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2017 AP scores coming out this week

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According to the College Board, our students' 2017 AP scores will be posted this week on a staggered schedule.


As was mentioned in a previous thread, 2017 AP score distributions are now up on TotalRegistration.net in case anyone is interested in seeing the distributions for their students' exams.


Here are the scores we will be looking at this week:


DS17: AP Chemistry - On the border between a 4 and a 5 (But he didn't quite finish and only 9.2% earned 5s this year.)

DS15: AP Computer Science A - Expecting a solid 5.

DS17. DS15, and DD15: AP Microeconomics - Expecting a 4, 5 and (hopefully) a 3.

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How do you guess/predict scores?

I did intensive prep with DS17 on AP Chemistry and with DS15 on AP Computer Science A. We have several official practice tests for each subject. DS15 was far into the 5 range on his last few AP CS A tests, so I'm confident there. DS17 was improving rapidly on Chemistry, but never had enough time to finish. On the real test, he completed all but the very last (4-point) problem, so if his accuracy was up there, he got a 5, but a 4 would not be a surprise.


On micro, they did self-study. DS15 was very solid with his practice tests and will almost-certainly get a 5. DS17 was a bit shaky, testing typically as a 4 and DD15 never scored above a 2, so I'm just hopeful she can pull out a 3, but a 2 would not be a surprise.


But those are just my projections. We'll see what the actual numbers end up being.

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I'm glad I saw this--I thought the release schedule was based on the student's address.


I thought exactly the same thing!  We live in VA, but only about one mile from WV.  Often, our cell phones connect to towers in WV.  I suppose if we tried to access the scores through a phone connected in WV, it would give us the scores on Wednesday.  I may try this.


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Am I correct that the access is based on the student's physical location not the location where the exam is taken? We live on the East Coast but DS took the exam at an international location because we were overseas on the exam date.

Edited by Penguin
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Am I correct that the access is based on the student's physical location not the location where the exam is taken? We live on the East Coast but DS took the exam at an international location because we were overseas on the exam date.


I believe access is from where your computer says you are when you try to check scores - thus the reference to a proxy server (to make it look like you are in one of the earlier states).

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I believe access is from where your computer says you are when you try to check scores - thus the reference to a proxy server (to make it look like you are in one of the earlier states).

Yes, this is correct.  I have used a proxy server every year.  The kids over on CC are very helpful with providing proxy info for those who have never used one before (like me)

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Thanks for the info. I think we will just wait for Thursday to see dd's scores. Dd attends high school almost full time.now, so i was not all that involved in the prep. Here are the ones we are waiting for:


AP Studio Art Drawing. We expect a 5 on this one. All of her teachers have told her this.


AP Physics 1. I'm pretty worried about this one. Dd was sick the whole week of the exams and she is not the fastest worker. She got A's and B's in the class at school because she put a ton of time in the homework. The score distributions are concerning. At this rate, I think a 3 would be a good score for her, unless they were totally sandbagging the practice tests.


APUSH. I have no idea how she did as she was so sick when she took this (I really tried to convince her to take a make up exam). Prior to her being sick, we were hoping for a 4. While she is a good writer and does synthesize information well, she does not do that well under time pressure.



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We're only waiting on one score this year - Ds18 took AP English Lit - and whatever score he gets will be a surprise to me. He self-studied, didn't calculate the overall scores of any of his practice tests, and didn't want to share any predictions about his score. Scores aren't released to our state until Saturday, but I'm sure Ds will use a proxy to get them earlier. 

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Yes, but if you have someone else find out for you, you miss the opportunity to create your own

for youtube! (They can be endearing and entertaining.)
Taking five APs in one year often leads to very low scores. The young man in the video did very well to get the scores he got. We have seen some very bright students fail miserably by trying to load up too many APs in their last year or two. The stress that comes to bear as the tests approach can be quite high and can lead to illness in some cases.


A much more success-oriented approach spreads the APs out over four or five years to allow the students a better opportunity to master the material in each subject. It's too bad that some (many?) schools restrict access to AP courses to students' junior and senior years of high school.

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Taking five APs in one year often leads to very low scores. The young man in the video did very well to get the scores he got. We have seen some very bright students fail miserably by trying to load up too many APs in their last year or two. The stress that comes to bear as the tests approach can be quite high and can lead to illness in some cases.


A much more success-oriented approach spreads the APs out over four or five years to allow the students a better opportunity to master the material in each subject. It's too bad that some (many?) schools restrict access to AP courses to students' junior and senior years of high school.


Ohhhh, now you have me nervous again.  Dd is scheduled to take 4 APs next year, her junior year.  I tell myself it will be okay because we got a head start on calculus in February with the AoPS book:  she has some experience with derivatives and integrals and limits.  She's pretty mathy in general, so she should do fine with physics C.  But she really really wanted to add APUSH and AP Comp to her schedule, and did so against my advice.  Why not save them for senior year?  Although I have to say those PAH teachers seems very enthusiastic.  We're already receiving emails for them about things to do and read about over the summer.  (I love getting a head start on classes.)  


Nervous, nervous.  

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Ohhhh, now you have me nervous again.  Dd is scheduled to take 4 APs next year, her junior year.  I tell myself it will be okay because we got a head start on calculus in February with the AoPS book:  she has some experience with derivatives and integrals and limits.  She's pretty mathy in general, so she should do fine with physics C.  But she really really wanted to add APUSH and AP Comp to her schedule, and did so against my advice.  Why not save them for senior year?  Although I have to say those PAH teachers seems very enthusiastic.  We're already receiving emails for them about things to do and read about over the summer.  (I love getting a head start on classes.)  


Nervous, nervous.  

four is fine, DS did that his Junior year and so did my nephew a few years back

My nephew just completed his Freshman year in college and due to the AP classes was quite ready for College level material 

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Ohhhh, now you have me nervous again.  Dd is scheduled to take 4 APs next year, her junior year.  I tell myself it will be okay because we got a head start on calculus in February with the AoPS book:  she has some experience with derivatives and integrals and limits.  She's pretty mathy in general, so she should do fine with physics C.  But she really really wanted to add APUSH and AP Comp to her schedule, and did so against my advice.  Why not save them for senior year?  Although I have to say those PAH teachers seems very enthusiastic.  We're already receiving emails for them about things to do and read about over the summer.  (I love getting a head start on classes.)  


Nervous, nervous.  

DS19 took four APs during his senior year: Calculus BC, Physics C: Mechanics, Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism, and Psychology.  He has always been a testing machine and got a 5 on all of them.  He had also taken six APs in previous years, so he knew what AP prep was all about (and we knew what his capabilities were).


OTOH, DS17 was scheduled to take three APs last year:  Microeconomics, Chemistry and English Literature (or was it Composition?).  Anyway, he is NOT a testing machine like DS19 and in January we decided to drop English so that he could focus on Chemistry prep.  He got either a 4 or a 5 on both Microeconomics and Chemistry, but I'm confident he would have struggled to get even a 3 in Chemistry and English had he kept them both.


In other words, it really depends on the student.  Five APs is simply too much for most students.  There are a few that can handle that type of a load, but most cannot.  I doubt that any Guheert will ever take more than three APs in future years.  In fact, it's possible none will take more than two.


One final note about taking APs in the senior year:  Based on our experience with DS27, DD24, and DS19, I recommend that students take APs which will be prerequisites for courses which they intend to take in the fall semester of their first year in college BEFORE their senior year in high school.  The reason is that the AP scores do not come out until July and the student will be competing for the limited classroom seats in those courses with upperclassmen.  DS19 had to get the head of the math department to provisionally waive the Calculus prerequisite TWICE and get an advisor to force a couple of classes for his first semester before the courses filled.  It would have been much simpler had he taken Calculus in his Junior year.  (Of course, that's easier said than done.  He didn't take calculus until his senior year.  That's the reason why he didn't take AP Calculus and AP Calc-based Physics until then.)

Edited by RegGuheert
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DD found out by looking at the UC Davis website.  She went to the website for another reason - but UCD had updated her account with the score (APUSH 5  :thumbup:)  since they had already received.


Double congratulations are in order: A "5" and first to get their scores!  :hurray:


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DD found out by looking at the UC Davis website.  She went to the website for another reason - but UCD had updated her account with the score (APUSH 5  :thumbup:)  since they had already received.  


Maybe other UC's do the same thing.

so for Senior year APs it might be better to just send them to the college 


When did you accept to that college?

When did you "send" your AP scores (paid for the scores)?

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so for Senior year APs it might be better to just send them to the college 


When did you accept to that college?

When did you "send" your AP scores (paid for the scores)?

DD signed up on the test day form to have the score sent directly to the university.


Accepted UCD in March.

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DD found out by looking at the UC Davis website.  She went to the website for another reason - but UCD had updated her account with the score (APUSH 5  :thumbup:)  since they had already received.  


Maybe other UC's do the same thing.


UC Berkeley's portal is showing that the process has been initiated but they don't show the 2 AP scores (hoping they receive the score as A provided the college code on each test day). The portal has been under maintenance the last few days so that might be another reason nothing is showing. We are waiting for AP Chem and AP Eng Lit (2 of subjects with the lowest number of "5"s this year). A did say that apart from the pneumonia A had as a 2-year-old, the AP Eng Lit exam this year was the most painful experience ever (yes, harder than even multiple post calculus level math exams lol).

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Just saw this line for AP English Lit from the Total Registration link Reg linked (thank you Reg!):

"Essays: students scored lowest on HarperĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s poem but some readers mentioned great essays recognizing parallels to jazz improv."


A happily shouted "that was me!" :laugh:. Not just you kiddo, probably many more, but that gives me hope for sure. I was thinking that if A gets a 3 for AP Lit, I might treat the kid to pizza.

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My ninth grader was the only freshman and the only homeschooler at our testing location for any AP test.  She took the AP Psych test (her first AP) after studying the Myer's text with the Sonlight syllabus and every single set of flashcards and every test prep book available on Amazon.  She literally can't sleep waiting for the scores.  We are in VA, so it will be Thursday morning.  She feels very confident.  I am less worried about the score than I am about her reaction to the score.  She knew that material backwards and forwards and upside down (and, as a result, feels like she can psychologically analyze our behavior at ever turn LOL!).  The distributions said that doing well on FRQ2 was predictive of overall score.  She knew that one.  I am ready for the wait to be over!


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I thought exactly the same thing!  We live in VA, but only about one mile from WV.  Often, our cell phones connect to towers in WV.  I suppose if we tried to access the scores through a phone connected in WV, it would give us the scores on Wednesday.  I may try this.



I downloaded an app for my Android phone which shows which cell tower my phone is currently using.  It seems to alternate between a tower in Winchester, VA, and a tower in Bunker Hill, WV.  But I discovered that if I put it in the master bathroom, it prefers the connection to Bunker Hill.


So, in about 5 minutes, I will be able to answer the following burning questions:

1)  Does the College Board base our location on the location of the cell phone or the tower?  I'm guessing the tower.

2)  Is all I have to do to access our children's scores is to place my cell phone in the bathroom?

3)  Oh, yeah: What AP scores did our DC get?


In reality, what I will likely learn is that the College Board's website is overloaded again. :glare:


Let the games begin!  Good luck getting your scores!

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What do you get for properly bubbling in your name?  A one?  That's what I expect my rising senior to get on the gov exam.  She was not well prepared by her teacher and refused all offers of assistance from me.  She might get one point higher on her econ exam, so maybe a 2.  My only hope is that she clues in that these scores were low because of her extreme lack of preparation.  

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IIn reality, what I will likely learn is that the College Board's website is overloaded again. :glare:


Sure enough:

Please come back later

Because many students are logging in to get their AP scores right now, we're unable to display your scores at the moment. Please come back later today and try again. Thank you for your patience!

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Got 'em!  I didn't use the link in the OP, since that redirected to the "Please come back later" page.  Instead, I logged directly into the regular AP student page, hovered over "AP Scores" and then slid over and clicked "View Your Scores."


I guess putting the cell phone in the bathroom was the key!


Unfortunately, DS17 got 4s on both AP Chemistry and AP Microeconomics.  These are good scores, but he was hoping for a 5 on each.

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O.K.  I got all of the Guheerts' scores.  All my predictions were correct except for one:


DS17: AP Chemistry - On the border between a 4 and a 5 (But he didn't quite finish and only 9.2% earned 5s this year.)

DS17 got a 4 on AP Chemistry.  A very solid result, but a 5 would have been a real boost for his confidence.


DS15: AP Computer Science A - Expecting a solid 5.

This was the shocker:  DS15 got a 4 on AP Computer Science A.  He was pretty far into 5 range on the practice exams and he felt he did very well on the exam.  No big deal.


DS17. DS15, and DD15: AP Microeconomics - Expecting a 4, 5 and (hopefully) a 3.

That's exactly what they got!


Time for the phone to go back into the bedroom.

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We used the trick of signing into her account as well. It worked Ă°Å¸ËœÅ“

DD15 got a 5 on AP Psychology. Phew.


She took it on FLVS (see detailed post about class & prep used on #46 below).

Good luck to everyone else!




edited to reflect online class used for course....

Edited by counselinggirl
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My ninth grader was the only freshman and the only homeschooler at our testing location for any AP test.  She took the AP Psych test (her first AP) after studying the Myer's text with the Sonlight syllabus and every single set of flashcards and every test prep book available on Amazon.  She literally can't sleep waiting for the scores.  We are in VA, so it will be Thursday morning.  She feels very confident.  I am less worried about the score than I am about her reaction to the score.  She knew that material backwards and forwards and upside down (and, as a result, feels like she can psychologically analyze our behavior at ever turn LOL!).  The distributions said that doing well on FRQ2 was predictive of overall score.  She knew that one.  I am ready for the wait to be over!


Somehow I missed your comment. My DD15 was also the only freshman and homeschooler at our testing location. :) She took AP Psychology as her first AP too. DD is away at Summer Intensive and started crying last night on the phone she was so anxious and worried about her score (I think she was also tired and hungry! Ha). She also knew the material in and out, backwards and forwards and knew FRQ2 too! Yay for both of them! Was a relief to see the 5 score this morning. Best of luck to your daughter! I am sure she will do super well.

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Proxy worked here. My rising sophomore ds is disappointed as he was hoping for at least 4's in all. First APs ever. But happy the wait is over.

Computer Science A - 4 (go Edhesive!)

Human Geography - 3 (PAH)

US Govt - 3 (Thinkwell)


I think we've learned that a good class goes a long way toward higher scores. Edhesive was awesome. PAH Human Geography awful. And Thinkwell US Govt, only as good as the effort you put into it and not sure if the full effort was put in. So looking forward to a good set of AP 'classes' next year. And looking forward to next week's SAT II Bio scores - as the class (WTMA) was a great one. So here's hoping!

Edited by mirabillis
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Somehow I missed your comment. My DD15 was also the only freshman and homeschooler at our testing location. :) She took AP Psychology as her first AP too. DD is away at Summer Intensive and started crying last night on the phone she was so anxious and worried about her score (I think she was also tired and hungry! Ha). She also knew the material in and out, backwards and forwards and knew FRQ2 too! Yay for both of them! Was a relief to see the 5 score this morning. Best of luck to your daughter! I am sure will do super well.

Congrats to both your DDs on amazing results.

Counselinggirl, was your DD a self study, as well?

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Proxy worked here. My rising sophomore ds is disappointed as he was hoping for at least 4's in all. First APs ever. But happy the wait is over.

Computer Science A - 4 (go Edhesive!)

Human Geography - 3 (PAH)

US Govt - 3 (Thinkwell)


I think we've learned that a good class goes a long way toward higher scores. Edhesive was awesome. PAH Human Geography awful. And Thinkwell US Govt, only as good as the effort you put into it and not sure if the full effort was put in. So looking forward to a good set of AP 'classes' next year. And looking forward to next week's SAT II Bio scores - as the class (WTMA) was a great one. So here's hoping!

Always good to see feedback on providers - you should ask for a partial refund from PAH   :glare:

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We got ds's results:

AP English Language (Kathryn Walker at PAH) 5--thrilled with this.  He was worried about this exam, but I felt he was well prepared.


AP Physics I (AIM academy) --3.  I am actually ok with this.  He struggled with some of the work in the AP section of the course he took and had low confidence.  The AP prep part was more self-guided than his Engl Lang. class and he really needs deadlines and clear expectations.  He didn't really want my interference and was feeling stressed out so I just decided to let things be.  He felt good about the test, so I was a little hopeful for a 4, but satisfied with a 3.  He's a bit bummed--but I did point out that his dad and I got some 3s on our APs and we aren't disappointed in him, so I think he'll bounce back.

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Congrats to both your DDs on amazing results.

Counselinggirl, was your DD a self study, as well?


Thank you!!


Madteaparty my DD took FLVS's (Florida Virtual School - it's free for us) course. It was basic but gave her a foundation--it was a straightforward class and she learned a lot but she did every nook and cranny of every lesson in the course and read the text provided thoroughly! Then she self-studied for the exam (the course didn't really offer official exam prep like some AP courses). She did very well in the course - the graded items alternated between tests (that mimicked the mc portion of AP exam) and the lessons where she wrote practice FRQs, plus they had to keep a running journal of vocabulary words that was submitted with each unit.


For exam prep she used several AP Psych prep books - I think Barron's was the main one but what she also did was look over every previous years' AP exams. If she found any material she didn't know she would look it over to make sure she wasn't missing anything. I think doing intense review of the past exams was very helpful. She practiced writing a lot of different FRQ's and would compare them to the answers that got a 5. I think she also "pretended" to grade exams to see how she would score them; this helped her understand exactly what the examiners were looking for as far as items that scored points. By doing this exercise, she said she learned how to get all the points for each FRQ.

Edited by counselinggirl
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My ds just scored a 4 on his AP World History Exam using HSLDA Online Academy!  We are thrilled, as it's his first AP exam!!! 


(BTW, P'M me if you want a special code for $30 off as a newbie taking an online course with them.  We now know they have proven success!)




P.S.  Edited to add that he took the test on Thursday, and Friday he had major shoulder surgery for an injury sustained last year playing Ultimate Frisbee.  Then, two days after that, his Grandpa (my dad) passed away suddenly of a heart attack.  It was an incredibly emotional time and we are so thankful for this piece of good news!

Edited by Omma
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Thanks for this thread, as I had no idea what the schedule was. For our state, scores were released at 8 am, so I woke up ds. He was expecting a 5 on Statistics, but I was nervous He got a 5! His first AP -- I am so happy for him. Btw, he did a stat course at his ps.


Congrats to everyone, not just the 4 or 5 people, but everyone who attempted an AP or multiple APs. Just from seeing what ds did, I know it's a gigantic commitment and effort, and I am in awe of all those here (parents as well as students) who did it without school support. My only contribution was buying a calculator, lol.

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Thank you!!


Madteaparty my DD took FLVS's (Florida Virtual School - it's free for us) course. It was basic but gave her a foundation--it was a straightforward class and she learned a lot but she did every nook and cranny of every lesson in the course and read the text provided thoroughly! Then she self-studied for the exam (the course didn't really offer official exam prep like some AP courses). She did very well in the course - the graded items alternated between tests (that mimicked the mc portion of AP exam) and the lessons where she wrote practice FRQs, plus they had to keep a running journal of vocabulary words that was submitted with each unit.


For exam prep she used several AP Psych prep books - I think Barron's was the main one but what she also did was look over every previous years' AP exams. If she found any material she didn't know she would look it over to make sure she wasn't missing anything. I think doing intense review of the past exams was very helpful. She practiced writing a lot of different FRQ's and would compare them to the answers that got a 5. I think she also "pretended" to grade exams to see how she would score them; this helped her understand exactly what the examiners were looking for as far as items that scored points. By doing this exercise, she said she learned how to get all the points for each FRQ.

Very many thanks for this detailed post, I appreciate and I'm sure many others reading do too!
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My dc each had three APs this year. Older ds was reasonably happy with his scores in English literature, statistics, and biology. He is maxed out at the amount of credit he can get at his college next year. Younger ds was pleased with US history and English language. He was disappointed in his chemistry score. I won't say "I told you so" to him, but we knew the AP chemistry class that he took online was not a very strong course. I think if he really wanted to do well on the AP, he would have had to do significant prep despite getting an "A" in the class.

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