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Dr Hive: 12yo son always exhausted


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I'm hoping for advice, please. My boy has been sleeping in, falling asleep in the car, sleeping on the couch while we have company, going to take a nap mid-day, going to bed early. He seems pale and easily stressed, and says he's tired. 


We are doing summer math work and he has been nodding off or daydreaming during lessons twice this week. Both times, I finally send him off to bed to rest. This was at 11am when he'd slept til 9. This morning he told me he couldn't think of 13+15 because he was too tired.


I first thought this was just puberty, I next thought this was just bad attitude. I now wonder if anyone else here has dealt with anything similar. The paleness and napping while we have company seem to point to a real physical problem, rather than just growth spurts or trying to get out of math.


I do give him a daily multi-vitamin and nutritional vitamin shake, so I think he's getting iron and vitamins. He eats protein through chicken, beans and rice, eggs, peanut butter, and occasionally burgers, especially now that we grill for summer.


He has an physical with the doctor but not til 2 weeks from now. This has really escalated this week and I wanted to ask if there's anything I can try in the meantime.


Thanks for reading!

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There are so many potential causes of fatigue including mono.   If he has mono, it can takes months to recover and no, you don't have to kiss anyone to get it.  My dd got it at around 13 and was tired for months.

There is a blood test for mono, so even though it is a virus, the doctor can at least find out what is actually at play.

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I think that you should take him to a doctor.  It definitely sounds like something physical and I can almost guarantee you that it's not attitude.


If you don't mind me asking, how long has he been having these symptoms?  Has he had this before?


I have been tired like this all week.  In this case, I think it's been too much sugar and possibly dehydration.  However, I am also borderline anemic and I have heart issues.  I am feeling better today, but I will be going to the doctor if I'm not feeling a lot better in another week.

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I would also like to say that multi-vitamins do make some people really sleepy! They make me nauseous and sleepy.


I agree with everyone that you need to get to the doctor. However, you also might consider dropping the multi if it preceded the tiredness.

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Well, when it was my 12 year old boys, I first determined whether they were actually sleeping when they said they were.  :laugh:


Definitely worth seeing a doctor for bloodwork, and if nothing shows up there maybe a sleep study. Sometimes issues like Restless Leg Syndrome really mess with sleep and people don't even recognize they have it.


One of mine was fatigued when three back-to-back illnesses threw off his thyroid hormone levels. It resolved in time on its own, but I'm glad we checked it out. 



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I took my ds to the MD last year for this very thing. After a thorough physical and lab work she decided he is just growing fast. He still falls asleep every time we get in the car. It is better if I make sure he gets at least 10 hours of sleep and try to push fats and protein with his preferred total sugar diet ;). He has grown from about 5'4" to 5'10" but still weighs in at 115. He continues to be healthy and feel well except for needing sleep.

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Any other symptoms of mono?  When my dd had it, she was very tired, plus had somewhat swollen eyelids and very poor cold tolerance.  As in, after her nightly shower, she would put on long johns (in Aug. and Sept in deep Texas so HOT), a warm robe, and warm slippers because she was cold.  There are other symptoms, obviously, but those were some of her weird ones and harder to find listed anywhere.  If I had realized they were symptoms before her doctor appt., I would have mentioned them.  By the way, she tested negative for it, but I am sure that's what it was.  The lab initially lost the results so who knows what happened there.  


We really had to cut back on school for about 4 months. We did math, handwriting, bible, and reading.  No more than an hour or so total during that time.  Then she rested on the couch.

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I would take him to the doctor just to have him checked. DS21 had fatigue several years ago, and we took him in; doc said he had high levels of antibodies indicating recent infection. He never had a sore throat, fever, or swollen glands, just post-viral fatigue.


Also, you might consider checking his sleep hygiene/sleep habits. There was one time years ago when now-DS21 was looking really ragged, but he wasn't sick, and I suspected he was staying up late but didn't know why as I took his laptop and phone at 10pm. Turns out the rascal had bought a prepaid phone that he didn't tell me about and was texting his friends until 3:00 a.m.. :zombie:

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Have doctor see him sooner, or at least call in an order for complete blood and urine testing, including testing for Lyme.  Call daily until results are in.  Could be nothing - could be something.


Insist on a western blot and get a copy of the results so you can see if any bands showed up.  Even with Lyme specific bands showing, if it isn't CDC positive, the lab will stamp it negative.

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If one of my sons was doing that I would rush him to the doctor - even urgent care.  There are too many medical conditions that are serious to mess around and sometimes and a speedy diagnosis can make all the difference in healing/recovery. Really, I wouldn't wait 2 weeks.


I hope he is just growing really, really fast, but none of my kids were that tired from growth spurts.  His paleness causes concern too.  Please get him checked out and have blood work done soon.


It may be nothing at all, or something small, but who knows.  Best wishes and prayers for your ds!

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I agree with others that he should not wait 2 weeks to see a doctor.


When my ds was 9, I took him to the doctor because he kept falling asleep in the car. The doc initially thought I was crazy but it turns out he had pneumonia. A round of antibiotics and he was back to his old energizer bunny self.

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My son had similar symptoms and it was depression and anxiety.  Or at least I think so.  We recently saw a neurologist for another issue and he thinks there's an outside possibility that he actually has sleep apnea and that what we thought was depression causing sleepiness was sleep depression causing depression and ADHD symptoms.  So, we're scheduling a sleep study and something called a multiple sleep latency test.

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There are so many potential causes of fatigue including mono. If he has mono, it can takes months to recover and no, you don't have to kiss anyone to get it. My dd got it at around 13 and was tired for months.

Mono was my immediate thought. A b12 deficiency is the other.

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My son had similar symptoms and it was depression and anxiety. Or at least I think so. We recently saw a neurologist for another issue and he thinks there's an outside possibility that he actually has sleep apnea and that what we thought was depression causing sleepiness was sleep depression causing depression and ADHD symptoms. So, we're scheduling a sleep study and something called a multiple sleep latency test.



Oh, gosh. What a chicken or the egg conundrum.


I hope he gets some answers and treatment and relief.

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I should have read the replies, but didn't.


1.  Tell the ped whenever you get in to see him and get a cbc (usually covered by insurance - annual physical)

2.  Narcolepsy 

3. Deficiency in iron
4. Sugar level high?

5. New allergy - food, environmental

6. Emotional

7. Epilespy



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