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Prayer needed: postpartum eclampsia (UPDATED again in OP)

Halftime Hope

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Hivers, would you mind praying for my friend's daughter, A____?  She had her first baby yesterday and after a number of frightening things today is now in the ICU and not doing well, they are saying postpartum eclampsia.  There was nothing to indicate that this was going to happen, so my friend is in shock. 


Would you please pray for my friend (B_____) too?  Her husband is on a trip right now and due to the nature of his trip, even in an emergency, he can't make it home for a couple of days.


Thanks so much!





UPDATE Monday night:


A____ is still in ICU, stable, but very agitated and unable to understand what is happening and why she is there.  My friend B______ (A's mom) said the CAT scan today showed no permanent brain damage from the seizure, and one of the doctors told them they should see an improvement in A cognitively within 48 hrs, IF there is an improvement.   (Oh my.)   My friend B___ , and A___'s husband (J) are trading between ICU and the nursery, to be with A___ and with the baby, who seems to be fine.


For various understandable reasons that I don't want to go into, J has not told his family, so B is not able to ask on social media for prayer and support from her friends.  Having the Hive praying for her and for A is a great comfort to her at this time.  THANK YOU!


UPDATE on Thursday (1/15):


A____ and her baby were discharged yesterday afternoon, doing much better, but still "missing links" cognitively.  She will have several doctors' appointments next week, and she is to be attended at home continuously, as they are not sure she is "getting" everything, babycare and self-care after a C-section included.  Her husband J has been a champ!   


Thank you all for praying with me and for your generosity of spirit!  If you feel so inclined, I'm sure they could use prayers as she continues to recover. 







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