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Fitting in fitness for you


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Apart from getting up at 5am how do you fit in fitness for yourself? This is something I really really want to sort out this year. Hypothetically I can do yoga before breakfast but realistically I don't... Because I'm not good with mornings. Ideally I'd like to do something with the kids but realistically it doesn't seem to happen.


Kids are 5, 8, and 11 and school takes around four hours a day sometimes slightly longer. There is no downtime in there for me as I have three on the go so if anyone is doing independent work I'm working with someone else. I definitely can't reduce this, if anything I'd like to be doing slightly more as we aren't getting through everything.


Before school in the morning we do farm and pet chores, we generally break around 11-11.30, I cook lunch and by the time I do lunch, clean up and reset washing or whatever needs doing we get back into it by 1 or 1.30 and go to 3.30. I do around 2 hours of housework most afternoons (including, groceries, cleaning, paperwork, outdoor works etc) then cook dinner, clean up from dinner, do the night time pet chores and get kids to bed and by then it's 9.30 or so. I don't want to exercise at that time of night because it wakes my brain up too much and I can't sleep.


I really want to fit in some exercise and literally the only time that seems to work is really early pre 7am but I am so slow on the mornings.


Sorry the post is a bit long winded but I figure adding the details of how the day goes might help a bit.


I do have my time here most days which I could give up but really don't want to. Many days it's the only adult contact I have..


Edited to add that we are semi rural and I have one walking trail close to the house that we can do in about 20 minutes. It's better than nothing but not enough. Anything that involves other people is around 20 minutes drive away so not great for an already over scheduled week. I don't mind using YouTube etc for workouts, or running if I can get the time but options away from home are hard.

Edited by Ausmumof3
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I'm right there with you!!  Mornings are awful for me, too.  But my days go a bit more sideways a bit more often than yours, it sounds like.  :D  


If you have a bit of clear space in front of a TV, Moms Into Fitness is good.  I have her boot camp DVD and it doesn't require a lot of space to follow (space is a huge issue here) and the duration can be customized (it's HIIT cardio with some core work).

Another thing I'm working towards is weightlifting (one of the two reasons I'm building a Murphy bed, wherever that thread went).

I definitely wouldn't drive anywhere for regular sessions, either.  Just getting people in and out of the car is almost a workout slot in itself.  One thing I really want to do is get out about once each week and hike with them.


My kids have a rest time after lunch, and whenever I have exercised, it has been during this time.  When I exercise with them, it's typically immediately after that rest time, but this is less successful.  We've run laps around our yard, weight trained, and done that DVD together.  It is harder for me to get a focused workout this way, though (but probably worth the trade off).  Another option is perhaps breaking during your morning for "PE" and then shifting the balance of academics to the afternoon.  My personal issue these days is simply time management; we year-round for about 2 hours/day (plus grabbing those learning moments whenever they pop up), and they help with chores and meals...I have no excuse at all.  :(


I don't know if that's at all helpful, but at least you're not alone!!

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I'd cut into the two hours of housework, tbh.


Try HIIT workouts 3 x week after school - plenty of bang for your (time) buck.


Incorporate the kids - plenty of times I did exercise videos at home with the kids joining in - it's PE. Stick it in at the beginning of school, after lunch or at the end of school.


A yoga class or swimming on the weekends when dh can be with kids?


Do sandwiches or something else easy and low clean up for lunch a few times a week - use that extra time to do some free videos on do yoga with me, or fitness blender.

Believe me the two hours of housework sounds way more excessive than it is. I seriously can't reduce that. I say housework but actually it's like paying the bills, making appointments for the kids, cleaning out the chicken coop and going grocery shopping. Plus a bit of vacuuming. Realistically it is less than two hours a day because most weeks we have other stuff we are out at (appointments, gradings outings etc...) much as I'd love to cut the housework you might see us on hoarders if I do! Far too often it also includes catching up on chores I didn't get done before school because we dawdled over breakfast!


I think hiit or something is what I need though as yoga is awesome but just not enough...

Edited by Ausmumof3
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I'm right there with you!! Mornings are awful for me, too. But my days go a bit more sideways a bit more often than yours, it sounds like. :D


If you have a bit of clear space in front of a TV, Moms Into Fitness is good. I have her boot camp DVD and it doesn't require a lot of space to follow (space is a huge issue here) and the duration can be customized (it's HIIT cardio with some core work).

Another thing I'm working towards is weightlifting (one of the two reasons I'm building a Murphy bed, wherever that thread went).

I definitely wouldn't drive anywhere for regular sessions, either. Just getting people in and out of the car is almost a workout slot in itself. One thing I really want to do is get out about once each week and hike with them.


My kids have a rest time after lunch, and whenever I have exercised, it has been during this time. When I exercise with them, it's typically immediately after that rest time, but this is less successful. We've run laps around our yard, weight trained, and done that DVD together. It is harder for me to get a focused workout this way, though (but probably worth the trade off). Another option is perhaps breaking during your morning for "PE" and then shifting the balance of academics to the afternoon. My personal issue these days is simply time management; we year-round for about 2 hours/day (plus grabbing those learning moments whenever they pop up), and they help with chores and meals...I have no excuse at all. :(


I don't know if that's at all helpful, but at least you're not alone!!

We did 2-3 hour days last year too and it was so much better. The house stayed sane and I felt healthier and calmer etc. this year I increased our workload academically (and we needed to) but the other stuff has messed up more.


It is good to know I'm not alone I guess though I hope it gets better for you.

Edited by Ausmumof3
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I am struggling too.  I am no longer a SAHM though and work from 8-4:30/5:00.  My job is 35-55 min. away depending on traffic and when I get home I am so tired.  I leave the house at 7:15 and get home around 5:15 most days.   When I worked many years ago I would take my break and walk around the track outside, but with this job I am always technically "on call" and can't do that.  Some days I barely leave my office at all.


I wonder if walking in place when no one in there would be sufficient?  


Sorry, didn't mean to hijack your thread, just starting to wonder the same thing......when can I do anything?

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I had trouble fitting exercise in when the kids were little.

I now do it while they're eating lunch. 

It's basically my #2 priority, after homeschool.  :-)


I think also the format of exercise needs to be your unique choice.


I'll just throw in a recommendation for Bikini Body Mommy youtube videos:

Here's Day 1 of her most recent series:


She's a 35yo mom of 4.  Keeps it real . . . AND fun. 


Short 20-min workout, a little different each day.

Easy way to start, with more paid support on her website.






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A lot of moms with young children love the convenience of a home gym (e.g., treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike) so they can fit in work-outs without having to worry about child care. You can fit in 30 min a lot easier if you can just hop on the machine and go. You can experiment with early morning work-outs vs evening work-outs.  I used to exercise in the evenings, but it was only 2 - 3 weeknights a week. 


If you want a more vigorous work-out, such as running, running/walking intervals, cycling, to supplement the work-outs of your farm chores, then 2 or 3 times a week is plenty.  You can look for used exercise machines. My uncle picked up a stationary bike and elliptical at yard sales. He has them in front of the tv in the basement. It's great, because you work-out while watching tv and no snacking as your hands are full! ;)

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If I don't get my workout in before I start my day it won't happen. I know this about myself and it took me until my late 40's to accept.

I get up. Let the dog out and feed him. Put together my dh's meds. Then do my workout. I have found that once I became consistent with this routine I actually feel better and if I miss my workout I don't feel as good about my day.

Edited by kewb
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I recommend exercising with the kids. They need physical activity, too.

We always spent one weekend day hiking, climbing or biking together as a  family.

I took them to the park during the week and walked while they played.

When the kids were a bit older, DH and I went for an hour long walk every night.


Can you exercise alone while your kids are at activities?

Why do you need to do two hours of housework every day? I'd see whether I can streamline that.

Edited by regentrude
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I use yoga videos.  I'm a morning person, but I don't like going outside at 5am. :)  And the set that I have comes with a really beginner's video, a morning one, a few target ones, and an evening calm down one.  20 minutes.  It's not much, but I'll be relying on them more as winter comes!


Right now, I build in 30m-1h of exercise as P.E. time every day.  Today is swimming, yesterday hiking, tomorrow basketball, Thursday biking..things where I have to get active, too.

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I recommend exercising with the kids. They need physical activity, too.

We always spent one weekend day hiking, climbing or biking together as a family.

I took them to the park during the week and walked while they played.

When the kids were a bit older, DH and I went for an hour long walk every night.


Can you exercise alone while your kids are at activities?

Why do you need to do two hours of housework every day? I'd see whether I can streamline that.

Exercising with the kids (playing backyard cricket or basketball or just bushwalking is exercise I actually enjoy).


The two hours of housework is basically vacuuming mopping, grocery shopping and library and outdoor maintenance/ pet care etc. plus admin stuff for running a household. Realistically more often than I like it's catching up because I dawdled over breakfast and morning chores and didn't get that stuff done.

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I use yoga videos. I'm a morning person, but I don't like going outside at 5am. :) And the set that I have comes with a really beginner's video, a morning one, a few target ones, and an evening calm down one. 20 minutes. It's not much, but I'll be relying on them more as winter comes!


Right now, I build in 30m-1h of exercise as P.E. time every day. Today is swimming, yesterday hiking, tomorrow basketball, Thursday biking..things where I have to get active, too.

This is my ideal but I seem to be in a bit of a slump. Yoga in the morning then some outdoor activity with the kids.


Maybe Spring will help.

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I am struggling too. I am no longer a SAHM though and work from 8-4:30/5:00. My job is 35-55 min. away depending on traffic and when I get home I am so tired. I leave the house at 7:15 and get home around 5:15 most days. When I worked many years ago I would take my break and walk around the track outside, but with this job I am always technically "on call" and can't do that. Some days I barely leave my office at all.


I wonder if walking in place when no one in there would be sufficient?


Sorry, didn't mean to hijack your thread, just starting to wonder the same thing......when can I do anything?

That would be hard. I think when I was in the office all day I used public transport and discovered that walking instead of using one the connecting buses worked, however I didn't have kids at the time to drain any excess energy.


I did have one of those fitness balls instead of an office chair for a while.

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I wish I had the answer.  I keep thinking my magic bullet will be when my kids are older.  I actually AM a morning person, but the baby is up at 4:30 ish, and that's a little too morning for me.  Everyone else is usually up before 5:30.  I'm imagining a day when they can more or less manage their own breakfast, and I can sneak in a morning workout before DH leaves for work.  Of course, that's 2-4 years from now, so I should probably come up with a solution before then...

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Do you like listening to podcasts or audiobooks? I listen while I exercise, and that helps tremendously with motivation. Right now I'm not super excited about going for my run, but I really want to hear what happens next in my book. So I'm going to go put on my shoes and get out there as soon as I post this.


As for fitting it into your day, try starting with a small amount of time that you do religiously. Even just a ten-minute walk (or yoga or bike ride or whatever) would work for making it a habit. After that habit is established, increase to 15 minutes and so on. The chores will probably work themselves out. You may even find that regular exercise gives you more energy to do the chores more efficiently.

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I work out at home mostly. These days I mostly do my own thing. We do PE daily because the kids need to be active too so it works well to incorporate time for me to work out at the same time. We walk/hike together, sometimes we ride bikes, we sprint (aka race each other- I can still beat the girls but my son kicks my butt!).  I do some HIIT stuff. I do bodyweight and KB stuff for strength training. 


I'd recommend doing stuff with the kids and looking at youtube for videos. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, 20 min is better than nothing. Fitness Blender has various lengths of videos and intensities to try. 


Make small goals you can reach and show up, and just do it!

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I'm a list maker. I thrive on ending my day with my to do list totally crossed off. Dh finally convinced me that it's ok to put things on my list that are just for me, such as exercising.   Look at it this way- you're probably not getting everything done you want to in a day so you're already choosing which things to not do.  Do you feel that you're not entitled to take time to exercise unless you have finished all your other tasks?  For me it was hard to allow myself that time when there was so much else that needed to be done.  


But if you're looking for extra time...at times I did my workouts while kids were eating breakfast and getting ready for school. Other times I worked out while kids were cleaning the kitchen after dinner.  Sometimes I'd work the school schedule so they were doing their independent reading at the same time, allowing me time to do a HIIT workout.   


Hope you can find time- it sounds like you are super busy and exercising isn't supposed to be one more burden on your day- it can be a stress reliever, too. 

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I would try to fit in a half hour of walking 2x per day in place of chores that your kids could help you with.  Also work on creating a short (even 5 minute) routine of yoga or similar that you could fit in before one of your meals.


A lot of what you do all day is already exercise.


Personally I am not big on "vigorous" exercise and I'm not sure it is necessary for folks with modest goals.  :)


Another thought is to join a physical activity with your kids, and do that a couple evenings a week.  Schedule an easy or take-out meal for those days.

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Honestly, I didn't find any time for fitness until I put my kids in school. In retrospect, I think that if I changed my mindset about it I could have fit it in. I do long intensive one hour workouts. If I had the attitude that a little is better than nothing, I could have fit in two 15 minute workouts a day while homeschooling.

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I walk at 6:30ish am for 45 minutes ... then I take middle to his AM Jiu Jitsu class and while he's in class I take Sherlock for a short hike/ramble for ~30 minutes . If Muppet Boy isn't doing BJJ in the AM I walk longer in the early AM (he and Sherlock will both do afternoon martial arts on those days). On our coop days there is an hour that they are both in class and I am free and I walk the perimeter for that hour.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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I take evening classes. When my kids were little, I'd go after dinner and DH would handle baths and the bedtime dance. My kids usually wound down at night, so we had calm evenings and DH could do the dishes. If they were crazy, he'd leave them and I'd do them when I got home or in the morning. Sometimes we cut corners by making that a pizza delivery night so it was easier all around. I go to bed late, so a 7 pm class is still hours away from bedtime for me and doesn't effect my sleep.


Can your DH step up at all?

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Well, I now get up at 4:30 to make sure I have time to do my hour 4 mile walk on the treadmill (along with morning chores, showering, and reading before I wake the boys up).  But when I started, it was with a 30 minute Leslie Sansone DVD and my kids were young (newborn-6).  I made a determination then that my day wouldn't start until I had done my exercise.  I had to make it my #1 goal for the day, even above school, because my health is the most important thing.  That meant that sometimes I was still in my pajamas at 11am (because i workout at home, I never really got around to buying workout clothes), trying to do the video with the boys going crazy in the background.  With that many littles, there was no way I was waking up early to do it.  Over time, I did start waking up early.  I bought a used treadmill about 10 years ago (I'm on my second one now) and that's my main workout.  I usually stream something on Netflix or Prime to kill the time.  

Looking at your day, could you turn lunch prep over to your kids and reclaim that 30 minutes for your health?  


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I take evening classes. When my kids were little, I'd go after dinner and DH would handle baths and the bedtime dance. My kids usually wound down at night, so we had calm evenings and DH could do the dishes. If they were crazy, he'd leave them and I'd do them when I got home or in the morning. Sometimes we cut corners by making that a pizza delivery night so it was easier all around. I go to bed late, so a 7 pm class is still hours away from bedtime for me and doesn't effect my sleep.


Can your DH step up at all?


This is where I have a tough time.  I am fried by 6 pm.  I have never been an evening person, but these days I'm about ready to go to bed by 7:00 when my kids do.  Evening is usually my best bet for a consistent workout, but I have a really difficult time personally making that commitment.


Also, my DH travels a lot.  I was managing a 20 minute walk in the evenings for several weeks straight; and it did feel good to get moving even just a little bit.  But DH has been out of town since last Friday, and won't be home until late Saturday evening, so there goes that evening walk.  And yes, I can get out the double stroller, but then I have a 4 yo scootering around with me, etc. etc.

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It's tough. I'm a "retired" homeschool mom now, but it was always hard to fit it in with DH's work hours and our budget. 


When they were toddlers, I put them both in a double stroller and walked. Later they went on their bikes with me. Unfortunately a fall when they were in grade school damaged my ankle and knee. I had surgery, but I only regained my mobility. I really can't be standing for long periods of time or take long walks. Naturally I have arthritis now.


When they were little, I joined a fitness circuit place that was open until 9pm and did evenings and Saturdays and had an exercise bike.


Then that place closed, and the exercise bike was broken by my oldest and couldn't be repaired.


I did nothing until they were old enough to sit alone at the gym. I joined a gym associated with a hospital that had a nice waiting area next to the receptionist. I did weights, the bike, and Pilates.


That was fine until my oldest wanted to work out at a gym with more weight equipment when he was in high school. We both joined a different gym and brought DD along because they also had a waiting area. 


Now they're both commuter college students, and my oldest and I still work out at the same gym. I do the bike, weights, Pilates, and yoga 4-5x a week, and he does primarily weights. He is also on the facility crew.


I'd like to get an exercise at home at some point, but it's not in the budget at present.

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When they were younger and we had the money, I went to the Y and they went to childwatch.


When I started running and they weren't old enough to stay home, they rode their bikes along with me. Yes, even when I was training for a half marathon. No, it wasn't always their favorite thing to do and sometimes when the running was tough, it was also tough to deal with their whining.


Now, my oldest is old enough to babysit so I go in the morning after breakfast. The kids work on independent work while I'm gone and then we work together after I get back and shower.


I make it work even during the busier seasons (I'm looking at you soccer season) because it's important to me. Some of the housework things I have delegated (because we all live here) and some just may not get done as often. It would not be unusual for me to assign housecleaning chore before heading out for a long run and returning to a clean(er) house. The admin stuff I still get done, but it is not a daily requirement. In your case? I'd be looking to get the kids to take over some of the household things you're doing. Also, whatever you do, pick something you enjoy. It's much easier to make it and yourself a priority if you love what you're doing..

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When they were younger and we had the money, I went to the Y and they went to childwatch.


When I started running and they weren't old enough to stay home, they rode their bikes along with me. Yes, even when I was training for a half marathon. No, it wasn't always their favorite thing to do and sometimes when the running was tough, it was also tough to deal with their whining.


Now, my oldest is old enough to babysit so I go in the morning after breakfast. The kids work on independent work while I'm gone and then we work together after I get back and shower.


I make it work even during the busier seasons (I'm looking at you soccer season) because it's important to me. Some of the housework things I have delegated (because we all live here) and some just may not get done as often. It would not be unusual for me to assign housecleaning chore before heading out for a long run and returning to a clean(er) house. The admin stuff I still get done, but it is not a daily requirement. In your case? I'd be looking to get the kids to take over some of the household things you're doing. Also, whatever you do, pick something you enjoy. It's much easier to make it and yourself a priority if you love what you're doing..

Lots of good points!


+1 on picking something you love to do, I change up my exercise quite a bit b/c if you don't love it you won't keep with it


+1 on having the kids help, my oldest 2 are 10 and 13 so a HUGE help but my 7 (almost) 8 yo is expected to help as well. Train 'em early. We all pitch in here!

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When all of my dc were very young, we took a brisk walk together around the neighborhood every morning before starting school. On bad weather days, we did some kind of video workout.  In the evening, I walked with dh.  At some point we stopped, and I gained weight.  Now, I'm trying to walk every morning before school again, with or without dc, and in the evening, with or without dh.  Having a dog helps.  



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It is crazy hard.  I thought it would get easier when my kids got older, but it hasn't.  Now there are outside classes that are necessities for high school.  So... I just don't.  *shrug*  It isn't ideal, but it is what it is.  My next door neighbor retired last April and she walks 2 miles twice a now.  I longingly watch her walk by and know that some day I will be 'retired' and able to exercise too.

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