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Congestive heart failure after pregnancy? Update #53


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The posters who have suggested that Eclampsia can present after pregnancy are correct and that could explain the swelling (although usually blood pressure will not be normal with this). Another consideration (and what it sounds like your doctor is more concerned about) is postpartum cardiomyopathy. This is where the heart doesn't function (or squeeze) the way it should and as a result fluid does build up and this can lead to pulmonary edema (where fluid accumulates in the lungs which interferes with gas exchange so patients can present with breathing difficulties and hypoxia). Diagnosis of Postpartum Cardiomyopathy is supported by an elevated BNP and evidence of decreased systolic function on the echocardiogram. Stronger diuretics (ie Furosemide as opposed to HCTZ) can be used to manage fluid and medications to help the heart squeeze better (ie. ACE inhibitors, certain B-blockers, aldosterone agonists etc) can be used to treat. In more severe cases IV medications like Dobutamine or other pressors can be used for unstable patients.


The prognosis with PostPartum Cardiomyopathy is variable. Some women do get back to having completely normal heart function (although the problem can recur with subsequent pregnancies and the outcome may be much worse a second time around so this is generally to be avoided) so even if your doctor's concerns are completely correct it is still very possible for you to have a good outcome.



If you have edema as a result of renal failure, congestive heart failure, and or liver failure that lead to volume overload states drinking lots will not help with the edema. It will increase the volume overload and thus increase the likelihood of developing pulmonary edema.

Thank you for this. I read it going in for my tests and felt like I was better equipped to ask questions.

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Diagnosis is postpartum cardiomyopathy based upon results of an echocardiogram and bloodwork, as well as an ekg.

It is nerve wracking. For now they will be monitoring (referral to a cardiologist as well) and medicating. I truly hope that I will continue to be able to do it from home as we apparently caught is very early.


Thanks for all the words of wisdom, experience, advice, and kind words. Here I thought when little Max arrived we would be through with all the drama!

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I will be praying it improves with time and meds, but YAY for no congestive heart failure and that this was caught early. Big hugs to you and the baby!

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Diagnosis is postpartum cardiomyopathy based upon results of an echocardiogram and bloodwork, as well as an ekg.

It is nerve wracking. For now they will be monitoring (referral to a cardiologist as well) and medicating. I truly hope that I will continue to be able to do it from home as we apparently caught is very early.


Thanks for all the words of wisdom, experience, advice, and kind words. Here I thought when little Max arrived we would be through with all the drama!


Oh,  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Thanks for updating.  


I'm sure they are getting you into a cardiologist right away.


Please try to rest.  You and Max and that's it.  

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Oh, :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Thanks for updating.


I'm sure they are getting you into a cardiologist right away.


Please try to rest. You and Max and that's it.

I will hear tomorrow but know that it will be ASAP- my doctor thought tomorrow. The goal is to get the fluid off and regulate my heart. Hopefully, because it was caught early the damage will reverse itself with no permanent effects. No way of knowing right now, but they are monitoring closely as apparently pulmonary edema and congestive heart failure can occur very rapidly from this.

It frustrates me to know that when the swelling originally ballooned a couple of hours after I arrived home from hospital, I phoned the hospital AND the on-call doctor and was told 'swelling was normal.'

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

Diagnosis is postpartum cardiomyopathy based upon results of an echocardiogram and bloodwork, as well as an ekg.
It is nerve wracking. For now they will be monitoring (referral to a cardiologist as well) and medicating. I truly hope that I will continue to be able to do it from home as we apparently caught is very early.

Thanks for all the words of wisdom, experience, advice, and kind words. Here I thought when little Max arrived we would be through with all the drama!


Thank you again for the update.   :grouphug:

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Sending love and hugs. My ex had/has cardiomyopathy, he got if from a virus we think. Please be careful, and if you feel out of breath get checked. He was really tired one day, and looked worse than usual. I thought he looked really bad, and he had a cough. He said he was fine and just needed a nap. I insisted he come into my workplace (he was there to drop something off for me I think) and we stuck a pulse ox on him (veterinary clinic). His resting pulse was something like 115! I had to argue for quite a while, but I insisted he go to the ER. He was in severe congestive heart failure. He was full of fluid, but most of it was in his lungs. When I went to see him his 02 sat was around 82 and would drop further if he spoke or moved. It was really scary. If I'd let him go home and take a nap he would have died in his sleep. He just would have drowned. 


So, if someone looks at you and says, go to the hospital, please go.

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I will hear tomorrow but know that it will be ASAP- my doctor thought tomorrow. The goal is to get the fluid off and regulate my heart. Hopefully, because it was caught early the damage will reverse itself with no permanent effects. No way of knowing right now, but they are monitoring closely as apparently pulmonary edema and congestive heart failure can occur very rapidly from this.

It frustrates me to know that when the swelling originally ballooned a couple of hours after I arrived home from hospital, I phoned the hospital AND the on-call doctor and was told 'swelling was normal.'


Thinking about you today.  Hopefully the cardiologist has put a plan in place.  IME, cardiologists are usually very caring individuals. 

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I had congestive heart failure during labor with James and was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. It took about a year for my heart function to return to normal level. Normal is 60% or above. I was at 30% when I got out of the Hospital. Once you can start physical activity again, go slow and work your way up. I was on a full complement of drugs including lasic for about a month, then just. Cozaar after that. if they give you Lisinopril and you start having a plaguing cough, it is a side effect and have them switch you. you'll be having periodic ekgs to check your progress. Don't read heart forums because they will depress you. You can recover and get back to normal. Currently walking 2 miles a day and very healthy, so follow the doctors advice and get the water drained off. Stick to low sodium diet faithfully and then monitor which foods make you feel better.


Pm me if you have any questions or concerns about meds or anything else.

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I realized I told the depressing story about my ex husband almost dying, and forgot to say that his heart function is pretty near normal now. He has no current issues from it at all.

No, thank you. Your story was very helpful. The cardio is hopeful that function will return...starting stronger meds today:)

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I had congestive heart failure during labor with James and was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. It took about a year for my heart function to return to normal level. Normal is 60% or above. I was at 30% when I got out of the Hospital. Once you can start physical activity again, go slow and work your way up. I was on a full complement of drugs including lasic for about a month, then just. Cozaar after that. if they give you Lisinopril and you start having a plaguing cough, it is a side effect and have them switch you. you'll be having periodic ekgs to check your progress. Don't read heart forums because they will depress you. You can recover and get back to normal. Currently walking 2 miles a day and very healthy, so follow the doctors advice and get the water drained off. Stick to low sodium diet faithfully and then monitor which foods make you feel better.


Pm me if you have any questions or concerns about meds or anything else.

Thank you for this. The Internet is extremely useful mostly...but yes, I find that dwelling in forums that tend to have misery as a focus (no matter how much others value that support!) is not good for my mental health.

I am glad that you are doing better and hope you make a full recovery. This is not fun, especially piled on top of all the other adjustments.

Yesterday I had just returned from the cardio when I got a phone call that dd5 had cut her thumb and needed to be picked up and taken to the ER. Daddy was in the middle of proctoring an exam and therefore u reachable. I actually thought I might just have a breakdown...luckily, her ped managed to close it with glue and steristrips in his office so I didn't have to manage my wheelchair, a screaming 5 yo, and a 10-day-old infant in the ER. I truly think I would have lost it:(

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