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Mystery package


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A package was just delivered to my house.


Inside was a Geometry teachers manual. There is no packing slip. No sender info on the packaging.


I did not order a Geometry teachers manual. In fact I've never looked at this one (it wasn't inadvertently ordered from my wishlist or something). I was worried that maybe someone shipped it in place of something else I actually ordered but that doesn't seem to be the case -  I don't have any open orders.


UPS says the shipper was Amazon.


Amazon says they have no record of any shipment with that tracking number.




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Did you order something off another website, such as ebay? Some sellers will let Amazon store the books, list them on both Amazon and Ebay, and then if it sells on ebay first they have Amazon ship it for a small fee. Amazon sometimes mixes books up, so that could be why you got something you didn't order. 

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Amazon says that

A) They don't recognize the packing number.

B) There is no order info anywhere on the tag.

C) It is a gift order.

D) They can't like the package to an order so they can't tell me from whom?


I am more confused.

Who would send this as a gift? And if they did... why would it be addressed to DH? not to me or to one of the kids? It's all... SO ODD.


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No clue about your geometry book.


But let me tell you about MY mystery package. One of my kids ordered a V for Vendetta mask (why?!) from Amazon. It came in a padded Manila envelope covered in Chinese writing. No sign of Amazon. When I opened it I screamed. It freaked me out so bad. Said kid laughed. Jerk.

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That happened to me once, but I got a fuzzy white bathrobe!  I called Amazon, and they had no record of it.  There was even an order number on the package label, but they still had no record of it.  They told me I could either mail it back to Amazon, or just keep it.  I kept it!  It's now our guest bathrobe.  :)



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On Amazon, put the ISBN number of that book into their search engine. After you have the web page for that book on your screen, either click on "I have one to sell"  or send it to Amazon for a credit to your account.  Sometimes, they pay good $ for books that are in demand and are in short supply.  

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We just got a mystery package from Amazon: 25 packages of glow rings.  No packing slip, no third party seller and nothing on our account or cards.

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A few months ago my DH had a surprise "gift" order show up in his orders page - a UK plug for a kindle - which got sent to my aunt in America, an address we previously (briefly) sent Amazon orders to, but was no longer the default address.



Would anyone else you know have your address as a possible Amazon shipping address? Maybe even the previous occupant of your house?



There's something wonky going on in the Amazon software. I'm sure of it.

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I have another Amazon story.  When we were staying at my parents' home for a couple weeks last summer, I ordered something from Amazon.  A couple days later I received an Amazon box (which clearly wasn't what I ordered, because it was too small) with someone else's name and address on it, which looked like it was just a few blocks away.  The mailman must have just delivered it to my parents' home by mistake.  (Weirdly though, I didn't get the box I ordered, which made me wonder if the post office had a digital address -- my parents' -- for that box that didn't match the label, due to some Amazon glitch.)  Anyway, I called Amazon, and they said to either mail it back to them or throw it away or keep it.  I guess I could have just brought it back to the post office too.  But that all seemed so silly when the address was just a few blocks away.  So I got in the car, drove there, knocked on the door, and told them I had a package for them from Amazon, and also asked if they happened to have one for me!  They were sooo bewildered.  I tried explaining, but they just couldn't get over the fact that some random lady was delivering their Amazon order to them.  (And they didn't have mine!)

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I try to avoid Amazon Sellers that use FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon).  The reason I do that is because if I send them a message, asking them where it will be shipped from, or if they can double check the condition of the textbook or something, they have no clue.  In a week or so, I am going to order an SSD from a company that uses FBA on Amazon.  I will cross my fingers and pray, after reading this thread...

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Yup. That's what it means. Consider yourself special that the universe is talking directly to you. 



Through Amazon. Of all ways for the universe to converse with me, I hope it picks Amazon when my turn comes.  :lol:  :lol:



I think I DID look at the Keys to Geometry series briefly online a while back .... but ummm not this book. It's so weird.



Amazon says that


C) It is a gift order.



Did you ever have it on a wish list at Amazon? Is it possible someone you know saw it, made a note of it, then sent it to you some time later (aka now)?

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We got a delivery of a large rug for a child's room, a rocking chair and a child's night lamp from amazon. They were too cutesy and not my style and I never ordered them nor even looked at them online. Then I got a call from my DH's cousin in LA who was upset and who said that she ordered those items for herself and amazon used my address which she had stored when she ordered me some gifts months ago and sent her shipment out to my address. Apparently, amazon had a bug in their software and it picked the first address of the person listed alphabetically in her stored addresses and sent the shipment as a "gift" to them. It seemed to not use the "default address" in her account. Amazon told her to instruct me to return the items back to them, which I did. She stopped using amazon for several months after that fiasco. Something similar could be happening to OP. Maybe someone who sent you something earlier using amazon (maybe a gift) got their order sent to you. 

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In fairness to Amazon, I remember, many years ago, ordering several Technical books from them, to be sent directly to me, in Cali, Colombia. That was before we had the Receiver/Forwarder in Miami.  I waited way past the time they'd indicated the books should arrive here and then I contacted them.  They said, do not worry, we will send them again.  Eventually, both shipments arrived. ..Then, I contacted Amazon again, explained that both shipments had arrived, and that I had only paid for, and only needed, one copy of each book and that I could not afford to ship them to the USA, which is  extremely expensive from here. Amazon suggested that I donate one set of the books, which I did, to the library in the Public University in Cali.


I have seen many posts here on WTM where they tell people who receive the wrong thing to just keep it.


So,   normally, I believe they really try to keep their customers happy.


I can't remember any issues, when I order things directly from Amazon and also can't remember any issues when I order from Amazon Marketplace Sellers, which are the majority of the orders I've placed with them in the past 4 years, which are shipped to Miami FL.


And, as someone pointed out, once, last year, I ordered something on eBay and there was no tracking sent to me. I contacted the Seller and he/she told me it had been sent by a "Private Shipper".  The private shipper was Amazon.  So, probably that item had also been listed on Amazon, in addition to eBay.  By the time I contacted the Seller, it had already been delivered to our Receiver/Forwarder in Miami FL

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Could you have DID formerly MPD? 😉 I've got a story...


I do have DID and despite usually having control over my personalities, there are times that they do the shopping. A couple of months ago one of my other parts opened up an Amazon credit card with a large limit. Then said part bought several hundred dollars worth of items, most I would use and some I definitely wouldn't (picture spandex, see thru, and chains) insert rolling eyes here.


I contacted Amazon because I couldn't afford nor did I want any of this. I sputtered thru the conversation trying to explain without having them flag me as a deranged customer. It took an hour but I finally got someone that knew what I was trying to tell them and she sent me a mailing label to ship everything back postage paid and refund the amount on my new credit card. By the way, the credit card had the name of my part and not my name, which in my mind should've signaled them to question whether the card should be issued. That in itself is scary.


So, my question would be the first that would come to mind if I got an unexpected package from Amazon. Though, I don't know of anyone else here who has DID (dissociative Identity Disorder). I'm the only crazy one here. ðŸ˜

Edited by Mosaicmind
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Maybe this is how Amazon deals with too much stock. "I just CAN NOT fit another geometry text on this shelf! But I'll get points off if the shift supervisor finds it somewhere else. Hey, I know what I'll do with it..."


Hey those people ordered math books before. Send it to them!

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