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It sucks you all get to have so much fun on this thread while I am stuck at work all day...imma gonna pout now.

Also I need to become really awesome as something so I can get a cool title.

And another also, I am going to take the plunge and do the whole30 starting on Monday and my sons are joining me, so if I vanish off the hive completely by next friday it is because we went crazy from lack of carbs and killed each other. Let's hope that doesn't happen lol.  


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Hello, ITT friends.


This morning I went to check on Nan about 7:40 am, and she was sleeping so peacefully that I told the nighttime caregiver I did not want to check or change her diaper.  We've never done this.  We always change it in the morning before the caregiver leaves at 8 am so I have her help.  So I was making coffee, and the caregiver came to get me.  She reported that at 7:55 am, Nan threw back her covers as she often does, raised both hands up, lowered them to her chest, took three little breaths and was gone.  No pain, no sorrow.  Very peaceful.  Very fast.  I did not find a pulse or see any respirations so I woke dh and called the hospice nurse, who came right over. I would link the obit, but they have the wrong one up.  (long story)


Things I will remember about Nan:


"Don't tell all you know."

"Take care of your teeth."

"Trust the Lord."


Nan was the rock of her family, always steady, dependable, and calm.


I did not know how very sad I would be at her passing.  I also did not know how very heavy the burden of care had become, not the physical burden but holding a person's well-being in your hands.  Nan had become my "baby", and I am so honored that I got to walk her home.


The last day of her life, she laughed, talked, drank sweet tea and melted cherry slush, and she grabbed my hand and told the caregiver that I was the nicest lady she knew.


Thank you, Nan, for all you have done for my husband and me.  Now you get to see Mama and Papa and Frankie.  



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Thanks, friends.


I feel like I won the lottery in sacred life experiences to be able to do this and for it to end before it took more than it gave, if that makes sense.  Two months, she was with us.  Six would have been a burden.  It was just enough time to walk her the last mile home and to see what happens up close and personal during those last sacred days of a life (mostly) well-lived.

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Yesterday, I decided to wash her hair.  She had been in the hospital bed for two weeks, and it was dirty.  So I managed to do it.  I dried it and curled it and sprayed it.  Nan asked for make up, and I gave her some lipstick.  I washed her comforter and changed her sheets (with the help of the aide).  It now feels like a spiritual ritual of sorts.


Lilycat has been in Nan's room a lot this week, which is different.  On Tuesday, Lily went into the room, refused to sit in my lap, and jumped up on Nan's bed and sat right next to Nan's legs.  She stayed a long time.  She took to going into the room and laying on the other bed all this week.  After Nan died, Lily went into the room and laid on the other bed in the room.  She stayed until the people from the funeral home came, and I picked her up and took her out because I knew the stretcher would scare her.  Lily knew that Nan was near the end.  She was keeping vigil.  I think that is really cool.



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Thank you, Jesus, for bringing Tex's Nan home so gently.  :grouphug:  and condolences to you, Tex, and your family for your loss.


Tex, I also want to thank you for sharing Nan's final walk with us.  God bless you for your faithful and steadfast care; your strength and tenderness was beautiful to see, even if I watched it from a distance.  It always makes me so sad when I hear Christians fall away when they experience suffering; having walked a similar path with my grandmother, I've come to believe that it is only through travelling a hard and painful road that can we truly begin to appreciate our Savior's sacrifice.  Again, bless you for sharing your witness and your walk.  My family will pray for yours.

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I've posted this one before, but it seemed appropriate for the day.  Have a blessed day, everyone.


I listened to this and sobbed.  Thank you.


My plan for today is to sit on the couch, write thank you notes to the caregivers, and be a wreck.  I have decided that anyone who is a wreck is welcome to join me.  If folks are not a wreck, they can go hang with the unwrecked people.  



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Thank you very much for the hula, Your Majesty.  I am sure that it will go a long way to heal the painful divisions that were springing up over poor language usage and the quacking up of a member.


One question, though.  What's the difference between the two?


There are techically 3 now: hooya, hooyah, and the lesser known British commonwealth version, "houyah." (with optional 'eh' or 'so' to finish)  :hat:

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I listened to this and sobbed.  Thank you.


My plan for today is to sit on the couch, write thank you notes to the caregivers, and be a wreck.  I have decided that anyone who is a wreck is welcome to join me.  If folks are not a wreck, they can go hang with the unwrecked people.  




"I listened to this and sobbed.  Thank you." :grouphug:


"My plan for today is to sit on the couch, write thank you notes to the caregivers, and be a wreck.  I have decided that anyone who is a wreck is welcome to join me.  If folks are not a wreck, they can go hang with the unwrecked people."


The wrecked people are far healthier and better off than those who've yet to realize their brokenness. Tight  :grouphug: s and many prayers; grief sucks.


But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.†Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.  That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Cor. 12:910

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There are techically 3 now: hooya, hooyah, and the lesser known British commonwealth version, "houyah." (with optional 'eh' or 'so' to finish)  :hat:


I understand your confusion.


It isn't that there are three...whatchamacallits (hooya, hooyah, and houyah); it's that I inadvertently and uncharacteristically without thought posted the same YouTube video. ::bangsheadonkeyboard:: There is still only one way to start a new page: BOOYA. I have no opinion about hooya, hooyah, or houyah, other than the fact they are not used the way we use BOOYA.

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I understand your confusion.


It isn't that there are three...whatchamacallits (hooya, hooyah, and houyah); it's that I inadvertently and uncharacteristically without thought posted the same YouTube video. ::bangsheadonkeyboard:: There is still only one way to start a new page: BOOYA. I have no opinion about hooya, hooyah, or houyah, other than the fact they are not used the way we use BOOYA.


So the Queen has written, so it shall be done.

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My teen s had their army cadet annual review  to wrap up the year today.  Ds16 won an award, CO's award for adversity, awarded due to how much he has had to overcome this year with his disabilities to be a good cadet.  He is looking forward to next year.

The reviewing officer is a commanding officer within the Loyal Edmonton Regiment of the army which is like our sponsoring unit.  He told my dd15 he thinks she would be a fine addition to their unit next year if she does indeed join the reserves as planned, that gave her a boost.  

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I understand your confusion.


It isn't that there are three...whatchamacallits (hooya, hooyah, and houyah); it's that I inadvertently and uncharacteristically without thought posted the same YouTube video. ::bangsheadonkeyboard:: There is still only one way to start a new page: BOOYA. I have no opinion about hooya, hooyah, or houyah, other than the fact they are not used the way we use BOOYA.



So the Queen has written, so it shall be done.


But, the Original Booya Babe has already stated that hooya is okay. So, sorry, Queeniepoo, overruled.

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I understand your confusion.


It isn't that there are three...whatchamacallits (hooya, hooyah, and houyah); it's that I inadvertently and uncharacteristically without thought posted the same YouTube video. ::bangsheadonkeyboard:: There is still only one way to start a new page: BOOYA. I have no opinion about hooya, hooyah, or houyah, other than the fact they are not used the way we use BOOYA.


It's funny you should say this, as I nearly typed in 'booya.' I don't know how to use neither booya nor hooya (other than at the top of a new page on this thread). Maybe you can explain.


Where I come from (Western Canada), we use 'yeeha'  or for added emphasis 'yeeeeeehaaaaa!.' As this is often done in relation to cowboys, bulls, steer and such, I'm guessing that 'hooya' is different. 

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I have some happy news.  :)


I've been checking on the foster kittens and cat, and the solid gray kitten (J.J.) got adopted.  :D


He was the one I named for my two friends who passed away on the same day.  He was also the one who managed to get his toes caught up in the toy and we had to baby him all day until he was better.  He is a beautiful kitten, all gray with slight stripes.

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Did I tell y'all I think I've gotten dh hooked on the forum? 


I think he's going to post something. 


I should stalk him so I can like his post. 



what's his username so we can stalk him too and make him feel welcome (or scared if we all start stalking him, either way its all good lol )

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My teen s had their army cadet annual review  to wrap up the year today.  Ds16 won an award, CO's award for adversity, awarded due to how much he has had to overcome this year with his disabilities to be a good cadet.  He is looking forward to next year.


The reviewing officer is a commanding officer within the Loyal Edmonton Regiment of the army which is like our sponsoring unit.  He told my dd15 he thinks she would be a fine addition to their unit next year if she does indeed join the reserves as planned, that gave her a boost.  


:hurray: :hurray: :hurray:


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okay I replied to his post and welcomed him but determined his name was wrong rofl.  He is going to think we are all nutters but given that I am sure he thinks that already thanks to you sharing about the hive I assume he was prepared for it rofl

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