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Dishes in sink? Or on counter?


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I have very passionate feelings about this!!!!! No dishes in the sink! I find it really disturbing to wash my hands or rinse fruits or vegetables over a stack of dirty dishes. I just can't do it. And I can't bear to see little bits and blobs of food sitting in the sink. Dirty dishes in the sink bother me so much that when I have a party and people toss their dirty dishes or utensils in the sink, DH has to clean it out for me. I actually have an aversion to it. :willy_nilly:


I have a dishwasher, but I hand wash pots, pans, casserole dishes, mixing bowls, knives with wooden handles, wooden cutting boards, etc., so any time I cook, I end up with something that needs to be washed afterwards. If I am not washing dishes immediately, they are rinsed and stacked neatly on the right side of the counter.


I actually hate dishes on the counter as well. But the sink is much, much worse.

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Sink for just a few dishes.


If the pile gets huge, it needs to stay on the left side of the sink. (You've got to leave enough room in the sink to actually wash the hand wash, etc., and if it gets too stuffed, then that's difficult.)


NEVER the right side (that is for clean dishes drying!)


That said, the first thing is to yell, "CHILD NAME (whoever is on dishes that week), come do your job and unload this dishwasher this instant" Follow that up with making said negligent child do all the hand wash, etc that I can't do without a clean slate, lol. That's part of the consequences of falling down on their job of keeping that dishwasher loading and unloading done. 


My dish sink is huge, so it can hide a lot of dirty dishes, but I don't like to see them, so they need to go into the dishwasher pronto if at all possible. 



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If the dishwasher isn't available, I prefer dirty dishes to go on the counter beside the sink.  Or in the dish basin I keep next to the sink for non-dishwasher items.  The only things I put in the sink are large items like pots or other things that need to soak, but largely, I like to keep the sink clear until I'm actually about to wash something.


Dirty dishes do not belong: on the table, on the island, or on the counter next to the stove.  

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Counter above the dishwasher -- but no rinsing, just stacked dirty, in nearly sorted piles for easy dishwasher loading. (I never rinse anthing that doesn't involve oatmeal or uncooked egg.)


I don't mind showing my dishes, and it won't be long anyways for the washer to run and be emptied/refilled -- the dish stacks will probably done with by the end of the next meal.

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I'm starting to feel like a total freak here. If the dishwasher is full of clean dishes, I unload it, and then put the dirty dishes in. Usually I unload the dishwasher while making coffee in the morning. The rule in our house is dirty dishes get scraped or rinsed if necessary and then go straight into the dishwasher without being set down on any other surface. If the dishwasher is running, I hand wash whatever else there is right then, and then dry it and put it away. I can not stand dirty dishes in the sink or on the counter, and I try really hard to avoid it. I pretty much never leave things to soak for more than a few minutes. Yep, I'm a freak.

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We don't have a dishwasher and our kitchen is very small, so sink. The only counter space next to the sink houses the dish drainer and I don't want dirty dishes in there! One nice thing about having a small kitchen is that I can't let dishes get out of control, so there are usually very few in the sink. I tend to wash in frequent short bursts throughout the day and clean up after myself when I cook. Otherwise, the kitchen would look like a hoarders episode by the end of the day!

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Left side of sink.  The right side has the garbage disposal so nothing goes in that side to leave it free to use (and to keep silverware out of it).


DS's chore is doing the dishes so they can sit for half a day before they get done.  He is very busy so he isn't always home to do them right away.

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Neither...dishes get washed or loaded and have no reason to sit around.   :smilielol5:  Yeah, I'm dreaming.


In reality, dishes need to be at the side of the sink (right side), so that we can actually use the sink.  Put me firmly in the "I loathe having to clean out the sink" in order to do the dishes, wash my hands, or fill a pot.  Of course, this also assumes dishes even make it to the sink.  :thumbdown:

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I like to soak them in the sink.   DH is in charge of the dishwasher, but he doesn't believe in pre-rinsing.  He said growing up they never had to pre-rinse, and he's not going to start now.   Of course then there were 2 adults and 3 kids in the house, and a compulsive mother so the dishwasher was run twice a day.   Whereas we run it every 2-3 days.   I've given up getting him to pre-rinse.  So, any dishes that don't look clean get put in the sink and filled with water.  A glass filled with water gets the silverware.  Next time I add dishes for soaking I put them on the counter near the dishwasher.   This method gets the dishes cleaned and good for the marriage.  

We are seriously considering getting two dishwashers.  

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My dishes don't have to be rinsed so they just get set on the counter until someone gets around to unloading it. Usually that is just before dinner, lol. then it all gets unloaded and reloaded. 


If I play my cards right, the dishwasher will be mostly unloaded b/c any clean dishes needed throughout the day will be taken out of the machine and used. Much less to put away that way.

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It depends for me. If I have wet or icky stuff, I put them in the right side of the double sink. If I have dishes that are relatively clean but need washed--a granola bowl or drinking glass for example--I often put them on the counter. I don't like the sink full of dirty dishes and we generally load dishes in the dishwasher just prior to washing, so things can pile up if they are all in the sink. Hubby really hates seeing dishes on the counter, so be tends to put everything in the sink.  I guess to me a sink full of dishes looks like chaos and to him dishes on the counter looks like chaos instead.

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Glasses and mugs on the counter so they don't break, everything else in the sink on the left side (I have a double sink). Ideally scraped and rinsed or soaking. If they aren't scraped clean, on the counter. The one thing I hate the most is gross rotting food particles floating in water or in the drain...But I live with animals too and this happens more times than I like to admit.


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

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I'm a sink person..... my Mom's a counter person.


My mom is a Oh_No_There_Are_Dirty_Dishes_In_The_House person.   I usually do the dishes when I am there for a holiday.  I don't mind hand washing dishes that she deems to be hand wash only.  But, I draw the line at loading the dishwasher then handwashing what is left. 

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