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Is 33 old?

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I've been paranoid about my age lately. . .LOL. . .do you think 33 is old? I honestly look about five years younger or so, but still, i'm still worried. . .:)


Since I'm old enough to be your Mom I say NO!


Remember, you are only as old as you feel.


You are only as old as you think you are.


You are only old when you no longer want to have a dog or cat for a pet.

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I've never been a person to care about age. I stopped paying attention when I turned 19 & could legally drink. I don't plan to start paying attention again until I get close to 65 & can ask for those senior discounts. In between, who cares?


I honestly have to think when someone asks me my age. I know the tens but I have to think of the units.


BTW, I'm 41. It's a wonderful year. They ALL are.

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Because I feel young and I like being young!



It's good to enjoy being the age you are, and there's certainly nothing wrong with liking being young. But what if we had all told you that 33 is is VERY OLD? Would that have changed how you feel about yourself and how you enjoy life?


Or are you asking whether you are too old to act like a young person? Has someone told you you act too young for your age? That's really none of my business, I'm just curious why this is an issue for you.


BTW, for your research purposes :tongue_smilie: I am 46. Compared to me, you are younger. Compared to my mom (78) you are a LOT younger. Compared to my daughter (19) you are older. Compared to my son (7) you are a LOT older. What does all that mean? I don't know.:001_smile:

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I've been paranoid about my age lately. . .LOL. . .do you think 33 is old? I honestly look about five years younger or so, but still, i'm still worried. . .:)


33 isn't a bad time to think about getting married, for the first time! I'd been married only 2 years by then and it would be another 7 years before I had a child. I was still backpacking a lot, carrying 50+ pounds all day long up and down mountains. It was only the advent of ds that stopped the backpacking when I was 40.


NO, it's NOT old. Unless you convince yourself that it is.

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Because I feel young and I like being young!


Then go with that feeling and don't worry about the number attached to you. You are not defined by a number. Just live young, feel young, and you'll be young at heart. You cannot control the number attached to you. It does get larger every second you are alive. The alternative is non-existence. So go for enjoying the young feeling and live healthy in order for that to stay the case!

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To a 10 year old, yes, 33 is "old". To someone my age, 44, 33 is young!


Seriously, 33 is a great age. Your hormones haven't started getting wacky yet, you can still lose weight/keep fit without needing to starve yourself and run a daily marathon, and the inevitable effects of gravity aren't showing yet.


Sigh. I miss my body from my early 30's!

Michelle T

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I've never been a person to care about age. I stopped paying attention when I turned 19 & could legally drink. I don't plan to start paying attention again until I get close to 65 & can ask for those senior discounts. In between, who cares?


That's a great attitude! :001_smile:

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I don't think so because I'll be 33 in December. However...if you ask my 14 year old, she'll tell you that 33, "Is like totally old."


Ha! This is almost exactly what I was thinking! Dh and I were having a talk with his daughter, 14, this past weekend. I remember my parents talking/lecturing me at her age, and all I would think is 'man, they're old'. I'm 30, my husband is 32. 'Old' depends on who you ask. :001_smile:

Edited by bethanyniez
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do you think 33 is old?






If you're 8. :D


To the rest of us, you're lookin' fine.


I think for a lot of people 30 is a surprising age to hit and then exceed. You're feeling like you should have certain accomplishments perhaps, that you've left the young, carefree times way behind, you should be looking acting and feeling "grown-up" now. And then all of a sudden you hit 33 or 34 and that's the "mid-30s" which is well on the way to "late 30s" and then yikes, 40. And it seems pretty daunting. At least that's what I dimly remember feeling. :lol:

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Depends...my mom used to say you know you're getting old when you find yourself constantly yelling at people to turn down the radio, especially in the car. So I guess I became old about 3 years ago. Nothing bugs me more than listening to people talk over music. My husband hasn't reach this level of old age yet which causes some interesting arguments during house cleaning days!

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I've been paranoid about my age lately. . .LOL. . .do you think 33 is old? I honestly look about five years younger or so, but still, i'm still worried. . .:)


Okay, Missy - if 33 is old, and I'm 44 (in a couple of weeks), what does that make me, huh? huh? huh? :smash::smash:

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I'd be more paranoid about the other option.....NOT getting old!! ;)


I love being 40!! I feel great, I'm healthy, happy, and I thank God every day for the life he has given me!!


It is all a matter of how you look at things.


Totally. I am enjoying 40s too. There's just a contentment and confidence now, and thankfulness, for so many things.

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Our society has elevated youthfulness to an extremely high level, especially the visual aspect. The truth is, we don't look 28 our entire adult life. It would be quite sad if we did, don't you think? We wouldn't want our dc to stop aging at age 10, would we?


I love talking with older people. They put so much in perspective for me. Because of the ones I know, I'm looking forward to growing older...it's really not a bad thing! I don't see them pining for the days when they were 20. They enjoy themselves *now*.


It's just a number. So you've been around the sun 33 times....so what? So you haven't accomplished all of your life's goals yet? So what? There is still time. You're in your mid 30's, not dead.


Maturity is not something to dread. It will happen (if you don't die first) and it's not a bad thing. Gray hair is beautiful, wrinkles are lovely, even paper-thin skin is nothing to be ashamed of.


Since you ARE going to get old, really old, and have gray hair and wrinkles, you might as well suck it up and enjoy it. Quit worrying about the loss of your youthful good looks. Grow up and grow old with grace and wisdom. And please, please, whatever you do, don't instill in your children a fear of growing old.






This is the lecture I gave *myself*:) (more than once) when I turned 35. I think I read it every day there for a while. You're not alone feeling this way, but I did have a friend who almost completely incapacitated herself the year she turned 40, because she turned 40. It was quite sad her losing a year of her life like that, ya know?


BTW, 45 is even a better year than 35! :)


Hope it helps a little.

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I'd be more paranoid about the other option.....NOT getting old!! ;)


I love being 40!! I feel great, I'm healthy, happy, and I thank God every day for the life he has given me!!


It is all a matter of how you look at things.


I have to say that I'm in better shape at 44 then I was at 33, in more than just the physical sense.

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In my humble opinion, the glass is half full.


You are just starting to get to the prime of your life.


You are getting to the point where life takes off - enjoy aging. It gives you wisdom and more freedom. Freedom to be yourself and quite caring less what the world thinks.


48 going on 49 this month and actually looking forward to turning 50 next year.


my 2 cents


Robin of mytwoblessings

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I don't think so because I'll be 33 in December. However...if you ask my 14 year old, she'll tell you that 33, "Is like totally old."


My 15yo thinks I am YOUNG (almost 33)! I think it is because most of the kids he goes to school with have parents that are 10-15 years older than I am.

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I recently read a poll that said that 90% of people think they look younger than their age. That cracked me up.


33-years old is very old...for a fruit fly. Given that the life expectancy for women is, what, late 70s? I think that 40+ years is a long time to consider yourself old.

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LOL about most people thinking they look younger than they are! :001_smile: I wouldn't think that except that people tell me that.


Anyway, i think i'm kind of down about other stuff, so that makes me think about my age, if you know what i mean. But i'm going to stop thinking about it. :)

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I've been paranoid about my age lately. . .LOL. . .do you think 33 is old? I honestly look about five years younger or so, but still, i'm still worried. . .:)



I'm 37 with an 18 yr old daughter. We are ALWAYS being asked if we are sisters.


So NO my answer is 33 is NOT OLD!!!!!!

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I am 38, and my husband is 54. I don't think of either of us as old.


My husband's mom turns 80 this week, and his dad is 84. I don't often think of his mom as old, but his dad is definitely old.


It must be in the attitude. She acts like a spring chick while he sits in his chair all day, complains about everything and talks about dying.

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LOL about most people thinking they look younger than they are! :001_smile: I wouldn't think that except that people tell me that.


Anyway, i think i'm kind of down about other stuff, so that makes me think about my age, if you know what i mean. But i'm going to stop thinking about it. :)


That makes sense. I'm 36 for a few more weeks, btw. I notice things are different and I can't get by on 5 hours of sleep anymore but I have a great-grandma who is 98. She would not be happy if she heard me calling myself old at 36.

Edited by Zelda
Too old to spell properly
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I recently read a poll that said that 90% of people think they look younger than their age. That cracked me up.


33-years old is very old...for a fruit fly. Given that the life expectancy for women is, what, late 70s? I think that 40+ years is a long time to consider yourself old.


I agree, I don't feel old at all and I'm also in my early 30s. I am one of those who thinks I look young for my age, but I know I do because I get told that all the time and sometimes in a completely patronizing kind of way. So the irony is- I'd love to look my age! I get tired of being singled out.

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