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Prayers and good thoughts, please.


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My mother-in-law fell down almost a full flight of stairs at about 2:30 this morning, landing on her back and head. Thank God my son heard it - she could have been lying there for another 2-3 hours. She was unconscious for about 10 minutes, and the ambulance took so long to come. She did start talking somewhat coherently, but based on the assessment from the medics they've decided to transport her to the nearest trauma center. Dh is there with his sister and we haven't heard anything yet. I can't get the picture out of my mind of her at the bottom of the stairs. Just heard from dh - she has a small bleed they are concerned about as she's on blood thinners, plus possible cervical fractures. She is talking somewhat coherently at times, can move fingers and toes. He said the hospital is moving very fast getting the necessary tests done. Prayers and good thoughts are appreciated.

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Praying. Something similar happened to DH-he fell down the stairs, was transported to hospital by ambulance, and had a tiny bleed. He turned out fine. No surgery required and able to go home after a couple of days. With the blood thinners, they will keep an extra close eye on your mil. Best of wishes to her for a speedy recovery.


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Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts. Thankfully she has no fractures. They are doing a second cat scan to monitor the swelling. She is also talking more coherently but is in a lot of pain, especially the back of her head. They shaved the back of her head and stitched her up, and gave her platelets to counteract the Plavix, I think, and have her in the surgical ICU under close observation. The hospital has been wonderful!

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Just remembered this from when DH fell- The ambulance people removed his watch and wedding band. It was returned to me by one of them the next day (not by a nurse or ER worker).  We hadn't even missed it in all the excitement.

If your mil wears jewelry, check to be sure she still has it.

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Apparently she does have fractures - her sacrum and thoracic 2. They have her in an extremely uncomfortable neck/back brace. She is in SICU overnight at least and from there we're not sure what we are looking at. It's amazing to me that they want her in the recliner in the room, not the bed. She is very unhappy about that!! They were very alarmed at her medication combinations. Apparently some of them were quite dangerous! This is going to be a good opportunity to change doctors, which we have talked about with her for the last 2 months but she has resisted. Thank you for all the prayers and good thoughts! 

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