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Dad chases Nude boy out of dd's room with pipe

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Attack first? Um, no.


I'm going to determine if he was welcome, invited and my dd was a willing participant. Then I am going to call and involve his parents.


I'm going to work on the issues behind my dd's choice to be intimate too young.


And, finally, I'm going to question my own parenting that this could have been happening for so long without me knowing and make needed changes.


I know you last paragraph was snarky, but I'm serious about my reaction to this thread. I find it disturbing.


He did not even know she had a boyfriend. I probably would have gone at him with a knife. I had a boy try to come into my house uninvited when I had daycare. His hand was smashed (not by me... one of the children who was scared) and broken in the door. He said he was going to sue for medical expenses. I said it was within my rights to kill him. The police officer agreed with me.

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I understand the need for sitting down to tea and discussing the proper way to handle a relationship, but that does not fit this particular situation.


But would coffee be an acceptable substitute?


Perhaps I could offer the wayward lad cake, instead...yes...

Cake, or Death?

hat tip to Eddie Izzard

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I understand the need for sitting down to tea and discussing the proper way to handle a relationship, but that does not fit this particular situation.


I agree. The "tea and conversation" rabbit trail was introduced snarkily because I didn't drink the "hurt the naked kid" kool aid.


I never suggested a calm, rational, delayed reaction. I ABSOLUTELY NEVER advocated not protecting my dd.

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For goodness sake, this is a kid we're talking about, just a boy.



Nope. He don't get to have it both ways. He gave up his claim of being just a boy when he decided to sneak into another man's house and have sex with his daughter. Certain choices catapult us into adulthood and adult responsibility for those choices. If he was man enough engage in the act, he should've been man enough to deal with the consequences.


And I think that people are talking past each other in this thread because there are actually two issues here. First there's the issue of the daughter sneaking around and having sex in her parent's home. The other issue is the violent reaction of a shocked father upon finding a naked man in his daughter's bedroom. It's easier to pre-judge how you'd react upon finding your dd having sex with a known boyfriend. But I think that people are just being honest when they say that their first reaction would be to attack a strange naked man in their home.

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Rabbit trail related to the topic.


I would not shoot to kill unless there was absolutely no way around it. When my husband taught me to shoot he told me to aim for a leg. Just shoot to buy time.


Other than that, I agree with you.

That I've got to disagree with. Before my training I'd have agreed with you. I was such a pacifist when I was young.


Now, it is center mass all the way. It is too easy to miss a leg and if the perpetrator is doped up he will still be able to stand and feel no pain.

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I ABSOLUTELY NEVER advocated not protecting my dd.


Nonsense. Attempting to suss out the situation is protecting your daughter? Involv[ing] the parents of the boy is protecting your daughter?


A naked male intruder is in your house in the dead of night, standing over your daughter's bed, and you'd want to have a conversation with the involved parties.


I don't see how that is protecting anyone, least of all your daughter.


We are never going to agree on this one.

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I think the comments "I hope your DD never gets attacked" are hurtful, and unkind. They are unnecessary and not logical. The fact that my reaction to *this* situation doesn't match the tone in this thread does not = my family is unsafe. I absolutely think comments otherwise are inappropriate.


Deb, your post is what I quoted, but you are not the only to have made similar comments.


Get Off Your Butt Parenting is a discipline resource site and you've taken the idea out of context and used it against me.


My name's not Deb.

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But would coffee be an acceptable substitute?


Perhaps I could offer the wayward lad cake, instead...yes...

Cake, or Death?

hat tip to Eddie Izzard



I agree. The "tea and conversation" rabbit trail was introduced snarkily because I didn't drink the "hurt the naked kid" kool aid.







No, but seriously...


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Originally Posted by Joanne

I think the comments "I hope your DD never gets attacked" are hurtful, and unkind. They are unnecessary and not logical. The fact that my reaction to *this* situation doesn't match the tone in this thread does not = my family is unsafe. I absolutely think comments otherwise are inappropriate.


Deb, your post is what I quoted, but you are not the only to have made similar comments.


Get Off Your Butt Parenting is a discipline resource site and you've taken the idea out of context and used it against me.


My name's not Deb.


I'm so sorry. I did not mean to get that wrong; it was not intentional.

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Well......I'd much rather that my SECOND reaction was regret over something I had done rather than regret that I had done nothing. Especially if it turned out to be a rape situation. And quite frankly, I doubt I would regret doing something.



Even if you killed a teenage boy? Whom your daughter had invited into her room?


See, if it were me, I'd regret that.


And, having been a teenage girl myself at one long-ago time, I know exactly how damaging such an incident would have been to my relationship with my parents. I'm not saying it would have been the right reaction, but I'm willing to bet I would have been eloping with that boy the next week.


Now, the thing is, none of us were there, but my gut tells me that a single glance at that situation would have enabled a reasonably astute person to see that the attentions the girl was receiving were not unwelcome. Several folks have also described what their reactions would be to seeing a "guy" or a "man" in their daughters' rooms, but I'm assuming the boy was also a teenager. (None of the news stories give his age, but they also don't mention his name, which suggests he's probably a minor.) It just seems to me that a lot of folks are imagining a way different image than I get in my mind when I read that news story.


But, as I said, I was a teenage girl once . . .

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Oh for Pete's sake, if I walk into my dds room, and see a naked person standing on her bed I'm attacking first and thinking later. Sorry. My dds well being is more important than worrying about some punk's skull condition.


What're you gonna do? Stand around and discuss birth control with a couple of naked kids?


It sounds like get your butt off my daughter parenting to me!

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When he heard noises coming from his daughter's bedroom Thursday morning and saw a stranger standing naked on the girl's bed, he swung a metal pipe. He then chased the teen out the front door and called police.



One, how old were these teens, two, was she yelling "stop daddy, don't hurt him daddy" and trying to tackle dad, three, I don't have metal pipe on hand to walk around the house with, four, how come he didn't know about it for a whole year, and five, was he intoxicated? Something tells me we only got part of the story.

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"DELTONA, Fla. - An angry Deltona father whacked his teenage daughter's boyfriend with a metal pipe after finding the boy naked in his daughter's room. Authorities say the father, 45, didn't even know his daughter had a boyfriend or that the youngster had been sneaking into the home for more than a year.


When he heard noises coming from his daughter's bedroom Thursday morning and saw a stranger standing naked on the girl's bed, he swung a metal pipe. He then chased the teen out the front door and called police.


The boy was taken to the hospital where doctors closed a head wound with staples.


The father was charged with aggravated battery on a child and bonded out on $10,000."


He was charged even though the boy was trespassing in his house and he was defending his daughter (even if she didn't think she needed defending)? I think he should have chased his daughter out of there with a pipe too! (Just joking - sort of).:001_huh:


Not knowing any details of this, my first impression is that the boy is lucky to have escaped with just a head wound.



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I am asking in earnest, lest you think I am being snarky...


Have you ever been attacked? Have you ever had a man grab your shoulders and shake your upper body so hard that you get whip lash and scream obscenities in your face? Have you ever had your body touched in such a manner that you did not want it to be? Have you ever felt mortal fear for your life? I have. That is why I have the shoot first, ask questions later mentality.




I was lucky, the roommate came home.


I have been the attempted victim of a mugging. Boy did that go wrong for my "assailant" as I beat him to a pulp and held him till the police arrested him.


I have also chased an intruder from my home while yelling "Danny get the gun" (I don't know a Danny, nor do I own a gun).


I also once chased a middle-of-the-night intruder in our yard who escaped by climbing over our fence down our block (with me running after him naked as a Jay-bird) as he jumped into his VW Bug in hope of escape, with me jumping half-way in through his window, and in the split second choice between taking him out and jumping of the rapidly accelerating automobile, I jumped off. The police found him later and let me know I'd scared the piss out of our new paperboy.


Fortunately, that is as bad as it's been for me.


I'm sorry that you've faced worse. I do think we have a right to protect ourselves and family members from harm. As I said before, if the man though he was protecting his daughter from a sexual assault he was well within his rights and (in my mind) would have been acting honorably in going after the boy. This may be exactly the case, I don't have enough information.



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I also once chased a middle-of-the-night intruder in our yard who escaped by climbing over our fence down our block (with me running after him naked as a Jay-bird) as he jumped into his VW Bug in hope of escape, with me jumping half-way in through his window, and in the split second choice between taking him out and jumping of the rapidly accelerating automobile, I jumped off. The police found him later and let me know I'd scared the piss out of our new paperboy.



I can't stop laughing!!! :lol::lol:

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OK, I posted the link to all of the dirty details, but you people were not listening!:tongue_smilie:





Officials: Dad finds naked boy in daughter's room, hits him with pipe


Staff Writer

A Deltona father ended up in jail Thursday after finding his daughter's teenage boyfriend naked in the girl's bedroom and hitting him with a pipe, sheriff's officials said.Raul Colon, 45, didn't even know his daughter had a boyfriend -- or that the youngster had been sneaking into the home for more than a year. So when he heard noises coming from his daughter's room early Thursday and saw a naked stranger standing on the girl's bed, he swung a metal pipe he had taken from the garage, hitting the 15-year-old, according to a Volusia County sheriff's report.

Colon was charged with aggravated battery on a child but was released from jail later Thursday on $10,000 bail, a booking officer said. No one answered the phone at Colon's residence Thursday for comment.

According to the report, Colon heard the noise in his daughter's room when he got up at 4 a.m. to let his dog out, as he does every morning.

Colon told deputies he chased Lucas Contreres through the kitchen, living room and through the front door and out into the street and called 9-1-1.

Colon's daughter later told deputies she had been seeing Contreres for 18 months but did not tell her father about the relationship. Contreres had sneaked in through a bedroom window at 3 a.m. Thursday to have sex with her, the 15-year-old girl told deputies.

Contreres was found at Florida Hospital Fish Memorial in Orange City where he received staples to close cuts on his head. His injuries were not life-threatening, deputies said.

Contreres told deputies a similar account to Colon's. He said Colon came into the room and started swinging at him with the metal pipe. He jumped out of the bed and began running through the home to get away from Colon. Once outside, he jumped on his bike and went home. His sister later took him to the hospital, deputies said.

Although Contreres' father said he wasn't sure whether he wanted to press charges, deputies took Colon to jail anyway.


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Although Contreres' father said he wasn't sure whether he wanted to press charges, deputies took Colon to jail anyway.




There is no way that Mr. Contreres is going to press charges. Believe me, he totally understands. There is no way that any parent would justify a 15 year old sneaking out in the wee hours of morning to turn up naked at someone else's house. Nope.


And um, I'd like to ask young Contreres whether he's planning to do that again. Ever.

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I have also chased an intruder from my home while yelling "Danny get the gun" (I don't know a Danny, nor do I own a gun).



I do think we have a right to protect ourselves and family members from harm. As I said before, if the man though he was protecting his daughter from a sexual assault he was well within his rights and (in my mind) would have been acting honorably in going after the boy. This may be exactly the case, I don't have enough information.




First of all, I am :lol: at the Danny line! I kinda do the same if I feel scared at night. I walk through the house saying things like, " Now where did I leave my black belt?" :D


I agree with your last paragraph.

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...or that the youngster had been sneaking into the home for more than a year.


Contreres had sneaked in through a bedroom window at 3 a.m. Thursday to have sex with her, the 15-year-old girl told deputies.



Where are the parents of this boy? He has been sneaking out for over a year in the middle of the night.


They have just as much responsibility as the girl's father as far as I'm concerned.





On a side note, I really need to get those images of Bill out of my head.

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I have been the attempted victim of a mugging. Boy did that go wrong for my "assailant" as I beat him to a pulp and held him till the police arrested him.


I have also chased an intruder from my home while yelling "Danny get the gun" (I don't know a Danny, nor do I own a gun).


I also once chased a middle-of-the-night intruder in our yard who escaped by climbing over our fence down our block (with me running after him naked as a Jay-bird) as he jumped into his VW Bug in hope of escape, with me jumping half-way in through his window, and in the split second choice between taking him out and jumping of the rapidly accelerating automobile, I jumped off. The police found him later and let me know I'd scared the piss out of our new paperboy.


Fortunately, that is as bad as it's been for me.


I'm sorry that you've faced worse. I do think we have a right to protect ourselves and family members from harm. As I said before, if the man though he was protecting his daughter from a sexual assault he was well within his rights and (in my mind) would have been acting honorably in going after the boy. This may be exactly the case, I don't have enough information.




At first I was thinking, "Wow, Bill needs a new neighborhood." Then I got to the part about the paperboy and laughed so hard I cried. That is SO funny.

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There is no way that Mr. Contreres is going to press charges. Believe me, he totally understands. There is no way that any parent would justify a 15 year old sneaking out in the wee hours of morning to turn up naked at someone else's house. Nope.


And um, I'd like to ask young Contreres whether he's planning to do that again. Ever.



I'd like to ask him if it hurt to ride his bike nekkid.......:001_huh:

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OK, I posted the link to all of the dirty details, but you people were not listening!:tongue_smilie:



This article leaves it manifestly unclear if the father believed he was really dealing with an intruder, or if he went after the boy out of anger for having sex with his daughter.


It is hard for me to believe the police would have arrested the man if they thought he was acting in self-defense (or in defense of his daughter) as that is not the way police (in my locality at least) would ordinarily act. But there is too little to go on from this article alone, at least the way I'm reading it.



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OK, I posted the link to all of the dirty details, but you people were not listening!:tongue_smilie:


I read it, Ailaena. I promise! Unfortunately, I saw your excellent and informative link only after I posted my note about not knowing the kids' ages. And I see that this report does give both the boy's age and his name.


For what it's worth, he's 15. And the girl is 15. And the dad wasn't awoken by noises coming from his daughter's bedroom. He always gets up at that time to let out his dog.


Sorry, but I'm just having trouble seeing the terrifying, nightmare scenario others envision.


So, while my first response wouldn't be to invite the kid into the kitchen for coffee and a doughnut, I do think I'd ask my daughter if she was okay before I started swinging the pipe.

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Here is the local story.


The daughter is 15. She has been doing this for 18 months, which puts her at 14, maybe even 13 when it started. That is pretty young.


The daughter does say she didn't tell the Dad about him, so the boy would have been a stranger to the Father.


There are so many factors. Was their rooms far apart? On different levels of the house? Did they normally do this at a different time when the Father wasn't normally awake, so they could have gotten away with it if their rooms were on different floors? Did she not tell her parents of him because she knew they wouldn't approve? Did the Father knew the boy? (Even though he didn't know it was his dd's bf.) If he did, was the boy known as a bad kid?


I have a girl friend who was basically a good girl, but stopped talking to her parents about boys when she was about 12 because her mom made such a big harry deal over he first kiss and embarrassed her to death. They still had a good relationship in other respects.


We will probalby never know the whole story....


The fact that they did arrest the Dad without the boy pressing charges makes me wonder if there isn't more to the story. I feel it would be a hard thing for most Father's to walk in on, and most wouldn't handle it in a gentle way.



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II also once chased a middle-of-the-night intruder in our yard who escaped by climbing over our fence down our block (with me running after him naked as a Jay-bird) as he jumped into his VW Bug in hope of escape, with me jumping half-way in through his window, and in the split second choice between taking him out and jumping of the rapidly accelerating automobile, I jumped off. The police found him later and let me know I'd scared the piss out of our new paperboy.



Wait, who's naked here? The paperboy? Bill? Both?


I am confused.

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This article leaves it manifestly unclear if the father believed he was really dealing with an intruder, or if he went after the boy out of anger for having sex with his daughter.


It is hard for me to believe the police would have arrested the man if they thought he was acting in self-defense (or in defense of his daughter) as that is not the way police (in my locality at least) would ordinarily act. But there is too little to go on from this article alone, at least the way I'm reading it.





I'm going to guess that they took him in because he's an adult and the kid is, well, a kid.


What is clear from the article is: 1. He didn't know the dd had a boyfriend; 2. he woke up at 4 AM to take the dog out, as he always does; 3. he heard noises in his dd's room; 4. he went to the garage to get a pipe; 5. he investigated, found a naked male in his dd's room and did what he had to to get him out of there.


We also know that HE, the dad, called the police. What did he say?? Again, I'd venture to say that he told them he found a naked intruder in his dd's room.


Since he's the one who involved the police, I doubt he called them to say, "some kid was here having consentual sex with my daughter and it really ticks me off."

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This article leaves it manifestly unclear if the father believed he was really dealing with an intruder, or if he went after the boy out of anger for having sex with his daughter.


It is hard for me to believe the police would have arrested the man if they thought he was acting in self-defense (or in defense of his daughter) as that is not the way police (in my locality at least) would ordinarily act. But there is too little to go on from this article alone, at least the way I'm reading it.






You know, that's an interesting point because, as we all now know, most people would have attempted to seriously injure and intruder, but this guy just hit him with a pipe. That he went all the way to the garage to get.


So like most media stories, we don't really know everything we need to in order to sit on a jury panel (and we may never know the whole story), but at least it gave us diversion to speculate how we would potentially behave if we really believed our daughter was in danger.

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I don't think there are enough facts given for me to know how to react to this story. (I haven't googled for a full article.) On the one hand, I can see the dad going after the boy if he didn't know him, didn't know his dd even had a boyfriend, and suddenly found some guy naked standing on his dd's bed. However, I wonder when the dad picked up the pipe. If he had to go in search of a pipe, I think he probably had time to think about it and realize that, hey, this is a young guy and likely dd has been sneaking around without the parents knowing. I have a hard time believing the dad did not realize what was probably really going on. It seems to me that he wanted to continue acting on his rage after he should have figured it out. Again, I don't think there are enough details here.


I have both girls and boys. I would be upset to find a boy in my dd's room like that, but I would hope that dh would not react quite so violently. I sure wouldn't want one of my sons being the one hit with a metal pipe, and I am not naive enough to believe none of my children would ever do what these kids were doing. I remember being a teenager. I was a good girl, an honor student, and always the self-appointed designated driver, but I am ashamed to recall some of the things I did in high school and where I did them. I can't believe I was so bold. Good thing no one in my family ever caught us or came after dh with a metal pipe.

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He almost killed PETER PAN!!!!!












Folks, I realize this is a serious matter. But, come on! The guy was naked. He wasn't packing a firearm, at least not one in range, or not one that shoots bullets. If there was light enough to know the fool was standing there nude, there was light enough to know he didn't have a knife or a gun trained on the daughter. And, the daughter? Silent as a lamb? Not a peep of, "No, please, don't hurt me?" Not a whimper? Or did she perhaps giggle a bit at the antics of her boyfriend. And, as the pipe flew, did she cry, "Dad, NO! Stop! Don't!! Oh my god, Bubba, your poor bleeding head!!!!" And, who happens to have a pipe handy? How many of your husbands sleep with a hunk of iron next to their pillows? Mostly guns, I'm thinking, not pipes. And, what happens when that trigger gets pulled in a moment of rage?


I'll give the guy his pipe, and his "off the handle" reaction. Lucky for him and Peter it was just a pipe. But, I find the reactions of those of you who claim you'd shoot the son of a fairy without so much as a backward glance to be shocking. What has this world come to? I guess I live in a different part of the country, or a different part of reality.










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One, how old were these teens, two, was she yelling "stop daddy, don't hurt him daddy" and trying to tackle dad, three, I don't have metal pipe on hand to walk around the house with, four, how come he didn't know about it for a whole year, and five, was he intoxicated? Something tells me we only got part of the story.



I was totally tracking your vibe. We had similar thoughts at similar times.

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