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When everything goes wrong...UPDATE in original post


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Ok. I think I need to vent and then I need help from Dr. Hive.


We had a respiratory thing and my little ones had a bad cough two weeks ago.

Then we went on vacation. My youngest got the lovely stomach bug.

When we returned home I came down with it.

Now my son has it.

Family arrives tomorrow for Christmas and I think I need to pass out hazmat suits. This has been just awful.

Now I have a sinus infection I think. I’m having a horrific sinus headache and pain in the back of my head and neck. I’ve been awake since 1 am. I am so tired.


Also, I’ve been having very weird stomach pain. It hurts right below and right up under my ribs. It is very sharp pain. The pain is worse after I’ve eaten and when I’m sitting or standing. It’s better when I lie down.

It hurts to breathe or stand up straight. I wasn’t feeling awesome before he stomachvirus so I thought it was part of that I guess. Now I’m so much worse. It hurts to move. I’m totally over the stomach virus but the pain is worse. It can’t be related to that.


What on earth could be wrong with me? I’m starting to panic.


I have an appointment in two hours with my GP. I called crying and they fit me in this morning.


What questions should I ask? I am totally overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin. I have never had this type of weird stomach pain before. Please help me think through what could be going on and what I can do to get relief. I just want to go cry in bed.


UPDATE You all are so sweet to check on me! My labs came back good but showing a slight infection. The dr attributes it to the fact that I’m trying to get over the stomach virus.

My H pylori test has not come back yet. However I am feeling a little better.

I’m hoping it is just the horrible stomach virus that took me out and nothing else. I should know tomorrow.



However, I’ve had some very sad news. My cousin’s two sons were in a terrible car accident. The younger one is ok but the older boy has a severe brain injury among other things. I am devastated.

Here’s the news article if you’re interested. I would very much appreciate prayer for my family.



Edited by lexi
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I am sorry you are sick.

Right upper quadrant pain directly under the rib cage is a typical sign of gallbladder issues. There are different possibilities, for example gall stones. An ultrasound can detect stones. This can be very painful, but is usually not a dangerous condition. 

Describe your symptoms to your doctor. They sound quite typical for a gallbladder attack.

I hope you get relief soon.

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The pain sounds like gastritis.  Sorry, but it takes a bit to heal. 



Any chance you can wave off your guests to a hotel.  I can't imagine they would want to stay in a house with a recent GI bug.  


(((((hugs)))))  What a horrible way to start the Christmas week.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:    


I agree that it sounds like gallbladder.  But, I have also had pains like that at times in my life, related to GERD and excessive trapped gas. Hoping it's something as simple as that.  ETA: Tap said the word I was looking for: gastritis 


Please report back!

Edited by marbel
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I’m so sorry.


I have bounced back and forth between sinus crud and then a stomach dealio (with severe indigestion and pain at ribs, also vomiting, diarrhea and 102 temp with aches and chills) and then back to sinus crud. Gastritis was what Dr google found although gall bladder as well.


I’m sorry and hope your trip to the GP is helpful. That’s a long time to be ill and run down.

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Thanks everyone. I looked up the symptoms of gallbladder issues and it does sound like what I’ve got going on. Definitely going to ask about that. That thought didn’t even occur to me. The pain does seem to radiate around my ribs. Curling up definitely helps.

And yes, the guests are aware of the sickness here and are staying in a hotel. But it’s still so awful for all this to be happening now.

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Were you coughing a lot with the respiratory thing? could've bruised a rib or given yourself a hernia... hopefully that's not it!


I hope your doc has some answers.

No. I never had the respiratory stuff. Only my little ones. I had the stomach thing. And now some crazy sinus pain. No coughing at all.

I’ve pulled something after being sick with coughing and I remember that pain. This is different. It’s more in my stomach. It’s so weird.

I also feel kind of bloated and just generally terrible. I’ve eaten

Scrambled eggs. Yesterday I ate some toast and I also had eggs. It can’t be from over eating or anything like that. I’m so hungry but I don’t feel like eating because eating is painful.

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He doesn’t believe it’s gallbladder or appendix. He’s fairly certain it’s actually my stomach. He’s worried I have a bacterial infection in my stomach. Did labs and a breath test. I hope the results are fast.

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It sounds like he is thinking you have an ulcer. I had one of those a few years ago. It felt like there was a hot coal in my stomach. The pain was better when I ate, and worse if I skipped meals. I was also burping all the time due to the gas produced by the H. pylori bacteria that were causing the ulcer.


Treatment wasn't too bad, I had to take a strong dose of omeprazole and two different antibiotics. My only tip is that if they have you on a proton pump inhibitor, like omeprazole, don't just stop taking it. They can cause rebound acid reflux. Switch to a different type of acid reducer, like ranitidine, and then taper off of that.


Here's hoping your issue is as easily dealt with.

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It sounds like he is thinking you have an ulcer. I had one of those a few years ago. It felt like there was a hot coal in my stomach. The pain was better when I ate, and worse if I skipped meals. I was also burping all the time due to the gas produced by the H. pylori bacteria that were causing the ulcer. Treatment wasn't too bad, I had to take a strong dose of omeprazole and two different antibiotics. My only tip is that if they have you on a proton pump inhibitor, like omeprazole, don't just stop taking it. They can cause rebound acid reflux. Switch to a different type of acid reducer, like ranitidine, and then taper off of that.Here's hoping your issue is as easily dealt with.

Thanks for this info. I know nothing about any of this and I’m so overwhelmed. The treatment sounds so overwhelming. I’m slightly terrified. He did mention that bacteria. I had never heard of it. Ugh! This sounds awful! But it’s better than surgery for gallbladder or appendix. I was freaking out about that. I’m so thankful he listened to me. He’s very confident it’s a stomach thing. So I guess that’s the lesser of the evils.

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H. Pylori might be what your doc is referring to. If so, an easy course of antibiotics will fix ya right up.


My gallbladder presented as upper right quadrant pain, and my back and shoulder hurt also-right under the right scapula. The only thing that helped was sipping apple cider vinegar; I drank about a liter of the stuff the last few days before surgery. My right lung felt like it was on fire; every breath hurt, and my abdomen looked like a seven month pregnancy (I'm slim, so it was quite impressive). I also developed a fever and pancreatitis the last two days before surgery. So, if it gets worse, cbc and/or you get a fever, then get to the doc asap.


Describing my signs and symptoms so that if anything seems similar, you can go back to the doc and request more tests. My doctor, who is excellent, ordered gallbladder, liver, spleen, pancreas ultrasounds, chest radiograph, then a HIDA scan.

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I have a duodenal ulcer and chronic gastritis, and that's what the pain is like.  I don't test positive for H Pylori though.  I take a PPI (Prevacid or Prilosec are OTC, I'm on Protonix), acid reducer (Zantac), and Pepto.  I have an additional alphabet of GI stuff and meds going on, but that's specifically for the ulcer.

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Thanks for this info. I know nothing about any of this and I’m so overwhelmed. The treatment sounds so overwhelming. I’m slightly terrified. He did mention that bacteria. I had never heard of it. Ugh! This sounds awful! But it’s better than surgery for gallbladder or appendix. I was freaking out about that. I’m so thankful he listened to me. He’s very confident it’s a stomach thing. So I guess that’s the lesser of the evils.


He is probably talking about H Pylori which can be detected via breath test.

The treatment involves taking two medications: two different antibiotics, and a proton pump inhibitor like Prilosec. You just take a bunch of pills for two weeks. Yes, they have side effects and may make you feel not so good, but it is an easy and effective treatment for duodenal and gastric ulcers, and H Pylori usually does not come back once eradicated. BTDT.


ETA: The bacteria were not discovered as cause for gastric ulcers until a few decades ago. Until then, people thought it was caused by diet, and patients were put on decades of bland diet to manage the symptoms. This is actually GOOD news, because they can now treat the cause of the ulcers quickly, and you will be able to eat normally once H Pylori have been eradicated.

Until then, follow a diet that avoids irritants of the stomach lining - acid, coffee, tomato products. But your doc has probably given you advice about that.


2nd ETA: If the HPylori test comes back negative, I would insist on a gallbladder ultrasound to rule out stones. My ulcer never manifested itself by  distinct RUQ pain.

Edited by regentrude
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H. Pylori might be what your doc is referring to. If so, an easy course of antibiotics will fix ya right up.


My gallbladder presented as upper right quadrant pain, and my back and shoulder hurt also-right under the right scapula. The only thing that helped was sipping apple cider vinegar; I drank about a liter of the stuff the last few days before surgery. My right lung felt like it was on fire; every breath hurt, and my abdomen looked like a seven month pregnancy (I'm slim, so it was quite impressive). I also developed a fever and pancreatitis the last two days before surgery. So, if it gets worse, cbc and/or you get a fever, then get to the doc asap.


Describing my signs and symptoms so that if anything seems similar, you can go back to the doc and request more tests. My doctor, who is excellent, ordered gallbladder, liver, spleen, pancreas ultrasounds, chest radiograph, then a HIDA scan.

Thanks. He did mention H pylori. I have terrible pain that is more upper left. Not on the right. He doesn’t think hernia.

I know he’ll absolutely do more tests if we haven’t figured it out. Thankfully he listens to me and I know he’d want to keep investigating this to help me. I hope it’s nothing else. I just want to feel better.

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He is probably talking about H Pylori which can be detected via breath test.

The treatment involves taking two medications: two different antibiotics, and a proton pump inhibitor like Prilosec. You just take a bunch of pills for two weeks. Yes, they have side effects and may make you feel not so good, but it is an easy and effective treatment for duodenal and gastric ulcers, and H Pylori usually does not come back once eradicated. BTDT.


ETA: The bacteria were not discovered as cause for gastric ulcers until a few decades ago. Until then, people thought it was caused by diet, and patients were put on decades of bland diet to manage the symptoms. This is actually GOOD news, because they can now treat the cause of the ulcers quickly, and you will be able to eat normally once H Pylori have been eradicated.

Until then, follow a diet that avoids irritants of the stomach lining - acid, coffee, tomato products. But your doc has probably given you advice about that.


2nd ETA: If the HPylori test comes back negative, I would insist on a gallbladder ultrasound to rule out stones. My ulcer never manifested itself by distinct RUQ pain.

Thanks for the info. The ironic thing is that I never drink caffeine except on the occasion that I have a terrible headache. And I don’t eat a ton of acidic foods. But I’m glad I don’t have to go through an awful diet. Of course right now nothing sounds good and I don’t want to eat anyway. He did talk to me about those meds. He seemed pretty confident that this was the problem and that we could take care of it quickly. So I hope so. The pain is making me unable to sleep or to eat very much. I feel like such a wimp but I truly feel horrible.

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Thanks for the info. The ironic thing is that I never drink caffeine except on the occasion that I have a terrible headache. And I don’t eat a ton of acidic foods. But I’m glad I don’t have to go through an awful diet. Of course right now nothing sounds good and I don’t want to eat anyway. He did talk to me about those meds. He seemed pretty confident that this was the problem and that we could take care of it quickly. So I hope so. The pain is making me unable to sleep or to eat very much. I feel like such a wimp but I truly feel horrible.


You are not a wimp, it hurts like heck.  And not being able to eat doesn't put you in a great mood either.

Hang in there; this is very likely an easy thing to treat.

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He is probably talking about H Pylori which can be detected via breath test.

The treatment involves taking two medications: two different antibiotics, and a proton pump inhibitor like Prilosec. You just take a bunch of pills for two weeks. Yes, they have side effects and may make you feel not so good, but it is an easy and effective treatment for duodenal and gastric ulcers, and H Pylori usually does not come back once eradicated. BTDT.


ETA: The bacteria were not discovered as cause for gastric ulcers until a few decades ago. Until then, people thought it was caused by diet, and patients were put on decades of bland diet to manage the symptoms. This is actually GOOD news, because they can now treat the cause of the ulcers quickly, and you will be able to eat normally once H Pylori have been eradicated.

Until then, follow a diet that avoids irritants of the stomach lining - acid, coffee, tomato products. But your doc has probably given you advice about that.


2nd ETA: If the HPylori test comes back negative, I would insist on a gallbladder ultrasound to rule out stones. My ulcer never manifested itself by  distinct RUQ pain.


Wow, I didn't know that regentrude! My grandmother-in-law spent decades not eating tomatoes or other acidic foods.  

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Thanks for the info. The ironic thing is that I never drink caffeine except on the occasion that I have a terrible headache. And I don’t eat a ton of acidic foods. But I’m glad I don’t have to go through an awful diet. Of course right now nothing sounds good and I don’t want to eat anyway. He did talk to me about those meds. He seemed pretty confident that this was the problem and that we could take care of it quickly. So I hope so. The pain is making me unable to sleep or to eat very much. I feel like such a wimp but I truly feel horrible.

I thought of you today and wondered how you're doing. I hope you're feeling much better!  :)

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Lexi, many hugs for everything that is going on physically. I hope docs will find an answer soon and you will feel better.  Praying for your young relative!

When it rains, it pours.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

Edited by Liz CA
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I woke up thinking about Caleb.


I am still sending prayers to his family.

Thanks so much for thinking of him.

He opened one eye for a few seconds today. Hopefully he will wake up one day soon.

He had an MRI and it went as expected. However, he has no new brain bleeds and the bleeds are healing. So that’s good.

Now we just wait. Sigh. The drs have no idea what to expect for his recovery.

You can get updates on FB on the page Pray for Caleb.


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