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Something happy


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Okay, here's something happy! My DD11 is an only child, homeschooled. I prayed for good friends for her. I didn't want her to be lonely. She's having a sleepover tonight with two of her friends. They went swimming, did crafts, ate pizza, played Barbies, watched a movie, spoiled the dog, snacked, talked, and giggled. They are good girls. Kind to each other. They're being a *little* naughty and talking past when I said it was time to go to sleep. I am so thankful.

Tell me something happy from your life today. 🙂 

Edited by MercyA
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My son got a massive amount of schoolwork done (headed into final week of first semester in public high school) in a short period of time, and went  off to spend night and practice for drama class play at friends’.  He agreed to finish off a few last parts of the schoolwork with good attitude on Sunday.  It was a huge turn around couple of weeks for him.  


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My son attends a Math Circle on Friday nights. Tonight, he came out bouncing, beaming and excited because the professor veered off on a tangent from the original topic he was discussing and they (a room of 20 kids and the professor) together discovered some very interesting patterns and coincidences that none of them had thought of before. Apparently, the whole exercise invigorated every one in the room and there were many kids shouting out correct answers and they decided to explore the topic further since it was so interesting to them. He told me that he was very happy that he got to be there and to enjoy that experience with other kids in his group. We went in late due to major traffic backup and we spent 50 minutes stalled on the freeway and I was about to turn around and go back home because going in late is not conducive to following along in the lecture. So, it was a happy day for my son and he said that he was lucky to not have missed that opportunity.

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What is pretty unusual for me, I actually made almost the entire dinner last night.  I didn't fry the fish but did bread them and made the different breading we used.  Made a boxed couscous, a salad and microwaved a spinach in a bag.  Everyone thought it was very tasty.  But the absolute hit was the pastry cream/berry dessert I made.  It was very easy but all three of them were estatic about the dessert, particularly the pastry cream.  Now I have made pastry cream before, many times.  But all of us were using the recipe in Baking with Julia--- it is tasty but not what we had in Belgium.  Tonight I used a recipe from Jacques Pepin, More Fast Food My Way.  Everyone was astonished and so happy because it tasted and had the texture of the pastry creams we had in tarts, etc in Belgium.

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My homeschooled daughter just started full-time college 3 weeks ago and she absolutely loves it.  She already has 45 extra credit points in her art history class and she says her professors know her by name, because she sits in the front and answers questions.  I was so worried I had ruined her with this homeschooling thing!  She had never done dual enrollment or anything - just jumped right into college.  Lol

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I'm getting snuggles from my Philly granddaughter.  I drove up to visit yesterday and will stay through the day today.   DIL is Chinese American and they decided not to do the big family celebration this year.  It requires driving 2+hrs one way celebrating all day and 2hrs home with a 6mo old.   So they invited me to come visit instead. 

Happy Chinese New Year.  

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Dh just finished his 3rd week at his new job, a complete career change, and he's happy, well rested, and able to be more involved at home. It was a hard decision and we shared many anxiety filled months during the career transition but it was the best decision for our family.  

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1 hour ago, MEmama said:

My kitties slept all night AND let me sleep in until 6:30 this morning! 😻
I can’t remember the last uninterrupted nights sleep since we got them. 

My little alarm clock is canine, not feline, but ohhhhh, I hear you! It’s lovely when they understand sleeping until the sun comes up! 

My happy news is that my dd called me all excited because she got into a Roman Civ. course this semester taught by her favorite prof in the classics dept.! She had this prof for her first semester of Latin and loved his teaching style, but hasn’t been able to get into any of his other classes. Also: THE SUN IS SHINING! People, this is big, I mean huge! The forecast says we are looking at seven straight days of not having to pretty much bathe three very muddy dogs every time they have to potty! 🎉

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I went for a beautiful hike in the woods with 2 homeschool mom friends while our boys all had a very enjoyable card game. These moments are special highlights for my ds, recovering from a head injury. He's not able to get out of the house much yet, but he loves being with small groups of people. 

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My DD just delivered Theraflu to me in my bed. I've been sick all week and with that on top of the end of my pregnancy I'm completely wiped out. Every single kid has been taking it upon themselves to ask if I need anything fairly regularly. They've been fixing each other breakfast and lunch so I only have to worry about dinner. But even with dinner they have been helping. 

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I traveled with my husband to a conference in Southern CA this weekend. I had a whole day to spend yesterday, so I went to Disneyland by myself. It was awesome! It’s fun to take kids too, don’t get me wrong; but it was also really nice to be on my own and ride/see everything I wanted, walk as fast as I wanted, not have to count heads all day, etc. Between fast passes and single rider lines, I spent very little time waiting in lines and the weather was beautiful. 

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6 hours ago, PrincessMommy said:

 It requires driving 2+hrs one way celebrating all day and 2hrs home with a 6mo old.   So they invited me to come visit instead. 

That’s so kind of you. I’m sure your DIL appreciates.  I wish my in-laws were less self centered. 

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My kid was so positive, helpful, and organized today!  She wanted to bake cookies and she planned and did it with zero help, and also helped a lot with the other groceries.  This general helpfulness is kind of unusual for her, LOL.

My kids are having a blast with their best mutual friend this afternoon/evening.

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My daughter who lives in South Korea has a rare four day weekend due to the lunar new year. We had a lovely hour long video chat yesterday and got caught up with her and our news.

Today I was out hunting down some books for a gift exchange; I had fun!



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