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How much do you spend each month (avg for the season) on sports per child?

How much do you spend each month (avg for the season) on sports per child? Post a Pol  

  1. 1. How much do you spend each month (avg for the season) on sports per child? Post a Pol

    • $0-100
    • $101-200
    • $201-300
    • $301-400
    • $401-500
    • $501-600
    • $601-700
    • $701-800
    • $801 or more
    • Other- because there is always an 'other'

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It seems like most competative sports are soo expensive and it catches most first time parents off gaurd. I thought it would be interesting to see how much each sport costs for a years particiapation.


If you averaged you childs sports costs per year, how much would you spent per month? So, if you spend $1200 per year on a sport, divide it by 12 even if the sport is only 4 mths of the year. Then if you don't mind, comment on which sport it was, how long is the season, and the apx cost.


Poll answers shouldn't show the respondee, and you can respond more than once for different kids/sports.

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Ds14 is on a competative swim team, between required gear, team fees, meet fees, traveling costs and misc other supplies we spend over $500 per mth.


dd9 is on a fun pre-swim team and the costs are under $100 per mth.

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Our sports participation:


Dd11: soccer, 3 mos. in spring, ~$90 for registration and shoes, ~$10 for coach gift

Ds15: basketball for local private school, 3 mos in winter, ~$90 for registration, $30 shoes


Ds 15 will probably also play soccer for the school this fall. I'd imagine ~$120for registration and shoes again.


Total/month/child: ~$30-40 but never overlapping with another dc.

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Crud- I meesed up your poll, LOL.


I picked the amount for both kids per month, so the 400-500 category has a vote that ought not be there.


We have 1 serious gymnast, $300 a month (and more, because its always more than *just* the coaching per month!), a recreational gymnast ($100), swim team (just for practice this year, not competitive-$75).

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I said about 400 - 500/month. But, I think I did it wrong!! I spend about $4000/year on sports for three boys. So, is that 4000/12/3? So, 111/month?


Anyway, my kids are involved in:


Spring: baseball (all three), karate (all three)

Summer: baseball (all), karate (all)

Fall: lacrosse (ds10), fencing (ds 12), soccer (ds 8), karate (all)

Winter: basketball (ds 8 and 10), soccer (ds 8), karate (all), fencing (ds 12)


I think that's it!!! Ds 8 and 10 also take piano.

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IF I had to pay full cost on things it would be $150-200 per month for each of the 3 older kids currently enrolled in activities that is $450-600 per MONTH for them. Thankfully I do not pay full fees, meaning I pay closer to $320ish per month with is still alot but worth it for what they do The baby costs me about $35 per month


DS10: TKD 3 days a week guessing to be around $100/month we have not registered yet

Gymnastics $150 per term ~ 4 months (I usually clean the gym to get these free)

Navy League registration is free but have to buy the uniform so I am guessing $50ish

Private guitar lessons free

Art free

Swimming Lessons $40 (gift)

Baseball in the spring $100


DS9: Horseback riding $120ish a month PLUS equipment will be another $100-200

Private violin lessons free

Art free

Baseball in spring $100

Swimming $40 (gift)

Gymnastics $150(clean gym to get for free)

Girl Guides $100 (they will waive fee if I ask though)


DS4: TKD 2 days a week guessing around $85ish

Gymnastics $150(clean to get fee waived)

Soccer in Spring $85

ARt free

Drum lessons free (from my cousin)

Swimming $40 (gift)


DD1 swimming lessons $35

gymnastics $100


They may or may not take rock climbing again, and that is $150 per child per term, they really enjoy it but our schedule is very full


So I do pay out of a pocket a fair amount even with all the reduced fees and waived fees but they get to take absolutely everything they want so it is worth it imo

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My kids take Taekwon-do and it costs about $70 per child per month. We do one set of swimming lessons per year (appx $30 per child) and we usually add a short (4 to 6 week) session of some other sport to try out - last year it was a homeschool PE class, the year before it was tennis. We try to stick to the "one sport per child" rule but I also want to make sure they are strong swimmers and have some opportunities to try new things.

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My 17yo takes Tae Kwon Do lessons ($60 per month + $25 for each promotion -- which happens every 2-3 months) -- once she earns her blackbelt, which should be sometime in the spring, she'll be an instructor and we won't have to pay for her lessons anymore!! :D


My 8yo also takes Tae Kwon Do lessons ($60 per month + $25 for each promotion -- which happens every 2-3 months) -- he's a blue belt, so it'll be at least another two years before he achieves his black belt


My 6yo takes a "gymnastics for special needs children" class once a week, which costs $55 a month


My 14yo plays baseball with the Little League Challengers team in the spring and fall, and basketball with the Special Olympics in the winter, but they don't charge the families for it (so we only pay for things he might need like a new glove or bat, etc.)

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I hope so, because I already voted.


I included:


Annual tuition at ballet school

Weekly fees for outside tap class

Required dance gear (uniforms, shoes and a backpack)

Performance and costume fees


It came to almost $2300 per year, or an average of a little over $190 per month.


I counted dance in my vote. From one dance mom to another: :cheers2: (although I can only afford to buy you one, because the rest goes to the studio lol).

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I have realized that I spend way, way, WAY too much, and yet not as much as someone else on the board!


The elite girls at our gym spend at least $1000/mo because they have to travel so much more, for qualifiers and camps and stuff. And we do not have much fundraising like some other gyms, so it is mostly out of pocket. I'll just think about that...



Oh! I just realized that I didn't include rock climbing! But really, I consider that a secondary, fun thing, and we coordinate the traveling with vacations so it ends up being less than $100/mo




I think I really need to re-evaluate this situation.:glare:

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I voted $0-$100, the answer being $0. Our kids are 6 and 3, and we don't feel like they are ready for organized sports yet. I don't foresee us ever being able to afford more than $100 a month combined.


My children are even older than yours and I voted in the 0-$100 also, we don't do any organized sports and I don't see it in the future. We just don't have the money. We do belong to a co-op where they take pe. so they are getting organized games that way.



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Gymnastics for my girls is $169 each for 9 weeks. They're probably going to want to do cheer (same building) once they remember that it exists (same price, too), and I haven't decided whether or not to let them.


More than the money, it's the scheduling. This place splits 5 and 6 year olds into separate groups, so that would be 4 trips a week, plus ds's 2 trips to other places each week. We need a driver.:glare:

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My kids take tae kwon do. Classes cost $100/month for each of them. Spare uniforms (they often take 4 or more classes a week, so they're necessary) run about $60-80 each, depending on material and style. Rank advancement is $20 each, every three months. Competitions are several times a year and cost anywhere from $40 for the local ones to a couple hundred dollars if we travel down to NYC. Weapons cost about $30 or so, depending on the weapon. Sparring gear costs $300 per child, including the bag to carry it all, and gear needs to be replaced as the kids outgrow it.


This is nothing compared to figure skating. My daughter skated for a few years, and it was a pit into which one threw money. Coaching, ice time, ballet class, stroking class, jump class, strength training, a personal trainer, theater on ice, and physical therapy. Then there's the skates (custom-made to incorporate orthotics because she pronates on her ankles -- 2-3 pairs per year as her feet grew), practice dresses and tights, competition dresses and nicer tights (and the crystals that need to be individually glued onto said dresses while watching TV at night), skate bag, blade covers, gel pads for blister spots, and so forth. And THEN there's the blade sharpening, competition fees, travel, music, and competition videos. One of the happiest days of my life was when my daughter decided to quit. Not just for the money, although that was huge, but also because we no longer had to be at the rink by 4am for coaching.

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We spend way toooooo much on our kids. My daughter is in a ballet company and dances 20 hours or more ( with performances) per week. On average, it's about 375/month. This doesn't include pointe shoes ( at 90 a pair) or tights or costumes. She also takes tap, jazz, lyrical and modern classes - but that's included.


I have one son playing club soccer which is year round and its 1800/year.


My youngest is playing Academy soccer ( it's a developmental league for younger players) and it's about 1000/year. This doesn't include 2 seasons of indoor soccer at 100 each. This one also does baseball fall and spring at 100 each season.

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Ours is about $300 a month for both girls, so $150 each if you count horseback riding as a sport.


That though includes the lessons, gear, horse, horse feed, and board for said horse.


Just on the lessons it is about $30-40/month for each. The majority of the cost is board and feed for a 30 year old horse with no teeth.

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Are they in competitive gymnastics, or just classes?


Just classes. They have fun - that is what counts!


The Team monthly fees are $90 per child (and the parents tried to keep the rest of the costs down last year). My younger 2 have the ability to be on team at some point - although the middle ones special needs and that really has stopped her progress. I'm not sure how i could get her into the Special Olympics Gymnastics stuff - i'm not sure if her Turner's Syndrome is enough or not.


DH and I haven't decided on the youngest yet - well see how it goes, but honestly, this is about all we can afford. The gym in the next town over is that for each child - mine wouldn't be there :(


Small town, small gym, kids having fun! I'm very thankful for it, i just wish i could afford some extra privates for them right now.


Some of you spend more a month on your kids than my DH makes in a week right now! LOL!!

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Do they have any therapeutic riding programs in your area? Those are great for kids with special needs. That is where my 12dd started out----being led around at 18 months old and taking lessons at 3.


Horse are really good for kids with special needs. We do spend quite a bit on the horses but that is about all we spend it on---no clothes from the mall (almost everything is a hand me down with a few thrift items thrown in), they don't do other sports, go to movies, etc.


You might also check local 4H clubs. Some of those leaders will give lessons and are very good with kids. We actually found our riding instructor at the lab. She was drawing my dd's blood and dd mentioned horses. Jen said that she had horses and we started talking (we go to the lab every 1-2 weeks or so which means they know us well) and I asked if she knew anyone that gave lessons. Jen said she did and we have been doing lessons with her for 1 1/2 years now.


She is great with my girls as she knows them well from the lab, she was previously a therapeutic riding instructor, she is a 4H leader AND she can handle adults with confidence issues (meaning ME).


If you lived closer you could bring your dd over to ride.

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On Special Olympics, Turner's might be enough to qualify. My girls have done SO before as has my son. It is a wonderful program and VERY low cost.


I would make some phone calls and see what comes of it.

It's on my list - she can get classified with more if we have her tested. Right now though - she doesn't know how different she is.... i have to walk that line too.


Do they have any therapeutic riding programs in your area? Those are great for kids with special needs. That is where my 12dd started out----being led around at 18 months old and taking lessons at 3.

I think there is one in Ocala, but the gas..... sigh..... LOL!


I'm snipping you below.


You might also check local 4H clubs. Some of those leaders will give lessons and are very good with kids.

I had a really really REALLY bad 4H experience when we first moved here, kinda has me, well, really turned off of them. It's not a very communicative area in that regard - you have to know someone to hear what is going on.


Lanny (the boss), would love to have her over more, it's just figuring out a schedule. Hmmm, i wonder if his DIL would give lessons?! I'll have to hit DH up about that aspect.


If you lived closer you could bring your dd over to ride.

She'd (we'd) LOVE it! This child loves all things animals - and all animals love her.


Dang, where did i put that winning lotto ticket??? :tongue_smilie:

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Our main sports now are Little League (dd only), softball(ds7 and dd), and Upwards basketball(dd only this year). These are all $40-75 each for registration with uniforms included. Bats and gloves we got second hand, under 100 and used several years. There is usually one game that we bring snacks, about $10 total. Even when we did Tae kwon do, we were able to do it as a family (of 5 at the time) for about 125. People were super willing to [ass on uniforms, especially for the kids. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to do tae kwon do for 2 years now, due to toddlers, schedules, and other things like that. I miss it.

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I voted wrong also. I was forgetting things, and I didn't do the math right, because the costs are mostly for my oldest.




Ballet company-classes 5 days per week. 180 per mo.

pointe shoes, clothes costumes etc. 40 per mo.

company fees 195 per year




gymnastics class-rec. 1 day per week 26 per mo.

homeschool PE-1 day per week 10 per mo.




ballet class 25 per mo.

gymnastics 26 per mo.


We are still looking for something my ds. enjoys, as he has not figured out what sport he loves. These costs are difficult for us, but they are nothing like what they were when my oldest was a competitive gymnast. I feel for the gym moms out there, as until two years ago when my daughter had to give up gym we were right there with you. (Scoliosis surgery.)

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Sparked by the new media interest in Hockey Moms - I thought I'd post about the non-political costs ;) for one season of rep hockey:


Registration Fees: $2000

Clinics and Skills Development Camps - $1400+


Equipment Costs: $2000

Skates - $700

Sticks (2) - $700

All other - $600+ because the kid doesn't even have pants or a helmet on yet.


Local Tournament Costs: $1800

Out of Country Tournament Costs:$3000+


and most importantly...

Tim Hortons Coffee Runs: $3120


That's a little over $13,000 a year or $1100 a month.


PS - Although he plays rep hockey, DS plays for fun, so these are the expenses for the cat loving, Berts Bees wearing Hockey Mom niche.

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I consider our country club membership fees as a family expense, meaning I don't technically spend anything for him to specifically play a sport. Back when he did baseball, it cost me about $50 for the season so I still would've fallen into this category (it basically would've been under $5/mo average).


Our cc is $100/mo which includes golf, tennis and swimming for all 6 of us.

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