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Massive Snowstorm Affected Boardies - How Are Things Now?


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Just hoping everyone checks in.


We're fine.  Our road got plowed yesterday afternoon, but finishing touches including connecting our driveway to the road and clearing out the mailbox area just finished.  We're finally set that we can leave if we were to want to.  No damage anywhere to structures or major trees, etc.


Freezing rain this morning seemed to hinder quite a few.  The news reported 100+ car accidents compared to their normal 2 - 3.  Fortunately, school was closed again.


I feel for our township employees who were clearing things.  Hubby just got finished talking with one and the guy said there was nothing except non-stop complaints from tons of people living in other areas of our township.  I wish more people would be self-sufficient esp knowing the storm was coming and with its magnitude.  Expecting a record breaking storm in an area that doesn't get snow that often - esp of this magnitude - to have been cleared up within 24 hours.  Seriously?  I have to wonder what some people are thinking.  The "It's All About Me" generation apparently isn't gone yet.  Our township appropriately put priority on those who are needed in their jobs - doctors/nurses/etc and special needs.


I think all those hard working folks out in and after this storm need a round of applause.


That said, how is everyone else doing?

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Doing well in Northern VA. School is cancelled again tomorrow, so dd has been off since last Thursday. Her AP World Hist teacher gave them the semester's worth of reading assignments in Sept., and gave them 60 "I.D.s" on Friday via Blackboard, so she's still working on school. I'm hoping there's another day off on Thursday and that they go back on Friday; I wouldn't have to work this week, then, and could be off til Monday! lol 

I can see them having a 2hr delay on Thursday due to ice. Lots has melted, and our 550ft driveway is dry, but the sidewalk where dd would have to walk home from the bus stop is still piled with 6ft of snow from plowing US 1. AND there's still no gas at the gas stations nearby. Ds is tele-working.

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Things are fine here too.  Our street was plowed Sunday night.  We went out last night to celebrate one of our son's b-day and met him up near Baltimore.  The main roads are mostly clear.  Occasionally there were places where the lane just ends, but mostly it's fine.   We still have one car buried, but there's no rush.  It's supposed to be above freezing everyday this week.  I haven't heard anything about schools for tomorrow.  DH work was closed up through yesterday- completely unheard of in the 30+ years he's been there.     I'm still sick though and feeling miserable. 


Edited by PrincessMommy
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Doing well here in North-Central Maryland. This was the first day I left the house; I just returned from the office. As I am typing this, the auto message from DS's school is playing and they are closed again tomorrow. There are still a LOT of affected areas. DD's college classes were on today (most of the students are residential), but one class didn't happen because the prof can't get there. Lots of colleges are still closed; all nearby public and private schools, and many businesses. There is a lot of clearing equipment out on the roads today.


I agree with you, Creek, a lot of people can't abide the slightest inconvenience. Several years ago, DH and his brothers and nephews did a lot of snow-clearing for pay and it was unbelievabley taxing work. They worked all through the night for several nights in a row. Scarily, my BiL said at one point, he woke up, buried in a snowpile with the tractor on. He had fallen asleep.


We are in the 40s here today, so getting some melt from that, but anywhere untouched is still awfully deep. The freezing rain this morning seemed to have skittered just west of us; I don't think we got any, but there were some dark clouds out that direction.

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my dd just got home from work.  It took her over an hour to get home because the traffic is much worse today, even with the schools out and gov't closed. It''s mostly due to accidents.  She said it was particularly bad in NoVA.  There's no merge area on the ramps onto 495 and there were lots of crashes.  She said she saw 2 overturned cars.  


I guess things aren't going as smoothly as I thought. 

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Things are fine here too.  Our street was plowed Sunday night.  We went out last night to celebrate one of our son's b-day and met him up near Baltimore.  The main roads are mostly clear.  Occasionally there were places where the lane just ends, but mostly it's fine.   We still have one car buried, but there's no rush.  It's supposed to be above freezing everyday this week.  I haven't heard anything about schools for tomorrow.  DH work was closed up through yesterday- completely unheard of in the 30+ years he's been there.     I'm still sick though and feeling miserable. 


I'd have liked your post except for your last line.  I couldn't like that, so I'll offer  :grouphug:  instead.  Glad things are fine there otherwise.


Those of you with closed schools prompted me to check mine.  I'm not scheduled to work at this point, so hadn't paid attention.  We've got a 2 hour delay.  That should mean Thurs will be a regular schedule.  I'm back at school both Thurs and Fri.

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my dd just got home from work.  It took her over an hour to get home because the traffic is much worse today, even with the schools out and gov't closed. It''s mostly due to accidents.  She said it was particularly bad in NoVA.  There's no merge area on the ramps onto 495 and there were lots of crashes.  She said she saw 2 overturned cars.  


I guess things aren't going as smoothly as I thought. 


Yuck!  Glad your dd made it home safely!  I wonder what they were thinking with no merge areas onto a superhighway?

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We're set here. Plows came in the night. They didn't do much in our cul de sac, but we can get out should the need arise.


No VA here. We don't really need to go anywhere, so we're letting the craziness subside.

Edited by Spryte
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Dug out the car. Sick of the metro and uber. So tonight I'll drive for the first time. We tested it in the alley, which, of course, won't be plowed. Seems like it can make it.


I had to do all the shoveling. Dh sucks at it. (Dh would agree, but he's lovely at laundry.)


The roads are surprisingly messy. The uber we took this afternoon to get to an appointment was stopped in two places. Even Wisconsin, which is a pretty major road, was filled with crazy snow spots.


It's all melting away really, really fast though.

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Our road got plowed late Monday morning, and we went to a medical appointment that afternoon. The roads were deserted, and there were some dicey spots.


I went to the gym this morning and got groceries, and things are somewhat moving. Still some areas with less than two lanes, and a few things were still out at the store.

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Today was my first day out of the house. I ran to the gym and took my dd to piano. The main roads are pretty clear. The only issue I am having with driving is that the piles of snow are so tall at the end of our street and others, that I literally cannot see if there is oncoming traffic without nosing out a bit onto the highway. Many of the roads are like that. Tonight we are supposed to get some rain so hopefully that will melt down those piles a bit.


Schools are closed again tomorrow.

Edited by OnMyOwn
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Ice is melting here, and we got out today for the first time since Thursday afternoon. The main roads are clear, though the neighborhood streets were still not great. DH went to work; DS and I went to the grocery store. Some PS districts were still closed, others delayed.


Our power stayed on the whole time, so I was pretty happy.

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Yuck! Glad your dd made it home safely! I wonder what they were thinking with no merge areas onto a superhighway?

When I was heading home from the office (which is only one exit West on Rt. 70), I debated whether it was better to take the highway or the back roads. I opted for the highway. As I approached the off ramp at my exit, it didn't appear that it has been cleared. Mentally, I was preparing to continue down to the next exit because it looked like solid drift. But as I came up to it, I saw that it was in fact, plowed; it just had NO merge area. There was no traffic behind me, else I would not have made the quick decision to exit, but I can see where that would definitely cause an accident if other ramps were in a similar state.

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We've been plowed but the roads are pretty narrow and there are snow mountains everywhere!  I just went out for the first time to go to the bakery, library and pizza place and struck out.  No place to park at the bakery, library is closed and hasn't been plowed at all and there were no parking places at the pizza place due to huge mounds of snow.  


But I shouldn't complain at all.  The power didn't go out!  Alleluia!  



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The good news is that we finally got a plow today. The bad news is that we had to dig out again after the plow buried us. It was warm today . . . Around 50. If there wasn't so much snow it would've all melted away, but these snow hills will be around for a while.


The schools were closed today and tomorrow. The studio where I teach on Tuesday nights was closed, so I didn't have to go anywhere. I still have eggs, milk, and bread so my supplies were adequate. I even 'found' and dug the snow off my rosemary plants. I hope they survive.


This was our street last night. It's much messier today, but you can see the road, driveways, and some sidewalks.




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The roads outside our complex were plowed through the storm and they worked on plowing in the parking lot in the complex so we could technically get out right away if there had been anywhere to go.  Someone cleared a long sidewalk near our house so I can walk to my Asian market now. I saw a lot more white people there yesterday than I ever have before.  I tried walking to a different grocery store today but they didn't have any milk and that's really all I needed so I went home.  We also walked to the dentist appointments we made yesterday- lots of people cancelled so we were able to get almost everyone done with the dentist for a while which is always nice. I was very glad to not be driving.  The roads weren't slippery but the traffic was really slow with half the lanes not plowed and pedestrians (like me) walking on the side of the road since most of the sidewalks are under 3 feet of snow.   


All three schools districts within a block of our house are still closed.  Youngest ds was sick today so he wouldn't have been there anyway.  


We've all really enjoyed this!

Edited by Amira
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Amira, you made me tiggle: you know things are desparate when the white folks go to the Asian market because it's available. :D


I saw a man in Carhardts walking up the side of the road today (not in a pedestrian area) with a gallon of milk in hand. Thought that was kind of a funny sight.

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We're good in NoVA. We're on a fairly main road that is a snow emergency route and we're about 2 blocks from a middle school. We're always plowed really quickly. We also never lose power for long. :)


Schools here are canceled tomorrow again and have been since last Thursday. The roads are mostly clear, although I'm sure some of the subdivisions are not plowed. The bigger issue in our neighborhood is the sidewalks. Most people don't shovel and there is no legal requirement to do so. On our stretch of our street we shoveled and then a neighbor about 6 houses down did also. That's it. The kids walk to school on those sidewalks so I'm not sure what they will do once schools do reopen. The street is plowed but narrower than usual and walking on it is dicey due to traffic. I've been going out super early with the dog to try and avoid cars. Driving home from work yesterday and today I saw that the elementary school near us is the same, they were just digging out the parking lot today and the sidewalks around it are not shoveled. So there will have to be a lot of work done for kids to get back to school even by Thurs. 


All our activities have also been canceled because many follow the schools or because they meet in facilities that are closed (the rec center). So my kids are getting a little stir crazy, especially because we can't even go on our usual walks on the trail near our house. We went out to lunch today just to get them out of the house. The only real issue for me is that the libraries were closed yesterday and today because the county government closed all buildings. Luckily we stocked up the day before the storm. :)

Edited by Alice
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There does seem to be a disconnect. Some people have been experiencing clear, dry roads for several days and don't understand why everything is cancelled. Then, there are people like me (times a gazillion cul-de-sacs) who never saw a plow until this afternoon and who now need to RE-dig out our driveways and sidewalks before we can get out and before school kids can walk to school.

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I was surprised by what a mess it was in DC... I mean, you can see the roads, but they're messy.


I'm officially dug out. Managed to make it out to drop dh off at rehearsal so he wouldn't have to walk or uber or something.


I'm also official sick of this thing. Today was typical of this whole deal. Got up, made three meals (one to eat, two to send with kid), ubered kid to Kennedy Center, trod through wet mess to metro home. Shoveled snow for an hour. Cooked lunch. Ate. Ubered to appointment. Metro'ed home. More shoveling. Slight break. Fight with ds. Drive dh to rehearsal. Cook dinner. And now I have to go out again. I've been busier than ever. Stupid snow just made it all more of a hassle. No long board game days or baking for me. Children couldn't get along long enough to snow fort and now it's a complete mess. I'm seriously... ugh... rant... random swear words... argh.

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One of my jobs is cancelled through the week. But the other two will start tomorrow night or Thursday. We dug ourselves out. Dh drove to work today. I will drive to work tomorrow. Should all be fine. Our district cancelled school tomorrow. Neighboring district is cancelled through the week -- that's why I'm not working one job.

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I've been busier than ever. Stupid snow just made it all more of a hassle. No long board game days or baking for me. Children couldn't get along long enough to snow fort and now it's a complete mess. I'm seriously... ugh... rant... random swear words... argh.


Bummer!  These things are really rather fun when one can take a break during them.  Hubby and I just finished playing a game together before I head off to bed.  We probably will venture past our road tomorrow though.


To be fair, he's been working here at home, so he hasn't had a total break, but it seems like one when he's not heading out for fieldwork or meetings.


We also got a little bonus for the next snow... since our new neighbor (the one who hiked home through the snow) is an ER/ICU nurse at one of the local hospitals, our road is now higher on the list to be plowed.  It won't really matter for us since we're always prepared for "whatever" and have very flexible work schedules, but I'm sure he'll appreciate not hiking through waist deep snow when they're finally allowed to leave and go home!  We'll just benefit on his coattails.


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Bummer!  These things are really rather fun when one can take a break during them.  Hubby and I just finished playing a game together before I head off to bed.  We probably will venture past our road tomorrow though.


To be fair, he's been working here at home, so he hasn't had a total break, but it seems like one when he's not heading out for fieldwork or meetings.


We also got a little bonus for the next snow... since our new neighbor (the one who hiked home through the snow) is an ER/ICU nurse at one of the local hospitals, our road is now higher on the list to be plowed.  It won't really matter for us since we're always prepared for "whatever" and have very flexible work schedules, but I'm sure he'll appreciate not hiking through waist deep snow when they're finally allowed to leave and go home!  We'll just benefit on his coattails.



I was spoiled as a child and didn't know it.  Our cul-de-sac was always plowed out immediately after a snow storm.  The town's police chief lived down the street!!


I didn't realize until much later that most cul-de-sacs didn't get plowed nearly as early as ours did!

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We were plowed out on Sunday night (yay!)  The freezing rain made a mess here this morning but everything is fine now.  Schools are cancelled for Wednesday.  Our co-op is set to resume this week but I have a feeling it will be cancelled.  Fortunately, we never lost power and had no damage.  


I was snowed in at work this weekend from Friday evening until Monday morning.  I work in the logistics department of our local hospital and this was my first major snowstorm in this role.  Gotta say, it was fascinating!  I was on conference calls every 4 hours with everyone - administration, local EMS, DOT, all hospital departments, etc. - and I really enjoyed seeing the behind-the-scenes work that goes into surviving a snowstorm.  I was impressed with our hospital's disaster response team - everything ran smoothly in spite of having over 700 staff members sleeping over in the hospital. Kind of a cool experience.  

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We have been able to get out since Sunday. I went to pick up middle dd yesterday, who spent the weekend with Gma and JoJo (the WTM cat). I had to turn around not to far from my house because the road was mostly one lane and it was too curvy and hilly to take the chance when it was one lane. That is the way dd's bus goes, so I am sort of surprised that they only have a 2 hour delay tomorrow because I don't know how they were able to clear all of the back roads by today when that was yesterday afternoon when it was like that.


Since it was so warm today, I was able to get the driveway cleared of the thin layer that was still on it which was a blessing because our driveway and front walk don't get the sun on them during the winter, so once they are covered in ice, the ice stays there until it melts (like it did today along with help with me scrapping it off).


Kids went sledding at the school today and middle dd got a foot to her nose. She has been in a lot of pain from it and it is red. She says the side that was kicked is swollen. I don't notice too much swelling myself. I am hoping it doesn't blow up tomorrow as she will be too embarassed to go to school if it does. We were away for a week the first week of January and she just got caught up from that, so I don't want her to miss anymore days.

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Just northeast of Baltimore- we just flew back tonight from vaca in Florida. Main roads were pretty good but not all lanes open. Our neighborhood I hilly and not cleared well at all. Massive shoveling mostly completed. Thank goodness we had a friend drive us to the airport so we didn't have to dig out our van in long term parking. I miss the warm weather!!!!!! Will need to do some grocery shopping soon, hope it is not too crazy.

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Just northeast of Baltimore- we just flew back tonight from vaca in Florida. Main roads were pretty good but not all lanes open. Our neighborhood I hilly and not cleared well at all. Massive shoveling mostly completed. Thank goodness we had a friend drive us to the airport so we didn't have to dig out our van in long term parking. I miss the warm weather!!!!!! Will need to do some grocery shopping soon, hope it is not too crazy.


What a welcome back!  I completely understand missing the palm trees and warm weather in that situation.

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Kids went sledding at the school today and middle dd got a foot to her nose. She has been in a lot of pain from it and it is red. She says the side that was kicked is swollen. I don't notice too much swelling myself. I am hoping it doesn't blow up tomorrow as she will be too embarassed to go to school if it does. We were away for a week the first week of January and she just got caught up from that, so I don't want her to miss anymore days.


How's her nose this morning? I hope she's feeling/looking better.  Her situation reminded me of one Brady Bunch episode...

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How's her nose this morning? I hope she's feeling/looking better. Her situation reminded me of one Brady Bunch episode...


Not sure since she has a two hour delay. I literally just asked dh to go make sure she was awake because I don't hear her and he reminded me of that. She probably wouldn't be too happy if I went to check on her nose while she had the chance to sleep in. I'll let you know in a couple of hour. Thanks for asking!

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My NJ town did an awesome job plowing all throughout the storm and after. Between the kids and I we got the driveway, walkways,and the fire hydrant cleared and the cars cleaned off within a reasonable amount of time.

No school closings necessary. Business as usual around here. Although my town Facebook page is rife with complaints about the schools not being cleared enough, the houses near the school not shoveling, parents improperly dropping their kids off in the middle of the road, and complaints of people not digging out the fire hydrants.

The fire hydrant one baffles me. Some people saying it shouldn't be the homeowners responsibility and others saying it is. Officially, it is the homeowners responsibility. Even if it wasn't I would dig it out. The 10 minutes it would take the fire department to dig out the hydrant is the difference of losing everything or not.

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The fire hydrant one baffles me. Some people saying it shouldn't be the homeowners responsibility and others saying it is. Officially, it is the homeowners responsibility. Even if it wasn't I would dig it out. The 10 minutes it would take the fire department to dig out the hydrant is the difference of losing everything or not.


This one reminds me of an NBC story I saw on the news one of these past few days.  It was reminding people to clean off the top of their cars/trucks before driving so that snow/ice doesn't fly back and hit other vehicles.  They asked one driver why he hadn't cleaned his off.  His reply?  "I didn't put it there."




Sometimes I wonder if we ever had a truly major planet/country event, just how many people would survive since they are so dependent upon others to do so much for them - or they can't think of what they might need to do differently given the new circumstances.

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I do hope people will clear the roof of their vehicle. There was an argument on this board a couple years ago about that. I really don't like ice chunks fly toward me from another vehicle. When I had a minivan I was able to clear it. I opened doors and stood inside my van to reach a broom across.


As I mentioned several of us worked together to get our court cleared so everyone could get out. We also checked on those physically unable to help. It didn't go unnoticed that twenty something renters who are at an age some think of as selfish came out and provided significant muscle to the effort. It also didn't go unnoticed who didn't help at all. The effort let you know who you could count on.

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Here you can get a ticket here for not cleaning off the roof of your car.


I think now people are more aware of the dangers of that sheet of ice flying off the car in front of you. It is a pretty selfish attitude to not care about what happens behind you when snow and ice are falling off your car at high speeds.


Should the zombie apocalypse happen I think a lot of people will not make it because they don't understand how community and helping one another means assuring survival.

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NoVa here. Our court is off a major road so once we get the court cleared we have good access. As usual, we don't get plowed until we and the neighbors have cleared a single lane path down the court, connected to each driveway, all the way to the ice wall that the plows left at the intersection. That was Monday.


Our court had two community snow blowers that we use to do this. Best investment ever!


Things seem ok now but schools are closed in county bc the western part of the county got more snow. I'm actually surprised that dd's co-op was closed and ds' community college, too.


I'm glad to hear you all are doing well. I had no idea do many were in the DC metro area.

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We finally got plowed out yesterday afternoon (NoVA).  My 2 younger boys (4 and 3) stood out on the front porch and watched the big front loader put on a show!  I haven't heard from dh this morning, so I'm assuming he made it in to the big 5-sided building for work.  


We had a lot of complaints from people in our neighborhood about how long it took to get plowed out, but it didn't bother me.  I LOVED having a reason not to go anywhere!  My kids played outside most of the time, and I taught my Monday Latin class via skype.  We still have another 2 gallons of milk and 2 dozen eggs, plus plenty of other food, so I'm not planning on going out until Friday.  Well, that's not true--I have to get ds#3 to his math class tomorrow.  We can get both minivans out of our driveway, but I'm just leaving our big van until the snow melts around and on it.  It's really hard to get the snow off the top of that one!  

Edited by AFwife Claire
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We finally got plowed out yesterday afternoon (NoVA).  My 2 younger boys (4 and 3) stood out on the front porch and watched the big front loader put on a show!  I haven't heard from dh this morning, so I'm assuming he made it in to the big 5-sided building for work.  


We had a lot of complaints from people in our neighborhood about how long it took to get plowed out, but it didn't bother me.  I LOVED having a reason not to go anywhere!  My kids played outside most of the time, and I taught my Monday Latin class via skype.  We still have another 2 gallons of milk and 2 dozen eggs, plus plenty of other food, so I'm not planning on going out until Friday.  Well, that's not true--I have to get ds#3 to his math class tomorrow.  We can get both minivans out of our driveway, but I'm just leaving our big van until the snow melts around and on it.  It's really hard to get the snow off the top of that one!  




Traffic is still bad getting from my side of the Potomac to yours.   They closed I270southbound this early morning because 2 tractor trails jack-knifed.  I don't know why, but I'm sure it's related to the snow/traffic.   My daughter counted 7 accidents on Googlemaps between our house and her work.  That doesn't include the trucks because those were cleared up a couple of hours ago.

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The plows came in the night here, and our cul de sac is clear! Perfect timing, as we'll be heading to the train station to pick up DH. He's been in NYC, and says by Monday it was mostly slushy there, and things were business as usual. They are better prepared, and without the labyrinth of subdivisions to plow, I think.

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It is not swollen, but it does hurt. Not sure anything can be done about it though.


At least that sounds better than swollen and red and drawing attention to her at school.  Hope it goes well!


Hubby went out to the post office and bank today - both work related.


We will both resume normal life tomorrow, so this is my last day of freedom.  The warmer weather is helping the snow melt quickly.  We went from a very large storm's amount to just a large storm's amount with the melting. It's single lane traffic down our road, but we can all make due with that.  I suspect regular roads are fine at this point. 

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They made everyone go back to work and closed Rock Creek Parkway at the same time. Dh was stuck in traffic trying to get the kids to the ballet for a full hour and a half. They could have walked there and back and there again in that time. UGGGGHHHHH. They were all freaking out. And some tow truck guy got out and threatened dh and the kids. And the stage manager was calling being like, everyone is late!


Now it's my turn to drive to the Kennedy Center. Can I just scream?



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They made everyone go back to work and closed Rock Creek Parkway at the same time. Dh was stuck in traffic trying to get the kids to the ballet for a full hour and a half. They could have walked there and back and there again in that time. UGGGGHHHHH. They were all freaking out. And some tow truck guy got out and threatened dh and the kids. And the stage manager was calling being like, everyone is late!


Now it's my turn to drive to the Kennedy Center. Can I just scream?


I had no idea they did that.  Traffic was a nighmare this morning.  My daughter went in late (10am) and it was still going to take her an hour to get there (usually just under 30min).  She's not looking forward to coming back home.


I would scream too! 


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