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What is your IQ?

What is your IQ?  

  1. 1. What is your IQ?

    • 95-100
    • 101-105
    • 106-110
    • 111-115
    • 116-120
    • 121-125
    • 126-130
    • 131-135
    • 136-140
    • 141+

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IQ's are suppose to stay in regular range. I know this doesn't always happen. It shouldn't change but maybe a few points for margin of error. Every time I take one, I stay in a +/- range of 5 points. This has been true from the scores I had in 9th grade and up (I don't know of my score when I was younger.).

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I was tested in 4th grade. Do IQ's change? :tongue_smilie: Sadly, I think mine is probably lower now. I was really driven and competitive when I was in school, but these days it feels like I can barely remember my own name. :w00t:

IQ's don't have anything to do with being "driven or competitive". It measures natural abilities. Their are many people with high IQ's that quit school and many with low IQ's that have college degrees. Remember IQ's don't take into account drive and work ethic.

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If I was tested they never told me so I have no clue. Can I make one up?:D


Seriously, I don't think it would change how I feel about my intelligence or lack thereof, but is there some way I can find out my IQ?


There are IQ tests on line. I've taken them a couple of times, I always score very near to what my IQ was measured to be "officially". Some are better then others though.

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You all better NOT be complaining about high school-level homeschooling being too hard, that's all I've got to say. :glare:



(Seriously, I sort of expected that you all were an intelligent group. And each of us is probably gifted in one area more than others. AND each of us probably has at least one child who is smarter than we are, so it's a challenge to do this homeschooling thing, even if the measured IQ is above average. "To whom more is given, more is expected." )

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So, how come you didn't include the below average range? Of course we're going to be an above-average lot, if you don't let the below-averages vote!!


(Just kidding. I think we ARE all above average--just in more ways than IQ.) :D

I'm probably going to have a skewed poll:ohmy:. I just assumed that we were all average and above. At least my poll will make us look like we are smart:sneaky2:.

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My scores on internet quizzes were in the +/-5 range of my 9th grade score. The only official test score I have is from 9th grade. So yes, they do count!


Anybody have an average IQ. Fess-up! Nobody knows who you are:D. Anybody?

Edited by Tabrett
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I just want you all to know I nearly killed myself to take an online IQ test within the allotted time frame(13) while sitting in my bathroom with the door locked(no distractions), my brain is now fried, and they want $10 to tell me my score. AGGGHHHHH!!!!


I found another one, but I simply cannot think anymore tonight.:tongue_smilie:I guess I will just have to continue wondering at my amazing intellect with no proof. :D

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This is interesting -


I was tested once, when I was in - hmmm - elementary school? Can't remember - but my parents never told me my score. They actually explained it to me, that they didn't want me to know because they felt it would effect me negatively. . . . . if I remember right, it was something about me being too prideful??? Darn if I'm not getting it straight right now. . .


Hmm. . . . . .I'll have to ask them some time.


But this tempts me to do a spin-off thread. When I was in jr. high I had a reputation as "The Smart Girl". We moved towns to a new high school, and I purposely acted very, very ditsy. I had lots of dates, and no integrity. As a result, I've always struggled with not wanting to seem more intelligent than the men around me -


There, you can psychoanalyze that all you want! And it should probably go in the "something you've never told anyone on this board before" thread!


I ramble. Sorry!

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With regard to being skewed towards higher scores: I have a homeschooling friend who claims that the reason for the statistic that homeschoolers get higher achievement test scores overall is that more intelligent people tend to homeschool.


So there you go!

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I think my parents know but have never told me or my siblings. I do believe that my oldest brother, who has long been thought to be "the smartest" of all us kids (lack of common sense notwithstanding ;)) scored very high, because my mother sort of nods in a knowing way when she discusses his IQ test results. Since I was the third in the line of three, and there is some research that points to gradually declining IQ's coinciding with birth order, I figure I'm lower, by a reasonable amount, than he.


I don't think I want to know what my IQ is. I've spent a lifetime believing that my most defining features aren't necessarily those that would show up on an intelligence test, and I'm sticking with that story! :D

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I also think people with average IQ's were less likely to be tested in ps. At least in the school I went to, only the ones who were singled out for gifted programs were tested.


:iagree: This was the way it was at my school, too. In my case my mom was called with the test results and pulled out my baby book to write them down. Otherwise, I would never have known what my IQ was. I'm afraid knowing it has made me think about it way too much. Whenever the subject of IQ comes up, I am reminded of Anne of Green Gables and the following quote:


Besides, I was comparing it with my own nose and that's vanity. I'm afraid I think too much about my nose ever since I heard that compliment about it long ago. It really is a great comfort to me.


As an awkward, geeky adolescent with braces, glasses and acne my IQ score was one of my only comforts. However, I have definitely learned that academic success is not dependent upon high IQs.

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I don't believe I was ever tested. We had a big two day test to give us an idea about what career we should pick. It was done at age 15.

They gave the girls both the "boy's" professions and a "girl's" list. The boys only got the boys list. It was a kind of test with spatial reasoning, math, language, and also questions about "would you rather go to a ball game or an art gallery".


For me Boy was:

1) Auto mechanic

2) Forest ranger

3) Psychologist


Girl was:

1) Catholic teaching nun (this was a public school)

2) Nurse

3) Psychologist


I remember just cracking up about it all, although I was interested in psychology. Because of this test, I took auto mechanics, and earned a lot of college money doing brakes and clutches, etc. during my college years. I think the nun and ranger bit was my liking for lack of hubbub. And I now work with the mentally ill, and in a medical field (with lots of hubbub!). I think the auto mechanic part was the fact I always max out the spatial reasoning parts of tests. So, perhaps it was more reasonable than I gave it credit for.


Did anyone else get this very long test in high school?

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My older son is the only one in our family who has been tested. His score was higher than the highest score you listed.


Can I just say I'm sure he gets it from dear old mom? :tongue_smilie:


By the way, can I ask what led each of you to take an IQ test in the first place? Not the internet variety, but those of you who were administered an official test...why was it done?

Edited by Crissy
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My eighth grade math teacher told me what it was. I got a "D" one quarter in his class -- and oh, didn't *that* get everyone to scurrying. I didn't really like him much. He was really nice, though, just a "no-nonsense" guy. So when we were working on this stuff one afternoon he says, "I'm not supposed to tell you this, but . . ." Frankly, I thought he was just telling me that so I wouldn't give up -- but I found out later it was true. I kind of wish I didn't know, though.

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I had a book once that had an IQ test in it. It was a timed test (you timed yourself). I scored almost too-well, so I don't know how accurate it was, or how lenient I was on timing myself (this was high school, I think). Since this thread started, I looked for an online test, and the one I started was full of math, which seems to test more for academic/math ability than for natural smarts/intuition/perception. It was nothing like the one from my book years ago.


I didn't answer the poll yet--not until I find a good test to go by.

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I voted with the score I got on my test, but in the report the tester stated it should have been higher but I was distracted by the crying baby on my hip, so I don't think mine is very accurate


ETA according to the online test I have an IQ of 132 which is a big difference fromt eh one I took at the clinic so who knows

Edited by swellmomma
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I'm curious to know the IQ's of the hive. I don't want you to post your name. It's not a contest to see who has the highest IQ. I have a theory that we are a group of smart cookies:D.


I don't have a clue what my IQ is, or why it would be relevant in my life. No idea whether I was ever tested as a child, either. I doubt it; I just can't imagine my parents caring about such a thing. Honestly, some of the smartest, wisest people I know likely wouldn't rank real high on the IQ scale. I don't consider it of any import.

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I don't believe I was ever tested. We had a big two day test to give us an idea about what career we should pick. It was done at age 15.

They gave the girls both the "boy's" professions and a "girl's" list. The boys only got the boys list. It was a kind of test with spatial reasoning, math, language, and also questions about "would you rather go to a ball game or an art gallery".


For me Boy was:

1) Auto mechanic

2) Forest ranger

3) Psychologist


Girl was:

1) Catholic teaching nun (this was a public school)

2) Nurse

3) Psychologist


I remember just cracking up about it all, although I was interested in psychology. Because of this test, I took auto mechanics, and earned a lot of college money doing brakes and clutches, etc. during my college years. I think the nun and ranger bit was my liking for lack of hubbub. And I now work with the mentally ill, and in a medical field (with lots of hubbub!). I think the auto mechanic part was the fact I always max out the spatial reasoning parts of tests. So, perhaps it was more reasonable than I gave it credit for.


Did anyone else get this very long test in high school?

I did the military ASVAB (I think that is what it was called?). It sounds similar to what you are talking about, except for the boy/girl thing. I scored highest in jet plane mechanics and lowest in secretarial work. An office job was never for me:D.

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I don't have a clue what my IQ is, or why it would be relevant in my life. No idea whether I was ever tested as a child, either. I doubt it; I just can't imagine my parents caring about such a thing. Honestly, some of the smartest, wisest people I know likely wouldn't rank real high on the IQ scale. I don't consider it of any import.


I sure am glad that you posted this because I did the IQ quiz and I am really stoopid.:lol:


I am the one who needs to be homeschooled.;)

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IQ's don't have anything to do with being "driven or competitive". It measures natural abilities. Their are many people with high IQ's that quit school and many with low IQ's that have college degrees. Remember IQ's don't take into account drive and work ethic.

That is so true. My IQ is in the higher range, but I'm lazy. If I had the drive and ambition I could have done much better in terms of my education after high school.

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Elaine? Stoopid? I think not!

I sure am glad that you posted this because I did the IQ quiz and I am really stoopid.:lol:


I am the one who needs to be homeschooled.;)

Therein lies one of the beauties of homeschooling: the kids aren't the only ones who are learning. :001_smile:

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I know three are a lot of very bright, intelligent women on this board, but I think the responses are HIGHLY inflated! Less than 0.5% of the population have an IQ above 141... and I doubt those people are hanging out on these boards in such large numbers! LOL


Really, I would take the responses with a HUGE grain of salt!

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