing online, and I stumbled on a Black Friday sale--so I spent $9 instead of $12+shipping. But the item is not a gift or anything, it's just replacement protector screens for my iPhone, and I've been meaning to get them for several weeks.


But I definitely did not participate in any of the IRL shopping madness. Blecccchhhhhh. Shudder. We always stay home and decorate for Christmas on Black Friday. I think it's a much better way to spend the day.

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Traditionally the day after Thanksgiving is our day to hang out in our p.j.'s, definitely NOT to head out into shopping madness. And that's exactly what we did. It's so nice to see others are are not getting sucked into all this consumerism!

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