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Can you spare some prayers and good thoughts?


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My dad is in the hospital right now.  He's been really sick for a while.  He's lost 50 pounds in the last three months, has been really jaundiced, itchy, etc.  Today they put a stent in the bile duct connecting the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder.  The bile started flowing immediately and they expect the jaundice and itching to resolve soon.


However, the duct was being compressed due to a mass on his pancreas.  He will be having that mass biopsied tomorrow or Friday.  Odds are very good it is cancer.  My dad had prostate cancer 7 years ago and had his prostate removed.  His PSA has had a number again for a few years, very low but still measurable.  They believe the pancreatic mass is those rogue prostate cancer cells.


The good news is if it is cancer, it is a best case scenario.  Usually pancreatic cancer is discovered too late to really treat it.  Only 20% are found early enough and it is usually because they are in the location where his mass is and cuts off bile circulation as his mass did.  If it's cancer it is likely removable and the compressed bile duct situation probably prolonged his life.


But even best case scenario is still terrifying.  I'm too young to lose my Daddy (you are always too young to lose your Daddy no matter how old you are).

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I will send some good health vibes your way for him. My own father had something similar happen and it was touch and go there for nearly a year. He had drainage tubes and things and had to be in the hospital half the year and home for the other half just on the couch. However, he eventually went back to work and went on for another ten years, though as a diabetic. His recent loss had nothing to do with the pancreas stuff. So I hope everything goes well for your dad. It is definately not fun to be younger without your parents.

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 (you are always too young to lose your Daddy no matter how old you are).


This week is the anniversary of my dad's death.  I wasn't very close to him (because of a divorce when I was very young), but it was too soon.  He had dementia/PTSD difficulties as a result of Vietnam.


Praying for your dad.  And you.   :grouphug:




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Thank you, everyone.  If the hospital gets the disc with his CT images from two weeks ago this morning, they'll do the biopsy some time today.  If it doesn't arrive until later, the biopsy will be tomorrow morning.  The place he had the CT scans done sent the disc overnight yesterday.

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My dad's regular doctor requested a certain oncologist be brought in.  He is one of the best in the country for pancreatic cancer and has lots of experience with the surgery Daddy will need if it is indeed cancer.  So that pushed his biopsy to tomorrow for sure, but waiting a day is a small thing to have such a great and experienced surgeon.


Meanwhile, the jaundice is resolving and so of course the itching is getting better, too.  He's feeling so much better physically thanks to that stent.

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Daddy will be in the hospital about another week and a half. He was supposed to have his biopsy today, but some emergency surgeries came in so he was bumped to Monday. There is virtually no chance the mass is not cancer so they are planning to do the Whipple Procedure on Wednesday. As far as pancreatic cancer goes, this is really best case scenario. But it's still cancer. Again.

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Major prayers and good thoughts are need Wednesday. Daddy's biopsy was finally done this afternoon. He definitely has pancreatic cancer, but it appears to be completely contained. It still looks like the best case scenario. The current plan is to remove it (Whipple procedure) on Wednesday.

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Bit of a change of plans.  His tumor is contained, but it is too close to a vein supplying the liver to do the surgery tomorrow.  The risk of damage to that vein is too high.  So, instead, he will have three months of chemo and radiation to shrink the tumor and then they will do the Whipple procedure.

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Daddy had his port put in this morning. He'll start chemo this afternoon.  They are going with a very strong chemo cocktail that he'll get every two weeks for about two months (and then they'll do CT scans again and decide what to do next depending on how the tumor is related to the vein).  The chemo takes a little over 48 hours total to administer.  He'll be doing this first round inpatient and then has opted to return to the hospital for future infusions rather than go to a local place near where they live.  He likes and trusts his doctors and nurses at Georgetown so wants to continue all treatment with them.

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