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Please reassure me that I am not the only one who does things like this


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I have been looking at an invitation on my fridge for two weeks for a birthday party I thought for sure was for this coming Sunday and I text the mom to let her know that my daughter can attend the party. The mom text me back that the party was last with this past Sunday. 😮. I feel so dumb Right now should I text her back with an apology.

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absolutely text with apology. The flip side to that is the threads we've had here recently about parties which were thrown & most of the guests didn't show up.. .Hopefully the party was a big success but either way, definitely apologies in order.

and maybe look into google calendar ?  or other options which send reminders ;)

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Oops!  Just apologize.  It happens.  I could see myself doing that.  


Since you're looking to hear you're not the only one who does stuff like that... Here's what I did today, it's not the same, but still... I put my contacts in, and poured out the used saline solution, washing it down the drain like I always do.  Looked up, and thought, hmmmm, I can't see.  Oops!  I put one contact in and washed the other one down the drain.  Gaaaah!  It was my last pair, too, so I'm wearing glasses till I see the eye doc to get a new scrip on Monday.   :o

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Not exactly the same thing but my ds got invited to the birthday party of a little boy in his preschool class.  I forgot about the party...completely...for about 5 years.  I saw the boy's mom in Wal Mart and that prompted the memory.  I could still envision the invitation up on the fridge.  How it slipped my mind for YEARS and then I remembered I will never know.  I barely know the mom (just an acquaintance then- don't know her at all now) but if I see her around town I am embarrassed about blowing off this party.  But after 10 years I should probably let it go. 

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My 3rd and 4th sons are playing rugby this year for the first time, and for reason, I have had such a hard time getting them to their practices!  I am having some kind of mental thing with the day/times or something.  A lot of practices were cancelled when they started back in January because of weather, but for the past 3 or so weeks, they've had practices.  Yesterday I completely forgot about practice until I looked at my watch while I was nursing and it struck me that practice was actually starting *right* then--20 minutes away.  (Okay, we have our co-op all day on Tuesdays, and I teach one high school and one junior high science class but still . . .)  Twice in the past week I have had the total wrong time in my head for when the practice started (they tend to start at different times if they are in a gym or outside, so it's not totally crazy that I have mixed them up, but still . . .), and I've misread emails several times too.  The first outside practice I sent them and dh off to the complete wrong field because somehow I read the email wrong.    I keep thinking, am I actually reading these emails in English?!  WHY am I not comprehending them correctly?!  WHY can't I remember the times?!  I think I'm developing a complex now, LOL.  Actually, I think I've finally just gotten to the limit of what I can handle . . .

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I lost an invitation for a party for one of DD's preschool friends over the summer. I had already emailed the mom that we were going and I was pretty sure I had the correct date in my planner, but I second-guessed myself. So I got both kids ready for the spray park and drove by it on what turned out to be the day before the party just to be sure we didn't miss it. Thankfully it's only a few minutes from our house and we went back for the actual party the next day. My kids thought I was really losing it though ðŸ˜

Edited to add: I did find the invitation about a month later when going through a pile of random paperwork that had been tucked away quickly when we had company coming. Of course I couldn't find it the week of the party when I was trying to verify which day we should go.

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I once had people show up for a dinner party. That was great. What was not so great was that I was passed out on the couch after pulling several near all nighters for a huge work event. I had invited them for that day but had told my husband and somehow committed it to memory for the following week. I was literally face down drooling on the couch while my husband was feeding the boys pizza and the doorbell rang and my husband had no idea why they were there. He said he decided not to even try to wake me because he figured I'd maul anyone who disturbed my much needed sleep, lol.

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A friend of mine went to a child's birthday party at the wrong house, and missed the party they were supposed to attend. She was new to town, and it was her DH's workmates who'd issued the invite. DH had written the address down incorrectly, and the house they visited in error just happened to be holding a party for a little girl the same age.

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I've had my doorbell ring on a Saturday afternoon with a well-dressed, gift-toting family of 4 standing outside eagerly smiling at me.  When they saw my face and that I was not as dressed as they were, they suddenly realized the invite was for *next* Saturday.  I invited them in, but they declined and went home.  Yes, they came back the following Saturday... they were so embarrassed (which I would be too) but I kept trying to put them at ease and just blow off the little mix up.

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