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Tampons for tweens?

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We are officially a three-period household *sigh* I really hoped we had a bit longer, but no. Unfortunately, we're scheduled to leave for a beach vacation soon, so I'm needing supplies. 


I remember slender and slender regular tampons from a million years ago, but I can't seem to find them in any stores around here. Do they even make them anymore? Can anyone recommend the slimmest, easiest-to-use brand they know? DD did try one of my regular Playtex, but it was too uncomfortable for her, and I said we'd try to find something smaller. 



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Kotex makes a Sleek Slender tampon.   Tampax makes a lite one which is thinner too.  Think it's called Pearl Lite.


She may like non-applicator ones, though.  So an OB regular. 

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Listening in.  Oldest DD just finished up her monthly, so she's safe for next week's Disney trip....but I have a bad feeling she'll be on at summer camp....


Oh, yep...two weeks of summer camp as well. Boo :( 


Neither of my girls liked the tampons they tried, unfortunately. I don't remember ever having any trouble with them, personally. I loved the freedom! Hopefully something slimmer will help. 

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Oh, yep...two weeks of summer camp as well. Boo :(


Neither of my girls liked the tampons they tried, unfortunately. I don't remember ever having any trouble with them, personally. I loved the freedom! Hopefully something slimmer will help. 


Going to put this out there...when I first used tampons, I had no idea that the applicator bit came out so I found them very uncomfortable.  (Obviously!)  Not something my Mom ever discussed.  So if they're not using applicator-less ones, something to make sure that they understand.  

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I started with tampons. Super duty ones thank you PCOS. Some lube would have been nice. KY or something. But once I learned how to actually get them all the way inside and got over the "you want me to push WHERE" it really wasn't that bad. 

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My dd started at 9 1/2, and by her second period, wanted to use tampons.  She has been successful with OB for two years now.  She's never wanted to try an applicator, so I got her OB.  She had trouble with the very first one, not getting it inserted far enough, but has never had another problem.



I have seen Tampax Slender Regulars, but only rarely.  Last year, I switched to a cup, then I seem to have stopped having periods, so I'm out of touch.  I didn't realize the Slender Regs had gone a way.


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Going to put this out there...when I first used tampons, I had no idea that the applicator bit came out so I found them very uncomfortable.  (Obviously!)  Not something my Mom ever discussed.  So if they're not using applicator-less ones, something to make sure that they understand.


Oh, the same thing happened to me. I think it's actually kind of common, believe it or not. My mom didn't use tampons and didn't talk about that stuff either. A friend's older sister straightened me out. That was the first conversation I had with both my girls when they tested out tampons!




My girl loves the Diva cup, FWIW.

Oh boy, I would love that! I don't know how I ever lived without mine. I offered her the option, but she said no. Maybe I'll make another play for applicator-less tampons though. They are easier to control, I had forgotten about that.

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My girl loves the Diva cup, FWIW.


I have been trying to convince my dd to use the diva cup since she got her period.  I know one day she will get on board with it.


She used Tampax Junior back in the day.

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Tampax Slender (or Compact ?  or light?) are the easiest and slenderest I know of.  Hand her lube with them.  DD used them right out of the gate because she got her first period 40 minutes before her swim meet warm-ups were to start.  I stood outside the bathroom door coaching her on insertion, and do remember telling her to just "shove that thing up there", LOL.  She got it done and swam well!

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I had one tween get her first period at the beach and one get her first period the day of the homeschool trip to the waterslide park, not to mention she had ballet the next day, lyrical the day after that and so on.


The one that worked for them was the Playtex Sport Compact


The other thing that was helpful was practicing putting one in a glass of water so that she can see how the tampon works, and reminding her that if she is seated to aim for the small of her back not straight up.


My oldest & youngest daughters each went through several while attempting to figure out how to get it placed properly,


"Nope, that one didn't go far enough."


"Nope, dropped that one in the toilet."


"Nope, held on to the string while removing applicator."


That diagram that comes in the box is useless.  


Also for my youngest daughter the next day was church & I was attempting to make sure she realized she might need to change her tampon because we would be there for hours so our conversation went like this:


Me:  Ready for church?


DD:  Yep


Me:  Do you have everything you need?


DD:  I have my scriptures, a notebook and my chapstick.


Me:  You might need to take a tampon.


DD:  Mom!  Don't say that word out loud!  What if dad heard you?


Dh & I have been married for over 20 years and she is our 3rd daughter.  Pretty sure he knows about tampons.


3 years later & she has no problem telling me "Who is going shopping next?  I need tampons."


Amber in SJ




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Going to put this out there...when I first used tampons, I had no idea that the applicator bit came out so I found them very uncomfortable.  (Obviously!)  Not something my Mom ever discussed.  So if they're not using applicator-less ones, something to make sure that they understand.  


OMG, I did the same thing!

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As a cup user I can say more than a few of these have happened to me. The struggle is real :lol:

I just cannot imagine my pre-teen daughter trying to stick two fingers and  a cup in those regions.  It was difficult enought for me as a mom with multiple pregnancies.  


I'm a cup drop out.  

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