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Here's a question I never thought I'd be asking


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Would you worry about removing lip hair if the hair on it is very golden/blonde? The hair on my upper lip has recently come to my attention. And by "come to my attention," I mean that it's ALL I SEE when I look in the mirror now. I'm definitely hyper focusing on it, and it's definitely very light-colored hair (however, it's also bright and shiny, lucky me!), but it feels like there's...more of it...than there should be  :glare:


I did a little tweezing today, and whew! That was painful. And the more I looked, the more I noticed. There were even some stray hairs all way to the corners of my mouth--on my actual lips :huh: I was not happy to see those. I always thought I'd be free from this particular feminine grooming chore, but it seems like maybe I won't be after all. 


Would you worry about this? And does anyone wax their upper lip themselves? I know it won't be a walk in the park, but tweezing was awful and slooooow. Any product recommendations? Both of my DDs got my DH's very dark, thick hair, so I suspect it won't be long before they'll be looking for similar suggestions anyway *sigh*



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I have an REM spring hair remover/personal torture device. It's like a tweezer but you can rip out lots of hairs at once. Yay. I only use it on my 'stache and not anywhere that needs precise trimming. You can look at them and read reviews/tips on Amazon. :)


:svengo: I was so surprised at how painful the tweezing was, even right after a shower. I'm not sure I could stand to do it this way! I figured with waxing, at least it's all done in one yank. OK, maybe two yanks. Of course, all I can picture when I think about doing it is Phoebe and Monica and their natural leg waxing kits :lol: Maybe I'll have to employ my best friend to yank when I can't bring myself to do it!

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I don't wax myself there - youch! To me, facial waxing is way more painful than bikini/legs.


I don't think eyebrow/mustache waxing is very expensive. Probably the cheapest in salon services, actually -$20 or less. If my sister wasn't my personal esthetician, I'd pay the few bucks at a salon to have it done.

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My lip hair is light in color and, for the most part, fine and short. However, it does eventually ... accrue ... and there are a few strands that seem convinced they're supposed to be as dark and coarse as leg hair. Yuck. I have a Braun Silk Epil epilator. It does hurt, and you do have to be careful not to press into your flesh too hard or it *really* hurts and causes abrasians, but it's quick. Bonus--it has the shaver attachment, so I use that to shave my legs and the epilator attachment on my face. (I do not use it on any areas requiring precision, such as eyebrows.)

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Just to clarify, I'm a feminine, pretty blonde that wears pink dresses and still puts flowers in her hair. Shaving works well for a little bit of hair or I would find another method. I know it sounds a little weird.


It doesn't sound weird to me at all.  I've always shaved any moustache/chin hairs.  I've never understood why women think they have to use waxes or nasty chemically hair removers when a razor works very well and is a lot quicker and less messy.

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I got a little electric razor, like the one folks at the cheap haircut place I go to use around my ears an the back of my neck.  I use it to buzz away those golden hairs that want to crop up over my lip...and along my cheeks near my ears and jawline.  True, they are short, fine hairs...but let the light hit them and I look like I have a jaw halo, if you know what I mean. 


About once a week is all I need to remain peachfuzz-less.


PS I am in my mid-50s now, and think this fuzz got more noticeable during menopause.

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Why part are you worried about?  Mine is the same...  I do a combination of plucking and facial bleach.  Seems to do the trick.  All of my daughters have this problem so I guess it's hereditary.  One of them has darker hair so she is looking into permanent laser facial hair removal.  I know you have to be careful of where you go for this, because there can be scarring.



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Upper lip? I just use one of those glue strips, and try not to think of mouse traps, lol.


I never had to to this until I was in my early 40s, only mine is not blonde, and my skin is very fair. Blech.


I don't have to take it off very often, maybe a couple times a year, so it's not a big deal.  Every now I put it off and we have somewhere to go and then I just use dh's razor instead of the glue strip. It only takes a second. But the strip lasts longer than the razor and if you wax it, it eventually starts growing back thinner and you have to wax less often.


If I was younger and had the money, I would absolutely get laser removal.

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I'm fuzzy, as most redheads are. Very fine hair. Too fine to pluck and sometimes too fine to wax. Depilatory creams only work sometimes. 

I shave my sideburns. Have for years. I only need to do it maybe once every 3 months,


 I have had a couple of thick chin hairs as I'm nearing 40. I pluck those, as there is usually just one. 


I wax my brows. I use the facial strips. My salon charges $5 for brows, so I mean to pop in one time when I'm nearby. I know she will do a better job of shaping my sparse, near invisible brows. 


Use whichever method you like. If it bothers you, take care of it. You might find that you don't even notice when it grows back in. 

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Nobody tells you about the facial hair thing as you age.  I have darker hair on my head, but am gaining some noticeable blonde facial hair.  I have been using the Sally Hanson wax strips for facial hair.  Easy-peasy and not nearly as painful as individual tweezing.  I've never needed ice and it comes with an oil that you put on afterwards that calms the area down as well as helps remove any residual wax.  The key is to pull the skin taut as remove the strip in one fell swoop.  I also use it for eyebrow shaping.  I cut a strip into the shape I want for removing those stray eyebrow hairs. 



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I've bleached in the past (took too long and the results seemed short lived), then I tried that spring torture device mentioned up thread...it worked ok but took a lot of time. I still ended up tweezing stray hairs and it was pretty painful. Just this week I tried Moom wax strips and I wish I would've used them all along. It's the quickest process thus far.

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I bleach mine...it's mostly blond, but at the upper corners of my mouth it has turned a little darker as I've aged.  Stupid aging.


I pluck chin hairs.  Oh, and the ONE hideously long white hair that I sometimes discover on my neck.  What. the. hell.  (Like, why can't I discover it when it's 1/4 inch long??)

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Oh, and the ONE hideously long white hair that I sometimes discover on my neck.  What. the. hell.  (Like, why can't I discover it when it's 1/4 inch long??)


I KNOW!!!! What IS that thing?!!! I had no idea about mine until I was snuggling with oldest DD a few years ago, and she looked up and was like, "Mom, you have this loooong hair..." I swear the thing was an inch and a half. Thankfully not too many people see me from that angle! Now I have to look for it periodically and I get all paranoid that it's there and I just can't see it!


So I bought some Nads tonight while I was the store picking up a prescription. I'll be sure to check back in after I finish torturing myself. 

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I don't wax myself there - youch! To me, facial waxing is way more painful than bikini/legs.


I don't think eyebrow/mustache waxing is very expensive. Probably the cheapest in salon services, actually -$20 or less. If my sister wasn't my personal esthetician, I'd pay the few bucks at a salon to have it done.

I get my eyebrows done for $12 at Hair Cuttery!

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