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Week # 4 Gratitude - and..........go


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I am grateful for a job that I thoroughly enjoy and a life that allows me to be comfortable with the temporary feast-or-famine nature of the work.


After talking with our Saudi student, I am also grateful that I live in a culture that allows me to work simply because I want to work, even though my husband's income is more than sufficient to provide for our needs. :)



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I have so much to be thankful for I'm not sure where to begin.  


1.  Our lovely new home...were unpacked and happy.

2.  All these kids and grand-babies...such precious gifts!

3.  My parents/in-laws...so glad our relationships are going well.

4.  My dh...he's such a great guy and always thinking about our family.


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I'm unbelievably grateful that we sign the paperwork to sell our house tomorrow!!!!!!!


Basically that's like dh getting a $1500 a month raise since we no longer have a house payment!!!!


I fell like we've won the lottery. For the first time in 11 years, we will have no debt and money in our pockets.


:party:  :party:  :party:

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In a rough season math-wise with DS, I am thankful for the freedom to homeschool. We can work on his weaknesses at his pace without stressing him out about it.


I am thankful for my dh, who shows his love by serving. He cleaned a clog out of the vacuum and then vacuumed the whole house on Saturday. He moves all the furniture and gets all the corners when he vacuums!


I am thankful for others who teach my kids, encourage them, challenge them and love them well: coaches, Sunday school teachers and our piano teacher.

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For a comfy couch to sleep semi upright on, and for a straight four hours sleep yesterday night, and six hours straight last night. Makes the days so much better!

Thankful that after four weeks the post viral cough and fatigue are getting better.

Thankful for a dh who has been trying to be as helpful and patient as possible. :)

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- Thankful to have had dd21 at home unexpectedly for an additional 3 weeks after Christmas break, even though she had to break her wrist to achieve these wonderful 21 extra days at home. 

- Thankful for the wonderful hand/wrist surgeon that I got off the internet (instead of the knee/hip/shoulder guy from the ER) who took actually took my call on Dec 26th, even though his office was closed, and that he was able to work her in.  (Apparently the holidays are the busiest time of year for orthos. Who knew?!?)

- Thankful for dd's gal-pal who is going to take a week off work and drive halfway across the country with her next week.  Road Trip!!!!

- Thankful for getting my labs back: no cancer in the lymph nodes = no chemo needed.

- Not so thankful for the way I look at the moment (I hate "compression" bras), but thankful to know that the whole mess will look much better in several months.

- SO VERY THANKFUL that I have access to healthcare and to supplements and to good food.  I was looking at photos on a friend's wall--he has gone on numerous missions trips around the world--and out of 18 places he had been, I have access to healthcare that women in 16 of those places do not have.  They would be dying from my disease.

- So thankful for the hive.  What would I do without you all?!?



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1. I got to meet another boardie this week and we had a lovely time!


2. Antibiotics are awesome. After 11 days of misery before I saw the doctor, antibiotics for my sinus infection + bronchitis is making me a much happier person.


3. Prolific restaurant play areas in a cold climate.

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1. Birthday. Always good to celebrate another one.

2. Parents still here, Mom's hip is better (just bursitis, not needing surgery)

3. Middle son sent me a fondue pot. Signif because a. He sent a present, which means he has extra $ and was thinking of me, and b. He sent a fondue pot, and fondue pots are always signif.

4. I totally know enough grammar to say that last was a horrible sentence, as is this one.

5. My tree homes unit is going well.

6. I had 63 people IRL who are also FB friends wish me well. Ok, a few were WTM'ers, but they are pretty real, right?

7. A WTM'ers baby was born today and so shares my birthday!

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 - I only have one more FAFSA to go in my entire Mom career; this year's is now on its merry way. 

 - DD and I got to go hiking on the mountain bike trails yesterday; I was very glad to be able to do that with her before she leaves. (It started raining on us, so that elevated it to a "mom adventure.") ;-)

 - Thankful for a dear friend to have coffee with.

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Today I'm grateful for the Indigo Girls.


Okay, that could be me any day, because we love them here, but today... More than normal.  :)  You know how sometimes there's a band that spans decades, and their entire career becomes the soundtrack background for your life?  Yep.  From the first time I saw them in ... 1988 at Rock Against Fur... to today.  Big puffy heart them.   :001_wub:

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Grateful to a friend who has asked us out for dinner tonight....I didn't feel much like cooking!

And to be able to see beauty in small things, like seeing our bull and cow outside my kitchen window early this morning standing close to each other with their heads touching for a good few minutes. Kind of like a bovine hug, I imagined!

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Friday: thankful for Google translate..so much easier than using my Dutch to English dictionary while I translate a book in my quest to learn more of the language.

Thankful to my FIL who has supplied me with a couple of sleeping tablets, so I can get a better sleep in the next few nights (hopefully).

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For fresh baked chocolate chip cookies.


For this reprieve from winter we have been having the last two weeks. It was 12 C today!


For good deals at the grocery store that allowed me to prep lots of freezer meals for the next month. I am also grateful that my freezer is full of healthy meals that should save lots of time and aggravation this month.

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