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Stocking Stuffers - Food only

Night Elf

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Years ago I gave up trying to find little presents for stockings. I didn't like traditional stuff and wasn't creative so I told the kids stockings were for food. I'd like to get a little funny this year and give some food I wouldn't normally put in a stocking BUT doesn't taste gross. I don't think anyone in my family would like sardines, for example. But I know my dd's boyfriend loves olives. That's easy. Youngest dd likes chicken vienna sausages. I think my ds likes those too and he's such a picky eater I'm not sure what else to put in there. Name some food items that would fit into a stocking besides candy bars which I've got planned already.

Jar of olives
Chicken vienna sausages
candy - maybe Christmas themed like chocolate in the shape of a Santa

Please add to my list. No sodas. We've got plenty of those in the house. 

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Food items in my kids stockings: Trader Joe's coconut strips and TJ's juicy mango strips. We lovvee those!

DD will probably get a specialty/vintage cream soda in the glass bottle (we buy them at Town & Country Hardware - they have a huge selection). 

She's also getting a teensy jar of Nutella that was in the candy aisle at Walmart. 

Edited by alisoncooks
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My youngest is getting a small can of Pringles.  He had some once on a plane a few years ago and is enamoured with them.  Chips you can make duck lips with??  Yes!  So much yes! 😄 He cracks me up.
The rest of us are getting single serve bags of nuts, there will be a summer sausage in mine, and I'm quite certain some homemade caramels and peppermint marshmallows with be tucked in to the top of each stocking along with a packet of hot cocoa.
DH and oldest ds will get Slim Jims, too.  The rest of us don't much like them.

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4 minutes ago, Selkie said:

My family will be getting pickles, salsa, mustard, coffee or tea, artichoke hearts, roasted peppers, jam/jelly/marmalade, hot chocolate, marshmallows. All of these will be fancier varieties than our usual.🙂

Where can I find little things of coffee? I only know grocery store varieties that come in cans and big bags.

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Yesterday I bought several boxes of those brownie/cake in a mug packets to put in my stockings.  Not sure how they will go over but wanted something different.  One of my teens favorites is ice coffee packets.  I forget the brand and forgot to buy them yesterday but will try to hunt them down this week.  One of my kids loves combos so he's getting a whole bag.  Beef jerky is popular here but expensive.  Little Debbie cakes is something I can split up and share.  I have over ten to stuff this year!  I'm gonna go broke!  

Oh, hot cider packets is another favorite.

Edited by JanOH
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37 minutes ago, Night Elf said:

Where can I find little things of coffee? I only know grocery store varieties that come in cans and big bags.

You could also do the Starbucks Via Instant single serve packs (several come in one box) They’re easily found in any grocery store on the coffee aisle. 

World Market is *great* for neat, specialty foods at Christmas. Do you have one near you? They usually have stocking-sized sauces, Tabasco, coffee syrups, chocolates...all kinds of yummy ness!

trader joes is also good for fun food items

how about Hickory Farms summer sausage? Walmart carries this brand only around the holidays I believe. 

Laughing cow spreadable cheese?

Bark Thins are really good if you have any dark chocolate lovers in your house

for the olive lover, you could buy a couple of varieties, such as green olives and kalamata olives 

any special salsa is welcome here (again, Trader Joe’s would come thru for you on this one!), but you could do any different brand from the normal grocery 

ETA: even HomeGoods and TJ Maxx have unique foods this time of year. You could try those if they’re near you. I love browsing their food aisles!

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1 hour ago, Night Elf said:

Where can I find little things of coffee? I only know grocery store varieties that come in cans and big bags.

Do you have a World Market? You could find plenty there. They have a section with minis of all kinds of things.

Oops. Didn't read far enough. Sorry.

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  • Pirouline cookies - Walmart and Dollar Stores have the smaller $1 tins
  • Walker shortbread
  • Individual packets of hot chocolate
  • $1 boxes of non-chocolate candy - Kroger and Walmart usually have a wide variety in the regular candy aisle
  • Individual packets of trail mix/nuts 
  • Little Debbie cakes/rice crispy squares or other prepackaged cakes/cookies
  • Slim Jims/Jerky
  • Nutella to go/Cheese and crackers - Kroger and Walmart usually have these in the snack aisles and near check out
  • Chips, Doritos, or Cheetos 
  • Goldfish crackers
  • Chocolate oranges
  • Apples, pears, or oranges
  • Nuts in the shell (only if you have a nutcracker)
  • Single serving flavor packets for bottled water
  • Tuna salad/chicken salad and crackers
  • Ramen noodles
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Oh I forgot the gold chocolate coins! I put those in everyone's stockings, even mine. It's tradition and I don't even know how it got started.

I bought some individual Land O Lakes hot chocolate packets. One for each stocking. I got summer sausage for youngest dd. My ds is the one who has me stumped. He's a very picky eater. DH says just get him Pringles and be done with it.

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I’ve done mini boxes of cereal, granola bars, Little Debbie Christmas tree cakes, cocoa mix, coffee, juice boxes, jerky, fruit, etc.  I found Christmas gummies this year.  Basically I wander up and down the Christmas candy/food aisle and look for anything that comes in a 5 pack (or 6 pack and eat the extra).  😂

Not a food item, but I often give them a new toothbrush and flossers.  

Edited by Holly
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17 hours ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

If you have a World Market near you then you are all set.  In the back where they have food, they have tons of things you can't find just anywhere.  Mine has a section that has food you can't find anymore (like old fashioned candy and things).  They also have small packages of stuff that is perfect for stockings.


We buy stocking stuffers at World Market every year.  Sometimes they have a 50% off day close to Christmas.

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What about exotic jerky sticks?   My DS always gets a kick out of whatever kind of jerky I can find - things like aligator, wild boar, buffalo, etc.   I think one year I actually found a roadkill jerky, and he actually ate it.

This might be a little too big to fit in a stocking, but there are "cake in a cup" boxed mixes that contain single servings of cake that can be mixed and microwaved.

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On 12/16/2018 at 4:35 PM, peacelovehomeschooling said:

If you have a World Market near you then you are all set.  In the back where they have food, they have tons of things you can't find just anywhere.  Mine has a section that has food you can't find anymore (like old fashioned candy and things).  They also have small packages of stuff that is perfect for stockings.

I miss world market. Nobody here knows what it is so there’s no one to commiserate! 

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Walmart gift packs of cocoa or coffee can be broken up into individual stockings. Look in the seasonal candy/treats aisle.

A couple of years, when I pretty much had to fill stockings mostly with SNAP funds, we did a can of each kid's favorite kind of soup in each stocking, and their favorite no-refrigerator-necessary round fruit (orange, pomegranite, etc.).


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Cheese straws, Pringles, Good quality chocolate (Godiva, Lindor, etc), and Jerky all end up in some of the stockings here. Sometimes I'll find interesting things at World Market. Our stockings are almost exclusively food & gift cards, which is so much easier than trying to find a ton of little stuff.

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