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venting re: doctor's office (JAWN pity party inside)


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I hate going to any doctor for me or my kids. Hate is nowhere near a strong enough word.  More like I might benefit from anti anxiety meds to make it there. 


So one of mine is having some sinus issues.  I made an appointment, which I had to wait a month for.  They told me 2 pm.  They told me to arrive 15 minutes early to fill out forms.  Ok.  So yesterday I got a reminder call and they said the appointment is at 2:20 and to arrive 15 minutes early to fill out forms.  I had the message play three times to make sure because I thought surely I must have misheard it because the time is different.  So this morning I called to verify the time.  They told me to be there at 1:50 because the appointment is at 2:20.  Half hour early?!  The guy on the phone sounded so robotic I wasn't sure he was human so I didn't say anything.  Seriously, I am not sure.  It seems their appointments are set at a place not connected to the office.


I live less than one mile from this place. 


And now I'm not really sure when to go there.  All three times I was threatened this or that if I was late.  Did I mention I've got issues with being late?  Like I get paranoid over being late.


So...anxious about going.  Anxious about not knowing when to be there.  And now I'm also angry. 


This is not something to get upset about.  Logically I fully know that.  I'm going to leave at 1:45 since I don't know which building it is in.  So I'll possibly need a few minutes to park, walk to the building, and find the office.  If that turns out not to be correct...whatever.


Every time I gear myself up to survive these appointments I think to myself, stop being so silly, it will be fine.  And then some dumb annoying crap like this happens and it just adds to my general bad feeling.  These places charge hundreds of dollars for a 15 minute appointment.  Why can't I get better service and treatment than this?!

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I'd probably call and double check the time and then show up about 10 minutes early. I've never seen a pile of forms large enough that I couldn't get through it in ten minutes. I get that doctors' offices want patients there early so they're not trying to work late patients in, but my time is valuable too.

Edited by Sun
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I'd probably call and double check the time and then show up about 10 minutes early. I've never seen a pile of forms large enough that I couldn't get through it in ten minutes. I get that doctors' offices want patients there early so they're not trying to work late patients in, but my time is valuable too.


Well I did call.  I'm afraid to call again because if they tell me yet another time I might choke someone.




I already printed the forms out at home and filled them out anyway. 


Maybe I should put up a major stink if they don't call me in exactly at 2:20.  If I have to be so damn early, I better not have to wait an hour.

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Since your time is 3hrs ahead of my timezone, I guess you are already at the ENT office.


The clinics my kids go to require 15mins early for repeat customers but 30mins early if there is a change in insurance or for new customers.


The receptionist/admin spents close to 15mins verifying insurance benefits before we fill up the routine forms so I get why they ask for 30mins early.


My hubby thinks medical bills are like retail sales, hike up prices so people feel better about sale prices.


I hope they figure our your son's sinus problem though.


I had looked very annoyed after a traffic jam made me late and I guess the admin got the hint and just did work fast.


Let yourself show annoyance sometimes. Keeps blood pressure down. My dad was too polite to show annoyance and end up with high blood pressure, and feeling annoyed that people took him for granted.

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This is for tomorrow. 


But yeah I guess I should just tell them they are being confusing.  I'm going to call them right now. 



Since your time is 3hrs ahead of my timezone, I guess you are already at the ENT office.

The clinics my kids go to require 15mins early for repeat customers but 30mins early if there is a change in insurance or for new customers.

The receptionist/admin spents close to 15mins verifying insurance benefits before we fill up the routine forms so I get why they ask for 30mins early.

My hubby thinks medical bills are like retail sales, hike up prices so people feel better about sale prices.

I hope they figure our your son's sinus problem though.

I had looked very annoyed after a traffic jam made me late and I guess the admin got the hint and just did work fast.

Let yourself show annoyance sometimes. Keeps blood pressure down. My dad was too polite to show annoyance and end up with high blood pressure, and feeling annoyed that people took him for granted.


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I just remembered something I did and still do that seems to help with medical appointments.  I take another adult, when possible.  Especially when dealing with the front desk/insurance, etc.  I can deal with the actual doctors just fine, usually.  But having my dh there (or my middle, grown dd) really seems to make a difference somehow.  My dd says I confuse them by telling them too much, too fast.  She steps in and wah-lah!  they magically get it instantly.  lol 


Seriously, though, if you could get your dh to show up every now and then, it might do wonders (for whatever reason).


I wish.


I make him do the dental appointments. 

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I hate going to any doctor for me or my kids. Hate is nowhere near a strong enough word.  More like I might benefit from anti anxiety meds to make it there. 


So one of mine is having some sinus issues.  I made an appointment, which I had to wait a month for.  They told me 2 pm.  They told me to arrive 15 minutes early to fill out forms.  Ok.  So yesterday I got a reminder call and they said the appointment is at 2:20 and to arrive 15 minutes early to fill out forms.  I had the message play three times to make sure because I thought surely I must have misheard it because the time is different.  So this morning I called to verify the time.  They told me to be there at 1:50 because the appointment is at 2:20.  Half hour early?!  The guy on the phone sounded so robotic I wasn't sure he was human so I didn't say anything.  Seriously, I am not sure.  It seems their appointments are set at a place not connected to the office.


I live less than one mile from this place. 


And now I'm not really sure when to go there.  All three times I was threatened this or that if I was late.  Did I mention I've got issues with being late?  Like I get paranoid over being late.


So...anxious about going.  Anxious about not knowing when to be there.  And now I'm also angry. 


This is not something to get upset about.  Logically I fully know that.  I'm going to leave at 1:45 since I don't know which building it is in.  So I'll possibly need a few minutes to park, walk to the building, and find the office.  If that turns out not to be correct...whatever.


Every time I gear myself up to survive these appointments I think to myself, stop being so silly, it will be fine.  And then some dumb annoying crap like this happens and it just adds to my general bad feeling.  These places charge hundreds of dollars for a 15 minute appointment.  Why can't I get better service and treatment than this?!

You had to wait a MONTH?  That is ridiculous!


I would go at original time.  Yes, you will be stuck waiting.  I don't know why they don't care about us waiting so long, but they don't! 


I hope it all works out find and is better than you hope it will be!

Totally agree with you. 

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I just remembered something I did and still do that seems to help with medical appointments.  I take another adult, when possible.  Especially when dealing with the front desk/insurance, etc.  I can deal with the actual doctors just fine, usually.  But having my dh there (or my middle, grown dd) really seems to make a difference somehow.  My dd says I confuse them by telling them too much, too fast.  She steps in and wah-lah!  they magically get it instantly.  lol 


Seriously, though, if you could get your dh to show up every now and then, it might do wonders (for whatever reason).

I take someone whenever possible too.  You need a witness.  ;|

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You had to wait a MONTH?  That is ridiculous!


I would go at original time.  Yes, you will be stuck waiting.  I don't know why they don't care about us waiting so long, but they don't! 


I hope it all works out find and is better than you hope it will be!

Totally agree with you. 


I know, a stinking month!!


Usually I don't have to wait that long for stuff.  I don't know what is up with that.  I could have called around, but I was glad to find a place that was so close so I decided to just wait.


I'm pretty sure there isn't a whole lot they can do about this that we have not already tried, but I'm humoring my kid anyway.  Half my family has this problem, including me, and not one thing any one of them have tried has made much of a difference.  I hope I'm wrong though. 

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I know, a stinking month!!


Usually I don't have to wait that long for stuff.  I don't know what is up with that.  I could have called around, but I was glad to find a place that was so close so I decided to just wait.


I'm pretty sure there isn't a whole lot they can do about this that we have not already tried, but I'm humoring my kid anyway.  Half my family has this problem, including me, and not one thing any one of them have tried has made much of a difference.  I hope I'm wrong though. 

By the way, I used to have sinus issues all the time and was on multiple antibiotics per year.  I began using colloidal silver, the highest ppm bottle I could find, dropping a bit in my mouth and lying down, and also down my nose (a few drops).  I was always healed within 24 hours.

I no longer have sinus issues and it has been well over a decade.   Might be worth a try.  Just FYI

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Maybe I'll randomly pick someone up off the street and tell them I need a witness.




My kid is 14.  I think that counts as a witness right?!

Not so crazy.

I grabbed a stranger (nice older lady) once and made her hold my hand when I was getting blood drawn.   She was great and let me talk to her nonstop until it was over. 


Not above that at all, and would do it for anyone! 

A 14 year old can testify as a competent witness in court, so yeah, you are good.  ;)

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Sometimes I think when scheduling the appointments they tell me a time 10 or 15 minutes earlier because my reminder call gives me a different time. I have assumed it's because they figure if they tell people an earlier time they are less likely not to be late. It bugs me because then I'm just ridiculously early.

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You had to wait a MONTH?  That is ridiculous!


I would go at original time.  Yes, you will be stuck waiting.  I don't know why they don't care about us waiting so long, but they don't! 


I hope it all works out find and is better than you hope it will be!

Totally agree with you. 

Ha...I just got a referral to a specialist. My appt. time is at the end of the year. 


OP, I hope the appointment goes well and things are resolved quickly and easily.

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Sometimes I think when scheduling the appointments they tell me a time 10 or 15 minutes earlier because my reminder call gives me a different time. I have assumed it's because they figure if they tell people an earlier time they are less likely not to be late. It bugs me because then I'm just ridiculously early.


Yeah I'm always early.  So I'll be early for the arrive early.  That makes me twitchy.  I don't mind being asked, but at least all get on the same page with the time!!

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Ha...I just got a referral to a specialist. My appt. time is at the end of the year. 


OP, I hope the appointment goes well and things are resolved quickly and easily.

Yeah, I hear you, but that was just a sinus issue.  Surprised about that.

We had an appointment to see a particular (and rare) specialist one year.  Made the appointment in October.  The appointment date was late September of the following YEAR.  I couldn't believe it.  Fortunately someone canceled and the family member got in earlier (and the problem began to resolve on its own). 

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Sometimes I think when scheduling the appointments they tell me a time 10 or 15 minutes earlier because my reminder call gives me a different time. I have assumed it's because they figure if they tell people an earlier time they are less likely not to be late. It bugs me because then I'm just ridiculously early.


Yes, I am always on time.  And the doctors are always running late.  Last year, I had 3 different appointments with 3 different doctors where I was kept waiting 2 hours or more.  And these were routine appointments, not sick visits where they were squeezing me in.  I'm sure they give me a 2:30 appointment time for a 3:00 appointment and then run behind.  The problem is, if you as the patient show up 15 minutes late, then they may not be able to see you.


I took my sdd to an appointment and they kept us waiting FOUR hours.  And while we were there, I found out from the other people in the lobby that this was standard for this office.  It was a psych appointment and I almost needed medication myself by the time we got out of there.

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Yes, I am always on time.  And the doctors are always running late.  Last year, I had 3 different appointments with 3 different doctors where I was kept waiting 2 hours or more.  And these were routine appointments, not sick visits where they were squeezing me in.  I'm sure they give me a 2:30 appointment time for a 3:00 appointment and then run behind.  The problem is, if you as the patient show up 15 minutes late, then they may not be able to see you.


I took my sdd to an appointment and they kept us waiting FOUR hours.  And while we were there, I found out from the other people in the lobby that this was standard for this office.  It was a psych appointment and I almost needed medication myself by the time we got out of there.


Ok now that is horrible.


I used to have an OBGYN who was hard to get appointments with.  Most appointments ended up cancelled.  Some would be cancelled after I sat there waiting for an hour.  I finally gave up. 

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I get it.


I actually had a lot of anxiety for a dr appt. this week with dd. We were scheduled for one time but the voice mail said a different time and called it check in time. We had no paperwork to do. We were running late so dh insisted we call and they almost rescheduled us. We actually arrived at the original appt. time and there was no one in either waiting room. My anxiety comes from a slew of things. Like, they handed me a syringe of pain reliever for dd's fever and walked away. The dose looked wrong so I waited til the dr came in to confirm and discovered that the children's version requires more than the infant version. Ironically. Thanks for the stress, guys LOL Also, the last couple times we've taken dd to see medical professionals they didn't wear gloves part of the time they touched her and I'm internally screaming, "STOP, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" but paralyzed. Then I beat myself up for not being an advocate for my child because I'm crippled by how to handle it all and whether or not I'm overreacting because I know I have OCD.


And I've got a lot of anxiety about my upcoming psychiatrist appt. because at this rate who knows if we'll be in the midst of moving (someone we know is moving out around that time and we may move in to their old place).


I used to get high blood pressure everytime I went to the dr because of white coat syndrome. Now I internally pump myself up like this is some mental game and I'm gonna pass lol. Screw this machine, I got this haha.

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Sorry you have such terrible experiences. Our favorite practioners have been nurse practioners. They seem to have more time and better bedside manners.


A close friend of mine is a DNP (she has her doctorate) and she rarely runs more than a few minutes behind. There are times though that emrgencies pop up. Just last week one morning she saw a baby less than a month old that needed to be sent for emergency surgery, someone that came in for a minor issue but had a major one instead, and they added a suicidal teen to her schedule....all before noon. Sometimes there is more going on behind the scenes than you realize....or that the doctor has any control over.

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Medicine is getting worse and worse.


My friend is a Family Physician and she said that as of October they were told the practice would be doubling  up on patients.  She is not to meet with anyone more than 15 minutes total.  


Apparently with the new health care system, everyone must get a physical every year to keep that insurance.  That means a huge increase of people at the doctor's offices from those who didn't always go.


Also, most insurances are cutting way back on psych care.  So, people are going to their family doc to ask for psych meds.  But in the meantime, they think of it as a psych consult and want to go long after the 15 min. to get a therapy session in.


I took one of my kids in last week for a yearly physical (he needs it for camp each year) and appt was at 1pm.  We didn't see the doctor until well after 2pm.  



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Medicine is getting worse and worse.


My friend is a Family Physician and she said that as of October they were told the practice would be doubling up on patients. She is not to meet with anyone more than 15 minutes total.


Apparently with the new health care system, everyone must get a physical every year to keep that insurance. That means a huge increase of people at the doctor's offices from those who didn't always go.


Also, most insurances are cutting way back on psych care. So, people are going to their family doc to ask for psych meds. But in the meantime, they think of it as a psych consult and want to go long after the 15 min. to get a therapy session in.


I took one of my kids in last week for a yearly physical (he needs it for camp each year) and appt was at 1pm. We didn't see the doctor until well after 2pm.



No, everyone does not have to get a physical exam every year to keep their health insurance. The truth is that a lot of people who couldn't afford to see a regular doctor in the past now have insurance and have stopped using the ER as their PCP. The number of physicians did not increase at the same rate, hence more patients per doctor.

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The dose looked wrong so I waited til the dr came in to confirm and discovered that the children's version requires more than the infant version. Ironically. Thanks for the stress, guys LOL

I remember being weirded out by the dramatic change in dosage between infant and children's meds too.


Also, the last couple times we've taken dd to see medical professionals they didn't wear gloves part of the time they touched her and I'm internally screaming, "STOP, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" but paralyzed.


I don't expect a doctor to wear gloves for exams unless it is something internal - gynecological for example. I've (or my children) have never had a doctor that wore gloves for regular appointments/exams.


OP, I hope the appointment goes well and was worth the stress and wait.

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I don't expect a doctor to wear gloves for exams unless it is something internal - gynecological for example. I've (or my children) have never had a doctor that wore gloves for regular appointments/exams.


OP, I hope the appointment goes well and was worth the stress and wait.


Well that's the thing. One was when dd went to the ER for a mouth injury and they touched her lips without gloves on and the other was a regular visit and they touched the sides of the crotch to look at diaper area. They washed hands when entering room but had handled equipment (stethoscope, etc.) before getting to diaper.


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So dh fell off a 10' fruit ladder 3 weeks ago today, Friday, at around 4PM.  He decided to go to an urgent care place on the corner since he has a $6400 ded and didn't want to pay for ER.  At the urgent care place they xray and sure enough, his ankle is broke.  The bottom of the tibia is just hanging there.  They put him a walking boot, give him a prescription for pain pills, and a referral to an orthopedic clinic.  They say we should be getting a call on Monday and will probably get in on Tuesday.  Monday by 2PM still no call.  I tell him to call.  He does.  Seems his referral is buried under a bunch of other work.  He gets to the appointment desk and is told the soonest they can get him in is in 3 weeks.  He says he doesn't think he can wait 3 weeks.  The girl then says he's free to call other orthopedic offices.  Of course, he needs a referral for his insurance.  There was some swearing going on at this point probably fueled by the fact that he's been in pain for 3 days and every time he moves his leg he about goes through the ceiling.  Anyway, after phone calls to his regular doctor, urgent care, the orthopedic clinic again, we finally got into a ...hospitalist....??? a new term for us.  It's been a very frustrating experience.


Oh, and we were told to arrive 30 minutes early to fill out paperwork.  

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So dh fell off a 10' fruit ladder 3 weeks ago today, Friday, at around 4PM.  He decided to go to an urgent care place on the corner since he has a $6400 ded and didn't want to pay for ER.  At the urgent care place they xray and sure enough, his ankle is broke.  The bottom of the tibia is just hanging there.  They put him a walking boot, give him a prescription for pain pills, and a referral to an orthopedic clinic.  They say we should be getting a call on Monday and will probably get in on Tuesday.  Monday by 2PM still no call.  I tell him to call.  He does.  Seems his referral is buried under a bunch of other work.  He gets to the appointment desk and is told the soonest they can get him in is in 3 weeks.  He says he doesn't think he can wait 3 weeks.  The girl then says he's free to call other orthopedic offices.  Of course, he needs a referral for his insurance.  There was some swearing going on at this point probably fueled by the fact that he's been in pain for 3 days and every time he moves his leg he about goes through the ceiling.  Anyway, after phone calls to his regular doctor, urgent care, the orthopedic clinic again, we finally got into a ...hospitalist....??? a new term for us.  It's been a very frustrating experience.


Oh, and we were told to arrive 30 minutes early to fill out paperwork.  


Ugh that's awful :(


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My friend is a Family Physician and she said that as of October they were told the practice would be doubling  up on patients.  She is not to meet with anyone more than 15 minutes total.  


And some wonder why I (and others) are drawn to concierge medicine or similar concepts.


So dh fell off a 10' fruit ladder 3 weeks ago today, Friday, at around 4PM.  He decided to go to an urgent care place on the corner since he has a $6400 ded and didn't want to pay for ER.  At the urgent care place they xray and sure enough, his ankle is broke.  The bottom of the tibia is just hanging there.  They put him a walking boot, give him a prescription for pain pills, and a referral to an orthopedic clinic.  They say we should be getting a call on Monday and will probably get in on Tuesday.  Monday by 2PM still no call.  I tell him to call.  He does.  Seems his referral is buried under a bunch of other work.  He gets to the appointment desk and is told the soonest they can get him in is in 3 weeks.  He says he doesn't think he can wait 3 weeks.  The girl then says he's free to call other orthopedic offices.  Of course, he needs a referral for his insurance.  There was some swearing going on at this point probably fueled by the fact that he's been in pain for 3 days and every time he moves his leg he about goes through the ceiling.  Anyway, after phone calls to his regular doctor, urgent care, the orthopedic clinic again, we finally got into a ...hospitalist....??? a new term for us.  It's been a very frustrating experience.


Oh, and we were told to arrive 30 minutes early to fill out paperwork.  


:grouphug:  I hope he's healing well now, but wow!


Note to self:  There are times when the ER is the best choice.

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And some wonder why I (and others) are drawn to concierge medicine or similar concepts.



:grouphug:  I hope he's healing well now, but wow!


Note to self:  There are times when the ER is the best choice.


Sounds like the ER might have sent her to another doctor later, too, though. With dd's bad fall we called a dentist at a further hospital on the way to the ER closest to our house and they told me they thought that it would be handled the same way. Wrong. In the end, the ER people were pretty clueless, only consulted with their on-call dentist via PHONE and told us we should see a dentist soon. So we left the ER and went to a dentist I knew, only to be told to see a different dentist for our issue. It's like there is no winning with these things.


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No, everyone does not have to get a physical exam every year to keep their health insurance. The truth is that a lot of people who couldn't afford to see a regular doctor in the past now have insurance and have stopped using the ER as their PCP. The number of physicians did not increase at the same rate, hence more patients per doctor.


I agree they do not, but my husband's doctor insists on it to remain a patient.  Frankly, that drives me crazy. 


I guess I understand it, but I dunno.  I don't like going to the doctor's if I don't have to.  Of course that is my husband's choice.  He could always look for someone else.  But who knows, maybe most of them are like that.


It still beats the guy he used to have.  That guy was a quack.  DH went for a physical there and he insisted on a follow up after telling my husband all his numbers look good.  He would just constantly set up appointments for nothing at all.  So DH found another doctor.

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And some wonder why I (and others) are drawn to concierge medicine or similar concepts.



:grouphug:  I hope he's healing well now, but wow!


Note to self:  There are times when the ER is the best choice.


Thanks.  He is on the mend.  Good news was he didn't need surgery.


We haven't received any of the bills, so we have yet to see how much we saved by not going to ER.  His last visit to ER for a nose bleed that wouldn't stop cost us $800+, and he still had to see an ENT to re-cauterize it.


We try to stay out of the ER unless it is a life threatening emergency but sometimes it might be a better choice.

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And some wonder why I (and others) are drawn to concierge medicine or similar concepts.



It is definitely an interesting concept.  I don't think we have anything like that around here.  I think my "concern" or issue would be I'd prefer to get to know a doctor first before signing up for that kind of arrangement. 


My guess is this is not an idea that is going to make it though.  It does not strike me as economically viable unless they charge a TON.  And I can't afford a ton.

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It is definitely an interesting concept.  I don't think we have anything like that around here.  I think my "concern" or issue would be I'd prefer to get to know a doctor first before signing up for that kind of arrangement. 


My guess is this is not an idea that is going to make it though.  It does not strike me as economically viable unless they charge a TON.  And I can't afford a ton.


All I know at this point is I'm paying attention and certainly not opposed if I were to see someone open up such an office reasonably nearby.


I'd know afterward what I thought about it.


It also remains a concept middle son and I discuss (he's the one headed to med school).

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Well that's the thing. One was when dd went to the ER for a mouth injury and they touched her lips without gloves on and the other was a regular visit and they touched the sides of the crotch to look at diaper area. They washed hands when entering room but had handled equipment (stethoscope, etc.) before getting to diaper.



These would both be ok with me. If they bother you, you are free to say so, but washed hands are just as clean as gloves. You have to realize that those washed hands touch the outside of the gloves when they are being put on. There is little difference in the level of sterility. I see gloves as being protection for the doctor, not me.

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All I know at this point is I'm paying attention and certainly not opposed if I were to see someone open up such an office reasonably nearby.


I'd know afterward what I thought about it.


It also remains a concept middle son and I discuss (he's the one headed to med school).


This is not so different than what HMOs tried to do.  Where you go to your PCP for everything and they refer you as needed.  They are (were) supposed to be available for problems same day (or as soon as humanly possible).  Also, they were to treat for as much as they could handle.  Regular routine visits were encouraged.  Follow ups were encouraged.  Contracts between them and insurance companies tended to be lump sums per patient.  They still have HMOs as far as I know, but not like they did before.  We had one of these growing up.  What it ultimately amounted to was going to the doctor's a lot for piddly crap.  Copays were very low to encourage one to go whenever they wanted to.  Premiums were very high though.  And getting appointments with specialists or pretty much anything else involved a lot of hoops and red tape.  Sounded somewhat good in theory.  Some doctor is going to get to know you well so he knows what is going on.  Just, it never really was that way.  And again, premiums were very very high.  I think my parents paid far more for insurance 20 years ago than what we pay now.  But they had $5 copays or no copays.  No coinsurance or deductibles.

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All I know at this point is I'm paying attention and certainly not opposed if I were to see someone open up such an office reasonably nearby.


I'd know afterward what I thought about it.


It also remains a concept middle son and I discuss (he's the one headed to med school).

After reading your thread about it, I did some research and we actually hired one. We pay a certain amount a month, and then call when we need him. So far, the only call we've placed is when my dh needed advice about a potentially contagious client. We do have insurance and a gp through that, but her office has become ridiculous. I did not put my eve with the concierge doctor yet, as I can still get same day sick appointments and advice through their pediatrician.

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These would both be ok with me. If they bother you, you are free to say so, but washed hands are just as clean as gloves. You have to realize that those washed hands touch the outside of the gloves when they are being put on. There is little difference in the level of sterility. I see gloves as being protection for the doctor, not me.


I know, but the ER lady met us outside of the building and went straight for dd's mouth, so we didn't even know if she had washed her hands. I see gloves as sometimes protection from things seeming too intimate (for lack of better word. Seriously wouldn't want an OBGYN to be gloveless but that's just me). Gloves may not be sterile, but they sometimes seem like the better option to me (like covering fingernails so you're less likely to feel poked or scratched as the dentist examines your mouth). I've gotten way off topic now, but your post did make me feel better :)

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After reading your thread about it, I did some research and we actually hired one. We pay a certain amount a month, and then call when we need him. So far, the only call we've placed is when my dh needed advice about a potentially contagious client. We do have insurance and a gp through that, but her office has become ridiculous. I did not put my eve with the concierge doctor yet, as I can still get same day sick appointments and advice through their pediatrician.


As you get more experience, I'd love to know your thoughts.  Right now the closest ones to me are about an hour away.  That's tempting, but not enough to actually try one out just yet.


If the current folks can't get to the bottom of what's going on with my issues, it will probably sway the balance hoping someone willing (and able) to put more time into it can actually help.  I'm too much of a science person to truly believe my voodoo doll theory.  Effects have causes that make sense even if it takes some digging to figure out that cause.  Stress can be a cause - I don't deny that - but it doesn't make sense in my life or with what is actually happening.  I've run that past close friends/family who aren't afraid to disagree with me - just in case.

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So dh fell off a 10' fruit ladder 3 weeks ago today, Friday, at around 4PM. He decided to go to an urgent care place on the corner since he has a $6400 ded and didn't want to pay for ER. At the urgent care place they xray and sure enough, his ankle is broke. The bottom of the tibia is just hanging there. They put him a walking boot, give him a prescription for pain pills, and a referral to an orthopedic clinic. They say we should be getting a call on Monday and will probably get in on Tuesday. Monday by 2PM still no call. I tell him to call. He does. Seems his referral is buried under a bunch of other work. He gets to the appointment desk and is told the soonest they can get him in is in 3 weeks. He says he doesn't think he can wait 3 weeks. The girl then says he's free to call other orthopedic offices. Of course, he needs a referral for his insurance. There was some swearing going on at this point probably fueled by the fact that he's been in pain for 3 days and every time he moves his leg he about goes through the ceiling. Anyway, after phone calls to his regular doctor, urgent care, the orthopedic clinic again, we finally got into a ...hospitalist....??? a new term for us. It's been a very frustrating experience.


Oh, and we were told to arrive 30 minutes early to fill out paperwork.

I have been in similar situations. Ymmv, but I wanted to share that once when I was chipped a bone in my elbow, I went straight to the orthopedist. I was almost fainting with pain, and they let me see a doctor quickly. Usually there were long waits.


They also called my primary and got a referral. From the 'we need 48 hours to process a referral' office idiots. But ortho got it right away over the phone.


So it might pay to go to the ortho in your kind of situation. A lot of people do have compassion when they actually see you. And they know how to work the system.


Sorry you went through that.

Edited by Alessandra
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I have been in similar situations. Ymmv, but I wanted to share that once when I was chipped a bone in my elbow, I went straight to the orthopedist. I was almost fainting with pain, and they let me see a doctor quickly. Usually there were long waits.


They also called my primary and got a referral. From the 'we need 48 hours to process a referral' office idiots. But ortho got it right away over the phone.


So it might pay to go to the ortho in your kind of situation. A lot of people do have compassion when they actually see you. And they know how to work the system.


Sorry you went through that.


This is a really good post/point.  I don't have a ton of ortho experience, but the offices I've seen have posted that they take walk ins from injuries/sports, etc.  Kids from school with these injuries head straight there, not the ER.


I had totally forgotten.  Scratch that note to myself above!

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I have been in similar situations. Ymmv, but I wanted to share that once when I was chipped a bone in my elbow, I went straight to the orthopedist. I was almost fainting with pain, and they let me see a doctor quickly. Usually there were long waits.


They also called my primary and got a referral. From the 'we need 48 hours to process a referral' office idiots. But ortho got it right away over the phone.


So it might pay to go to the ortho in your kind of situation. A lot of people do have compassion when they actually see you. And they know how to work the system.


Sorry you went through that.


It never occurred to us that we could do that, except it was late Friday afternoon.  Hopefully, we won't be in that situation again, but I'll remember that.  I'm finding more and more how aggressive a person has to be to get the medical care they need.  With my youngest it went on long enough that I finally lost my temper with her pediatrician; then things started to move forward. And you're correct about many people having compassion, especially when they're looking at you face to face.  Good advice.

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