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Dates for People Who Don't Like Dates


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They never shortened my labor. Adequate nutrition, particularly iron and other trace minerals, seem to be that correlation. Don't eat something you hate. Just focus on those things the dates impart aside from huge amounts of sugar.

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I'd do a lot to shorten labor...

When are you due? I'm about two weeks out. Maybe I'll buy some dates. I always have looong labors.

They're good with cream cheese!


You are due in two weeks?! How did that happen? No, no don't answer that.

TWO WEEKS??? :svengo:


I just recently found out you're pregnant, and now this "two weeks" thing has thrown me for a loop. I thought you still had months to go!


Now I'm getting all excited!!! :hurray:

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If you have access to a variety of dates, try different kinds. There are big differences between some varieties but most aren't widely available outside date-producing areas.


Personally, I cannot stand dates and that is sad since they are grown locally here. They're way too sweet for me and the texture is not appealing. I would rather have a long labor than eat six dates a day for an entire month. But now I'm going to have to ask the Filipina labor and delivery nurses I know if women deliver more quickly in Saudi Arabia (where dates are common) than in the Philippines where they aren't quite as common.

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I'd do a lot to shorten labor...


When are you due? I'm about two weeks out. Maybe I'll buy some dates. I always have looong labors.


They're good with cream cheese!


Doctor says in a couple days, but I suspect baby will come later. I'm feeling pretty done, though.

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You must eat too many dates :tongue_smilie:


I could cut my labors by 90% and still have time for an epidural.

I know right? My fast labors are still hours. I think my briefest from early labor to birth was something like seven or eight hours, but it took me maybe an hour and a half from active labor to birth.


I hope you go quickly! Yay!

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I know right? My fast labors are still hours. I think my briefest from early labor to birth was something like seven or eight hours, but it took me maybe an hour and a half from active labor to birth.


I hope you go quickly! Yay!

That would be unbelievably quick for me! I don't think I've cracked 20 hours. Last time I went to the hospital around hour 15 and was maybe 3 cm dialated; I wanted an epidural that time cause I was just too worn out (had been taking care of sick kids all week) and hoped to sleep--of course they made me labor for another 5 hours first because I was progressing so slowly. I was in hard labor the whole time, I just don't dialate easily :(

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