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New Game: Tell something about your self that you have never told on the board before

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I am obsessed with Dancing With the Stars TV show, yet we don't have a TV. I stay up late every Monday night and watch it on YouTube. On Tuesday mornings my kids spend their break time watching my favorite dances from the night before. Weird, huh?

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5. I like banana and mayonnaise sandwiches.quote]


My mother is from NC. She used to feed banana and mayo sandwiches to me when I was little. I still shudder to think of it. I'm going to have to tell my sister about your post...she can't eat mayo to this day because of the memory of those sandwiches!! And she's 40 years old!



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I have met David Bowie 7 or 8 times in my life, once standing in line in front of a building while waiting for it to open in Paris--we talked for more than half an hour. I didn't realize until we were about to go in who he was (he told me--I didn't notice the bodyguards until he pointed them out). I'm not a fan of his music.


I've seen Rick Springfield in concert 19 times (I was a huge fan!). Never met him :(.


A woman on a train in India tried to trade four chickens, a pig and a donkey with my mother for my hand in marriage to her son (she had all but the donkey with her--my mom said no :)). The woman still offered to share her lunch with us. We said no.


The Mona Lisa does nothing for me. I really don't care why she is smiling. I don't think it is a great smile, either.


I, at one time in my life, owned 21 birds, 14 cats, and one rabbit. And one xh. I'm now down to 2 dogs and 4 cats. And one dd :).

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These are soo interesting, and some are so funny! What a great thread.


About me


Ok, (deep breath) even husband doesn't know this...

I sucked my thumb until I was 25.

Pretty sad, huh?

I decided I needed to break the habit before my first son was born, as it would be a little *extra* embarrassing to be doing it then.



And that, folks, is my deepest, darkest, most embarrassing secret.

Well, one of them, anyway.

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Wow! I never knew I had so much in common with y'all! I too was a punk rock kid AND loved serial killer lore up until I had kids. Then I sorta lost the taste. I used to work in District Court records for the county I live in and my favorite lunch hour treat was snooping through the evidence vault. You find some crazy things in there. Suitcases in which bodies have been found, walkers used as weapons, plaster casts of sensitive male body parts. Wow! I loved and miss that job sometimes!

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Before my eyes went bad I used to do a lot of embroidery. I particularly liked enjoyed Hardanger embroidery. Here is a link to what it looks like, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Hardanger.png


When I went to Saudi I took a ton of Irish linen and a table cloth to embroider. That is what I did in the small amount of free time I had. Kind of ironic in a way fighting a war while hand embroidering tulips on a table cloth. So I guess I am a living breathing paradox :001_smile:



I'm addicted to it. LOOOOVE it.

High fives, girl!:D



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These are great fun to read! Here's mine:


I've never told you all that I won Best Printmaking in the student art show my senior year of college. The art department faculty hung my work (a series of silk screen prints that hung together) on the main wall as you entered the arts center. The ptb wanted it moved because it was of a nude and the college was Catholic. The art department refused. The prints stayed front and center. :D


Also, I modeled for a newspaper ad for the jewelry store I worked at in college. I still have the clipping of me in a mink coat and mucho diamonds! There were also back-lit transparencies of me that hung on the wall in one of their stores at a mall.

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Let's see....there isn't much exciting about me, but my dirty little secret for the month is that I am currently addicted to the Netflix reruns of the show Friday Night Lights!! I just LOVE shows about great coaches and teachers and I love the small-town-ness of the characters on the show. And, I think Tim Riggens (I don't know what the actor's name is) is just darn cute!!

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I used to be a Serial Killer buff. As in I knew about every serial killer prior to the Green River Killer. Seriously considered a career in crime detection.


I also wish that I had went ahead with my art degree instead of my liberal arts degree.


I traveled to Moscow and St. Petersburg Russia when I was 16. :)

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I started college on a theater scholarship, but dropped out of the acting program after a year because I hated pretending to be someone else--especially in front of an audience. Total 180 from high school.


I flunked chemistry in highschool and got D's in math, but managed to do well on the ACT.


I worked at McDonald's as a teen and was so bad at my job for the first year I was kept at 8 hours a week. They were probably hoping I'd just quit. I needed more money, so I worked a 2nd part time job. I later became a trainer at McDonald's when I reached McPar status.


I had a crush on the dog trainer last spring, which I think was mutal.


I had to reprint my wedding invitations 4 times because of changes in plans or family annoyances about wording. Jeesh!

Edited by CactusPair
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1. I was a debutante in a "past life".


2. I won a national writing contest in high school for which the prize was $500. I opened my first checking account with the money.


3. The first time I was ever French Kissed, I was at church camp. :scared: I was so skeeved out that I brushed my teeth immediately afterwards!



There. That's enough. :D

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1. I was a debutante in a "past life".


2. I won a national writing contest in high school for which the prize was $500. I opened my first checking account with the money.


3. The first time I was ever French Kissed, I was at church camp. :scared: I was so skeeved out that I brushed my teeth immediately afterwards!



There. That's enough. :D


I was so skeeved out that I cried and said I will probably never get married if i had to do that again. Its all in who is kissing you. :D

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5. I like banana and mayonnaise sandwiches



Argh! No offense (since I like curried banana and chicken soup) but that sounds so gross I'm going to send an email dare to my brother! He of the cast iron stomach...


I can't think of anything particularly interesting that I wouldn't have mentioned here before, other than I'm entering a cross stitch in our town show in a few weeks time.




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I was the Colorado state wool judging champion in 4-H when I was in high school. Yes, I can tell a good fleece from a bad one. I haven't been near a sheep since.


I once had near-black hair but I am really, really gray now. I mean, really gray. I keep my hair dyed. I've been dying it monthly since I was in my early 30's but I'm experimenting with more natural dying methods now.


My husband is really gray and started graying at 19.


My children are doomed.


Oh, and edited to add: I was also one of the top 12 runners up in the state teen beauty contest in high school. I beat out a popular girl who was also in it and I have never gotten over the high.

Edited by CLHCO
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When I had good insurance, no children, and lots of money and time, I went skydiving.


I almost dropped my first college math class because I sat in the back of class and played. It was an *easy* class, really, but the guy I sat with was just so much fun!:willy_nilly: The prof refused to sign my drop slip, I moved away from the cute guy, sat in front, studied, and went on to become a math teacher. (I wonder what happened to the cute guy? hmmmm)


I *love* banana and mayo sandwiches, too! And peanut butter and pickles on toast. Yum



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* I once had dinner with two drag queens.


* I was famous in Antigua West Indies for about a month one time, when a drama team musical I was traveling with was broadcast on Antigua national television.


* I once spent a whole night in the Port Authority Bus terminal in NYC *by myself*. I had missed my connection by 15 minutes, and had to wait til the a.m. for the next bus. I forced myself to stay awake by my suitcase and I was never so scared in my life.


* I have met a man, several times, who has visited every nation on earth.

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5. I like banana and mayonnaise sandwiches.quote]


My mother is from NC. She used to feed banana and mayo sandwiches to me when I was little. I still shudder to think of it. I'm going to have to tell my sister about your post...she can't eat mayo to this day because of the memory of those sandwiches!! And she's 40 years old!





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I had tea with a Countess in Germany.


She invited a group of American military wives over to have tea. It was her way to show that she supported the Americans. The children were allowed to attend. While we had tea and baked goods, the children were taken to the outdoors area for play and snacks. Memorable.


Now I have tea with my daughter, complete with cookies. Very nice!

Edited by Mary in NJ
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I used to exercize race horses (I'm 6' tall:D)


I was homecoming queen.

Tomboy deluxe :glare:Go figure on the homecoming queen business.

Tallest person in my senior class of 13. (Grew up in OK, population <400, 'Salute')

I can haul hay, drive a 4 in the floor stick, tie a knot (that's why my dh married me;)), bait my own hook, run a trotline, work a man into the ground. (ok, can is a big word, I will say could back when I was younger:D)

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OK..what i can think of...


I have tattoos...


When I was a teen I was a Dead Head and a really big Hot Tuna fan...OK...I am still a Dead Head and a Hot Tuna fan...lol


I once drove from NY to Florida in 23 hours....


My first baby was a c-section...the next 6 were all v-bac's...no drugs...


I can drive a truck and a back hoe.


I have read all of Orson Scott Card books except for Iron Man...which I refuse to read because I hate graphic novels.


I have 16 writing programs on my shelf...but never use them because I prefer to teach writing my own way.


My degree is in accounting...which I hate...So...I am planning on a degree in History just because I want it.


I learned to swim this summer...even though all of my kids (with the exception of the oldest and youngest,) are competitive swimmers...


I love these kids of posts and spend way too much time reading them



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I never watched cartoons as a kid because I couldn't understand what they were saying and without being able to read lips I couldn't decipher it. Oh, wait, I did watch the Road Runner occasionally. Beep beep!


I still don't like cartoons.


I love caramel apple cow tales but am never able to find them anymore. Or is it the chocolate cow tales? It's been so long since I've had either I can't remember which one I prefer.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I sucked my thumb till I was nine. My mother tried everything to get me to quit. I finally decided to go to sleep with my hands under my pillow every night. It took a couple of weeks before I woke up without my thumb in my mouth.


Before I had kids I raised African violets and did crewel work embroidery and crocheted fancy doilies.


I was a Girl Scout for 6 years, from Brownies to Cadets.


I can still sing a couple of "church" songs in Spanish because we went to a Puerto Rican charismatic church when I was a child. Puerto Rico me encanta.


I seldom go the speed limit.


I once fainted in a museum in Athens, Greece. (A continental breakfast for a hypoglycemic is a no-no)


I once forged my mother's signature on a poor math test in Junior High. In High School, I was Vice President of Mu Alpha Theta (the math club). :-)

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Hmmm...let's see:



  • I'm a nursing school drop out

  • Used to hang out with Warlocks (bikers, not the dudes who hang out with witches)

  • Didn't eat ketchup, mayo, mustard, onion or tomato until I was over 20 years old.




You didn't hang out at Mrs. Jay's in Asbury Park did you?

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Let's see- this is hard, as I have been on these boards so long, I am not sure there is much I haven't told all y'all at one time or another.


I was born at 29 weeks, and was so sick my first year my mom honestly thought I wouldn't make it. Because of this, I didn't have toe or finger nails till I was 3 or so. I can bend my nose flat on my face due to the lack of cartilage. How is that for weird?!


I won a spelling bee in 4th grade. I also could not tell time until I was in the 5th grade.


I traveled Europe by myself when I was 22. I almost didn't come back.


I used to decide whether I would date a man based partly on whether he rode a motorcycle or not (never had my own bike, but love to be on the back of one), and had the nickname of "motorcycle mama" till I had kids. I still have my leather riding gear, though I don't fit it any more. I absolutely LOVE leather.


This has been a fun thread!

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I used to be a Serial Killer buff. As in I knew about every serial killer prior to the Green River Killer. Seriously considered a career in crime detection.


I also wish that I had went ahead with my art degree instead of my liberal arts degree.


The only thing I can think of, when I was 16 I went to Guatemala with my Aunt, Uncle and Cousin who are missionaries down there. We drove through Mexico and it was very interesting and quite an adventure!I withdrew from school in my junior year, and took all my school work with me. Didn't do any school work until the last 2 weeks and got it all done. I had to fly back from Guate by myself and it was the first time I had ever been on a plane!! Flying out of Guate was quite scary for this first time flyer because of the mountains it feels like you are going straight up.


When I got back to school everyone thought that I had had a baby. :001_huh: Small town school and lots of girls got pregnant. I had lost 20 pounds too, because the food was so different to me.

Edited by Momto4kids
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Let's see- this is hard, as I have been on these boards so long, I am not sure there is much I haven't told all y'all at one time or another.


I was born at 29 weeks, and was so sick my first year my mom honestly thought I wouldn't make it. Because of this, I didn't have toe or finger nails till I was 3 or so. I can bend my nose flat on my face due to the lack of cartilage. How is that for weird?!


I won a spelling bee in 4th grade. I also could not tell time until I was in the 5th grade.


I traveled Europe by myself when I was 22. I almost didn't come back.


I used to decide whether I would date a man based partly on whether he rode a motorcycle or not (never had my own bike, but love to be on the back of one), and had the nickname of "motorcycle mama" till I had kids. I still have my leather riding gear, though I don't fit it any more. I absolutely LOVE leather.


This has been a fun thread!


Hey, Motorcycle Mama! I love it.


I'm still chuckling over your confession about joining the evil pot-smokers at the smoky AC/DC bash. porc.gif

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I have met David Bowie 7 or 8 times in my life, once standing in line in front of a building while waiting for it to open in Paris--we talked for more than half an hour. I didn't realize until we were about to go in who he was (he told me--I didn't notice the bodyguards until he pointed them out). I'm not a fan of his music.


I've seen Rick Springfield in concert 19 times (I was a huge fan!). Never met him :(.


A woman on a train in India tried to trade four chickens, a pig and a donkey with my mother for my hand in marriage to her son (she had all but the donkey with her--my mom said no :)). The woman still offered to share her lunch with us. We said no.


The Mona Lisa does nothing for me. I really don't care why she is smiling. I don't think it is a great smile, either.


I, at one time in my life, owned 21 birds, 14 cats, and one rabbit. And one xh. I'm now down to 2 dogs and 4 cats. And one dd :).



Wow -- you are interesting! :)

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Hey, Motorcycle Mama! I love it.


I'm still chuckling over your confession about joining the evil pot-smokers at the smoky AC/DC bash. porc.gif


Yeah, I was surprised no one commented about that! I think I might have scared some folks with that confession. ;)Glad it gave you a chuckle, and I love all the cute porcupines you find.


I had an encounter with one at the zoo yesterday, and have again come to the conclusion that Needleroozer is the perfect nickname for me- I have a lot in common with porcupines- flat noses, gray-tipped spikey hair...............

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I was in a girlie magazine (fully clothed). A friend of mine was the "mate" of the month and they wanted to shoot some pictures of her walking around campus with some of her friends. One of those shots made it into the magazine. She went on to win "mate" of the year.


I took my 2 sons to see Bill Clinton when he was running for President in '92. I have a picture of my youngest (a baby) being kissed by him. *yuck*


Let me go on the record as saying I detest, hate, despise, etc. any kind of p*rn and I am a conservative Republican.


Now if those 2 events from my ancient past are not proof that anyone can change, I don't know what is.

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It has been so much fun to read these!


Let's see:


1. I like playing Zoo Tycoon sometimes.


2. My parents found out I was deaf when I was in the 1st/2nd grade. They weren't sure how long it had been going on. I had learned to read lips. I had to go to speech therapy and such.


3. I used to blow balloons up with my nose (to help clear the fluid that was causing my deafness).


4. I sprained my right ankle three times -- 6th grade, 9th grade and 12th grade. I was worried when I was a junior in college. :)


5. I sleep with a fan, a night guard (NTI) and I need total darkness.


6. I did two beer bongs straight when I was underage. I also drank 5 shots of tequila on another occasion.


7. I seriously think I saw/spoke to an angel when I was in college.


8. I spent one year in serious Bible study/ministry as an intern in a para-church organization after I graduated from college. It was called "Eagle's Nest."

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Okay, here's few things about me:


I'm terrified of needles. (which is why I have no tatoos to share with this thread.


I'm even more terrified of bees.


Don't even get me started on wasps.


My mother seriously thought if I would never have kids because I might have to get a shot during labor.


My sisters used to make me puke just by saying or doing something that would gross me out. I think I was 17 or 18 last time they made me puke.


Both my husband and I graduated from Columbine High School.


I used to be addicted to true crime books, and a lot of them were serial killer books as well, although my favorite was Anne Rule. Her book about Ted Bundy scared the living day light out of me for about a year after I read it. I can't stand True Crime books now.

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Yeah, I was surprised no one commented about that! I think I might have scared some folks with that confession. ;)Glad it gave you a chuckle, and I love all the cute porcupines you find.


I had an encounter with one at the zoo yesterday, and have again come to the conclusion that Needleroozer is the perfect nickname for me- I have a lot in common with porcupines- flat noses, gray-tipped spikey hair...............


:lol:I had you pegged as a crazy hippy right from the start, LB! :lol:


Now I have to go back and visit our porcupines at the zoo! Your nose looked fine to me - I didn't know you could squoosh it. Does it hurt?


This thread is so much fun. I've started "files" on all of you (muhahaha). People really eat banana/mayo sandwiches? My mom eats peanut butter and pickles so I won't say anything else. :001_smile:

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I used to be addicted to true crime books, and a lot of them were serial killer books as well, although my favorite was Anne Rule. Her book about Ted Bundy scared the living day light out of me for about a year after I read it. I can't stand True Crime books now.


I read about Ted Bundy when dh was deployed to Saudi. It was the middle of summer and we had no air conditioning, but those windows stayed shut at night because I had the heebie jeebies after reading about him!

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Yeah, I was surprised no one commented about that! I think I might have scared some folks with that confession. ;)Glad it gave you a chuckle, and I love all the cute porcupines you find.


I had an encounter with one at the zoo yesterday, and have again come to the conclusion that Needleroozer is the perfect nickname for me- I have a lot in common with porcupines- flat noses, gray-tipped spikey hair...............


Shoot, I'm glad you think it's a porcupine. I couldn't tell for sure and I didn't want to set Motorcycle Mama off in a rage because it was a hedgehog and not a porcupine. :001_tt2:

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Ok here goes I eat ham and cheese sandwich with the potato chips in the sandwich yum yum.

I had to go to rehab and AA for a few years.I am now clean and sober 15 yrs.

There are years out of my life I can't remember :confused: Hubby says not worth remembering so it is a blessing. I have 800.00 dollars on a credit card that hubby does not know about that I am trying very hard to pay off now YIKES what was I thinking?

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:lol:I had you pegged as a crazy hippy right from the start, LB! :lol:


Now I have to go back and visit our porcupines at the zoo! Your nose looked fine to me - I didn't know you could squoosh it. Does it hurt?


This thread is so much fun. I've started "files" on all of you (muhahaha). People really eat banana/mayo sandwiches? My mom eats peanut butter and pickles so I won't say anything else. :001_smile:


Yeah, you know me too well, Amy.

And no, it doesn't hurt- it smooshes really easily.:lol:

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To while away the time when driving, I mentally total the digits in license plates. I "win" if the sum of digits equals my birthdate. For plates with letters, I sequentially assign numbers to the letters.


At boring corporate events, I estimate the square feet of room by estimating s.f. of one tile, then count or estimate number of tiles needed to cover room floor space.

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