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2020 52 books in 52 weeks - Are you ready to take the plunge yet?

Robin M

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The goal is quite simple and how you get there is up to you.  Where would you like your bookish travels to take you this year?  What are you in the mood for?  Whether you read fiction or nonfiction, like to explore outside your comfort zone with new to you authors or genres,  or love to read the same books over again or stick to the tried and true, then this is the place for you.    

There are two updated challenges to tease your reading palate:  2020 52 Books Bingo with 20 bonus squares to celebrate the beginning of a new decade, and Ladies of Fiction Bookology, our author of the month and spelling challenge.  

We also have a variety of weekly, monthly mini challenges and perpetual challenges  including: 

Well Educated Mind --  Continue to explore the classics in 6 categories: Fiction, Autobiography, History/Politics, Drama, Poetry and Science. 

Agatha Christie  --  read at least three of her books per year.  Read the books in chronological order as listed, group by detective or collection, or randomly if you choose. 

Brit Tripping --- A year long mystery read traveling the Roman Roads through England reading reading a book from each of the 45 counties with a few extra trips to London. 

Plus Sounds of Silence, Mind Voyages, A to Z, Dusty and Chunky, and Feed Your Muse

We'll have a J.R. Tolkien readalong this year starting with The Hobbit in the first quarter of the year and the Lord of the Rings trilogy the rest of the year. 

The mini and perpetual challenges are all optional, Mix them up anyway you like or follow your own path in the quest to read.  The challenge will run from January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.  Our book weeks begin on Sunday and the first week will run through January 11th.  You can join in at any time.  

Check out the 52 Books blog for more details on all the perpetual and annual challenges. 

~Cheers to a happy reading new year! 

Edited by Robin M
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4 hours ago, Robin M said:


Well Educated Mind --  Continue to explore the classics in 6 categories: Fiction, Autobiography, History/Politics, Drama, Poetry and Science. 

Agatha Christie  --  read at least three of her books per year.  Read the books in chronological order as listed, group by detective or collection, or randomly if you choose. 

Brit Tripping --- A year long mystery read traveling the Roman Roads through England reading reading a book from each of the 45 counties with a few extra trips to London. 


We'll have a J.R. Tolkien readalong this year starting with The Hobbit in the first quarter of the year and the Lord of the Rings trilogy the rest of the year. 


With the above post in mind, I have decided to alter my 10x10 for 2020.

On 12/16/2019 at 10:09 AM, Junie said:

My (tentative)10x10 categories:

1. American Classics I Haven't Read Before 

2. British Classics I Haven't Read Before -- try to incorporate Brit Tripping

3. World Classics I Haven't Read Before

4.  High School Repeats -- books I haven't read since high school -- Family History (see note below)

5. Pre-reading for the Kids

6.  Books Recommended by BAWers :)

7.  Books in Another Language -- including reading The Hobbit in Spanish (probably not up to tackling LOTR trilogy in Spanish).

8. Biographies, Autobiographies, and Memoirs

9. Mystery and Suspense -- include at least 3 Agatha Christie works

10. Junkfood


I was challenged by Robin's post to try to align my 2020 books to some of the other challenges. :)

I decided to get rid of my High School Repeats category because I realized that there really aren't that many left.  Instead, I decided to try to add more history books.  I have several on my list of Books To Be Read that are related to my family history.  And since I am related to many of the passengers from the Mayflower, it probably won't be hard to fill out this category.  I do have at least two other (non-pilgrim) titls to start with.

One book is The Monitor Boys by John V. Quarstein.  John Lorimer Worden, the captain of the U.S.S. Monitor was a first cousin to one of my 5th-great grandmothers.


Another book that will fit this category is A Paradise of Blood: The Creek War of 1813-1814.  My father always said that we were part Cherokee Indian, but as he sometimes had a not-quite-accurate view of the past, I always doubted this claim.  I was pleasantly surprised several years ago when I was researching my genealogy that I am actually part Creek Indian.  My dad was (almost) right this time!  Another of my 5th-great grandmothers was Creek and her brother fought in the Creek War.


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2019 was the year I finally got back to reading.  I read 21 books, which is "nothing" compared to what I used to read pre-kids and HUGE considering I haven't finished a single book in years from 2008-2018.

So, I think I am ready to do this!!!!  I can't see myself doing bingo bc I seem to "stick" to a category. My first 5-6 books in 2019 were all about Korea, for example.

But I think I can at least participate to certain extent, so I am excited!!

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8 minutes ago, SereneHome said:

2019 was the year I finally got back to reading.  I read 21 books, which is "nothing" compared to what I used to read pre-kids and HUGE considering I haven't finished a single book in years from 2008-2018.

So, I think I am ready to do this!!!!  I can't see myself doing bingo bc I seem to "stick" to a category. My first 5-6 books in 2019 were all about Korea, for example.

But I think I can at least participate to certain extent, so I am excited!!

That is great.  My reading time is much more limited too.  I sorta participate.  Occasionally I will comment but mostly I just read the threads to get book ideas for future reads.

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19 hours ago, Junie said:

I was challenged by Robin's post to try to align my 2020 books to some of the other challenges. 🙂

I decided to get rid of my High School Repeats category because I realized that there really aren't that many left.  Instead, I decided to try to add more history books.  I have several on my list of Books To Be Read that are related to my family history.  And since I am related to many of the passengers from the Mayflower, it probably won't be hard to fill out this category.  I do have at least two other (non-pilgrim) titls to start with.

How neat you were able to trace family members that far back and how they tied in with history.  Great idea with the family history category.  Look forward to hearing more about it. 

17 hours ago, SereneHome said:

2019 was the year I finally got back to reading.  I read 21 books, which is "nothing" compared to what I used to read pre-kids and HUGE considering I haven't finished a single book in years from 2008-2018.

So, I think I am ready to do this!!!!  I can't see myself doing bingo bc I seem to "stick" to a category. My first 5-6 books in 2019 were all about Korea, for example.

But I think I can at least participate to certain extent, so I am excited!!

Woot Woot! Glad to hear you've gotten back into reading.  Drop by the 52 Books thread and let us know what you read for the year.  


17 hours ago, Ottakee said:

That is great.  My reading time is much more limited too.  I sorta participate.  Occasionally I will comment but mostly I just read the threads to get book ideas for future reads.

Waving hi~   Always happy to see you and glad the ladies provide plenty of ideas for future reads.  


I forgot to mention about our 10 x 10 challenge. Since this year was our 10th year doing 52 books, we did a 10 books in 10 category read and had fun coming up with clever names.  In 2020 some will continue with 10 x 10 or mix it up with 10 books in 2 categories or visa versa.  Or 5 books in 4 categories and visa versa. All for fun and useful for clearing our teetering TBR  stacks.


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I've never participated but I would like to try this year. We're going to be empty nesters soon and I would like to get back into reading more. I actually have a stack of about 20 books just from our bookshelves that I haven't read yet (or it's been a while and would like to read again now that I'm older) to get started. 

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41 minutes ago, Violet Crown said:

I've said it before, but Brit Tripping was one of the best literary experiences I've ever given myself. All the English counties feel so familiar now. 

Somehow I can't find the right link to the 2020 Bingo.

Here it is   Let me know if you need the pdf copy and I'll send it to you!


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5 hours ago, Excelsior! Academy said:

I'm ready to join again!  I am looking forward to the challenge.

Yeah, glad to see you again! 

1 hour ago, Joker said:

I've never participated but I would like to try this year. We're going to be empty nesters soon and I would like to get back into reading more. I actually have a stack of about 20 books just from our bookshelves that I haven't read yet (or it's been a while and would like to read again now that I'm older) to get started. 

Wonderful!  I have quite a few I need to clear off my own shelves.  I usually do a self imposed buying ban at the beginning of the year (except for new releases from favorite authors) which makes me concentrate on the books I already have. Some years I make it through February since I'm continually teasing books to everyone.  🙃

1 hour ago, alisoncooks said:

Interesting! I love to see other' reading plans! This year was a higher # for me (just shy of 80 books) but I'm considering giving myself some structure/guidelines for the coming year...

That's awesome!  

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I love the challenges now but never did them when I first joined BaW.  It’s just fine to join in and watch the challenges for awhile until you spot something you want to try.  My reading interests have expanded so much recently and totally thanks to the BaW group.  I used to read mainly romances and mysteries but last year managed to learn to love Sci Fi!  Seriously I have had conversations with strangers about great Science Fiction.......Chinese Science Fiction to be exact.  😉

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Joining, but I tend to underdocument.  No idea how many books I read this year but I’m positive it was more than 52.

ETA:  OK, feeling stupid, this is the first time I have noticed the blog aspect.  I always wondered where those weekly titles came from, LOL.  Love you guys but I’m not going to do the blog AND WTM.  I don’t know enough about the blog thing to be able to use it.  And just in general there is the question:  When would I have time to read, LOL?  Merry Christmas!

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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9 minutes ago, Carol in Cal. said:

Joining, but I tend to underdocument.  No idea how many books I read this year but I’m positive it was more than 52.

ETA:  OK, feeling stupid, this is the first time I have noticed the blog aspect.  I always wondered where those weekly titles came from, LOL.  Love you guys but I’m not going to do the blog AND WTM.  I don’t know enough about the blog thing to be able to use it.  And just in general there is the question:  When would I have time to read, LOL?  Merry Christmas!

Most of us just post on the WTM.  I am absolutely clueless how to post on the 52  books blog!  Mr. Linky and I will never ever meet I suspect......that said that blog is handy for looking up rules for challenges.😉. I actually visit and reference it In my WtM posts quite a bit, especially for the Agatha Christie challenge.

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31 minutes ago, Carol in Cal. said:

Joining, but I tend to underdocument.  No idea how many books I read this year but I’m positive it was more than 52.

ETA:  OK, feeling stupid, this is the first time I have noticed the blog aspect.  I always wondered where those weekly titles came from, LOL.  Love you guys but I’m not going to do the blog AND WTM.  I don’t know enough about the blog thing to be able to use it.  And just in general there is the question:  When would I have time to read, LOL?  Merry Christmas!

Welcome!  You don't have to do both the blog and WTM.  All the Sunday posts are duplicates of what I post on the blog.  The blog is a centralized spot to find information on all the challenges and there are people outside of WTM who are involved in the challenge as well.   Merry Christmas to you as well!  😘

Edited by Robin M
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1 hour ago, mumto2 said:

Most of us just post on the WTM.  I am absolutely clueless how to post on the 52  books blog!  Mr. Linky and I will never ever meet I suspect......that said that blog is handy for looking up rules for challenges.😉. I actually visit and reference it In my WtM posts quite a bit, especially for the Agatha Christie challenge.

I never go to the blog. Except yesterday in a failed attempt to find the Bingo square. I was doing BAW on TWTM for a long time before I even realized there was a blog.

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1 hour ago, Violet Crown said:

I never go to the blog. Except yesterday in a failed attempt to find the Bingo square. I was doing BAW on TWTM for a long time before I even realized there was a blog.

Did you find the link?  

1 hour ago, Pen said:

Can we invite irl world friends too?  

And pdf of the bingo challenge would be appreciated, but I think I have to first clear some pm spots


Attached  a pdf of the 52 Books Bingo in a pm.  


The menu to the optional challenges are at the top of the page next to the home button.  The link to the 52 Books blog is also in my signature. 

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Goodreads says I have read 63 or was it 65 books? I think there were some I did not mark on Goodreads. I never noted Audiobooks until someone said it's also a "book read."

I am in again for next year - doing it right here on the weekly post. I got sooo many good rec's from everyone! I wish I had joined the book thread sooner but like @Carol in CA, I was always afraid of Mr. Linky....

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7 hours ago, Katy said:

I'll join, but I think I'll stick to the books on my shelves.  I also used to read hundreds of books a year pre-kids, and minimally since.  Do audiobooks count?

Yes!!  That's my promise to myself as well since I went a "little" bit crazy with buying books in 2019. 


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I don't want to post anywhere else, but I do hope to read 52 books this year! I'm thinking of going for 52 non-fiction books. I just got my first two for Christmas: Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Explain Everything About the World (1) (Politics of Place) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1501121472/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_jZ1aEb481W3HX and A Flag Worth Dying For: The Power and Politics of National Symbols (2) (Politics of Place) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1501168347/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_911aEbWTNF7F2

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I used to participate on and off on this thread years ago.  Unfortunately, I haven't met my goal the past two years (well, maybe if I can read 24 short stories between now and 12/31 I can salvage 2019...🤣).  I have a stack of 6 books from the library just waiting to be read in 2020 and I look forward to participating in this thread once again!

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18 hours ago, SereneHome said:

Yes!!  That's my promise to myself as well since I went a "little" bit crazy with buying books in 2019.

Yep,  hubby just asked how much we spent on Amazon over the past year.  I checked and oh my...  


7 hours ago, elroisees said:

I don't want to post anywhere else, but I do hope to read 52 books this year! I'm thinking of going for 52 non-fiction books. I just got my first two for Christmas: Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Explain Everything About the World (1) (Politics of Place) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1501121472/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_jZ1aEb481W3HX and A Flag Worth Dying For: The Power and Politics of National Symbols (2) (Politics of Place) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1501168347/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_911aEbWTNF7F2

Awesome and reading more nonfiction is a great goal to have.  Both your books sound really good!


4 hours ago, G5052 said:

I'm in. I'm going to go eclectic, but one of my goals is to read a book a week in 2020. I run about that anyway. 

Great!  My reading is pretty eclectic as well which works well since I'm a mood reader.


4 hours ago, Pink and Green Mom said:

I used to participate on and off on this thread years ago.  Unfortunately, I haven't met my goal the past two years (well, maybe if I can read 24 short stories between now and 12/31 I can salvage 2019...🤣).  I have a stack of 6 books from the library just waiting to be read in 2020 and I look forward to participating in this thread once again

Yeah, welcome back. 

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I haven't been as active this year as in past years because we had so much going on. The first few months of 2020 will also have me busy, but I'm still looking forward to another year of Book a Week threads.


On 12/22/2019 at 9:09 PM, SereneHome said:


So, I think I am ready to do this!!!!  I can't see myself doing bingo bc I seem to "stick" to a category. My first 5-6 books in 2019 were all about Korea, for example.


I didn't do bingo this year but when I did it, and if I do it again, I always try to match books I already want to read to the categories. It's surprisingly easy to do. If I can't find one on my to read list, I find one I think will be interesting that fits a category. One thing I've never done is read a book I didn't really want to read just to get a bingo square. IOW, it's possible to do bingo with books you already want to read. Just a thought.

On 12/24/2019 at 2:03 PM, Katy said:

I'll join, but I think I'll stick to the books on my shelves.  <snip>  Do audiobooks count?

There's actually a "dusty" books challenge that has you reading books you already own. I have a lot of books on my Kindle that I haven't read, so although they can't in fact gather dust, I use those for the dusty books challenge. 

And yes, audiobooks absolutely count!

On 12/24/2019 at 3:13 PM, Carol in Cal. said:


ETA:  OK, feeling stupid, this is the first time I have noticed the blog aspect.  I always wondered where those weekly titles came from, LOL.  Love you guys but I’m not going to do the blog AND WTM.  I don’t know enough about the blog thing to be able to use it.  And just in general there is the question:  When would I have time to read, LOL?  Merry Christmas!

Others already answered but I'm just adding my voice to the chorus. Many of us just do the WTM threads. I do sometimes go to the blog and look around because everything is all in one place there. 

19 hours ago, Liz CA said:

Goodreads says I have read 63 or was it 65 books? I think there were some I did not mark on Goodreads. I never noted Audiobooks until someone said it's also a "book read."

I am in again for next year - doing it right here on the weekly post. I got sooo many good rec's from everyone! I wish I had joined the book thread sooner but like @Carol in CA, I was always afraid of Mr. Linky....

I often get behind marking my Goodreads shelf and I probably leave some books off every year. I mainly use GR as a way to keep track of books I want to read and books I read. I don't use it much for the social aspect, but sometimes I do find books suggestions from either GR friends or the GR blog.

I can't believe how much my reading has expanded since I started following the BaW threads. Probably the biggest change is how much non fiction I now read. I was a fiction gal for most of my life, only reading an occasional non fiction book about every other year. Since joining BaW I probably read about 70 -30, the 30% being non fiction. 

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On 12/24/2019 at 2:23 PM, Pen said:

Can we invite irl world friends too?  

Some of the ladies have invited family members and friends to join in, in the past, so I don't see why not.  Just make sure they are aware of WTM guidelines for posts. 

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3 hours ago, Pen said:


Please share this!

Go to google and type in the name of your book.  I hit the search for images, but I think this part is probably not necessary.

Choose the book cover that you want and Right Click on it.  You should see a list of about 12 options.  About 2/3 of the way down the list is Copy Image.  Click on that.

Come back over to your post over here and Paste (Control+V).  It may take a minute for the image to load.


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3 hours ago, Pen said:


Please share this!

It was just a copy and paste. I found a photo of a book cover, right clicked (I'm on a PC) and chose copy image. Then I came here and pasted it. I don't know if that's the correct way but it worked. 🙂 

ETA: I should have read @Junie's post before I replied. Apparently I did it right.

Edited by Lady Florida.
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3 hours ago, Penguin said:


This is my wrap  up data for 2019. Maybe I'll finish one more book this year and maybe not. I actually did better than I thought I had done.

I plan to come back later and with commentary and analysis. Hits and misses and whatnot.

Awesome!  Copied over to the week 52 thread. 

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4 hours ago, Heatherwith4 said:

Hi gang!  I will give it a try again.  I mostly lurk to get ideas about books anyway.  Although this year I think my goal should be to read what I already have.  Right now I’m working on The Brave Learner by Julie Bogart.  

Great! Looking forward to hearing about your reads! ~Cheers~

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On 12/22/2019 at 6:43 PM, Junie said:

With the above post in mind, I have decided to alter my 10x10 for 2020.

I was challenged by Robin's post to try to align my 2020 books to some of the other challenges. 🙂


What an awesome and ambitious plan for the year. I'm excited to watch you accomplish it!

On 12/23/2019 at 8:10 PM, Violet Crown said:

I've said it before, but Brit Tripping was one of the best literary experiences I've ever given myself. All the English counties feel so familiar now. 

Somehow I can't find the right link to the 2020 Bingo.

Awww. Group hug. Seriously. ((HUG))

On 12/25/2019 at 2:56 PM, Robin M said:

Yep,  hubby just asked how much we spent on Amazon over the past year.  I checked and oh my...  

DH and I joke that Jeff Bezos should be personally sending us a Christmas card because we spend so much. Once Kevin looked up the exact number but I told him I didn't want to know!

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Goals for the year!

Number one goal! Keep up with my reading group (y'all) because otherwise I'm adrift in a sea of not reading and I hate that. I get so many wonderful book recommendations from this group. I'm just paraphrasing wise things @mumto2 has said but this group has expanded my interest and I've found my favorite authors through books others have read.

I'm so bummed I missed the year of mystery Robin setup by being MIA so I'm going to attempt that to some degree ...

I'm going to read more audiobooks.

I'm going to read audiobooks other than Miss Silver ... *wink*

Super super excited about the Agatha Christie books. 

This year I'm aiming for 52 books. 

Let's do this!

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4 hours ago, Excelsior! Academy said:


Forgive me if you've already explained this, but would you please elaborate on the bonus squares?  



The bonus squares are open to interpretation and your imagination so whatever you think of may work. For example -  Beam me up, Scotty can be a star trek book or a story in which character is transported via technology or magic either to the future, the past, or across the country.  Groovy, Baby can be a book set in the 60's or 70's or use a synonym or a title you think is groovy.  Reality check can be nonfiction or a story in which a character has to face reality.   Extra squares to have fun with and help find different books to read that may be out of our normal comfort zone.  

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53 minutes ago, Robin M said:



The bonus squares are open to interpretation and your imagination so whatever you think of may work. For example -  Beam me up, Scotty can be a star trek book or a story in which character is transported via technology or magic either to the future, the past, or across the country.  Groovy, Baby can be a book set in the 60's or 70's or use a synonym or a title you think is groovy.  Reality check can be nonfiction or a story in which a character has to face reality.   Extra squares to have fun with and help find different books to read that may be out of our normal comfort zone.  


Ah!  That is helpful!  Thank you.  😊

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On 12/28/2019 at 2:31 PM, aggieamy said:

Goals for the year!

Number one goal! Keep up with my reading group (y'all) because otherwise I'm adrift in a sea of not reading and I hate that. I get so many wonderful book recommendations from this group. I'm just paraphrasing wise things @mumto2 has said but this group has expanded my interest and I've found my favorite authors through books others have read.

I'm so bummed I missed the year of mystery Robin setup by being MIA so I'm going to attempt that to some degree ...

I'm going to read more audiobooks.

I'm going to read audiobooks other than Miss Silver ... *wink*

Super super excited about the Agatha Christie books. 

This year I'm aiming for 52 books. 

Let's do this!

I'll keep the Whodunit Bookology up in the menu bar so you and others will be able to do the year of mystery as well.    

21 hours ago, HazelAnne said:

Love this idea, I’m in! I recently rediscovered reading for pleasure, so I’m excited to have this challenge. 

Wonderful! Glad you are diving in!



The 2020 week one thread for the new year will go up on Wednesday, the first. Meanwhile, join us on the Wrap Up thread for 2019.  


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