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Weight Loss Accountability Thread :)


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Is anyone interested in doing a weight loss / calorie counting accountability thread? We could each check in at the end of the day and say if we met our goals for that day. I find I only really accomplish things when others know if I'm doing them or not!  😊And I so need to lose weight! Anyone in?

Edited by MercyA
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I hope your idea works. This is what I tried to do with the Well-Trained Bodies threads last year and it ended up being more of an activity list.  While that group is still going (and I'm happy it is), it made me a bit sad that the weight loss people dropped out since weight loss was part of my goal.

I'll follow along quietly and cheer you all on.

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what is everyone's favorite way to track food intake?   I'm doing My fitnessPal.  It's not perfect, but I'm fine with it's limitations.  I try to keep mine at 1600 cal per day but I also try not to eat after 7pm. (failing at that these days).   I'm also doing low(ish) carbs - so that makes counting calories a little harder.

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34 minutes ago, PrincessMommy said:

what is everyone's favorite way to track food intake?   I'm doing My fitnessPal.  It's not perfect, but I'm fine with it's limitations.  I try to keep mine at 1600 cal per day but I also try not to eat after 7pm. (failing at that these days).   I'm also doing low(ish) carbs - so that makes counting calories a little harder.

So glad you are on board, too! I use My Fitness Pal, too, and I've been happy with it. The only way I ever lose weight is with strict calorie counting, so that's going to be my strategy. 

I'd love to lose 30 lbs. but would be satisfied with 20. 

ETA: I am a vegetarian.


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24 minutes ago, PrincessMommy said:

what is everyone's favorite way to track food intake?   I'm doing My fitnessPal.  It's not perfect, but I'm fine with it's limitations.  I try to keep mine at 1600 cal per day but I also try not to eat after 7pm. (failing at that these days).   I'm also doing low(ish) carbs - so that makes counting calories a little harder.

I use My Fitness Pal and that works well enough for me. I set it at 1350 calories per day for days I don’t exercise. I do try to work out 5 times/week and I’ll give myself a few more calories to eat when I do but not too many.

I do mostly eat low carb and mostly I do not eat at night. Somehow having those as general guidelines but not hard and fast rules makes it easier. I used to be strictly low carb and it worked until I ate a piece of pizza and then I felt like all was lost. Now I eat mostly low carb and if I do eat carbs but I stay in my calorie range I don’t beat myself up over it.


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Let's plan on starting tomorrow, then! We'll stay on this thread. If you're participating, please try to check in every night and let the group know if you met your goal(s) for the day. If you want to post weight loss progress, that would be great, too. Let's cheer each other on! :) 

Thanks to all who have joined already! I hoping this will be a help to all of us. Others should feel free to join in anytime! 

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I'd like to be in too! I lost 30 pounds last year and would like to lose 30 this year. I started with needing to lose 75 but am happy going slow. I'm still trying to figure out how many calories is an ideal amount for me. I didn't really track last year but did well and now that I'm trying to track it's a bit tricky. I'm using MFP but I also like to track with pencil and paper and have a planner that works well for that. I'm just now getting on track for this year so being accountable here would be a good thing. I think I'm going to start with around 1400 calories and see how it goes. 

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I’m in. It has been two years since I started this health track and I feel good about my progress.  I have lost 5 sizes in pants and want the next size to fit comfortably.  I need to work on arms more and core strength.  I don’t count calories as I took a bit and figured out how what foods do to me.  I use my Apple Watch for counting exercise and steps.  

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I’m in, although outside accountability sometimes psyches me out. I actually had a fancy ball to go to, and the fear of not fitting in my gown really messed with my head. I do better with no one (and no dress) counting on me - but I still want to cheer people on!

I use the app iTrackBites. They recently did a huge update to more closely mimic the WW app, and there are still some kinks being worked out, but I like it better than MFP for tracking (although I still use the food database & recipe builder in MFP). I’m just counting calories with it since I already am happy with my food choices. I like that I can save my favorite and create my own database of food.

The past couple of weeks have been a big test - I have been rooming in with my teen at the hospital while he has a couple of surgeries. I am so dang proud of myself - not only am I not abandoning my good habits, but I am rocking them. I am sticking to a 1500 cal daily average and meeting my activity goals. If I can’t leave the room I just walk back & forth. I’ve even done some Jessica Smith workouts in the tiny space between our beds. When my son is feeling well I can walk in circles around the elevator banks and climb the 10 flights of stairs.  Thankfully there is a convenience store downstairs and the room has a mini-fridge, so I have fresh produce, yogurt, lunchmeat, etc. (And also chocolate that I ration out, lol). I think it helps me so much to feel like I am taking good care of myself amidst all the stress. We get to go home today and are having a pizza party, but I am eating light the rest of the day to offset it. 

I haven’t weighed myself in a couple of weeks but hopefully I will have lost a bit. I am close to my “natural weight” so the last few pounds are very stubborn despite eating at a deficit and getting regular activity. I never got to go to the ball because of this hospitalization, but I’m going to have photos taken and maybe I’ll post them here 🙂

Oh, one question - what do you think about choosing to stop losing weight even when you’re still a bit chubby? The last of my extra fat is all in my belly, but I don’t want to lose any more weight in my face and shoulders/chest. I already look drawn and I don’t want to look bony. I’m wondering if I should just take a break and see how things settle out even if I’m just barely at a normal weight. (I do have a large frame, which matters).

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@ondreeuh I think it’s fine to do that.  

 I lost 20 pounds and 2 pant sizes over summer which was my goal.  Then stopped to see if that was good or if I wanted to go farther.  And to let my metabolism adjust.  Or to see if I wanted to shift to another main target, which was doing NaNoWriMo in November.  


I’d like to join for accountability in not putting weight back on with winter comfort food, and return to my summer daily big salad which is less appealing in the cold weather, but helped me.  

I may check in on a less frequent schedule.  

My goal will be to put summer type lighter healthier eating, a mild exercise plan,  and NaNoWriMo writing together as co-habits—rather than a single focus at a time. 

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I’d like to join in! I really struggle with my eating and could definitely use some accountability. I’ve been doing THM on and off for over five years now. I really like this way of eating and my body responds very well to it. However, I just can’t seem to stick with it long-term. I enjoy the food and when I get in my groove, things go great. But then life gets busy and I find myself picking up pizza for dinner and then from there, I’m munching on chips straight out of the bag because I’m stressed. Sigh...

I don’t have a ton to lose. Initially, if I could lose 15 lbs I would be happy. Ultimately I’d like to lose 25 lbs. But I know I need to kick sugar and eat better for my health. Diabetes runs in my family and I would like to prevent it if I can. Also, I feel so cruddy when I eat poorly and I know  I’m not settting a good example for my kids. 

Today is day #1 for me (again!). I weighed myself this morning and dh is picking up the Kroger clicklist order that I made last night. Lots of meat and veggies...no chips. Looking forward to making this happen!!!

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@peacelovehomeschooling, that is great! I'm also doing fine food-wise. Tonight will be the challenge. Netflix + vodka = snack cravings! :) 

@Thatboyofmine, I hope your vacation is awesome! And, yes, definitely don't stress over food this week. Peacelovehomeschooling's advice was spot on.

@ondreeuh, I think it's completely fine to choose to stop losing at this point.  I hope you do post those photos and that your teen heals well and swiftly!


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I met my goals today. I worked out this morning with my Fitness Blender video and finished dinner with 350 calories left.Which is really great because I think my husband is bringing home wine 🙂 

Big win for me has been prepping a salad for dinner on the nights I am out late and we just all grab something for dinner. This afternoon I measured and tracked all my salad stuff so it was ready to go when I got home. My kids are having grilled cheese and I might have gone that route if my salad wasn't waiting for me and already entered into MFP.  But my salad was delicious and took me longer to eat than a grilled cheese would AND I have calories left for wine!

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 Sadly, I went over my calorie goals by 300 calories.  Bummer.   I'm committed to nothing else except hot tea with stevia for the rest of the evening.   

I've also been tracking my walking on a phone app.  It's not fitbit and starts at 6000 steps per day.   I've only had it for a few days and I'm still getting used to keeping my phone on me all.day.long.  

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I weighed in this morning and am down about 3# in the past two weeks! That brings me to about 82# lost. I am bumping my calorie goal up to 1600 because I am transitioning to maintenance. I can still stand to lose some weight but slow and steady is fine with me. 

We had a long-planned take-out pizza dinner last night. I went back & forth about making my own vs. ordering from the restaurant. I decided to make my own partially so I could control the calories and partly because I just didn’t want a heavy pizza (this place loads on the topping s and is very rich). I ended up buying a premade crust and topping it with lite cheese, caramelized onions, garlic, mushrooms, zucchini, and a few slices of turkey pepperoni. It hit the spot and saved me a ton of calories. 

I ended the day a little high, but I had eaten less the previous few days to prepare. Actually it wasn’t the pizza that put me over, it was the homemade cookies my husband & son baked. I made premade the dough and frozen it into balls, and I asked them to only make a few because I know they are my weakness. They made 60. I’m back on track today though. No cookies! I have other treats that I can moderate just fine. 


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I don't count calories, but my daily goal will be to not snack between meals or while cooking.  Ugh, lol.  Hopefully reporting in daily will help with motivation! 

Over the last 18 months I have lost about 4 1/2 inches in my hips and waist and went from a size 12 jeans to an 8.  I would very much like to lose 10 more lbs, but these are the hardest somehow...


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12 hours ago, teachermom2834 said:

I met my goals today. I worked out this morning with my Fitness Blender video and finished dinner with 350 calories left.Which is really great because I think my husband is bringing home wine 🙂 

Good husband!! 😉 

11 hours ago, PrincessMommy said:

I'm committed to nothing else except hot tea with stevia for the rest of the evening.   

This is the kind of discipline I need!  Evening is my most difficult time.

6 hours ago, ondreeuh said:

I weighed in this morning and am down about 3# in the past two weeks! That brings me to about 82# lost. I am bumping my calorie goal up to 1600 because I am transitioning to maintenance. I can still stand to lose some weight but slow and steady is fine with me. 


You and the others on this thread who have already lost significant weight inspire me! Hope you all will continue to share tips along the way. BTW, that pizza is a thing of beauty! 

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I need to lose 12 pounds and I'm having a really hard time doing it so a accountability thread is just what I need. I don't count calories but I am trying to eat smaller portions, cut out diet soda and all sweets, and even cut out eating too many pieces of fruit. I think my body reacts the same to fruit as it does to candy. 🙀

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Can I just say, ladies, I would have already fallen off the wagon a day and a half into this if it hadn't been for you. ❤️

I'm doing okay heading into tonight. I have a snack already budgeted. Looking forward to hearing how it's going for everyone else! 

Thatboyofmine, hope you're having an awesome (and guilt-free!) vacation!

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I did not meet my exercise goal today. If I don’t get it in at 7:00 am it doesn’t happen and things went sideways this morning. I feel so much better all day and have an easier time staying in my calorie range when I get some exercise in. Yet, when I am laying in bed at 6:45 I can think of all kinds of good excuses to skip it. It’s a struggle every morning and I always regret it when I skip.

BUT- I did stay in my calorie range. So that is something. I’m a little hungry but I honestly am not keeping easily snackable foods in the house. If I had chips or crackers I’d probably be grabbing handfuls when I go to the kitchen but I’m too tired to go make eggs or fix real food. 

I am keeping carbs low and that is helping, I think. I have splurged on a couple low carb snacks that are too expensive to eat regularly but good to have on hand when I am feeling snacky and just need to grab something. 

Thanks for everyone keeping this up! It helps to sit down and look at my day and type it out.

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Well I made it through the day with no snacking.  It was definitely tough, especially because I'm pretty active and my mind justifies the need for snacks so eloquently lol.  Like right now, I'm fresh from my martial arts class and my brain is telling me I should certainly be able to afford a few slices of toast... um, no.  Anyways, I had a cup of herbal tea with a little honey mid-morning, and a cup of half-caf coffee while making (early) supper, which helped. 

Same goal tomorrow.  Will probably be tougher, because tomorrow will be a weird and stressful day with appointments and random junk throwing off the schedule. 

I do feel good about what I ate today.  Breakfast--salad with mixed greens, some leftover roasted veggies from last night, a little cheese, pepitas, olives, and sliced chicken sausage.  Lunch was a big plate of salad with the usual salad veggies, plus some taco meat (everyone else had taco pasta) and cheese.  Supper: glazed baked cod, roasted veggies, slice of homemade bread.  I'm running out of veggies--need to make a Publix run!

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I've decided I'm going to do something similar to Pen and bundle two goals here. I find that I'm not at all consistent in my routine cleaning--again because I'm not accountable to anyone. I keep things picked up, beds made, laundry done, toilets clean, and that's really all my family notices. :)

So, my second goal--in addition to sticking to calorie limits--is to do some routine cleaning every week day (dusting, vacuuming, floors, etc.)

Thanks in advance for your help! 

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MercyA  - evenings are very hard for me too!  I did just have tea monday evening. but I was *starving* when I woke up 😡   I can make it to about 11am with just tea and a 3 squares of 78% chocolate.   I want to graze all day and night.

Today I planned a little better.  I ate a very hearty meal for dinner, but an hour later I was starving.  My body just wants to eat all evening long.  Finally, at 8:30 I had 2oz of cheese.  I was able to stay within my 1600 cal for day.   But eating at night is going to be a hard habit to break. 

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I did pretty well today. When I first try cutting sugar out of my diet (I’ve done this many times, sadly), I tend to eat more fat and not the very best foods. For lunch I had a pizza that I made on a low-carb tortilla, with strawberries on the side. Then for dinner I had pan fried chicken tenders and roasted broccoli, topped with homemade Alfredo sauce. Yup, a pretty heavy day, but it’s like I need these heavy foods as I am transitioning to no sugar (or little sugar). 

I need to do some planning and prepping for the rest of the week. 

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@peacelovehomeschooling, I thought of your words many times today--"very hard but very worth it!" Trying to keep the end goal in mind!

@PrincessMommy, I am the same way--I can (and want to!) graze all the time. I think I need to get some good dark chocolate like you mentioned to satisfy cravings. I'm having some popcorn with a drink as my evening snack and trying to eat just one or two kernels at a time. It's lasted much longer that way!

@Just Kate, your meals sound delicious!

@stephanier.1765, so glad to have you!

@teachermom2834, great job staying in your calorie range!

@IvyInFlorida, your meals sound SO healthy! I really need to make an effort to get in more fruits and veggies.

@itsheresomewhere, the weather here is supposed to be *incredibly* cold tomorrow, so I am staying in, too! Good luck with your basement cleaning!

I did well with calories today and came in at 1406, just a bit over my goal. I honestly don't know how people can do much less than that! 

Thank you all again, so much!

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So, it has been a year since my diagnosis of late onset type 1 diabetes (autoimmune related).  I have steadily gained weight since starting insulin treatments.  The doctor said my body is overcompensating for my pancreas working overtime.  I would really like to get back to wearing my old clothes, lose 25 pounds.  I just got a gym membership but I'm so tired in the evenings.  I know I need to stop by in the afternoon after work or it will never get done.  

We eat low carb, with one cheat day on Friday for pizza (no dough for me, just toppings and salad).  Just really want to lose this weight.  

My goal is to increase water intake, increase cardio and weight training, keeping a food and exercise journal.  

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8 hours ago, MercyA said:

Can I just say, ladies, I would have already fallen off the wagon a day and a half into this if it hadn't been for you. ❤️

I'm doing okay heading into tonight. I have a snack already budgeted. Looking forward to hearing how it's going for everyone else! 

Thatboyofmine, hope you're having an awesome (and guilt-free!) vacation!

Pre-tracking my food is what makes calorie counting work for me! I plan four meals. To me, it's fun to see what I can work into my day.

  • 9 am: about 200-300 calories (oatmeal + fruit or peanut butter, Greek yogurt + fruit, eggs + toast, etc.)
  • 12 pm: about 300-400 calories (often a wrap or "sandwich" on Wasa crackers + veggies & hummus, or leftovers)
  • 3 pm: about 200-300 calories (often including something sweet like dessert yogurt, protein bar, or dessert, but sometimes veggies & dip)
  • 6 pm: about 400-500 calories (dinner with the family including a lot of veggies)

After dinner I just have tea. Red Rose makes dessert teas that are sweet and delicious - I love the Blueberry Muffin! I drink water throughout the day, usually sparkling water with a squirt of Mio. I'd rather have some artificial sweetener than sugar.


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I'm working on 5 lbs- a few that I put on in the fall and then a couple more because I'd let to maintain a bit lower.

I do calorie counting but have not been great with tracking and it shows. Working on getting back on track, you would think with is as few as it is I'd stay better motivated so I could knock it out and be done but that has not proved true. Jan has had some ups and downs it looks like I'll end up about where I started, which is annoying after doing so well in Dec, then again my hormones went a little wonky and my period came on day 17 or 18 throwing my appetite all out of whack.\

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@readinmom and @soror, welcome! 

@ondreeuh, I really like the idea of pre-budgeting calories! It helps to have something to look forward to if I'm a bit hungry, too.

@PrincessMommy, I've also seen 72% Ghirardelli chocolate in my area. I just looked it up and it is 66 calories a square. I may pick some up when it's warm enough to venture out here! It's supposed to be about 20 below today with a windchill of minus 40!! Brrrrr!

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Thank you for starting this thread @MercyA.  I don't know that I'll be good enough to check in daily but I'll try to get here several times a week. 


On 1/27/2019 at 8:30 PM, PrincessMommy said:

what is everyone's favorite way to track food intake?   I'm doing My fitnessPal.  It's not perfect, but I'm fine with it's limitations.  I try to keep mine at 1600 cal per day but I also try not to eat after 7pm. (failing at that these days).   I'm also doing low(ish) carbs - so that makes counting calories a little harder.

I use My Fitness Pal too and I like it. I put in my goals and info and it has me at 1590 calories a day but I try to keep it around 1500. I'm not necessarily doing low carb but I am trying to keep my carb intake at healthy carbs. I also use skinnytaste.com for recipes and ideas on how to adjust my own recipes. She gives both calorie counts and WW points on her recipes and she doesn't ban any particular food. 


On 1/27/2019 at 8:14 PM, The Accidental Coach said:

I hope your idea works. This is what I tried to do with the Well-Trained Bodies threads last year and it ended up being more of an activity list.  While that group is still going (and I'm happy it is), it made me a bit sad that the weight loss people dropped out since weight loss was part of my goal.


I'm one of those who dropped out for the reasons you mention. 

On 1/27/2019 at 9:03 PM, MercyA said:

So glad you are on board, too! I use My Fitness Pal, too, and I've been happy with it. The only way I ever lose weight is with strict calorie counting, so that's going to be my strategy. 

I'd love to lose 30 lbs. but would be satisfied with 20. 



I'm hoping to lose 20 - 25 pounds and also found the best way for me is to not only count calories but to record them. When I tell myself I can do it mentally I usually end up going over.


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7 minutes ago, stephanier.1765 said:

. I like salads, I just don't like making them.

I love salads but also don't like to make them. I started making mason jar salads and that really helps. Since I'm not working I don't put the dressing in like if I was taking them to work. I just make salads for the week and add the dressing when I eat them.

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1 minute ago, Lady Florida. said:

I love salads but also don't like to make them. I started making mason jar salads and that really helps. Since I'm not working I don't put the dressing in like if I was taking them to work. I just make salads for the week and add the dressing when I eat them.


I might have to do just that. It's so much easier to heat something up in the microwave than drag out all the salad ingredients from the fridge, chop them up, and then put them all back. Boy, right there in black and white is how lazy I am. LOL

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@stephanier.1765, good job with the salads! You think you're lazy? I only ever buy bagged salads and steam-in-the-bag veggies. :blush: And don't beat yourself up over the diet soda. I think it helps to have a treat once in a while.

@Lady Florida., welcome! I love the idea of pre-prepping the salads in jars. I'll have to google some ideas. 

I'm doing okay with calories so far, but still haven't done any cleaning yet today...I'll see what I can get done before tonight! 

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It's 6:26pm and I've eaten dinner and still have about 300 calories left (and I got my exercise in this morning) so I have met my goals for the day...theoretically...I still have to get through the tough evening hours. I've been doing better but it is a struggle not to snack at night. And while I have some calories left they wouldn't last long with the kind of snacks I tend to get into at night. That's when an unacceptable portion of chips or pretzels or cheese crackers or whatever can disappear. I just don't have much of that in the house right now so I hopefully I can manage.

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I met my no snacking goal for day #2, yay.  Probably ate more carbs than I should have, but today was insane with appointments, etc.  All in all it went well. 

Breakfast (don't laugh--I had to run out the door early for the pediatrician's!): small portion of leftover taco pasta and an apple, coffee with 2% milk

Lunch: big salad with chicken sausage

Supper: Korean beef on small amount of rice, roasted veggies

Good job y'all!  Let's all keep at it!

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Mistake number 2 for the day. Just ate an apple but I was so darn hungry. Dinner was definitely not holding over and I hate going to bed hungry. So eating the apple breaks 2 of my rules. 

1) only one apple a day because my body doesn't know the difference between fruit and junk. The scale goes up when I eat too much fruit. So I can have one apple a day, not two. ( I do get one banana with breakfast, as well as berries on my salad each day)

2) no eating after dinner. I was starting to panic about being hungry and trying to fall asleep. I hate that feeling and fell into the snack trap as a result.

Thank you for this thread. Coming here to report in makes me think more closely about what I'm doing. I wish I had thought about that before I gave in though. Even though this was a small slip, small slips have a way into becoming big avalanches if not reined in.

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May I join in?  I have quite a bit of weight to lose and this is the year I'm doing it.  It all sorta crept up on me.  It is a combination of baby #4 weight, baby #5 weight, depression that led to me stopping all exercising and eating my sadness away, and just an overall sedentary life for the last 2 years. 

It sucks because I used to LOVE exercise.  I started kung-fu in college and did that 4 days a week plus cardio kickboxing classes just as often. After kid #3, I could no longer do kung-fu because it was too stressful trying to take class with 3 little ones present and no one to watch them.  I tried doing stuff at home when dh was able to watch the kids, he couldn't watch them during kung-fu or cardio because he is the teacher.  I've had a really hard time working out by myself at home.  It is just boring and something else always takes priority.  Adding #4 and #5 didn't help with the lack of exercise outlet.  

But now youngest is 2 and oldest is 10.  So, he is able to watch the 2 year old at the kung-fu school while I'm working out.  I started taking kickboxing again once a week.  I'm hoping to build up to 3 times a week.  But right now I'm holding 100 lbs more than my ideal weight and about 50 lbs more than what I weigh when I'm real fit just still plump. 

So, my plan is kickboxing once a week until I lose 20 pounds, when I'll up it to 2. Dh is trying to gain muscle right now so him and I have worked out together at home a few times.  I'm going to talk to him tonight about making sure we work out together twice a week, Sunday and Monday because those are his days off.  So, that'll be 3 times a week and is probably all my body can handle right now.

Eating wise, I do not count calories.  Anytime I have ever tried I have just gotten obsessive about it. It just isn't healthy for me.  Dh and I decided we were going to give up drinking beer this year.  That has been going well.  Other than that I'm focusing on at least half of my food at meals being vegetables and cooking from scratch more.

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41 minutes ago, stephanier.1765 said:

Mistake number 2 for the day. Just ate an apple but I was so darn hungry. Dinner was definitely not holding over and I hate going to bed hungry. So eating the apple breaks 2 of my rules. 

1) only one apple a day because my body doesn't know the difference between fruit and junk. The scale goes up when I eat too much fruit. So I can have one apple a day, not two. ( I do get one banana with breakfast, as well as berries on my salad each day)

2) no eating after dinner. I was starting to panic about being hungry and trying to fall asleep. I hate that feeling and fell into the snack trap as a result.

Thank you for this thread. Coming here to report in makes me think more closely about what I'm doing. I wish I had thought about that before I gave in though. Even though this was a small slip, small slips have a way into becoming big avalanches if not reined in.


Please don't beat yourself for eating an apple!  You were hungry and honoring your body by feeding it something nutritious.

I have the same issue with eating before bed.  Sometimes I'm hungry and worry about not being able to sleep because of that.  I'll usually have something with protein/fat (cheese or peanut butter) or an apple.  I just finished an apple.  

I just had carpal tunnel surgery yesterday and will have to drastically change my exercise routine (I lift weights, punch my heavy bag, and spin) so I'll have to figure out a new way of eating.  Not that my old way was so great - I gained 20 pounds last year after maintaining a big weight loss for many years.  I had intestinal surgery last summer and had to change my eating and exercise, which totally threw me off my routine and that's what caused the weight gain.  I am going to have to cut way back on calories while I recover from surgeries (I will have my second hand done in two weeks).  Did some light exercise today while keeping my hand elevated - just enough to get moving instead of sitting around all day recovering.

Edited by Kassia
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It’s nightand I’m almost ready for bed. I really really want to eat something, but I’ve done so well today so I think I won’t. 

I had my normal breakfast which is coffee with heavy whipping cream and collagen. I know I should eat breakfast, but I hate eggs and just can’t find anything that is healthy for me that I also enjoy. 

I had an early lunch of leftovers - pan fried chicken tenders with broccoli and topped with homemade Alfredo sauce. Yum! This is a favorite of mine. 

I had a turkey sandwich on sprouted bread as a mid afternoon snack. Kind of a big “snack”, but it was really the perfect thing for me this afternoon. 

For dinner I had a bowl of very light taco soup (it is a THM recipe and is low fat and low carb, probably also low calorie). It has ground beef, onions, spices, blended cauliflower and blended okra! It is different...pretty good. For my dessert I had a mug of hot chocolate made with almond milk and water (a teaspoon of heavy whipping cream), cocoa, and a stevia blend. Yummy and hot the spot. Now if I can keep myself from going to the fridge and eating shredded cheese before bed (not sure why, but I’m craving cheese!). 

Good night everyone!!

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Thanks to all for checking in! You are all doing wonderfully and are such a help to me!!! 

Glad you're having a nice time, Thatboyofmine! And of course yes to a few bites of whoopie pie. :) 

Ivy, your breakfast sounds good to me!

stephanier, don't beat yourself up! I also hate going to bed hungry. Actually a snack before bed is the one thing I'm not personally willing to give up. I know people have good results not eating in the evening, but I'm willing to eat a little less the rest of the day to have some popcorn and a drink at night. 

When I finish my snack, I'll be just 2 cals over my goal. I know that sounds funny, but I've been trying to track just about every grape and breath mint. :)

As for my second goal, I didn't do as well--I cleaned two bathrooms out of four and there's no good reason I couldn't have finished all four. I am a very good procrastinator. I really should finish my cleaning in the morning and get it over with! "Sooner started, sooner finished!" 

Good night! 🌙

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@stephanier.1765 Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good! Maybe you are someone who needs a bedtime snack. If you’re hungry, an apple is a great choice. Think of how you want to live for the rest of your life. If your rules are unsustainable, then might as well adjust them now. Diet soda isn’t a sin. 

And maybe reconsider whether you want to do rules or guidelines. Rules are very black-and-white and mean failure if broken, but guidelines are just suggestions that can be bent if needed without any guilt. Like I didn’t eat at 9, 12, 3, and 6 yesterday - it was more like 10:30, 11:30, 1:30, 4 and 7. No problem; I wasn’t hungry at my normal breakfast time and that pushed everything back. Some mornings I eat at 8 because I feel super hungry. Neither is wrong. 

Another suggestion is to work on one habit at a time. In general, are you a black & white, all or nothing kind of thinker? You can still build new habits even if it takes time to be consistent. Any progress is still progress. 

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I wasn’t very hungry yesterday and ended up eating about 1250 cal. 

(Late) breakfast: Coffee, sautéed zucchini, cherry tomatoes & mushrooms with 2 scrambled eggs and 2 slices Canadian bacon (250)

Lunch: protein ball, apple Skyr yogurt with a little Special K cereal (215)

Snack: celery, peanut butter & raisins, chocolate truffle & tiny cookie (366)

Dinner: Skinnytaste beef chili, roasted pumpkin, and a dab of plain Skyr yogurt as a sour cream sub. (400)


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