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I've fallen to the communists, and they are very angry.


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I managed to make it 33 years without really having too much trouble with PMS. I mean, sometimes I'd get minor cramping or want a bar of chocolate, but nothing major.


Since getting my period back a few months ago after having my most recent baby, though..... HOLY MOLY. I remind myself of the Hulk. I am a raging ball of ragey rage. This month to avoid being a horrible mother who spends all day yelling at my children, I give them movies, removed their minecraft time restrictions, and just stayed in bed, away from them, as much as I could. Even so I managed to make up reasons to yell twice.


It's not pretty. I need to try something to get this better under control next time. Suggestions/advice?

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This is not medical advice, but apparently chocolate cravings and moodiness can be related to magnesium deficiencies. Although it is easy to get magnesium in a regular diet, the way we process it means that it can get depleted if we drink too much coffee, alcohol, or--wait for it--dairy. Something about calcium and magnesium.


I take magnesium supplements (one pill is about 40% DRV) when I feel PMS-y. I'd take them regularly but I forget. It really helped with weepiness, or so I think. It could be a placebo. But none of the other placebos worked (B complex, vitamin D).

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The magnesium idea is worth looking into, and chasteberry extract might be helpful as well. Chasteberry helps regulate menstrual cycles and hormones in general, and I had great success with it. I was having cycles of anywhere from 31-40 days, very heavy flow (relative to my usual), strong cramping, high irritability--the whole nine yards--and had never had any of that before. I'm not sure what threw me off, but it did start when I got a copper IUD (no hormones, so I don't know why it would have affected the cycle length or irritability). I used the Nature's Way brand (Femaprin/Vitex) for about six months, and my cycles are back to 28 days, normal flow, mild cramping, almost imperceptible irritability; in other words, I'm back to normal. I've been off the chasteberry since August, and I feel like it just hit a ''reset'' button for me. Since you've recently had a baby, perhaps a reset might help.

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I'm in the same boat. It's been nearly 4 years since I've cycled (baby, one period, last baby, both nursed). I hate it. I much prefer me when my hormones remain constant. I'm nicer then.

Hugs. Hope you figure something out, and kudos to you for realizing what was happening and taking steps. It'll be ok.

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Are you still taking your prenatals?  They can help.  There's a lot you can do nutritionally (I'm a fan of having some blackstrap molasses in my coffee daily, it's loaded with minerals), you just have to figure out what you need to address.  Personally, I would start with a good multi, and then look into specific deficiencies after that.  If you exercise, magnesium and calcium can be depleted by heavy exercise.  Make sure you're getting enough iron, also. 


A lot of PMS mood irritation is, IMO, fatigue.  Many women just find they need more sleep when they are PMSy, and nutrient deficiencies then to compound that fatigue.  Once you're fatigued, everything just seems overwhelming and majorly bothersome.  The best thing for PMS, IMO, is a couple of extra hours of sleep per night, for those few days, and at least one nap during the day.  Good luck!

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Thanks guys! I already see a chiro regularly, lol, so that won't help. ;) Or [terrifying thought] maybe it IS helping and I'd be even worse if I weren't? Not really any chance of SAD or PPD; I actually quite like winter (which considering I'm Canadian is saying something) and love this time of year. I had PPD with my second, and feel nothing like this that time; aside from 1-2 days a month I'm doing fine, so I'm pretty sure it's just the raging communists. ;)

I'll grab some chastberry and magnesium! I used to be quite regular, and for the first two cycles post-baby I was doing great as far as that goes, but the last cycle and this one were all over the place. Hopefully the chasteberry will help with that as well. If anyone has any other suggestions, I'm all ears!

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Are you using Splenda at all? My unscientific, purely anecdotal data suggests it leads to weepy/irritable/"disaster is imminent" emotions in me.


A suggestion for handling the yellies/irritated depressies--"draw a bigger circle." Try to recognize your triggers and also the first feelings of being revved up or irritated, trace the source, and then do what you can to give yourself what you need when the first signs appear so you don't go down that dark and icky road. Draw a bigger circle is a way of saying that--so when kids approach the circle around you in which the yuck will happen, make it bigger by the above advice so that they don't get so close to the bear in you.


HAHA--I never really know how to explain that saying, but someone told it to me, and it made perfect sense then!

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Google PMDD. My best friend developed this after her last child and entering peri menopause. I believe she takes prescription meds for it, to which she was very resistant initially. She takes magnesium too. It has made a huge difference! She doesn't like discussing it (even though she knows I'm crazy as a hatter) so I'm not sure if she still does.

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I recommend this book: 




The promo describes it as a weight loss plan but I didn't really find it to be that. I found it very helpful in terms of practical suggestions for what to do with moodiness. There are also holistic health suggestions, etc. which I cannot say I've really embraced. But for peace of mind and confirmation that you are not crazy (which, I have tried to tell my doctors how bad PMS gets but they don't seem to take it seriously), this book is the best. 


Basically, I found it comforting that the authors suggest retreating when PMS is bad and trying find ways to be alone. Giving yourself a break and just letting the kids have movie time, that's not the worst thing in the world. 

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I would LOVE to get more sleep as I'm sure you're all right about fatigue contributing to it, but realistically I'm homeschooling 4 kids while nursing a baby every 3 hours (overnight even still, sigh) and starting a new business. There's not really any way I can get more sleep... believe me, I've tried, lol. (Thank you for letting me vent about how tired I am, lol.)

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I would just plan for that time, explain to the kids once a month you feel terrible, and let them have fun movies, treats and games like you are doing.

Primrose oil works great for during that time, for some. My mother used to take it to help. Being a child, and having a mother that was very moody during that time, I never took it to heart, and knew it was just " that time of the month".

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I would LOVE to get more sleep as I'm sure you're all right about fatigue contributing to it, but realistically I'm homeschooling 4 kids while nursing a baby every 3 hours (overnight even still, sigh) and starting a new business. There's not really any way I can get more sleep... believe me, I've tried, lol. (Thank you for letting me vent about how tired I am, lol.)

Yes, this I understand. I'm sorry. It will pass, in time, but that's not much comfort now.

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I was a raving maniac for 6 months after my kids were born, every week before my period with PMS; it will subside.  At least it did for me, after six months.  Until then, you know when it's gonna hit, so step away from your triggers that week and warn your DH that it's nothing personal, LOL!

I managed to make it 33 years without really having too much trouble with PMS. I mean, sometimes I'd get minor cramping or want a bar of chocolate, but nothing major.


Since getting my period back a few months ago after having my most recent baby, though..... HOLY MOLY. I remind myself of the Hulk. I am a raging ball of ragey rage. This month to avoid being a horrible mother who spends all day yelling at my children, I give them movies, removed their minecraft time restrictions, and just stayed in bed, away from them, as much as I could. Even so I managed to make up reasons to yell twice.


It's not pretty. I need to try something to get this better under control next time. Suggestions/advice?


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