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I will need to go to the Afsa today to pick up a prescription. Not looking forward to that at all. I’m hoping maybe they will have flour and I need kitty litter. Ugh, I feel like I’m in Communist Russia or something.

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It was quite a night for dreams for me too, after I finally fell asleep (Why do I now have joint pain & heart beating too fast??): In the last one, DS went missing after going for a run in the snow with his friend (yeah, in April in NC, silly brain). I think my mind decided my heart rate was so high that something scary must be happening. 🙄

Today makes 4 weeks of coughing. But Kitty loves it when we are Well-Trained Peoples and sit on the couch. DH got his church's broadcast displaying on the TV yesterday and sat with her and she was so, so happy.

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2 hours ago, maize said:

Good morning!

I've been awake since about 3:00, woke up from a very adventurous dream, I was on a bicycle in the streets of Vienna trying to escape from the police...

That’s awesome. I’m sure you were a spy or something, likeSydney Bristow.

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3 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

That’s awesome. I’m sure you were a spy or something, likeSydney Bristow.

That reminds me, my dh was scanning netflix or amazon prime (I forget which) and asked if I had heard of a series named Bosch.  I said I had never watched it, but I knew someone who loved the books.  😄

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12 hours ago, Spudater said:

I think I shall start a club for women called the Federation of Incompetent Mothers and every time someone suggests that OF COURSE you can easily train your children to have a two hour quiet time everyday and it’s unthinkable that such a thing could ever result in neverending  tantrums, sibling throwdowns, or destruction of property, all FIMs will simultaneously fart in their general direction. 

There will be snacks. 

Do it!

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Morning. Yesterday was so busy I never got around to my revisions. There is, however, food in the house. So crisis averted. I plan to revise today and if anyone comes in asking what's for lunch or dinner, I'm going to roar at them.

Other than that, it's a lovely sunny day, I'm about to read more of Perdido Street Station and The Overstory, both of which I love. I just finished Hollow Kingdom, which has a ton of language and gore (it is dystopian) but is also funny (the narrator is a very sarcastic crow) and ends on an upbeat message of hope. It's like World War Z, but told by the animals and a tree or two. Very interesting.


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53 minutes ago, whitehawk said:

It was quite a night for dreams for me too, after I finally fell asleep (Why do I now have joint pain & heart beating too fast??): In the last one, DS went missing after going for a run in the snow with his friend (yeah, in April in NC, silly brain). I think my mind decided my heart rate was so high that something scary must be happening. 🙄

Today makes 4 weeks of coughing. But Kitty loves it when we are Well-Trained Peoples and sit on the couch. DH got his church's broadcast displaying on the TV yesterday and sat with her and she was so, so happy.

Sounds very similar to what I have had. It’s been over six weeks here and I think (?) that I am getting better. 

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37 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:


I agree. Every time I look at the news, I see people in NYC not even attempting social distancing and yet their population outnumbers most places nationwide! No wonder the rest of the state is on high alert and anyone with a license plate from NYS is being pulled over. It's not discrimination, it's common sense!

What in the world for?

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On 4/1/2020 at 7:47 AM, KrissiK said:

I am still working on finishing the three books I got going before I dig into the one that just came yesterday.

I think I'm working on finishing 3 books too. One is on Audible. I started it in June of last year. Remember when I mentioned how it is hard for me to focus on audiobooks?...The other two are ebooks I checked out from the library. They upped the number per month a person can check out digitally since their physical locations are closed. I'm only working on two, because I only have 15 days...although I can recheck them out. Oh, wait, I'm actually working on 3 ebooks: I also rechecked out Surprised by Oxford because I decided to try to finish it. 


On 4/4/2020 at 1:14 PM, Susan in TN said:

It has been dry enough the past couple days that I was able to sweep out the thick carpet of leaves from the back deck and rearrange pots and stuff.  Not completely done, but getting closer.  I will need to get my two tomato plants into the big pots soon,  Not sure where I should plant the cilantro and rosemary - if I should put them in garden pots or find a spot in the yard.  The problem with planting them in the yard is that they won't get as much sun.

Cilantro is like mint and can take over; put it in a pot. You can also just harvest the seeds (coriander) so it doesn't replant itself.


On 4/4/2020 at 1:24 PM, Paradox5 said:

Garden question: mint Is this something I could reasonably expect to grow in Houston? Will it take over? We have a little garden plot in the back yard I would like to try to use. Ants are the biggest enemy, though.

I see this has been answered, but yeah, a pot. Mint is not scared of ants. It is scared of nothing!


On 4/4/2020 at 1:42 PM, Jean in Newcastle said:

Juliet is hunting a humongous fly. 

Wasn't she in time out?


4 hours ago, maize said:

I may have to go to the grocery store today. We have plenty of food in the house but I am out of bananas and chocolate milk, therefore my two year old is convinced there is nothing edible in the house and wants to revert to full time nursing.

Need to wean this child. That would be easier if he would eat more food.

Good luck. I was barely weaning the youngest at 18 months because everytime I tried, she started losing weight. She was allergic to so many different foods. 


4 hours ago, Spudater said:

Yeah, the last mask I madeI ended up making ties out of strips of cotton the bias tape method. I did it by hand because my sewing machine is on the fritz again. It took for.ev.er.  So I might leave it to more competent sewists fornow. 

4 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

In other news, I am intrigued by the concept of hiking skirts.

When we used to hike, I started wearing long skirts. It was easier to use the bathroom...

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1 hour ago, Renai said:

Cilantro is like mint and can take over; put it in a pot. You can also just harvest the seeds (coriander) so it doesn't replant itself.

When we used to hike, I started wearing long skirts. It was easier to use the bathroom...

1. This is good to know.  I have a pot available.

2. Yes!  This is my primary fear when backpacking and there are no facilities of any kind.  I am old and clumsy and squatting is challenging enough as it is. Also, easier to remove and add layers (leggings) when it is very cold in the morning and hot in the afternoon.  Which I am assuming since the Philmont Scout Ranch is in the northern part of NM.

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Well, I am here.  I made it to the Afsa.  Bore some resemblance to Communist Russia, but otherwise was fine. No TP or flour. I managed to get kitty litter and Ezekiel bread.  The hail canons are going off, but I don’t think there are thunder storms imminent. I did laundry, read some and now I need to start thinking about dinner.  

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Dh says there are two options for tonight.  Action, or some polio outbreak flick. Who taught him to set me up with choices like that? 

So it's action, I guess.  Sigh.


It's a Bad Accents, Car Crashing, Blood, Gore, Loud Noises, and Everything But a Plot For An Hour and a Half  Booyah!

Edited by lots of little ducklings
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14 minutes ago, lots of little ducklings said:


It finally warmed up enough to move the pansies from the garage to the window boxes.  All the front windows now have them and they are delivering a much needed dose of spring cheer.

We watched Giant Mechanical Man last night.  Good movie.  Not apocalyptic, which was nice for a change. 

We watched that.  It was cute.   Dh likes watching random movies he finds.

Today was a beautiful day, tomorrow is supposed to be somewhat nice but after that rain for two days straight.  

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The boy and I have been on an LOTR marathon for the past week. I still get tears in my eyes when Aragorn charges the gates of Mordor. Because one does not simply walk into Mordor. One must charge forward on a loyal horse at full speed, waving your famous sword, with all your army behind you!

Seriously, it's kind of uplifting. "There is always hope."

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1 hour ago, Critterfixer said:

The boy and I have been on an LOTR marathon for the past week. I still get tears in my eyes when Aragorn charges the gates of Mordor. Because one does not simply walk into Mordor. One must charge forward on a loyal horse at full speed, waving your famous sword, with all your army behind you!

Seriously, it's kind of uplifting. "There is always hope."


LOTR is the best.  Kids re-enacted it while we were on a hike yesterday (it was a very Shire-y sort of hike, except one part that was deemed Mordor. And the parking lot.)

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Good morning!

I'm feeling decent this morning, I took unisom last night so actually got a decent night's sleep. Don't like to do that too often but finding the balance between too frequent antihistamine use and too little sleep isn't easy.

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Good morning!

Krissi, what day is it?

Air conditioning person is coming this morning to make recommendations and negotiate the amount of turnip blood required.

FYI - I got an email today from America's Test Kitchen - you can get 3 months of digital access for $1.  

Dd17 threw up this morning.  We think she was woosie because of exercising and got overheated, due to house being too hot.  She's feeling fine now.  It will be in the 80's today and tomorrow, and then 50's and 60's the rest of the week.

Zoom classes, meetings, and rehearsals begin at 12:30 and continue ad nauseam for the rest of the day.  I mentioned to dh that really he should probably not go to the city park (across the street from our house) to work, as that is not listed by the mayor as an acceptable reason to leave the house, and now he is sad.  He will take a walk around the block now and run in the park later.  


Edited by Susan in TN
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Good Morning!!!!!


Day!! (I have no idea what day it is, Susan.😩😩😩)

It’s sunshiny out today.  I have no plans for today. I imagine I will read some. Perhaps pull some weeds. Maybe I will clean out a random cabinet.

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I braved the grocery store. Felt all snazzy in my mask.

Shelves were stocked. There was even toilet paper, a limited selection but I was able to snag a thirty roll pack. There were just a few items with quantity limits (starting with toilet paper of course).

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I ordered the kids more books off of Amazon. They are asking for them. I think this is a major win because DD2 is the only one who truly likes to read. Which is funny because it took her the longest time to learn how to read, but now she is always curled up somewhere reading. I tell that to everyone I know who has a late reader.

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28 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

I ordered the kids more books off of Amazon. They are asking for them. I think this is a major win because DD2 is the only one who truly likes to read. Which is funny because it took her the longest time to learn how to read, but now she is always curled up somewhere reading. I tell that to everyone I know who has a late reader.

I was a late reader as well, and within a year of things finally clicking had morphed into a bookworm 🙂

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8 hours ago, Another Lynn said:

Coffee time!  Except for Critter - hope you're sleeping now, or planning your nap time!

I was up until seven. Did my chores then went to bed when DH went to work. I slept two hours before the boys woke me up. Been writing and reading ever since. I need to cook something now, and get dinner ready for the grill. I'm actually pretty alert for being tired, but no caffeine for this night owl this afternoon! It was one cup of tea, but it wired me.


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46 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Jean, I'm so glad you are feeling better!  But *do* keep your lungs on the inside, where they belong!

I'm still having some coughing bouts but I don't have the swollen and very raw airways that I had even a couple of days ago.  The swollen raw airways worried me in a way that the coughing bouts don't. 

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Well, it’s afternoon. I had a brilliant idea regarding dinner plans. I wanted to make a pork loin, that cooks at 375 for 1 1/2 hours and also a new recipe of au gratin potatoes that cook for 1 1/2 hours at 400. So, I had the idea to cook the potatoes this afternoon in my crock pot insert and then keep them warm in the crock pot. The internet said I could bake in the ceramic insert up to 400 degrees. Yay!! So, I got the potatoes in the oven and they smell yummy.

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This having to work while everyone else gets to quarantine and be lazy is starting to grate.  I know I should be grateful I still have a job and can work from home, and DH does all the shopping and cooking and...okay, I’ll shut up 🤣 

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51 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

Well, it’s afternoon. I had a brilliant idea regarding dinner plans. I wanted to make a pork loin, that cooks at 375 for 1 1/2 hours and also a new recipe of au gratin potatoes that cook for 1 1/2 hours at 400. So, I had the idea to cook the potatoes this afternoon in my crock pot insert and then keep them warm in the crock pot. The internet said I could bake in the ceramic insert up to 400 degrees. Yay!! So, I got the potatoes in the oven and they smell yummy.

Took the potatoes out. They smell divine. They are warming in the complete crock pot now. Will put the meat in soon. I took a small sample out to cool so I can taste.

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41 minutes ago, ikslo said:

This having to work while everyone else gets to quarantine and be lazy is starting to grate.  I know I should be grateful I still have a job and can work from home, and DH does all the shopping and cooking and...okay, I’ll shut up 🤣 

I’m sorry, Ikslo. I can understand your feelings.

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Dh is working from home, which has been stressful (the Not Enough Space kind of stressful, the Naked Kid Crashing your Zoom Party kind of stressful, the Feeling Like You Aren't Getting Anything Done kind of stressful). But the flexibility has been nice, so we've been hiking every afternoon that the weather allows. 

I am trying not to stress about how our house isn't going to sell so we aren't going to be buying our dream home and the single solitary reason for it is this stupid virus.  But it's hard to not think about when there is nothing.else.to.do.  

In happier news, Me and my IRL girlfriends are getting together for a Zoom Girls' Nite In later this week.  There will be wine (I think; I need to check the pantry).

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