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Christmas isn't the same without little kids. . .boo hoo


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What little Christmas spirit I ever had has left.  I just can't get started!  My youngest is 14.  It simply isn't as fun as when the kids are little.  And frankly I have never been big on Christmas (alcoholic father - bad, bad memories) but I could get into when the kids were little.  Now.  ppffft!  Nothing.  And the thing is I am a deeply religious person, so if somebody just left me alone to pray and read Scripture, I'd be happy as a clam.  But I just can't get into that holiday spirit.  You know the one where you decorate the house and buys lots of gifts and bake Christmas cookies....It feels really phony.  I just can't focus on this stuff.


Boo hoo.  I'm sad.


Thanks for listening. . . .

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I'm sorry you are down.


I still like Christmas, even if the presents stress me out a bit. This year ds is the richest one in the family, so he's handling big gifts for his sibs--he likes surprising them (they never bought each other stuff--dd makes a lovely card for each, and other ds has a family to provide for), and I'm catching his enjoyment of giving. I think his love language is gifts.


It is important, I think, to take some time to sit in the quiet, if you are into the religious aspect of the season, and find the wonder there. I am thinking of writing a poem or a small essay about it not being "just" a birthday. Maybe you can tap into your creative side, whatever that looks like for you, and find a way to express your heart. Or just be still--whatever feeds your soul.

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Oh goodness, I love Christmas without little kids. I hauled my kids to the lights and parade last night. Everyone has secret presents hidden all over. Kids are pretty much going to make cookies without me. I think it has been awesome! My house is clean. My house is festive. No drama every minute. I am actually enjoying the season for once!!!!

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What little Christmas spirit I ever had has left. I just can't get started! My youngest is 14. It simply isn't as fun as when the kids are little. And frankly I have never been big on Christmas (alcoholic father - bad, bad memories) but I could get into when the kids were little. Now. ppffft! Nothing. And the thing is I am a deeply religious person, so if somebody just left me alone to pray and read Scripture, I'd be happy as a clam. But I just can't get into that holiday spirit. You know the one where you decorate the house and buys lots of gifts and bake Christmas cookies....It feels really phony. I just can't focus on this stuff.


Boo hoo. I'm sad.


Thanks for listening. . . .



I had a moment of stress today when I realized how close it is. I'm just not feeling it.

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I hear ya!  I hate the rat race of shopping in the stores, where I know for the retailer, it is all about making money for them.  Gotta give, gotta give...it makes the real meaning of giving (to show our love) lost somehow, if that makes sense.  The kids have happy memories, and so do I, now that they are nearly grown.  I would just rather do something for someone and skip all the presents we are going to get and have to find places for them (or should I say, as the mom, I end up finding places for our new things.)

 I dropped off some nearly new sweaters today to a clothing bank and asked them if they had an older gentleman in mind who could use them. They seemed appreciative of the idea and that made me feel good that they just wouldn't go in to the resale pile. 

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I hear you and can relate.


Between the boys being older and not really wanting or needing anything, and our weather being a lot warmer than usual, and all the bad stuff in the news . . .  .well, I've never really liked the holiday season, but this year I'm not feeling it at all.  I want it to be over and done with even more than usual.

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I understand. I think I post here every Christmas saying the same thing about Christmas not being nearly as fun with older kids. This year I got everybody a few things. Nothing earth shattering. Ds was the only one who asked for something and I had to get it for him already. It's computer parts and dd's boyfriend has to rebuild my ds's computer and won't be available on Christmas. I had to scramble to find him something to open and he's going to be ho hum about it as it's something he neither needs nor wants. But I can't stand the thought of a Christmas morning without a single gift to open. I miss our days of the kids waking up and finding a living room full of FUN!


I'm not religious but I think since you are, you need to find a way to focus on that this season.

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I'm there, too.  First year working full-time outside the home, and I'm just bushed when I get home. No gift-giving budget. Kids all out of the house, except the one who has "failed to launch."


Somehow, I have to scrounge up enough Christmas spirit this year to decorate the house so the kids will feel like magic still happens at home. (I'm pretty paranoid about them not wanting to come home when they're adults.) 


I'm going to need a lubricating beverage to get me going tomorrow -- I have to haul out and put up decorations and groom the dogs = a full days of unpleasant chores when one is working alone.  I need to find a better attitude and get out the Christmas music....





Edited by Halftime Hope
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Count me in with those who find Christmas less fun without little kids.  Also, since my mom passed away three years ago I've not really cared about making Christmas a big deal.  What I need is some motivation. 


This morning as dh was getting ready for work we saw the commercial for the pajama gram.  I laughed and said it's official- when that commercial starts playing I know I'm behind on shopping. He pointed out that the pajama gram commercial is really just the first warning- it's when the teddy bear commercial comes on that we're officially late.   So I guess I have some time yet...


Half packed boxes are on my table...daughters who live 1000 miles away, grandkids, a favorite nephew, my inlaws...finishing the task has been on my list all week and yet there they sit.  I need to pick up a few more things, wrap items, ship the boxes. 

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Heh, maybe this is a sign to volunteer somewhere with young kids during this time of year?

Or perform a service project that benefits the youth in your community.


Agreed. We had a few rough Christmases due to finances and my husband being in another state working. We volunteered a lot of our time helping through local agencies. Bringing gifts to families who had next to nothing made us appreciate what we had. It also made us feel good to see the smiles that we got for things as small as a bag of apples or a package of socks.

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I actually volunteer at my church and teach religious ed to 13 second graders.  They are all cute as buttons and I think that is what is making me feel the loss of little kid magic and Christmas all the more!


Also, I think feeling overwhelmed and out of sorts has to do with family deaths.  My brother in law died last year on 12/9 (he got sick right before Thanksgiving).  I think that is casting a pall over things.  Last year we just were going through the motions in kind of a numb way.  Honestly, I have no memory of last Thanksgiving, Chanukah or Christmas at all from last year.  Just a few months before my brother in law died, my beloved aunt who lived with us for a while, died.  


My dh is Jewish so we do both sets of holidays and this year I never even got the menorah out.  That is the first time ever in the 27 years of married life!  Blah.


But I should try really hard to not be a gloomy gus about it all.  I will try to buck up and just do the best I can!  In laws are coming over tomorrow for a little Chanukah get together, so I gotta focus on that!  After Chanukah's out of the way, on to Christmas!!!

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christmas is more fun with littles.  2ds was 12 1/2 (13 at christmas) when dudeling was born - so we got another little kid.  even the older kids had more fun with him around.   Maybe by the christmas he's 13, I'll have grandchildren . . . . except married dd is moving to ft. worth next month.

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I actually volunteer at my church and teach religious ed to 13 second graders.  They are all cute as buttons and I think that is what is making me feel the loss of little kid magic and Christmas all the more!


Also, I think feeling overwhelmed and out of sorts has to do with family deaths.  My brother in law died last year on 12/9 (he got sick right before Thanksgiving).  I think that is casting a pall over things.  Last year we just were going through the motions in kind of a numb way.  Honestly, I have no memory of last Thanksgiving, Chanukah or Christmas at all from last year.  Just a few months before my brother in law died, my beloved aunt who lived with us for a while, died.  


My dh is Jewish so we do both sets of holidays and this year I never even got the menorah out.  That is the first time ever in the 27 years of married life!  Blah.


But I should try really hard to not be a gloomy gus about it all.  I will try to buck up and just do the best I can!  In laws are coming over tomorrow for a little Chanukah get together, so I gotta focus on that!  After Chanukah's out of the way, on to Christmas!!!


I"m so sorry for your loss.  My mother died mid-dec several years ago - I had trouble doing anything that year.  I don't remember much of the following year.


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so if somebody just left me alone to pray and read Scripture, I'd be happy as a clam.  But I just can't get into that holiday spirit. 




Thanks for listening. . . .


But this is okay, isn't it?  Why not just do this and be happy as a clam!  The rest is a man-made celebration, which you can choose to do, or not.


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I must be in your club because we still haven't put up the decorations.


I just want to get a deep breath after Thanksgiving before making a whole 'nother mess that will then have to be put away. I did intend to do it this past week, but got slammed by a slew of end-of-semester stuff I wasn't counting on. I feel a bit less pressure since I'm not hosting Christmas parties this year and my olders won't be home til next week for college break. In fact, now that I think about it, I think I will start a new tradition of putting things up only after the last school projects for the semester have been completed.


Unless I suddenly become a grandmother.

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I'm thinking it's cheaper, though. :)


Just trying to bright-side it for ya.


I must be doing something very wrong. Christmas gets more expensive every year here. When they were little it was so easy to buy a bunch of inexpensive things. Now there are no little items on their list. Well, small items with big price tags maybe!


I love Christmas. Ds is 15 but I still go completely overboard with the decorating and the gifts and the traditions. :)


I love Christmas too. I think I love it even more now that my kids are mostly grown. It is a time we get to spend together and that is precious now. Like everything else, each season of life has its own advantages and disadvantages. Seasons past are precious memories and the future is unknown. I always love the current season the most.

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You are lucky!!! Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Christmas and will do it over and over again, and I know once the kids grow I will miss the craziness...but honestly, with 5 kids, activities, about a dozen nieces and nephews to get presents for, a house to decorate...I do find myself stretched thin, and just with too much on my plate. I wish I had a little extra time to pray and focus on the true meaning of Christmas, not the presents, the cookies, the decorations and the never ending list of things to do. That's just material stuff. I wish we could balance it somehow? I share some of our craziness with you, and you share your peace and quiet with me :)

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Mamiof5, I know of what you speak!  I too am a mom of five and I come from a huge Irish Catholic family, so yeah!  It is crazy!  Since our parents have died though, the extended family has moved the Christmas party to a New Years party and that really has helped enormously.  Everybody gets to have their own Christmas and do the huge family get together later. 

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