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Saving places at the gym - WWYD?


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I have a feeling the response to my question is to do nothing and let it go but I'm going to ask anyway.

4 - 5 times a week I go to the gym for a water fitness class. According to the instructors, and I've found this to be true, the best place in the pool for people to be is where the water hits the armpits. For me that's right between the deep and shallow ends (both ends of the pool are shallow). The end where the steps are is preferred by the oldest people because it makes it easy for them to get in and out so I exercise on the other side in the first lane where I can hear.

Recently a woman and her friends have decided to move to the first lane from the back lane, so she arrives early, grabs the equipment for her and her friends (4) and sets them along the edge of the pool blocking anyone else from setting up there. That blocks almost the entire first lane except for the very shallowest of ends. And she really has to get there early to keep me from my spot because I like to go 30 minutes early to walk up and down the lanes to stretch and warm up my legs and she will already be there. To make matters worse, often her friends don't arrive at all. So that entire center of the first lane will end up empty but no one knows it until its too late to shift over.

I've talked to her about why I like that particular spot especially the hearing part but she is still saving spaces. I know that spot doesn't belong to me but I hate being shifted to another less desirable part of the pool ( just less desirable to me, others like it in the back) when it often is going unused. If her friends were there, I wouldn't care. It's the saving and the friends not arriving that bothers me.

If you've made it this far, would you just let it go? I haven't talked to any other people who are being moved from their usual spot to see how they feel. I imagine no one is saying anything for fear of looking petty and childish. LOL I guess there really isn't much else to do since I've talked to her and nothing changed. I can't imagine the gym telling her she can't save places for her friends.

Edited by stephanier.1765
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Things I have learned from my 82 yo dmil: if you want that spot and you are there quite early, just take it.

If she says something, just say: Oh I'll move over when your friends come.

What is she going to do? Is this third grade?

I have to admit: I have gotten quite cranky about place saving. At swim meets, they make announcements to not spread out blankets or towels on the bleacher. I just assume that the people who do that don't want to be rude and selfish, they just don't know the rule (despite the signs and announcements). So I tell them and ask them to move the blanket.  Usually, they do, even if they mutter under their breath and roll their eyes at me. I no longer care what random swim parents think of me-I've been going to swim meets for 13 years.

So don't let her monopolize the lane. Her friends can come early with her. If they don't, too bad.



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The two swim centers where my kids used to go to would say something to the person. They won’t mind if the person reserve for a friend and that friend shows up on time most of the time except once or twice due to being sick. Reserving for four friends would be too much even if all four friends do show up.

Edited by Arcadia
Typing error
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2 minutes ago, hippiemamato3 said:

If it was really annoying me, I'd go to one of the spaces she's already set up, take it and say "thanks for getting some extra spots ready!" 


? I've actually have thought of doing that but she grabs different equipment size than what I use. There are two different sized weights and with my bad shoulders I prefer the lighter while they prefer the heavier.

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7 minutes ago, MysteryJen said:

Things I have learned from my 82 yo dmil: if you want that spot and you are there quite early, just take it.

If she says something, just say: Oh I'll move over when your friends come.

What is she going to do? Is this third grade?

I have to admit: I have gotten quite cranky about place saving. At swim meets, they make announcements to not spread out blankets or towels on the bleacher. I just assume that the people who do that don't want to be rude and selfish, they just don't know the rule (despite the signs and announcements). So I tell them and ask them to move the blanket.  Usually, they do, even if they mutter under their breath and roll their eyes at me. I no longer care what random swim parents think of me-I've been going to swim meets for 13 years.

So don't let her monopolize the lane. Her friends can come early with her. If they don't, too bad.



I like the wording here, perfect. It is utterly ridiculous for her to save 4 spots. I'd take a spot a couple spots down from her and move the other pieces down and let her friends get the spots in the shallow end. I'd be annoyed too. It drives me crazy when someone is blocking machines at the gym doing some huge a*s circuit or just leaving weights piled on there.

Edited by soror
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4 minutes ago, HeighHo said:

I'd speak to the instructor and ask that she use a sound system so everyone can hear.  Then you will all have more options of spots that work for your various heights. 

It's not just the hearing though, it is also the amount of water resistance provided at different depths.

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42 minutes ago, HeighHo said:

I'd speak to the instructor and ask that she use a sound system so everyone can hear.  Then you will all have more options of spots that work for your various heights. 


For some reason that I don't understand (maybe access to electricity?), they don't have access to a sound system the way they do in other classes. For music, they all bring their own wireless speakers and use music from their phones. One instructor just uses her voice to set the beat. I like that. I don't know how she keeps it going for an hour but I find her the easiest to follow even though she's the toughest instructor.

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You have a couple options: find a different spot in the pool for that class, find a different class, or you could fight this lady who is bound and determined to have these places for her and her friends. She is obviously very serious about this battle. Do you care that much? I doubt it's going to go any better with an instructor getting involved with a patron like this. 

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Lacking something in the social graces department, it would not bother me at all to move personless equipment out of a spot that works for me and explain as nicely as I can that if her friends want to be in that spot, they'll need to show up early as you and this person does. In other words, I would not accept any assumption that saving spaces is a legitimate practice.

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6 minutes ago, wintermom said:

 She is obviously very serious about this battle.


Nothing the OP has said has indicated the woman is very serious about the battle. She obviously didn't take the OP's concerns into account when deciding to continue to save spots.  That doesn't mean she will continue to battle if the OP simply ignores the spot saving, moves the equipment and puts herself and her equipment in its place

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1 minute ago, hjffkj said:


Nothing the OP has said has indicated the woman is very serious about the battle. She obviously didn't take the OP's concerns into account when deciding to continue to save spots.  That doesn't mean she will continue to battle if the OP simply ignores the spot saving, moves the equipment and puts herself and her equipment in its place

The OP stated that she already talked with this lady and nothing changed. This lady is ready to do battle. 

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I am older now, and I would just walk up to my spot and push the other stuff aside and set my stuff there and get in, putting the onus on her to raise a fuss.

If she did raise a fuss, I would smile and be polite but firm.  I'd either say, "No one is using it, so I am."   Or, "They never seem to show up, do they."  Or, "No one can have 5 spaces--that's not right."  Or, "Sorry you feel that way, but there is no saving spaces."  (Probably the last one, as it's the rule I would want to establish.)

I recently was circling for a parking spot to go to an outdoor event.  A truck pulled out of a spot and left.  I went to pull in and there was a guy standing in the spot.  He said, "He's coming back."  I said, "I only need the spot for an hour, and there is no saving spaces."  He moved, I parked, my husband was terrified that when we got back the car would be keyed but it wasn't.  Later (maybe half an hour later) we saw the truck that had left, still unloading up at the beach.  They had kayaks, coolers, 1-2 barbeques (illegal there), and assorted furniture to move to their picnic spot.  It was really unreasonable to hold that other spot for so long, and so is it unreasonable for this woman to hog the good spots and maybe not even use them.

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I would speak to the instructor and ask if she will make a statement that saving spots isn't allowed. Why should one person be able to come in and set up for four others?  If they want to be together, they all need to arrive early.  

I would not address it with the patron unless I knew that the instructor was going to back me up.  Good luck!

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I think I would just walk to the spot I wanted unless she is physically in it, and move the extra stuff aside.  Give her a big smile and say this is your favorite spot and you came early so you could have it.  Either that or beat her in the pool and set your stuff up before you walk....tell her you are saving a spot for yourself.  Saving for four people is just rude when obviously someone else wants the spot.

eta...I know I sound grouchy but I am just sick and tired of being taken advantage of by people like that!

Edited by mumto2
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I think I would take the spot I wanted and, if she says anything, I would say "I get here early so I can get the spot I want.  If your friends want to have the spot they want, they should get here early too"...or something like that.  I would be totally annoyed if someone was saving spots for that many people, ESPECIALLY if they didn't even bother to show up sometimes.  If they want a special spot, they should arrive early like you do.

Please let us know what happens:).

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I would ask the woman if her friends are in the locker room changing.  If they're not even in the locker room, I would have no problem taking a front row spot.

Or I might tell her that I have trouble hearing and I prefer to be in the front row.  And if I were feeling particularly gutsy (probably not) I would pretend that I couldn't hear any objections that she might have.

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