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  • Slache


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  • KrissiK


20 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Owl, bee?, rabbit, deer?  I can find all the animals, I am just not totally sure what I found! 

You got most of them! What looks like a bee is the raccoon's tail. We lift up the tree leaves to see it. 😄 

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I lost my freezer meal planning papers and grocery list.  So frustrating.  I took a picture of the master grocery list, but that was before I made notes and stuff.  I don't want to start all over.  I don't know if I can remember the meals I was planning for, though I now have 3 different types of chili powder for some very specific but mysterious recipes.

Also, why are there no pork shoulder roasts?  I went to 3 stores today. Nothing.  They have pork loin, pork ribs, ground pork, pork steaks, and pork chops.  No shoulder roasts.  I'm supposed to cook them tomorrow. 😠

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Reason #84 I'm glad DH works from home now: I bought groceries 5 minutes away and got a flat tire in the parking lot. He came and got me (and the food) and brought me home, took my car to the shop and walked back to his car to come home. (He used to work ~1 hour away.)

Edited by Carolina Wren
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Went rafting. Got caught on a rock in the rapids. The girls thought we were going to die. But we didn’t per regulations. Now, off to Donner Lake. I hate that place. I think it’s haunted.but, I will bring my book and read and the kids will play in the lake.

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4 hours ago, Critterfixer said:

But I didn't find the lion...

Do I flunk?

No flunking. The lion isn't in there. We're hunting him tomorrow. 😄  I actually need to go hunting him down because I can't remember which storage room he is in....hmmm.....


1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

I lost my freezer meal planning papers and grocery list.  So frustrating.  I took a picture of the master grocery list, but that was before I made notes and stuff.  I don't want to start all over.  I don't know if I can remember the meals I was planning for, though I now have 3 different types of chili powder for some very specific but mysterious recipes.

Also, why are there no pork shoulder roasts?  I went to 3 stores today. Nothing.  They have pork loin, pork ribs, ground pork, pork steaks, and pork chops.  No shoulder roasts.  I'm supposed to cook them tomorrow. 😠

Oh, my. I hate when I do that. I'll meal plan, have the grocery list, then lose the plan and have ingredients for mysterious recipes. I think that's what I'm supposed to be using Plan to Eat for, but they list EVERYTHING when I only actually need a few things. So, I just write my list. Oh well. Sigh.

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Dh's cardiologist isn't worried about his pulse dropping during surgery.  Google says bradycardia is common from anesthesia, and since all his tests were good, I guess they just aren't worried about it.  He does go back to the cardiologist next week for a follow-up anyway.  

I'm going through Amazon and adding things to my Subscribe and Save, and thinking about what things we need to stock up on at BJs, and what I need for the science center to get ready for classes in September especially since we are redoing things and need some more furniture stuffs.  

I think I'm getting a few wheeled utility/shelf carts and an organizer/craft tote/tool bag type thing for each teacher since nobody will have a dedicated room.   Rooms will change based on class size, ages, etc. so having the tote for basic supplies to take around from room to room seems like it would be helpful.  Plus the cart to bring in things needed for specific experiments.   We are getting a outside storage space so I'm also getting a dolly that can be used to bring bigger loads down to the main space, and we will have one closet where each teacher will have a shelf space about 2 feet by 3 feet for whatever supplies they need for a week (I store most supplies in shoebox/photo box type things). 

ETA:  Huh, a long and rambly booya.   

Edited by Wheres Toto
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2 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Went rafting. Got caught on a rock in the rapids. The girls thought we were going to die. But we didn’t per regulations. Now, off to Donner Lake. I hate that place. I think it’s haunted.but, I will bring my book and read and the kids will play in the lake.

Oooo, a haunted lake!!  Was it scary?  

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I found my papers.  They were in the kitchen trash.  🙄

I also found pork shoulder roasts at Publix.  They were on sale.  And all is right with the world.  The world inside my head, at least, lol.  The world in John's Eastern Hemisphere is not doing so well. 😁

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

Oooo, a haunted lake!!  Was it scary?  

Yes, I always imagine poor George Donner with his injured foot unable to go on and his devoted wife, Tamsen, staying with him, even though she knew she was going to die. It is such a tragic story and really, the tragedy could have been avoided.

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So glad the knee surgery went well.  Good luck with the move!

Renai, you are amazing!  Truly!

Susan, yay for finding what was lost and what was on sale!

Write, John, write!  Great book idea!

Krissi, we got stuck on a rock white water rafting back in my crazy youth and got thrown from the raft and swam the next rapid. I had a bruise for a long time afterwards.  

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Good morning!

Lake sounds wonderful and peaceful.  Have a wonderful time, Critter!

I would like my least favorite aunt to make her departure post haste.  It's been difficult to sleep or go anywhere the past couple days.  And I wanted to go more places today.  And I'm tired.  
We have genuine California Wildfire Haze! (And some from Canada)  I'm glad I don't suffer from asthma - that's gotta be so rough.

Gotta banish goats and get ready to Do Things.


Edited by Susan in TN
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Good Morning!!!


Friday Eve!!!

We’re going hiking today to Eagle Falls. We did that last year. It’s a nice hike, somewhat strenuous if you are not in great shape. Wonderful views of Lake Tahoe as we walk, though.

Last night we watched a cute movie. “Eddie the Eagle” based (quite loosely I understand) on Eddie Edwards, the ski jumper from Great Britain who participated in the Calgary Olympics. It was sweet and humorous. Had one inappropriate part that we skipped through.

Sorry about the wildfire smoke, Susan. We got some doozies out here.

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3 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Good Morning!!!


Friday Eve!!!

We’re going hiking today to Eagle Falls. We did that last year. It’s a nice hike, somewhat strenuous if you are not in great shape. Wonderful views of Lake Tahoe as we walk, though.

Last night we watched a cute movie. “Eddie the Eagle” based (quite loosely I understand) on Eddie Edwards, the ski jumper from Great Britain who participated in the Calgary Olympics. It was sweet and humorous. Had one inappropriate part that we skipped through.

Sorry about the wildfire smoke, Susan. We got some doozies out here.

Please keep telling us about your trip. I am planning to go to Lake Tahoe on a road trip when John is in high school and I'm taking notes. We are going to White Sands National park in New Mexico, the Grand Canyon, Lake Tahoe and Yosemite.

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Today is youngest dd's 14th birthday.   Why does 14 seem so much older than 13?  

We moved a bunch of dd's stuff.  Her boyfriend is going to help her tomorrow with the heavier stuff although she's still probably going to borrow our Suburban.  Younger dd has a neuropsych appointment in the morning and then I"m going to take my car over and help older dd with moving.

Dh is heading down to his moms tomorrow afternoon (yes, two days after surgery he's driving 2 1/2 hours).   I think I'm going to push him to take my car eve though I hate driving his.   His AC is not working again and my car rides a little smoother.   I hate driving his car but I probably won't be going anywhere except the science center all weekend. 

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I just went and looked at another space.  This one is a really really good rate, lease with option to buy, motivated landlord/seller.  I really liked it except its on the second floor.  It seems like all the really affordable spaces are second floor in buildings without elevators.  Which isn't a deal breaker just not our first choice.  We did already discuss picking up kids downstairs and escorting them up for parents who had multiple little ones, to make it easier. 

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3 hours ago, Slache said:

Please keep telling us about your trip. I am planning to go to Lake Tahoe on a road trip when John is in high school and I'm taking notes. We are going to White Sands National park in New Mexico, the Grand Canyon, Lake Tahoe and Yosemite.

We didn’t do Eagle Falls. We did the Five Lakes Hike out of Alpine Meadows ski resort , a five mile round trip hike. It was pretty steep going up, but the lakes were gorgeous.  I am beat.

let me know when you plan your trip and I’ll give you advice. Lake Tahoe is lovely, Yosemite is butt. Well, Yosemite is beautiful, but make sure you come in not a drought year or the falls will be all dried up. And there’s just so many people. The last time I was there I said I would never go there again because there are so many tourists.

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Good morning!

I have the last bit of pork shoulder in the IP.  Before I do any more cooking I need to clean and organize The Big Freezer so I have room to put things.  I should also clean out the refrigerator freezer.  But before I do that I need to pack up dd22's birthday box and bring it to the post office after dropping off dd18 at work.

But before that, 


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Postponing my actual nirthday celebration until October, per my usual. However, we did enjoy the lake. It was hot rather than haunted, but the boys caught fish and boated, and I pretty much sat in my chair and didn't think about anything, which was much needed brain down-time. 

It's supposed to be baking hot next week. I'm headed out to look at the freezer space and see if we can't devote more of it to frozen water bottles and so forth for the chickens. We probably will hit our first 100s next week, which is actually very late for us, so I'm not complaining. But with the degree of humidity here, it's going to feel like a sauna all week, and no one will be able to cool off outside. One of those dangerous heat things for sure.

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Good Morning!!!!



We’re heading on out this morning. It’s about a 5-6 hour drive home. Depending on traffic. I am hoping we can go home via South Lake Tahoe. I’ve never been that way before, but there’s a fire in that general vicinity, so I’m not sure what we will do.


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The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft a-gley.

My plans to Get Things Done were waylaid by a trip to the walk-in clinic with dd12 who was running a fever.  She has strep.  Then taking dh to the walk-in clinic who also had a fever of 102.  He does not have strep (at least not by the "quick test"). They don't know what his problem is.  I managed to make it on time to pick up dd18 from work and now we are all home and I'm ready to throw in the towel for the day.

I need to load up on coffee.

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Home again, home again jiggety jig.

We did go home the alternate route which was just kinda meh, so…. we don’t have to do that again. Traffic was butt the whole way home, but DH is a good driver and we made it in one piece. Good to be home.

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