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Anyone else having a gas-price scare tonight?

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It's a bit crazy here because we're prepping for Ike. I do have to say I was amazed to pay the same price as Tuesday when I went to top up my tank. Kudos to Shell for not hiking the prices today!


Remember that the Gulf Coast of Texas has a LOT of refining capacity and those refineries had to shut down to ride out Ike. They can withstand strong hurricanes, but flooding is a real problem. If they aren't flooded by storm surge and our power is back up quickly, they'll be online again soon and gas prices will fall back to more normal levels.


Keep your fingers crossed!

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This afternoon, gas prices have been going up, gas stations have started rationing how much you can buy and the lines have been long. Is this going on anywhere else?


We have seen/heard this in our area. Tonight, at 9pm, gas lines were into the streets and the price at one station went up .25 cents in two hours. Many pumps had the yellow bag over the handle indicating they were empty (or at the very least not open for sale). :-{

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Woah- that IS scary. Nothing like that here in my part of Florida.


Well, possibly tomorrow morning. The gas station attendant told my ds that he was told by his supplier (?) that gas would hit $5 a gallon tomorrow morning. That seems like stretch to me, but we both went ahead and bought tonight. BUT, when we went back to fill up (a few minutes ago) there was a sign that was asking customers to limit purchases to 10 gallons. Ten gallons?! :eek:




ETA: I'm in Northeast Florida.

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Well, possibly tomorrow morning. The gas station attendant told my ds that he was told by his supplier (?) that gas would hit $5 a gallon tomorrow morning. That seems like stretch to me, but we both went ahead and bought tonight. BUT, when we went back to fill up (a few minutes ago) there was a sign that was asking customers to limit purchases to 10 gallons. Ten gallons?! :eek:




ETA: I'm in Northeast Florida.


I'm in Eastern Central Fl and saw a news story on this tonight. The Kangaroo stations are the ones requesting the limit.

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We were driving home from the Toronto film festival last night and saw huge lines at the pumps, around 11:30 pm. Had no idea what was going on but assumed something like a price hike in the future. We were too tired to stop (and wait) and fill up. Sure enough...front page of the paper is 12.9 cent per litre hike (that's about 10% of our current gas prices).

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Oops, sorry about that. I thought it was in my profile. I'm in TN.


East TN here and last time I put gas in the van (Wednesday) - I paid $3.62. Today gas - regular unleaded - was $4.49. There have been cars LINED up at stations to get gas. Sure some of it has to do with the hurricane, but I'd guess most of it has to do with the front page article in the paper talking about a gas shortage with a picture of plastic bags over gas pumps. The article said they didn't want people running out to purchase gas and for people not to panic, but really? Why publish a story like that unless that's exactly what you're looking for?


Local news station tonight said our gas prices would be wacky at least through the end of the month.

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In rural Michigan the lines are very long, but the price hasn't yet jumped. I've been told by "reliable sources" that the price of gas in Lansing is $6-7/gallon and $5 gallon a little further north of there. Also, I've been told that in Saginaw people are brandishing guns to make sure no one takes their place in line. How reliable is this information? It has all come to me as "My niece says..." OR "My neighbor told me...." I've not yet spoke to someone who was a 1st person witness yet. But, to be on the safe side I did fill up tonight (at the gas station I was at they had already had many drive-aways and were policing the pumps to prevent further thievery).

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Prices have risen over 50 cents since yesterday!!!

And I HAVE to drive to NC Sunday to return a friend's child and get my own dd back (we swapped a kiddo each)

And now I see in the news that at some gas stations here in FL it's over $5.00 a gallon and in SC it's over $5.00 a gallon. I cannot afford this.

Totally freaking out. :willy_nilly:

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We were in Roanoke, Va tonight and went by a gas station it was $4.49, we did some shopping, came back out 30 mins later it was $4.99, unbelievable!! It's not that bad where we live but I'm guessing it's going to get there, good thing most everything we do is within walking distance!

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I filled only half the tank today at 3.61/gallon. I wish I had just filled up! Maybe I should have ordered our heating oil as well, the tank is almost empty. Is there a connection between the cost of gas and the cost of oil? I'm embarrassed to even have to ask that!:blush:

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I filled only half the tank today at 3.61/gallon. I wish I had just filled up! Maybe I should have ordered our heating oil as well, the tank is almost empty. Is there a connection between the cost of gas and the cost of oil? I'm embarrassed to even have to ask that!:blush:


I am sure there is a connection, somewhere.... :blush: We have been told that we should cut our natural gas usage as much as possible. We only use gas for showers/dishwasher, yet we use 9 units a month and that is forty dollars here. *sigh* I have a feeling the 'new to us' wood heater is going to be used even more this year. I have made the girls rompers that can be worn with turtlenecks and cotton/wool tights with boots hoping that will help keep them warm. We are just going to over bundle this year! LOL

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It was pretty crazy here in the suburbs of Atlanta tonight. I think Atlantans are very quick to jump on the 'panic' bandwagon.


Dh & I were out this evening. When we were out around 7pm, every gas station we passed had lines of cars waiting (backed up out into the street). Prices were at $3.99 a gallon (up about $0.50 just today).


Tonight by 10pm, there were multiple stations roped off (out of gas, I suppose) & the ones that were open still had lines out into the street.

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I have to go out later - I'll let you know what I see.


We saw gas last night as high as $4.69 per gallon. There was one station with normal prices posted, but when we pulled in, all their pumps were closed. The cheapest we saw was $3.72 and there were cars lined up quite a ways at that station. Most were showing $3.99. Don't know about the rationing.


Dh told me that NC's governor declared a state of emergency, which allows an opening for the federl government to investigate price gouging. He said he expected to see around $3.99 since prices went up $.20 per barrel, and they can't sell it for less than they paid for it, but $4.69 raised prices by more than $1 per gallon, I think.

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I can't remember if I had posted last night or not, lol.


We went up $.16 from Thursday night to Friday night. I haven't been out today, and nobody has updated GasBuddy in our area yet.


Yesterday, dh started driving home from New Orleans. He says he didn't notice any major increases, but he's also driving a Prius, so I doubt he stopped often. ;)

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