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Class of 2019 acceptances & decisions thread (updated 8/23/19)


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The official acceptance/decisions thread--

I will "like" your post when I update this list, so when you get your "like," check this first post to make sure I didn't mess something up.
Instead of having a separate list view, I'll try to keep this first post updated. with:  Name of college/university (please don't abbreviate because I don't necessarily know OSU is Oklahoma vs Ohio for example), DD vs. DS, and any scholarships/honors/special notes.
Bolded: where kids have decided to attend.

Amherst College - DD of LeeK
Appalachian State University - DS of LNC (Scholarship)
Ashland University - DD of littlebug42 (Scholarship)
Auburn University - DD of ldkgates
Baylor University - DS of SA Homeschooler (Provost's Gold Scholarship)
Bellarmine University - DS of Kate in Arabia (Merit Scholarship)
Beloit College - DS of Miss Mousie (Presidential Scholarship)

Benedictine College - DS of pathgirl (Merit Scholarship)
Berry College - DD of mjbucks1 (Dean's Scholarship, Alumni Scholarship), DD of ldkgates (Dean's Scholarship)
Boise State University - DD of AK_Mom4 (GEM Scholarship, Music Scholarship)
Boston College - DD of cuckoomamma
Boston University - DD of cuckoomamma
Brown University - DS of saw
Calvin College - DD of mjbucks1  (Trustee's Scholarship,  Collegiate Scholars Program)
Cedarville University - DD of mjbucks1 (President's Excellence Scholarship)
Clark University - DD of kirag714 (Traina Scholarship)
Clemson University - DS of linders (Scholarship), DD of ldkgates
Coe College - DD of RootAnn (Trustee Scholarship)
College of William & Mary - DD of Shelly in VA 
Colorado School of Mines - DS of SA Homeschooler (Merit Scholarship); DS of dhudson (Scholarship, Boettcher Scholarship Semi-Finalist)
Connecticut College - DD of cuckoomamma

Cornell University - DD of FunnyFarmMom
Dickinson College - DD of taniapineo
Drake University - DD of Arch at Home (Presidential Scholarship)
Eastern Oregon University - DD of AK_Mom4 
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University - DS of dhudson (President's Scholarship), DD of dhudson (President's Scholarship, Women in STEM Scholarship), ds of birchbark (Chancellor Scholarship) 
Emory College - DS of Malory (scholarship)
Erasmus University College (the Netherlands) - DD of CAJinBE
Fordham University (Rose Hill) - DD of kirag714 (Dean's Scholarship)
Franklin & Marshall College - DD of kirag714
Furman University - DS of linders (Scholarship)
George Mason University - DS of Saille, DD of Shelly in VA (Honors College, University Scholars Program)
Georgia Tech - DD of daijobu
Grinnell College - DD of Arch at Home, DS of Malory (Founder's Scholarship), DD of alewife (merit scholarship)
Hamilton College - DS of kokotg, DD of alewife
Haute Ecole de Musique de Geneve - DD of Harpymom (Master of Music, Fulbright Scholarship, Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship)
Hendrix College - DS of kokotg (Scholarship)
Hillsdale College - DS of pathgirl (Merit Scholarship)
Indiana University (Bloomington) - DS of Saille, DD of ValRN (Scholarship, Honors College)
Kent State University - DD of littlebug42
Knox College - DS of kokotg (Scholarship), DS of Miss Mousie (Scholarship)
Lawrence University - DD of kirag714 (Light! More Light! Scholarship, Lawrentian Award, max merit award)
Liberty University - DD of mjbucks1  (Academic Scholarship)
Longwood University - DD of Shelly in VA (Honors College, Merit Scholarship)
Macalester College - DS of kokotg (DeWitt Wallace Merit Scholarship) 
Messiah College - DD of mjbucks1 (Provost's Scholarship)
Missouri Science & Technology - ds of frogger (Miners Scholarship)
Montclair State University - DD of Pronghorn
Mount Holyoke College - DD of Arch at Home
Mount Saint Vincent University - DD of Colleen in NS (BA program)
New York University - DD of kirag714
North Carolina State University - DS of Brad S
Northern Illinois University - DS of Miss Mousie (Scholarship)
Nova Scotia Community College - DD of Colleen in NS (Child/Youth program)
Oberlin College - DS of kokotg (John F. Oberlin Scholarship)
Occidental College - DD of Arch at Home
Ohio State University - DD of mjbucks1 (Provost's Scholarship)
Ohio University (Athens) - DS of Saille (Merit Scholarship, Alumni Scholarship)
Old Dominion University - DS of LisaK in VA is in IT (scholarship)
Oregon State University - DD of AK_Mom4
Otterbein University - DS of Mom2boys (President's Scholar Award and talent award)
Oxford College (of Emory University) - DS of Malory (merit), DS of kokotg
Penn State University - DS of Calming Tea, DS of Mom2boys (Provost Award), DD of ldkgates
Purdue University - DS of Saille
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - DD of alewife (merit scholarship)
Rochester Institute of Technology - DD of alewife (merit scholarship)
Rowan University - DD of Pronghorn (Scholarship)
Rutgers University (New Brunswick) - DD of Pronghorn, DD of daijobu
Saint Mary's University - DD of Colleen in NS (BA program)
Samford University - DS of LNC (Scholarship), DD of mjbucks1 (Scholarship, Global Missions Scholarship)
Smith College - DD of Arch at Home
South Dakota State University - DS of Miss Mousie (Scholarship)
Southern Methodist University - DS of JazzyMom (Distinguished Scholar Award)
St. Olaf - DS of kokotg (Presidential Scholarship), DS of FuzzyCatz (Presidential Scholarship), DD of Arch at Home (Presidential Scholarship)
Stanford - DD of daijobu
State University of New York (SUNY Albany) - DS of Saille
Stevens Tech - DS of Calming Tea
Stony Brook University - DD of Nancy in NH (Provostial Scholarship)
Swarthmore College - DD of ValRN (Swarthmore College Scholarship)
Temple University - DD of Pronghorn (scholarship)
Texas A&M - DS of JazzyMom, DD of Bristayl (President's Endowed Scholarship, Brown Scholarship, National Merit Scholarship), Oldest DS of TheReader  (Transfer, Spring Semester, Electrical Eng.), DD of Lanny
Texas A&M (Corpus Christi) - DD of perkybunch (Presidential Scholarship)
Texas State - DS of Tammy (TX) (President's Honor Scholarship)
Texas Tech - DD of Bristayl (Presidential Scholarship), DS of JazzyMom (Presidential Scholarship), DD of Lanny
Trinity University (San Antonio) - DS of SA Homeschooler (Merit Scholarship)
Truman State University - DD of RootAnn (TruMerit Scholarship, President's Leadership), DD of Arch at Home
Union University - DD of mjbucks1 (Union Trustee's Scholarship)
United States Air Force Academy - DS of PinkTulip
University College Roosevelt (the Netherlands) - DD of CAJinBE
University of Alabama (Huntsville) - DD of RootAnn (Platinum Award of Academic Achievement, Honors College), DS of Julie of KY (Charger Distinction Scholarship), DS of frogger (Charger Distinction Scholarship), DS of wilrunner
University of Alaska (Fairbanks) - DS of frogger (Chancellor's Scholarship)
University of Arizona - DS#1 of Lori D. (Transfer, Spring Semester, Mechanical Eng.), DD of CAJinBE
University of Arkansas - DS of JazzyMom
University of California (Berkeley) - DD of daijobu, DS of Malory
University of California (Davis) - DS of Calming Tea
University of California (Los Angeles) - DD of daijobu
University of California (Santa Barbara) - DS of Malory
University of California (San Diego) - DD of daijobu
University of Central Florida - DD of RootAnn (Honors College)
University of Cincinnati - DS of Saille
University of Colorado (Boulder) - DS of dhudson (Scholarships), DD of dhudson (Merit Scholarships)
University of Colorado (Denver) - DD of dhudson (Boettcher Scholarship Semi-Finalist)
University of Connecticut - DD of Nancy in NH (Honors Program invitation, Academic Excellence Scholarship)
University of Evansville - DD of Shelly in VA (Honors College, Merit Scholarship)

University of Georgia - DS of kokotg (Zell Miller Scholarship)
University of Hartford - DD of Pronghorn (Performing Arts Scholarship)
University of Houston - DS of JazzyMom, Middle DS of TheReader (Academic Excellence Scholarship)
University of Idaho - DD of AK_Mom4
University of Kentucky - DS of Julie of KY (Presidential Scholarship, SEAM Honors Program, Engineering Scholarship), DD of ldkgates
University of Maryland (Baltimore County) - DD of ValRN (Scholarship)
University of Maryland (College Park) - DD of ValRN
University of Massachusetts (Amherst) - DD of Nancy in NH (Chancellor's Award), DD of Matryoshka
University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) - DD of ValRN (honors program), DD of daijobu
University of Minnesota - DS of FuzzyCatz (College of Liberal Arts, honors, merit scholarship)
University of Missouri (Kansas City) - DD of Arch at Home
University of New Brunswick - DD of Colleen in NS
University of New Hampshire - DD of Nancy in NH (Honors Program Invitation, Presidential Scholarship, Austin & Winona Hubbard Scholarship, NH Governor's Scholarship)
University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) - DD of Lanny (Scholarship), DS of LNC, DS of Brad S, DD of ValRN
University of North Dakota - DS of birchbark
University of Northern Florida - DD of ldkgates (Dean Scholarship)
University of Oklahoma - DS of JazzyMom
University of Pittsburgh - DD of kirag714 (Pitt Scholarship) 
University of Rochester - DS of FuzzyCatz
University of South Carolina - DS of linders (state & school academic scholarships, Honors College)
University of Southern California - DD of daijobu
University of Southern Maine - DD of Pronghorn (President's Scholar Award, music scholarship)
University of Texas (Arlington) - DD of Bristayl (President's Scholarship)
University of Texas (Austin) - DS of JazzyMom
University of Texas (Dallas) - DD of Bristayl (Academic Excellence Scholarship), DS of JazzyMom (Academic Excellence Scholarship, JSOM Freshman Excellence Scholarship), DS of Tammy(TX) (Academic Excellence Scholarship - Distinction)
University of Texas (Tyler) - DD of Bambam (Patriot Scholarship, Honors College)
University of Virginia - DD of Shelly in VA
University of Wisconsin (Madison) - DS of FuzzyCatz
Utah State University - DS of Kristiana (Presidential Scholarship)
Vassar College - DS of kokotg, DD of cockoomamma
Virginia Commonwealth University - DS of Kim C (Scholarship)
Washington University in St Louis - DD of daijobu
Wake Forest - DS of linders
Wheaton College( (Illinois) - DD of mjbucks1 (Presidential Scholarship)
Wheaton College (Massachusetts) - dd of Nancy in NH (Balfour Scholarship)
Williams College - DD of alewife, DS of Catherine
West Virginia University - DS of Kim C (Honors College)
Western Michigan University - DS of Mom2boys (Merit Award)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute - DS of SA Homeschooler (Merit Scholarship), DD of alewife (Merit Scholarship)

Bold type denotes decision made to attend here.

Edited by RootAnn
updated 8/23/19
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Congrats & thanks to all who are posting acceptances as they come in! I'm updating the first post with the list & indicating the date I did the update (& liking your post when I'm done) so people can see the latest.

DD just informed me that she had an email from her last rolling admission school - and she's in there, too. We have two schools to visit (one this fall, one in Feb/Mar, maybe) & then we'll wait for $$ offers and for her to make her decision in the spring.

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34 minutes ago, RootAnn said:

Congrats & thanks to all who are posting acceptances as they come in! I'm updating the first post with the list & indicating the date I did the update (& liking your post when I'm done) so people can see the latest.

DD just informed me that she had an email from her last rolling admission school - and she's in there, too. We have two schools to visit (one this fall, one in Feb/Mar, maybe) & then we'll wait for $$ offers and for her to make her decision in the spring.

I hated the wait for the $$!

Congratulations to everyone!  So glad I can just enjoy this round.  I am still twitchy from last year. LOL  but it all worked out wonderfully for ds.  He loves his school so much and is doing great!  Miraculously, the money worked out, too.

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DD17 has been accepted to all four of her colleges:

Boise State, Oregon State, University of Idaho and Eastern Oregon University.

She plans to go to Boise State (following her big sister) due to the excellent scholarships offered (GEM) which pretty much cover all her costs when combined with the music scholarships she already has.

Edited by AK_Mom4
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DD just received her first acceptance yesterday, unexpectedly!  I called this school last week to ask the assistant registrar some questions (I had talked with him three years ago when ds was going through the application season, and he wasn't very encouraging about admitting homeschoolers [but then admitted ds with scholarships]).  I was a bit nervous about talking with him again, but the woman who answered the phone said he was on his way out.  She told him why I was calling and next thing I knew, she was saying, "He wants to meet with you and your daughter an hour before our Open House next week - can you come?"  Um, yes, please!  Students can put their applications in at the Open house and get fee waivers.  I figured this was progress, that he asked to meet us.  We brought her application for a BA program and supporting documents and my questions, and sat down with him in his office and had a very pleasant conversation.  He asked dd all about herself and her goals and interests, and commented that basically she seems quite confident and mature.  The long and the short of it is that despite some worries we had about one SAT score (she took the regular one and some subject test ones - the only way I had to validate grades), and him being concerned about it, too (but also talking about the nature of those tests and me agreeing - it is not common for Canadian students to take them); he suddenly reached across the table to shake dd's hand and said, "I'm going to admit you to the BA program - congratulations!"  We were both in shock!  And then he looked directly at me and said, "You've done an excellent job."  I couldn't believe it.  Then he started filling out some form to admit her, and said that he'd send out her acceptance letter next week.  We thanked him for everything and left his office to join the gathering Open House crowd (which felt weird because all these other students and parents were on pins and needles waiting for it to start and would be waiting a few hours to find out decisions that would be handed out at the end of the day, and I was trying not to yell and scream, "My baby got her first acceptance!!").  About an hour later while we were wandering around some services displays, I spotted him roaming through the room.  He saw me and said, "Where is your daughter?"  I called to her, and he went over and handed her her acceptance letter and package - he didn't even wait, and he sought her out.

I'm so happy for my girl - she hasn't had the easiest time over the past few years (which is why I haven't participated in these forums nearly as much as I used to).  But her face yesterday when he told her was priceless.  All through her schooling, she has insisted she was not going to attend university, which was fine with us.  I did want her to get some kind of post-secondary education, so we checked into all sorts of other options that she was interested in.  In fact, she is waiting for another decision from our community college (not the same as the ones in the States).  But her other applications will go to three more universities. In the past year, she has received positive input from some healthy people in her life about some things they can see her doing in university, and she seems to have embraced it.  I think it blew her away to actually have that validation yesterday; that a university thinks she can step up to the challenge.

I had to come back here and tell you guys.  I "only" have two kids, and these forums have been INVALUABLE to me over many years.  This high-school-diploma-only Mom started off thinking homeschooling sounded like a fun idea, and then quickly realized I had no idea what to do after I taught them to read.  Enter TWTM book and then discovering these forums.  And now we are almost done - it is so hard to believe.  I am so proud of my kids.

Info. for the list:  Saint Mary's University, DD18, Bachelor of Arts program

And congratulations to all the others who have posted on this thread so far - what an intense journey this is!

Edited by Colleen in NS
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25 minutes ago, 8FillTheHeart said:

@Colleen in NS I am so glad you posted your dd's journey. I often think of you and your family (and about Jane and wonder about her and P.)  Congratulations to your Dd!

@8FillTheHeart Thank you!  I think of you, too.  I still read here occasionally, see your posts, and wonder how you and your family are.  Five grandchildren - wow!!  Congratulations to you, too!  I've been in touch here and there with Jane over the past few years.  You, Jane, Nan in Mass, and Kathy in Richmond are my biggest mentors here.  I appreciate you all so much!

9 minutes ago, SeaConquest said:

Such a great story, Colleen. Thank you for sharing it. And congratulations to everyone else on those first admissions. My kids are still little, but I read this thread each year for inspiration and in admiration. ?

Thank you, and you're welcome!  I used to do that, too.  I was in awe of and terrified of the high school board; now here on the college board, I'm just tired, lol.  (not from the board; just from life)  Seriously, though, I read the high school boards all the time when my kids were little and growing older - I learned so much and gradually dared to approach the moms I admired to ask for advice.  I love this place.  Enjoy your reading thoroughly.

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2 hours ago, Colleen in NS said:

DD just received her first acceptance yesterday, unexpectedly!

Congratulations to your daughter, Colleen.

2 hours ago, Colleen in NS said:

And then he looked directly at me and said, "You've done an excellent job." 

And kudos to you!  How wonderful to get that recognition.


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21 hours ago, Kareni said:

Congratulations to your daughter, Colleen.

And kudos to you!  How wonderful to get that recognition.


Thank you!

21 hours ago, Kathy in Richmond said:

Oh, Colleen, I am so thrilled to hear your news! Happy and excited for both you and your daughter!! (where's the balloon emoji when you need it??) You guys are often in my thoughts ?

Thank you, Kathy!  For everything.  I'm going to message you sometime and catch you up.

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My daughter just got her first college acceptance: the University of Pittsburgh! No word yet on the honors college or any merit awards, but I don't expect to hear about those until at least mid-November. This school is not high on her list for a place she wants to attend, but it's in-state for us and it's great to know that she has one really good option. She has three schools she is applying to early action, and one more early decision, so hopefully she has several more options by December.

When we made the decision to homeschool at the beginning of her junior year, she was sure that she was not going to be accepted to any colleges and that her life was over (she was dealing with anxiety + depression which is why we made the change). Homeschooling was not in her careful 10-year plan! However she needed to step away from that plan in order to give herself space to heal, and to rediscover her inner motivation and love of learning. I truly wish we had jumped into it sooner.

The support and information from this board has been vital! I can't thank all of you enough.

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Congrats to all on the recent awesome news! I'm updating that first post as the news comes in, marking the date, and liking your posts as I get them done. Let me know if I put something wrong so I can fix it.

For those with long waits, I hope the time goes swiftly. Enjoy your last year of high school!

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We found out yesterday that my oldest DS has been accepted to Indiana University in Bloomington! We have to wait for his official letter to see if he's a direct admit to the program he wants, which is their School of Public and Environmental Affairs. I think that's his only rolling admission school, so now we wait, but he loves IU for a lot of reasons, so we're very excited! I have to give love to WTM, b/c while I haven't been on the boards much over the last few years, WTM has continued to be the foundation on which our homeschool rests.

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University of Arizona, Mechanical Engineering program -- DS#1 of Lori D.

Woo-hoo! DS#1 *just* now showed me the official acceptance email that he received today --  just in time, as today is the first day for registration of classes for the spring semester!  What a relief! So this is our official acceptance AND decision announcement. LOL!

Backstory: For those who may not know, in 2016 DS earned a BA in a general humanities area, and a year later decided to return to college for a BS in Mechanical Engineering. For 4 semesters now, he has been working 25-30 hours/week while taking the Math & Engineering core concentration courses at the community college and will transfer this spring at the university as a second semester sophomore. He currently is carrying a 4.0 GPA, but is ineligible for scholarships as they all have a requirement that the student is "working toward their first degree". His previously-earned BA also knocks him out of Pell Grant eligibility. ?  We're keeping fingers crossed that he will be eligible next year for one of the smaller departmental scholarships given to juniors and seniors in the Engineering program.

Edited by Lori D.
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Just found out DS got into the University of Georgia. First one he's heard back from, so very exciting! He was auto admitted to the honors program, and he'll get a Zell Miller scholarship to cover full tuition (but pretty much everyone who gets into UGA from Georgia gets one of those)

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39 minutes ago, Calming Tea said:

I am so jealous of those of you with rolling admissions acceptances ? waaa I want to whine.   It is extremely hard waiting till April!!!  

I think the (most recently) UGA announcement was from an EA application. But, kokotg would have to confirm that. For sure the RD stuff will be hard to wait for.

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4 minutes ago, RootAnn said:

I think the (most recently) UGA announcement was from an EA application. But, kokotg would have to confirm that. For sure the RD stuff will be hard to wait for.

Yep--they notified all the early action apps (admit, deny, or defer to regular decision) on Friday. DS doesn't have any rolling decision schools, but he did 3 early action, which should make the wait until March for the others a little less stressful!

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@Calming Tea I agree with your son that ED isn't what I would want to do if I didn't have a clear favorite that I could afford, but EA isn't binding and you can apply to a bunch of EA schools at the same time.

Now, in DD's case, she didn't have any schools on her final list that offered EA (which is probably the case with your son's list as well). She had only rolling and one (mom-addition) that offered ED/RD.

So, while she knows she's in at her top three picks, she's waiting for final merit numbers which she won't know until Feb/Mar (or later).

I'm trying to focus on those opportunities to enjoy DD being with us because the days are flying by and nothing will be the same family-wise for us after she leaves for college.

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3 hours ago, Calming Tea said:

I know, true. i tried to convince my son to do ED but he wouldn't have it. Wants to keep options open ?


2 hours ago, RootAnn said:

@Calming Tea I agree with your son that ED isn't what I would want to do if I didn't have a clear favorite that I could afford, but EA isn't binding and you can apply to a bunch of EA schools at the same time.

While I would never push a student toward ED (it is absolutely not an approach we would ever take bc of finances), I would highly recommend every student apply to at least one rolling admissions school.  It can reduce the stress of the process if they have an acceptance to a school early in the yr that they would be happy to attend.  Having no idea about any acceptances at all until late spring could unfortunately lead to heartache if the student aimed too high.

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8 hours ago, 8FillTheHeart said:


While I would never push a student toward ED (it is absolutely not an approach we would ever take bc of finances), I would highly recommend every student apply to at least one rolling admissions school.  It can reduce the stress of the process if they have an acceptance to a school early in the yr that they would be happy to attend.  Having no idea about any acceptances at all until late spring could unfortunately lead to heartache if the student aimed too high.

name one rolling admission school for computer science, that is either near philly in CA and is on the common app, and we will think about adding it! 

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11 hours ago, RootAnn said:

@Calming Tea I agree with your son that ED isn't what I would want to do if I didn't have a clear favorite that I could afford, but EA isn't binding and you can apply to a bunch of EA schools at the same time.

Now, in DD's case, she didn't have any schools on her final list that offered EA (which is probably the case with your son's list as well). She had only rolling and one (mom-addition) that offered ED/RD.

So, while she knows she's in at her top three picks, she's waiting for final merit numbers which she won't know until Feb/Mar (or later).

I'm trying to focus on those opportunities to enjoy DD being with us because the days are flying by and nothing will be the same family-wise for us after she leaves for college.

yep, i'm depressed just thinking about it

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19 minutes ago, Calming Tea said:

name one rolling admission school for computer science, that is either near philly in CA and is on the common app, and we will think about adding it! 

Your stress and your decision. No o e needs to convince you of anything. Acceptances do lower the stress, though.

Curious as to why is the common app is your filter, though. Plenty of great schools don't use the CA and their apps tend to be easier and more user friendly than the CA. Some only take minutes to complete.


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DONE we found one, Penn State!  The app is done and submitted ! đŸ™‚Â 

Why only common app? Because we've submitted the UC app, the Common App, over 6 different full essays, and over 15 short answer essays, and the UC TAG app...the fafsa, the CSS profile, had to call the FAFSA to add more than 10 schools and countless hours emailing colleges and talking about whether they can handle my son's multiple food allergies (one of which is life threatening) as well as calling the UC's to figure out whether he should apply as a transfer or freshman, and which ones would allow him to live in freshman housing.  

Then we started the Coalition App and just got completely emotionally exhausted with the whole process.  We were.just.done.  ya know?  when you're like that's it I can't forge on anymore. đŸ™‚

But thankfully, we did just find one and it's not a bad one either.  close to all our family back east and has all the special programs for food allergy including a special food allergy station. 

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On 11/16/2018 at 1:39 PM, kokotg said:

Just found out DS got into the University of Georgia. First one he's heard back from, so very exciting! He was auto admitted to the honors program, and he'll get a Zell Miller scholarship to cover full tuition (but pretty much everyone who gets into UGA from Georgia gets one of those)

My husband is a UGA alum! That's awesome, and the price is certainly right!

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7 hours ago, GoodGrief1 said:

My husband is a UGA alum! That's awesome, and the price is certainly right!

Thanks! He thinks he wants somewhere smaller and out of state, so we'll see....but we're very glad to know he has at least one good option out there! (I'm an alum, too đŸ™‚Â )

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On 10/29/2018 at 12:26 PM, kirag714 said:

My daughter just got her first college acceptance: the University of Pittsburgh! No word yet on the honors college or any merit awards, but I don't expect to hear about those until at least mid-November. This school is not high on her list for a place she wants to attend, but it's in-state for us and it's great to know that she has one really good option. She has three schools she is applying to early action, and one more early decision, so hopefully she has several more options by December.

When we made the decision to homeschool at the beginning of her junior year, she was sure that she was not going to be accepted to any colleges and that her life was over (she was dealing with anxiety + depression which is why we made the change). Homeschooling was not in her careful 10-year plan! However she needed to step away from that plan in order to give herself space to heal, and to rediscover her inner motivation and love of learning. I truly wish we had jumped into it sooner.

The support and information from this board has been vital! I can't thank all of you enough.

Thank you for including these details.  I know they will be encouraging to others who want to change situations but are afraid that they will ruin their kid's life.

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Haven't popped over here much before, but thought I'd join in....

Oldest DS just got his acceptance notice for Texas A&M, Engineering Dept, as a transfer student for Spring 2019!

Middle DS has been admitted to his first choice school, University of Houston, Computer Science dept, for Fall 2019! 

Gonna be tough to send off both of them over the next several months but I am so very proud they both got in at their first choice schools (and neither is too terribly far from home). Still waiting on financial aid, housing for the oldest (ack!! fingers crossed......), etc, but just so proud they both achieved their goals. Hooray!!! 

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