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Question for animal lovers...

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Confession time: I don't like animals. I've never had a pet. My mom wouldn't allow one growing up. I remember wanting a dog even though most dogs made me feel somewhat uncomfortable. I'm just not comfortable around animals. Sometimes I feel badly about this, but it's the truth.


I'm aware that there are those that don't like children. It doesn't matter how well-behaved they are, some people just don't like them. I find this difficult to understand. I would even suggest that it seems selfish to me. I know, I know, I'm judging, but I'm being honest here.


Here's the question: do those of you that love and appreciate animals think that those that don't are selfish and unfeeling? In other words, do you, in some small way, look down on those that don't appreciate your pet--maybe even dislike your pet, in the same way I might look down on those that don't like children? Am I making sense?


(Sometimes I think we should get a pet just so my kids don't have a chance to get this hang-up.)

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I don't.


I try to be very understanding of everyone feelings, for any situation. In regards to pets I try very hard to be aware that some people may not love my dogs :001_smile: I always keep them on a leash and keep her close to my side until the person shows interest. I have taught my children to do the same, and have also taught them to always ask before approaching someone elses pet, because they may not like kids.

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No, I don't look down on those that don't appreciate animals and children, but I feel sorry for them. They're missing out on so much.


It's nice of you to want to get a pet for your kids, and personally I don't think kids should grow up without pets, but they are just like having a child, and a mom who doesn't like them is in for a big commitment. Really hacks me off when people decide the pet didn't work out and then chain it in the yard, or leave it at the pound, or just dump it. You should think hard about it.


Why not take your kids to do some work at the local shelter? Those animals are starved for attention and love.

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I don't.


I try to be very understanding of everyone feelings, for any situation. In regards to pets I try very hard to be aware that some people may not love my dogs I always keep them on a leash and keep her close to my side until the person shows interest. I have taught my children to do the same, and have also taught them to always ask before approaching someone elses pet, because they may not like kids.



Thank you for saying this. I so appreciate it when pet owners are sensitive about me not wanting their pet near me. I can't tell you how many times dogs have jumped on me upon walking into a house, and the owner happily tells me that their dog is friendly. For someone that isn't comfortable around dogs, this isn't fun!!

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I have to confess I like looking at dog shows and that's about it for me and animals. Animals are cute to me, but I have enough taking care of my children. Plus, they make me skittish because I don't know what they're going to do. This is probably due to the fact we never had a pet because my mother doesn't care for them.


I was walking pushing my 3 yo in a stroller and another walker let her dog go up to the stroller. She seemed very put-off that I excused myself. I didn't know her or the dog. Maybe she thought it was harmless, but I was uncomfortable with that.

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Honestly, I do think it's odd. I think it is a symptom of being estranged from the natural world around us. Being uncomfortable around animals or around children is, I'm guessing a symptom of not knowing how to relate to them, how to enjoy them.


It's sad. And easily overcome, really. (Volunteer at a shelter, ask your friends with pets to introduce you to their pets and tell you about them & what makes them great. I wouldn't get a pet until you're really ready.)


Do you think it's odd if someone says they don't like flowers? I mean we all have preferences, and I can see when people say they like a certain animal more, or don't really like another type of animal, or don't want to have a certain animal as a pet, or they're allergic to something like I'm allergic to some plants but still like them, I just don't bring them into my house....


Not liking animals is just kind of weird to me. WE are animals after all. A reverence for animals & our part in the web of life just seems so critically important.


Btw, have you read Last Child in the Woods? http://richardlouv.com/

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I am less of an animal lover than I used to be. I once wanted to be a vet. Now I find I have less time and patience for animals, but I still consider myself an animal lover.


More than being impatient with animals, I find I am impatient with animal lovers whom I consider unreasonable and inconsiderate. Dogs are not children. Not even close. People who treat their animals like people to the extent that they consider the animal's feelings over other people's or impose their animals on other people irritate me. We have family members who do this. I find I like animals less if their owners behave this way and I realize that is perhaps not fair to the animal.


All that to say as much as I think animals are nifty and can bring joy into people's lives, they are not to be put above people and they are not an excuse to behave rudely or impose on others in ways you would not use your children to impose on others. KWIM? I do think people who are not crazy about animals need to be tolerant of people who love animals, but I think more often it's the other way around. Animal lovers need to be considerate of people who do not love animals or those who do not like to be called their doggy's mommy. (PUKE!)


I do think the way a person treats animals speaks volumes about their character, but I'm speaking of neither people who spoil their pooches or people who just don't care to be around animals. You wouldn't kick a dog that wasn't trying to attack you, would you? If you saw an injured animal, would you at least call for someone else to take care of it? Are you capable of having compassion towards other living things, even if you aren't fond of them? That's what I mean. I don't think you're strange at all for not liking animals.

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I don't look down on others who don't share my love of animals. Everyone's different and that's ok. I don't like a lot of things that others do.


In fact, I love my pets, but I don't always like them. Sometimes I can't stand them. But they're mine to care for, through thick and thin. I can see why others might not like them.


I only hate when people are mean to animals, make comments or mean faces about pets. That really makes me mad and hurts my feelings.


Don't get a pet unless Mom really wants one. All pets are Mom's. Go to a zoo or nature center to cultivate an appreciation of creatures. Watch a good animal movie or read a good animal book.

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I walk my dog everyday, and I have no idea whether the people I pass like animals or not, unless the make a fuss over my dog. Since we are walking, I want to walk, not fuss:) So I would have no clue that someone I passes dislikes dogs, because I don't really expect them to greet my dog. Not liking a dog isn't a big deal. I don't expect people to greet and fawn over my children either.


If you came to my house, I might know you don't like dogs, but I also might not. My dog is intimidating looking, even though he's not that huge, and he's very "direct" so he approaches people in a way that intimidates them. Even if you sort of avoided him and acted nervous, I wouldn't know you dislike dogs. I might think you just are afraid of him, and I would think nothing of it. I would invite you in and make him stay outside.


I guess I totally understand someone not liking dogs (or cats or children). I expect that normally people won't make a big point of not liking these smaller beings, and I think it's rude to make a big point of it. But I almost never come across someone who is openly hostile to children or dogs. Scared? Sure. But hostile? Really never.

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Well, do you think that a love of animals is a noble quality that you would like to develop in your children? If not, then forget iabout the pet. If yes, and you think you can be a responsible petowner for the long haul, I think it is worth the sacrifice.

Time and time again, I have noticed that kids who are uncomfortable around and don't appreciate animals are kids whose parents do not like animals and do not allow pets.


I will forever be grateful to my mom, who did not like dogs, but after years of begging, allowed me to have my beloved mutt. She took care of that thing through thick and thin. I would have considered my childhood to have been deprived without that ugly little mutt. It was the love of my childhood. That is why my dh and I, who would rather have clean carpet instead, decided to allow our kids to have a dog. My kids would say that they would be deprived without our big mutt too.

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In my early 20's, I liked animals more than kids. I was a sign carrying, petition waving animal rights activist. As I grew older and had a family, I evened out a bit. The thing I notice is that I automatically like an animal I don't know but I don't like every single child I meet- at least not right away. Not sure if that's backwards but it's naturally the way I feel.

To answer your question- no, I don't look down on those who don't naturally like animals. I think it's too bad, though.

Edited by mrsdash
wanted to add something
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Confession--it irritates me that my sil doesn't like pets of any kind and has never allowed them in the house at all. I think there is a disconnect between her and "nature," although she likes to plant flowers and garden, and does take her girls hiking. Part of it could be her need to control her environment. She can't stand anything "gross," and talks about how dogs "wipe their butts across the floor and lick themselves." It just about made her puke when our golden retriever rolled in deer scat and "shared" that with us by coming home with it on his coat! The WAS gross, but we just wash him and carry on--I find her irritatingly uptight about a lot of things, but the pet thing is so unbalanced--she can't see the joy that having a pet can bring.


I feel she's deprived her kids by not allowing any kind of pet. I know our own dog has provided unconditional love, constancy, and stress-relief for our family during really tough times. He's just such a part of the family (the only one with no issues, it seems!). We don't treat him like a person, but he is a beloved pet. He's also really well behaved.


All this to say, I guess I do judge her. Guess I need to work out some negativity towards her. Thanks for bringing it up, so I can deal with it--I think I consider her uptightness to be a condemnation of my "loose-ness."


It's all about me, of course. :D:D

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I have had dogs and horses throughout my childhood and young adult years. I am currently the vet with no pet. I love having a clean house (i.e. no hair on the kitchen counter) and I love being able to travel as a family without finding a pet sitter. Those are the two things that hold me back from getting a dog. But I think next year it will happen, because the children of a vet need a dog otherwise things are just not right in the world. I will never own a cat. Nuff said.

Here are some unsolicited tips I would give anyone getting a pet for the first time:


1. Make sure it is fixed. The pet overpopulation problem is huge.

2. Don't let it jump on your guests, they will not appreciate it.

3. Feed them properly with their food not yours. The obesity problem in pets in the US is disgraceful with the millions of people starving in the world.

4. Don't keep a biting pet. If your pet bites someone unprovoked it is time to get rid of said pet. If you insist on keeping an animal like this then it should be locked up whenever anyone else is at your home.

5. See your veterinarian once a year!:D

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No, I don't look down on those that don't appreciate animals and children, but I feel sorry for them. They're missing out on so much.


It's nice of you to want to get a pet for your kids, and personally I don't think kids should grow up without pets, but they are just like having a child, and a mom who doesn't like them is in for a big commitment. Really hacks me off when people decide the pet didn't work out and then chain it in the yard, or leave it at the pound, or just dump it. You should think hard about it.


Why not take your kids to do some work at the local shelter? Those animals are starved for attention and love.


:iagree: Well said!




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While it strikes me as amusing to hear that someone would like children but not pets (I tend to think of my pets as children who need a lot less care, lol), there's nothing wrong with not enjoying animals!


They can be hairy and stinky and expensive. Animals, that is. Although the same *could be said for kids.


Personally, I think that having and caring for pets brings many benefits to children, but they're by no means *crucial.

I didn't have any pets from about ages 5-15, and then it was just fish and hamsters. My sister was allergic to cats and dogs. I survived! (And so did she.;))

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No, I would not look down on you, I would pity you! :001_smile: I can't imagine life without a dog in our life...I will have to admit that cat owners befuddle me...cats just are not pets. Plus, it doesn't help that I'm allergic to them if they're in the house...outdoor cats don't have that effect, but we were left a barn cat at our farm we bought last year that has every sign of being Jekyll and Hyde...folks that come out and are afraid of the horses, I just point to that evil cat and tell them to FEAR the CAT, love the horses. I am the most tenderhearted person when you talk animals...but that cat, I don't think I'll have any remorse when it dies and we can get some fresh kittens that won't attack me when I put food down.


But, let me tell you why I love our pets..warning..some is graphically sad.


* On those days when you feel the world is against you, your dog has NO clue what you've been through but looks up at you and is so ready to just go and play ball in the yard...I can't tell you how much playing ball changes your perspective on the world.


* When you lose a loved one and you're trying to be strong for your family, you can rely on that dog to know you're hurting and they just have a way of comforting you.


* When you're on a nature trail with your 11 year old son and his new puppy and old faithful (13 year old black lab mix)....three wild vicious dogs (bull mastiff and 2 chows) come out of nowhere to attack you, the old faithful dog diverts their attention off of the puppy/son/you and gives you time to run for safety and call the authorities. Thirty minutes later that dog is found still being attacked (don't even let me go into the pain I suffered hearing her cries of pain as she was being mauled) and she was being so brave even though through shock and too many bites to be counted...she was still wagging her tail when we finally were able to save her...it took 4 months for her to recover..and she actually had a wound that never did fully close..but it was a reminder that she sacrificed herself for our safety. She lived another 2 years before we had to put her down this past August.


* Did I mention my son walking her on a leash and a doberman got out of his fenced in yard and attacked her...but she protected my son.


* Coming home from the hospital with our first born and letting her smell the scent of that first blanket...then 6 months later seeing our baby curled up next to her taking a nap...


* Always a buddy to keep you fit, you may not feel like walking today, but that dog needs a good walk..the things you see while out on the trail or just through the neighborhood is amazing...moments I would not have without a dog.


* The dog that sleeps at my feet, it anchors the bedcovers that my husband likes to pull all to his side....now I don't wake up in the middle of the night cold....thanks dog!


* Seeing that side of my husband when he's stressed from working late and the dogs don't care, they just want some of his Daddy loving, it takes nothing to get him into that rub the belly/beat the puppy mode...his beating the puppy is like a drummer going to town on their rump...the dogs love it and ask for more...


So when folks come up to our door and hear a loud bark or see the dogs and they're genuinely frightened of them, I feel such pity for them because they don't know what an amazing blessing these animals are...


Sure, they throw up...they will chew that very nice chair leg...they'll eat through your underwear...but they'll also love you and share this space on earth like no other thing can...I hate that I can't appreciate what others see in cats...kittens, now they're fun and cute, but cats are not my cup of tea.


The best dogs are mutts....but we just got a beagle and she's such a loving pet..gotta give them kudos too! :)



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No, I don't look down on friends/family/neighbors that don't have animals. Some people are animal loves and others aren't. That doesn't make a person.


Some people like tomatoes, some don't. Some ranch houses, some 2-story.


I will say most of my family members have pets. Of course, they perfer Shepherds....we prefer Labs.


Our friends are a mix....some are very into cats. Other friends are neutral about them or don't have any.

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It doesn't bother me if people don't like animals as long as they aren't mean about it.


I had a neighbor who didn't like animals and wasn't happy about cats using her garden as a potty. She assumed it was my cats doing it even though there are many cats in our neighborhood, not just mine. I offered to buy and apply cat repellent to her flowerbeds for her but she refused. Instead she made some remark about eating my cat. She was Vietnamese.


I don't really understand the not liking pets thing although I do understand the not wanting fur or other pet messes in the house. I'm nearly positive I'm mildly allergic to my four cats but I don't think I'll ever live without cats.

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Gosh, it makes no difference to me if someone else doesn't like pets... or children... and I don't pity them or feel sorry for them either. It really just doesn't bother me if other people have different likes and dislikes than I do.


For myself, I can't imagine life without pets or my children. It doesn't strike me as odd that someone else might not be able to imagine life with them, though.


I could go on and on about how great my pets & kids are. Just as a pet-less or childless person could probably go on and on about how happy they are to not have pets or kids. LOL.

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I really can't understand not liking any pets. We always had to have our animals outside(growing up), and that's not really fair to most pets. Our present dog is one from the humane society; he was suppose to be a poodle/airedale mix which would be a low shedding dog. Oh well, he's a shedding, allergy prone dog who just chewed through two sports tops from our Klean Kanteens.

Sometimes you just wanna smack the dog, but your head and heart come together and you look at those eyes:-) And, basically everyone agrees, hitting dogs doesn't work:-) so you hide your food better...and all food containers. That's probably my dog's only bad habit...stealing food. He's just about perfect with everything else.

IF you choose to get a pet for YOU and one that's good around your children, I'd say...consider what you're willing to put up with. (Our 16 yr old still can't stand our dog, and my husband is just kinda so so with him. I always tell my daughter that someday our dog will save her life and she'll have to love him!)

So..what can you put up with? Hair/fur, puppiness? paying money to purchase the dog? I'd suggest talking to lots of people about breeds and such...before. Make no impulse decisions. Puppies turn into dogs as babies turn into teens. Make sure you want them for 20 yrs. It's a long time! I love finding out more about what to do with my children and dogs. I've stopped vaccinating except for rabies and I'm feeding him raw food....It's an exciting adventure.

Sometimes I feel bad that I don't take him out enough, but I do arrange doggy playdates and he seems to love lying on our couch with us, by the wood stove...being massaged!

I think the reason our dog is good to be around is because when we first got him, we kept him right with us on his leash (even in the house) for the first 2 weeks and took the time to go to weekly training at a really good training spot... So, I think if you want a dog, you need to remember that you really have to "tomato stake them" when you first have them so they can't get in bad habits!


My dream dog, if I was to purchase one from a reliable breeder, would be a lagotto :-) They don't shed....(they have "hair") But for now, our Brownie is our sweetie:-)


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