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Weird House Hunters Coincidence


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Has this kind of thing happened to you much?


Like a week or so ago, I was thinking about what it would be like to live somewhere very different, like in a city condo or another country, and from there, my stream-of-consciousness thoughts went to thinking about what it would be like to move into something that wasn’t intended to be a house at all. I thought, “What if it was a chirch? What if there was, like, a choir loft?! That would be awesome!†I even wondered if it would feel sacrosanct to live in the former sanctuary.


So, now there is a series on House Hunters called, “Outside the Box†where people are looking for exactly this -houses that were not intended to be houses - and old school house, a dairy barn, a fort. Straight off the bat, there was a couple looking at a church (which they chose). It even had a choir loft. And the guy seemed a little uncertain about the “religious rules†of living in a church (and having a bed in the choir loft!)


I’m thinking I must have seen a trailer for the upcoming series or maybe I heard it but had fallen asleep. Because I didn’t remember hearing or seeing this show, but the parallels were such that it seems I must have been subconsiously aware of having a house in a church.



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LOL! I thought the church house was a little weird. The outside looked like it was still a real church, which struck me as a little odd. No one had done anything to make it seem like it was a home and not a church. There was a whole separate house in the basement, but the main floor and loft was basically an open, cavernous space. The basement part was nicely done but seemed so dark and depressing to me.


The buildings the couple looked at were all so inexpensive, though -- that first auto dealership space would be a great building for someone who wanted to start a small manufacturing business without investing too much money.

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Twice in my life I've been singing an annoying song in the car to irritate the other passengers and have said, "Gee, I wonder if it's on the radio right now!" And it has been. The first time it happened, my husband thought it was some sort of joke and I'd somehow set it up to do that because it was a song he particularly hated, but it was just pure awesome chance.


The second time it was the kids and they were young enough to still believe that things like that can happen all the time because Moms are just that powerful, you know.


P.S. I've always wanted a house that was another building. DH wants his to be a barn, but I think a little church would be better, especially with stained glass.

Edited by Garga
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LOL! I thought the church house was a little weird. The outside looked like it was still a real church, which struck me as a little odd. No one had done anything to make it seem like it was a home and not a church. There was a whole separate house in the basement, but the main floor and loft was basically an open, cavernous space. The basement part was nicely done but seemed so dark and depressing to me.


The buildings the couple looked at were all so inexpensive, though -- that first auto dealership space would be a great building for someone who wanted to start a small manufacturing business without investing too much money.

I thought the little schoolhouse was so great. Seemed like just the thing for a homeschooler!


It was a little weird that it still looked legit, 100% like a church. What if you were sitting in your jammies on a Sunday morning when a pair of little old ladies come knocking on the door, looking for services? 😂

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I have all sorts of house dreams while sleeping.... often involving going into a part of a house that I have lived in (living there currently in my dream) and opening a door I didn't remember seeing before and finding... more house! A nice place perfect for a homeschool room, possibly another suite almost.


One time the dream was that someone had given us a placd to live (deeded it, so it was now ours), it needed a log of work but there was money included for that. We were starting to explore it (this could be a good bedroom, that would be a bathroom...) and the place was huge. Well, I guess it was really huge because it was the Bay store downtown... built maybe 1920ish? That store was huge with 6 or 7 very large floors. So we are looking through it, and go down a few stairs and I discover.... a large, modern, filled library! I'm thrilled, but worried about ever getting the kids to put back books.... but realize it is all ok as it is fully staffed!!


But I've never had a tv show mirror my weird dreams


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Twice in my life I've been singing an annoying song in the car to irritate the other passengers and have said, "Gee, I wonder if it's on the radio right now!" And it has been. The first time it happened, my husband thought it was some sort of joke and I'd somehow set it up to do that because it was a song he particularly hated, but it was just pure awesome chance.


The second time it was the kids and they were young enough to still believe that things like that can happen all the time because Moms are just that powerful, you know.


P.S. I've always wanted a house that was another building. DH wants his to be a barn, but I think a little church would be better, especially with stained glass.

Ha! I have had that happen with the song thing. It just happened a couple months ago. I was walking around the house singing an old Billy Idol song. I said, “Man I haven’t heard that song in a really long time.†And then I got into the car and turned the radio on, just in time to hear the DJ say, “Playing songs you haven’t heard in a really long time,†and then they played the identical Billy Idol song!


Should have bought a lottery ticket that day, lol!

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Quill, I thought of you and this board the other day while grocery shopping.  They were playing that icky "Santa Baby" song and I thought, "Oh, they'll probably play that "Baby It's Cold Outside" song that Quill hates."  And it was the very next song.

Edited by Junie
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Quill, I thought of you and this board the other day while grocery shopping. They were playing that icky "Santa Baby" song and I thought, "Oh, they'll probably play that "Baby It's Cold Outside" song that Quill hates." And it was the very next song.

🤣 Oh man! Get all the irksome Christmas songs out at once!

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Yes, I’ve had that sort of weird thing happen. It’s freaky!


There’s a tiny house up the road that I’m pretty sure used to be an old church. I don’t know how much of anything fits in it, but they apparently make it work. When I was a kid I thought it would be cool to live in a school with its huge rooms and library and gym and all. DH does do barn conversions for people — we’ve seen some really lovely ones before!

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I used to want to live in a lighthouse someday.

I had it all planned out--the circular stairways, where the rooms would be.

Then I realized that lighthouses are always in places with really, really bad weather.  In fact, that is kind of the point of them.  

That blinding glimpse of the obvious knocked the whole desire right out of me, LOL.

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I babysat with a friend in a "house" that was a very old church, surrounded by woods and a cemetery. Scary much? In places, it was cold and drafty. I can't imagine the heating and AC bill and it wasn't that big of a church, just a little old country church from the late 1800s.

It was one of my little dreams to live in an old church too. Once it is no longer church, it is no longer a church. I can't think why there would be "religious rules" about turning it into a house. 

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Yup, FaithManor used have a diff board name, and her family converted a church building into a home.  (I'm ooooold on these boards.)

I had almost forgotten about that! She was Church Pat of the Manor, right? (I might be a little off on the name, but I know it was something like that.)

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I love looking at the places people converted to homes. Some of the spaces are absolutely gorgeous. I couldn't live in a converted religious building. I couldn't even go to the limelight, which was a club in an old church. It just seems wrong for no rational reason. And I am not even Christian.

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We know a couple who lives in a beautiful old church. They are incredible designers and are renovating it in a perfect modern yet honouring the building's history kind of way. It definitely still looks like the classic New England church it is, complete with the board outside that used to announce services (now it offers messages of love and hope). It's a small town so I suppose no one will come expecting service, but I could see how a tourist could wander in. Lol.

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I babysat with a friend in a "house" that was a very old church, surrounded by woods and a cemetery. Scary much? In places, it was cold and drafty. I can't imagine the heating and AC bill and it wasn't that big of a church, just a little old country church from the late 1800s.

It was one of my little dreams to live in an old church too. Once it is no longer church, it is no longer a church. I can't think why there would be "religious rules" about turning it into a house.

I don’t think it is a “ruleâ€really. Just that some people may feel it is a sacred space. I admit it could feel that way to me, too.

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LOL! I thought the church house was a little weird. The outside looked like it was still a real church, which struck me as a little odd. No one had done anything to make it seem like it was a home and not a church. There was a whole separate house in the basement, but the main floor and loft was basically an open, cavernous space. The basement part was nicely done but seemed so dark and depressing to me.


The buildings the couple looked at were all so inexpensive, though -- that first auto dealership space would be a great building for someone who wanted to start a small manufacturing business without investing too much money.


I think that often, if someone wants to live in a church, they must like the aesthetic of the building.


That being said, there is a church on the way to my sister's cottage that was bought and converted to a house.  It was a very typical little white country wooden church with views of the ocean, so to me it looked lovely for a sort of a cottage.  Well, they did all kinds of things to convert it - gave it a proper basement so it is higher up, new dark blue siding, newer looking windows and big glass doors in the front, a big deck around it so they can look at the ocean.  Well, I'm sure they make it nicer to be in, but it sure is ugly, and it has none of the charm the little church had.

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I read an article once about a family that moved into an old church. They took out the pews and had an awesome, huge playroom.  I don't remember much about the other living areas though.  


There is a house that I pass every now and then that I think must have been a church at one time.  It's just beautiful.  The driveway passes under an overhang by the door on the side of the house then swings around to the garage, and then back out.  The front of the house has a huge beautifully-shaped window.  I'd love to see the inside.  Based on the size of the lot, the types of cars I've seen there, and the landscaping, I know it is out of my price range (not that it's for sale).  

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I recognize FaithManor\s old name now.   I've been here since 1999 (remembering the thread about OO computer stuff).  I can't even remember my first name or second name.  I remember I kept changing my name when I moved but then in 2008 or 09 finally changed to transientChris.  And of course, I have stopped being transient now -just travelling.

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