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It's Friday, what are your plans for the weekend?

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My son has a choir rehearsal in the morning, from 9:30 - 11:30. Then I have to feed him and take him to a dance rehearsal from 1:00 - 5:00 or 6:00. We'll come home for dinner, after which I will collapse.


On Sunday, we'll go to Sunday school (I volunteer in his classroom) and church. After that, we're hoping to go to the library to see a dance performance.


At some point, I'll have to go grocery shopping.


That's pretty much it, I think.

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My FIL gave my DH tickets for the Tony Bennett concert as an early birthday gift. So, we actually get to have a date night tonight. With no kids! Woo hoo what a concept!


Tomorrow we're going to a local jazz and blues festival with friends. Should be fun. Sunday morning is church! Yay!



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I am helping another woman prepare for her first kickboxing fight. Ds gets to spend the night at a neighbor's.




Surprise field trip to a colonial working farm. It will be me and my 3 ill-behaved children with a boy scout troop.




Early morning catechism class and then mass. Dh will probably insist on a couple of "business meetings". :D

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About two days ago, it was looking calm - now -


Tonight - do some cleaning, enjoy a movie with dc.


Saturday - Get dd16 to ballet. Come home and clean/scrub house for showing at 2. Take kids to library. Meet dh there - he'll be just driving in from his out-of-state job. Dh picks up dd at ballet, takes all 5 dc home. I go to an orchestra rehearsal all afternoon.


Sunday - church. Home. Prepare for showing #2 on Monday. Orchestra concert all evening.


BUT - I'm so thankful for -


a) two showings, after almost a month of nothing


b) a PAYING gig for me! Christmas, here we come!

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tonight kids go to grandmas house. dh and I will go have thai or indian.

tomorrow- 9am appt. for a cut and color, correct todays work and get next weeks lessons in order, do whatever I want. Have pizza and a movie with dh


sunday- clean a little and pick up the kids from grandmas

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Tonight, my 17 and 9 year olds have Tae Kwon Do


Over the weekend, I'm going to catch up on the piles of laundry that have taken up residence in the laundry room while my hubby and oldest daughter lay wood flooring in her bedroom!! Her bedroom is on the main level and we're putting hardwood everywhere on the main level. Then the living room is the last room to do and that's on the agenda for next weekend.


That way, I can put up my Christmas tree Thanksgiving weekend! :D

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Date with dh tonight!! Can't wait!! :001_wub: Were supposed to have a youth group event tomorrow for most of the day, but that looks like it's going to be rained out, so we may just hang out with some of the youth for while, and spend the rest of the day at home getting odds and ends done. I got a lot of cleaning done yesterday so I won't have much to do tomorrow. Sunday we have our church's Thanksgiving dinner, and we're serving at that along with the youth group. I am really looking forward to this weekend!



Edited by Erica in PA
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Tonight: Take dh to the airport. He has to go to Germany for work.


Saturday: My sister and her husband who live in South Carolina are coming to stay!


Sunday: After my sister leaves I may start making some polymer clay items to sell to the teachers at school. They like to do their Christmas shopping while they are at work. It is convenient for them and good for my wallet!

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I have a double ear infection and I'm getting tubes put in next week. In the meantime I am miserable but life goes on.


Tomorrow my dd's high school pom squad is having a clinic for younger girls. There will be 75 girls there. The coach can't be there so she needed moms to help out. So I'll be there from 9-2 or so. (maybe I can wear ear plugs). Then I have to bring dd back to the school by 5:00 for the football game. I'm going to sit in the stands so that she'll have somewhere to put her coat and blanket for after she is done performing. It's only going to be in the 20's so I'm not thrilled about this. DH has to go somewhere else so he can't do it instead.


Sunday I plan to stay in my pjs all day, sip hot tea and take it easy:)

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We are hanging out at home tonight. Tomorrow we're headed to North Georgia. We're meeting my family at my grandmother's house to celebrate her 87th birthday and have our Thanksgiving get-together at the same time. We're eating out so no one has to cook or clean up! Sunday is church...really a work day for me because we're part-time staff. I'm Sunday School Director, then teach 4-6 year olds for 2+ hours. Sunday afternoon will be a quick rest, then getting school ready for the week. Sunday night will be church again with a baby shower afterwards.

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Tonight~probably watch a movie or just lounge around..


Saturday~go see Madagascar 2 in the morning with my sister and nephew. My nephew got a thing from his school and they get to go see the movie for only $3.50 a person so we are tagging along :001_smile:


Sunday~church and lounge around(I hope anyway)..


We usually are not planners but I know for sure what we are doing on Saturday :001_smile:

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Eeeeeeeek, we're super-busy.


Friday night - dinner with friends.

Saturday morning - baby shower; afternoon - nachos and evening heading to a Christmas parade with friends.

Sunday morning -teaching Sunday School and Sunday evening is Men's Group for my dh.


I'll rest on Monday. Weekends are for par-tay-ing!!!!

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I'm currently drinking apple cider I rendered hard and waiting for my husband to deliver pizza. I've got to get rolling to get ready for tomorrow.


My younger son starts indoor soccer and I've got to pull the stuff together for my husband to take him to that. He's been feeling ill since late afternoon, so I'm sorta worried he's coming down with something.


I've got to take my older son to an out of town swim meet early, early tomorrow.


I've got an entire house to clean to get ready for my parents to come see another meet next weekend. Need to change out my seasonal decor, too.....


I need to do Christmas shopping!!!!!

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Print out maps, hours, routes and plans for our FieldTrip extravaganza starting in a week! (7 museums in 7 days), packing, and getting to all the deep cleaning I missed by having 2 surgeries in October. I'm beginning to feel human again. Next week my v*gin^l sutures will have absorbed and I can get in the pool again, so I'm walking every day to get my strength up a bit.


And school. We have our big days on the weekend. Dissect the sheep's brain, lots of reading, math card games, and measuring everything in the house. I think I'll introduce dictionary use, too. We are having a "good stretch" of manners, curiosity, prolonged attention span, and concentration. Can't miss out on that bit of luck! (Last night I listed reading, math, art, music, handwriting and biology, and kiddo crowed "don't forget the Minoans!")

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Guest janainaz

Tonight I went to Cuisine Queens - we made Indian food. Saturday morning my dh switches off taking one of the boys to breakfast and then he takes the other one out on a special outing. Tomorrow I have to go to the library. I LOVE going to the library - so peaceful. Other than that, my day is open. I'm sure I'll do some cleaning and grocery shopping. I'd like to go to the park with the boys and my husband. Tomorrow night - a good movie, good wine the couch and me! Sunday, yardwork and my boys have Awana in the evening and I get to hang out with my husband. I'd love to go to On The Border, have margaritas and relax. But, we'll probably end up walking around Lowe's looking at man stuff.

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Our weekend starts on a Friday here ( Fri + Sat, for most of the population).


Its a quiet weekend ( actually a quiet few weeks), as DH and DS have traveled back to Oz for a few weeks.(so no HS for a few weeks- Woohoo! :D)


Yesterday the girls and I just watched movies,and they played under the sprinklers in the morning.

This morning (Sat), girls played under the sprinklers again, I weeded the garden, buried a dead stray cat I found out the back, hung out washing....and thats about it for the day.


Off to check emails, girls watching a movie, then tea and bed.

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I have to work -- law and accounting.


The children and I have to rake the yard because Monday is the last day of leaf pick up. We've done this twice, and it rained and the yard is full of leaves again. I am deep into my fantasy of procuring a chain saw and ruthlessly cutting down all these oak trees.


Other than that, housecleaning and laundry are in our futures. I will have to browbeat my kids into doing their homework.


If I have time, I will continue insulating my windows and doors.


DD's best friend is spending the night tonight -- Saturday -- and I am not looking forward to that. They are too noisy.


DH will be at the office all weekend, as usual, but I hope he will take the boys to the barber and to the new James Bond movie.

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Sat. to the doctor with my 10yo-I think he has strep. Then home to plan the classes I teach on Mondays and Tuesdays and to do some projects around the house. Probably will clean out the chicken coop too. Dh will be with 13yo at a swim meet all day.


Sun. dh will be staying home with sick 10yo and I will be going to 13yo's swim meet for the day.




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I am cleaning out my girls' bedroom and making 2-3 lapbooks. We'll probably have to skip church tomorrow as 3 out 4 are sick. Not REAL sick, but sick enough that they'd be kicked out of Sunday School. (runny nose, cough, no fever though!). But that's ok. When that happens, I view it as a snow day. Bonus time to get things done!


Oh, and I'll do laundy. And laundry. And laundry.

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Ds has swim meet (Fri afternoon-400 IM-ack) then early Saturday and Sunday.


I'll probably hang out at home with youngers until dh and swimmer ds are home, then sleep. I know middle ds hopes his dad will take him to see new 007 movie this weekend.


Church and sunday school for me and youngers Sunday AM. Chinese class for older ds Sunday afternoon.


I'm tired already!

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