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Dr. Hive? What am I missing? Why am I not getting better?


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Update in Post # 32



I have been sick now for over 4 solid weeks (probably 4.5 by now) with what appears to be some sort of head-cold virus that also makes me have bad broncial spams, where I cough and cough until my muscles are sore.  My sinuses and one ear is full of fluid. The other ear is messed up too but does not have as much fluid.


After the second week, we thought it must be (or must have turned into) something bacterial so I started Augmentin, which didn't help at all.  I have been to the urgent care where they started me on a steroid, which doesn't seem to be helping either.  I am also having to use a steroid inhaler to help control all of the coughing.


I went to an Ear, Nose, Throat specialist yesterday and he confirmed the bad fluid in the ears and said I must just have a bad virus.  I have never been sick for this long, ever.  My frustration level is through the roof.


Add to all of this that I feel very weak and tired, am not sleeping well and basically feel that I am living under water....plus my tongue feels like it is covered with fuzz and food does not have any taste.


I am scheduled to go back in to the ENT tomorrow and have him put tubes in my ear drums in his office so hopefully that will help me to feel a little better and maybe start on the road to recovery.


My family has a vacation to take our sons to Florida (Disney and Universal and whatever else) for the first time and we leave on Thursday....actually, they leave on Thursday.  Dh is taking our two sons and I am staying home because there is no way I could do it. 


At this point, I will just be relieved to not have to take care of anyone except myself.  But I can't help but think we are missing something.  I should be better by now!  What are we missing?  Any ideas?

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:grouphug:   I had a bad case of bronchitis in college one year, and it took forever to get better.  I'd have to sit by the door in every class so I could run out into the hall during the coughing spams.  From what I remember, I had to get prescription cough medicine to alleviate the coughing somewhat to give my throat and lungs a chance to heal.  Everything was so raw, and the coughing kept aggravating it.  It was a vicious cycle.


I also have chronic sinus infections.  The antibiotics seem to help for about a day and then it just comes back.   :banghead:   Using a neti pot has helped, and a lot of people say oil pulling helps too, though I didn't notice a decrease when I tried it for a few weeks.  But if you haven't already, pick up a neti pot and give it a try.

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They XRayed my lungs at the urgent care and also did a blood culture which came back normal.  Dh is a doctor (general practitioner) and we were just talking about possibly doing some additional blood work but he couldn't talk long because he had patients to see.  Not sure what he .was thinking of looking for


This is just so frustrating and, really, downright depressing.


Thanks for your thoughts though.

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I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. :grouphug:  I can totally sympathise...(that's why I liked your posts, not because I'm happy you're sick!) I've been sick now for just over 4 weeks, too. Started off as the flu for 2 weeks, then constant coughing, wheezing, can't sleep, completely fatigued, and VERY frustrated and overwhelmed.  Every few days I feel slightly better and think I'm getting over it, but it's always for just that day, and the next day I'm just as bad! I just got some sleeping tablets from my FIL to try to get a few good nights sleep, which did happen thankfully, and now I'm coming down with a sore throat that my husband has, too.  I'm really over it, as I can imagine you are.  You begin to wonder if you'll ever feel normal, don't you!  I'm up now, and it's 2am here, and was just throwing up after a coughing fit. :(


It sounds like you've covered all bases, as far as I can tell.  I've started taking crushed raw garlic in honey or molasses to try a natural anti-viral/antibiotic.


My doctor today said he would say it's just post-viral cough, and post-viral fatigue, and it should not last too much longer.  Didn't fill me with confidence, though. :/


I really hope you get better soon.  Sorry you're missing your trip. :(

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I had something similar, head cold and constant coughing for three months. Finally, I difficulty breathing. I ended up in the hospital and a CAT scan showed I had pneumonia. Apparently sometimes pneumonia does not show up on X-rays. ( I also had a high fever and chills right at the start, so my case may not apply to you.)


There is also a kind coughing asthma that looks different from regular asthma. I had this too, while I had pneumonia, and the doctors missed it. Cough suppressant did nothing for me, but an inhaler stopped the cough immediately.

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I'm so sorry. It's been a rough winter here, too.


My story is much like Isabella's, but perhaps with different factors affecting it all. I'll throw out some stuff that my (allopathic but natural leaning) doc has tried.


You've ruled out walking pneumonia?


First, I have adrenal insufficiency, so any sickness means I need to increase cortisol. I learned about this when I could not get over another illness a few years ago. Any chance you have adrenal fatigue?


When increased cortisol didn't help this time, my doc checked (because I have a history) fibrinogen levels - I have a problem with hypercoagulation. So we increased my treatment for that - I take Boluoke and Serratia. That's all related to the MTHFR genetic disorder, so I added back my Methyl Assist for that, which I'd let lapse.


Finally, we added in several anti-vitals. An drographis Plus and HEEL Engystol.


I am finally feeling a bit better. Still tired but much, much better.


Not sure any of that will help but maybe it will spark some ideas.

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I think something is going around...I've been sick off and on for about 4 weeks. I thought I had gotten the flu or a head-cold but the coughing will not stop. Thanks for bringing this up. I am going to try some of the suggestions. I hope you can figure it out. I hate feeling weak and when I just get some energy a cough comes on and then the cycle starts all over again. 

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I liked your post out of sympathy and wish for healing, comfort, and care for you.


I'm only in my 3rd week of illness, but I can't ever remember being sick this long. Mine started with what I called a chest cold and found online was probably acute bronchitis. My head colds never hit me so hard. No appetite. Very little energy. Much coughing. I did sleep pretty well though, at first. I was hoping to be better by the two week mark but I was feeling worse than ever. Less energy. Chills. Wanting to sleep by the fireplace all day. Finally figured out I was running a fever so went to urgent care on Sunday and was diagnosed with pneumonia. The doctor thought I looked pretty good overall, so must be walking pneumonia. I prefer to think of it as driving pneumonia, because I'm okay to drive kids around to most of their stuff, but not sure how much actual walking I could do. I think you have to be oxygenating your blood pretty well for that and I'm not exactly there yet! I'm hoping the antibiotics and inhaler get me back on track, but I'm accepting that full recovery is going to take awhile. Incidentally I'm on azithromycin for the antibiotic.


My dh is prone to sinus issues and has had some particularly bad winters, but so far not this year and not last year. When he was last troubled with the congestion, blocked sinuses, headaches, etc, he found success with daily neti pot use. Buy a gallon of the filtered water or boil your own water to make sure you're not introducing any new bugs. He also really likes the xlear sinus care spray. It has xylitol in it which he finds to be super effective.


I'm sorry you're in for the long haul too. Bleah. I'm hopeful that spring's return will only help--more sunlight, more warmth, more moisture in the air. I know it's still a long ways away. Hang in there.

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Wow, thanks for all the replies and well wishes.  It sure seems like a lot of stuff is going around right now.  I am going to look into these suggestions and see if any of them help or give other ideas.  My ENT did tell me to start using Afrin to see if that would open my ear and I am using it but, so far, nothing.  I am scheduled for having the tubes put in tomorrow afternoon in his office and dreading it because I have a very low tolerance for pain....but if it helps me to start feeling better, it will be worth it.


So sorry so many of you are also feeling sick.  Thanks for the well wishes and I hope you are all well soon also.

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I spent almost the entire month of December in bed. I would have a good day or two and then be back to coughing, wheezing, and sneezing so much that I couldn't get up.  It's now mid-January and I still have a cough some days. Whatever is going around this season sure seems to take a while to get rid of.


Hang in there. Hope you feel better soon.

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Do you have a fever?


Some viruses are really hard to kick. :grouphug:


Occasionally I get a viral induced cough variant asthma. I'm there now, for the first time is probably 6 years. I picked up an albuterol inhaler and spacer today. I don't wheeze. I just have severe coughing spells and can't get my breath. The albuterol helps. My sinuses are draining/I have other viral symptoms. But those things are triggering an asthmatic cough for me. You would use albuterol in addition to or instead of steroids.


My mother had a virus that just went on and on with coughing. It took and discouragingly long time to get over it. I really think it was probably pertussis for her.

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I agree with what previous posters have said about looking into possible medical diagnoses/treatment, which is uber-important given how many weird bugs are going around this year.  But this is for the self-care side, which I think is a necessary complement.


My 2015 began with the flu followed by a sinus infection, and by week 3 of trying to take normal care of myself, I felt like I needed to do *everything* within my power to get better.  It was not happening with normal methods.


I made a chart of everything I could think of that would support my immune system, hydration and healing.  I was drinking a crazy amount--13 drinks of clear fluid a day, and the first night after I did this, I was really stuffy and could tell my blocked sinuses were beginning to clear for the first time.  After a week of following the chart, I felt much better and started doing yoga, which told me some of my sinuses are still blocked.  So I'll keep doing this for another week.  I've never had to drink this much to clear a cold, and I've never gotten a sinus infection in my life.  I really can't believe how much attention it's taken to kick this, and I don't think an antibiotic alone would have done it.  


Below is my daily chart for self-care (and you have the perfect opportunity now!).  I see it as a necessary adjunct to medical care with a major bug, and something that can prevent the need for medical intervention with minor illness.  


Blessings for your returning health and vitality!




Vit D

Vit A 


Curcumin (I took Enhansa brand--anti-inflammatory)

Vit C (3,000 mg per day in divided doses, with meals)

Humidify the house

Nasal rinse with saline 2xday

Gargle with plain water 3xday

Shower or steam in a bowl 2x/day

1 t apple cider vinegar in 8 oz water 3xday

Probiotics and sauerkraut (or any naturally fermented food, like yogurt or kombucha)

Guided meditation

Get out and see the sun, or very short walk with dog

Hydrate--10 + drinks/day, not counting any beverages with caffeine.  The apple cider drinks were additional--so 13 drinks a day.



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Wow, thanks for all the replies and well wishes. It sure seems like a lot of stuff is going around right now. I am going to look into these suggestions and see if any of them help or give other ideas. My ENT did tell me to start using Afrin to see if that would open my ear and I am using it but, so far, nothing. I am scheduled for having the tubes put in tomorrow afternoon in his office and dreading it because I have a very low tolerance for pain....but if it helps me to start feeling better, it will be worth it.


So sorry so many of you are also feeling sick. Thanks for the well wishes and I hope you are all well soon also.

About the ear tubes...when my youngest was about 2 1/2 months old, he had his ears "tapped" in the ENTs office. He had been sick since he was 2 weeks old and had fluid and bulging ear drums. They put him in a papoose board.


I was a wreck.


The doc cut a little incision and sucked out so much green snot like stuff, I gagged and DS didn't make a peep. The doc was like...quick, the other ear! Same procedure, same non-reaction.


We figured he had so much pressure and pain from the fluid that the incision didn't even register.


So, maybe it won't be so bad? Hopefully!


Anyway...sending good thoughts! Good luck!

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About the ear tubes...when my youngest was about 2 1/2 months old, he had his ears "tapped" in the ENTs office. He had been sick since he was 2 weeks old and had fluid and bulging ear drums. They put him in a papoose board.


I was a wreck.


The doc cut a little incision and sucked out so much green snot like stuff, I gagged and DS didn't make a peep. The doc was like...quick, the other ear! Same procedure, same non-reaction.


We figured he had so much pressure and pain from the fluid that the incision didn't even register.


So, maybe it won't be so bad? Hopefully!


Anyway...sending good thoughts! Good luck!


That is reassuring, thanks.  Hopefully it won't be too painful.


Thanks everyone for your suggestions.  I am definitely looking into them.


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Unfortunately, the doctor is likely right. It is probably something viral that just has along lifespan. RSV and whooping cough in adults often presents this way. There area some cold strands that just hang on also. Dd20b had a virus that stuck around at least two months (of extremely to pretty darned) sick this fall. Hang in there. 

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From how long you have been sick, a couple of things come to mind.  Your have got your immune system in a bit of a tizzy and it is working hard to compensate.  You could be dealing with mutiple illnesses that are just taking advantage of you being down to invade and take over.  They can hit simultaneously or one after another which makes it seem like on long illness but is actually a series of several.  You could also be dealing with a bacterial infection that augmentin didn't kill off. You could have an undiagnosed vitamin deficiency that is keeping you beat down, and isn't allowing your body a chance to recover at a normal pace.  Things to consider are Vitamins D, B, low Iron/ferratin. Did they do a CBC panel on you? 


What medicines have you taken for the course of the illness?  OTC cold meds, herbals, vitamins, rx meds?

What makes you feel better? What makes you feel worse?

Aside from the pressure in your ear, do you feel like you are improving albeit slowly? or not at all?


Do you have allergies?  Do you Have anything in your house that know you are or could be allergic to? Are you eating foods your allergic to? Do you need to clean your air filters on the furnace?



Do you have:

A Christmas tree that is still lingering

A cat/dog/bird

Plants with standing water which could harbor mold

Damp moldy walls or windows.

New cleaning supplies? LInen washing products?

New air freshener, room candles, warmers (especially one from Christmas or right before?) in the home/car/place you spend a lot of time like gym/church/etc

New down pillow, Down bedding, down coat?

New food that you have started eating all the time like a tea or coffee?



What I am thinking is that if it was just allergy/inflammation related the steroids and steroid inhaler should have made a difference for you. If it was just bacterial, the Augmentin would have likely killed it, but not necessarily if it was resistant to that med or it if was just the wrong antibiotic all together.  But if you have both happening at the same time, it would make sense or if you have a lingering bacterial infection with a vitamin deficiency it would make sense. 


After the tubes I would ask for another long course of broad spectrum antibiotics. If the ent can culture the ear goo, and find out if it is an infection, treat it with an appropriate abx. I would then add  a week of an antihistamine, with Mucinex D during the day and adding Delsym at night to help you sleep. Drink lots or fluid to help the Mucinex work.  This combo will help to dry up the secretions, and also thin out the mucous that is there so you can get it out.  I would eat a low inflammatory diet like a Nighshade free diet until you feel better to help you body feel less inflammation while you get better.  I would go off of sugar as much as possible and eat plenty of high quality live yogurt to make sure you don't have a yeast imbalance.  If you like ti use natural products take elderberry for the cough and some zinc. 


((((Hope you feel better))))))


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I had the same thing the OP is describing throughout December and into early January. It's been less than a week since I finally went a day without coughing. I used real Sudafed 24x7 and Afrin at night for 4 nights on 4 nights off. This kept me from sinus infection. I had to keep very warm or the "mucous faucet" would turn on. Resting for a whole day whenever I could was really helpful but only doable a few times. We ordered tons of take out Chinese food bc I was afraid to spread this with cooking and I really craved soup.

I hope you feel better soon. Rest while the fam is away.

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I had something similar from the week before TG to January.

I tried a Zpack--didn't work. Then got on another antibiotic. THat, and Flonase nasal spray and an inhaler (flovent--not a steroid and not albuterol--IDK what it is, really) every day, once a day, one for two weeks and the other for a month, really helped me kick it. I was coughing up little bits of phlem for 4 weeks or more.


Hope you heal soon.

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To add to all of the above symptoms, I started running a temp on the day I went for the tubes in my ears.


The tube placement was a little painful in one ear but it was totally worth it, even though my hearing is still not quite back to normal.  The next day I went for a CT scan and it showed infection in the spenoid and ethmoid sinuses.  The Augmentin was not broad spectrum enough to kill it so I am now taking Bactrim and am finally starting to feel a little better.  I am scheduled to have another CT scan in a week or two and visit the ENT again to make sure it is all cleared up.  It was such a relief to finally know what was wrong with me!


Thanks everyone for your feedback and ideas.  Clear proof that Dr. Hive knows what's what!

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