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Kitchen Related Opinions Needed!


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In the past, we’ve had a smooth kitchen backsplash and a Subway tile backsplash. Both were super-easy to wipe down as needed. 

I’m looking at this rock backsplash now and I’m wondering if anyone’s had anything similar and how much of a PITA is it? I’m trying to attach a photo here. It’s 3-dimensional and uneven - not sure how easy that is to tell from the photo.

It’s dark and lovely and I think it would be perfect in my mind’s eye... but then a kid let some spaghetti sauce sputter on the stovetop today and as he wiped away the tiny sauce splatters... it made me envision the potential issues if the stone backsplash were aready there... hmmm.  

Maybe we’ll just never eat spaghetti again. ?


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Wow, I'm trying to imagine what a kitchen would look like with that brick!  I think it's beautiful!

I don't have experience with that, but we do have white walls in our kitchen.  However, I rarely remember having to wipe them down, except for dust that accumulates and I suppose a few very, very rare splatters.  I mean, anything splashing from the sink would just be water.  And our stove has a its own backsplash -- or whatever it's called on a stove!  So if tomato sauce splatters, it just hits that -- I don't think it ever reaches the wall.  

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We have tile and grout on our backsplash. It is beautiful. It is awful to clean if something splashes up there and it isn't wiped right away. Currently there is a small blue spot on the tile (rough tile, not a smooth surface at all) that bothers me. It was here when we bought the house, so I have no idea what it was from. I'm curious though!

So, unless I had a super neat and quick-to-clean-up-after-every-spill-and-incident family, I wouldn't do it. (That is not my family).

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We have something similar but much less 3-dimensional. It wipes down ok, but the real issue is the greasy film that you get after years of use combined with dust. Ack. If you have ever tried to clean the tips of kitchen cabinets that don't extend all the way to the ceiling, then you know what I mean.

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We have a light brick backsplash in our kitchen. Similar to what Kathy just posted but lighter colored, and flatter than what you posted. Granted we've only lived here for a little over two years, but I haven't found it to be a problem to clean at all. I have no idea if it ever had a sealant on it or not, since it was here when we bought the house. But I also feel the need to add that I've never had any major problem with the area behind the stove getting particularly dirty. Our stoves have always had the control panel at the back, so pots aren't all that close to the wall. Plus I use the front burners for most things.

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We use a combo of white subway tile with a decorative inset about 4" thick of 3D carrera marble. Because the majority of the backsplash was smooth subway tile, it was fairly easy to clean.  The 3D stuff is nightmare---you have to use a toothbrush to clean it. It will pick up some dust with time, and it also takes some care and scrubbing for any splatters.  My kitchen was GORGEOUS, but I don't know that I'll ever remodel another space with dimensional tile like that.

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I have natural rock in my m/bath.  I love the way it looks but cleaning it is a nightmare, and I feel like it's never really clean.  Very similar to what you are showing.  The good thing is it never "looks" dirty.  But I can't help feeling like it is, because it's impossible to clean well.

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