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What are your self-education plans for the new year?

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I'm away from home at present, and can't wait to get back to my math study!


When I'm back in the swing of things, I'd like to begin working through the WEM book lists, and I might start scheduling a certain amount of Kingfisher History per week, to read over and outline.

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I started Basics of Biblical Greek this year and I'm hoping to finish it by the end of next year and begin Athenaze, but I doubt it will happen. I've heard AoPS has some nifty free resources, but I have yet to look into them. I've been fiddling with Drawing With Children from the library and guitar lessons on the web. I plan to read the entire bible next year, as well as 24 other books and start listening to Shakespeare's works while I... do something... fold laundry? I apparently haven't thought this through.

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I'm planning on continuing through Wheelock's Latin with an online group and adding in some to spend creatively now that I have a new watercolour set. I also intend to continue work on the WEM (onto the third book lol) and I think this looks pretty good: http://www.popsugar.com/love/Reading-Challenge-2015-36071458?crlt.pid=camp.RTlcdYOWNcmE


Finally, there's an intentional living course online, self paced, for $17/month, but I haven't decided yet.

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I enrolled in a local ceramics class.  I also signed up to begin certification as a Restorative Exercise Specialist.  On my own, I will be learning Swedish, Norwegian, Viking Languages, and refreshing my French.


Mommymilkies, what are you planning to use to refresh your French?

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Spanish with DuoLingo, then a Spanish school in Guatemala for three weeks. I've bought AOPS Intro to Algebra and should get started with that, but I'm thinking of waiting until I return from traveling in March.


I don't want to take on anything else until late spring, but I'm thinking I should find some self-education stuff for history and/or literature.

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Finish my BSN program.


I've been working on DuoLingo Spanish for the past 3 months. Randomly decided to do it one day, and now have a 104 day streak. I started doing German as well, but decided to concentrate on Spanish until I finish that.


This thread prompted me to renew my Ham license, which expired last January. Didn't realize there was no fee for that, or I'd have done it a long time ago!


Anyone interested in being friends on DuoLingo for motivation? DH was doing it, but he stopped.

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Dh and I decided to go back to college and will be starting out with one class each for the spring term. 


We plan to live in this town, which is quite nice, but which we don't love, for the next eight years due to its great opportunities for our children. We decided to take advantage of its many academic opportunities ourselves, as neither of us are thrilled with the academic choices we made the first time through college. I don't want to limit myself to teaching in my retirement. Not when I have time now to branch out and work toward something that fits closer to the person I've become over the years.



I also plan to join 52 Books in 52 Weeks. I might get motivated to read a wider variety of books than the couple of categorical ruts I've let myself fall into the last few of years.


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I'm still plodding along very slowly on my unpleasant mission of reading all of Shakespeare's works.


I've also been wanting to learn to draw, and while I'm not up to anything hugely rigorous this year, some of the Book a Week ladies have inspired me to work along with them on zentangling and 'Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.' I reckon dd might like zentangling along with me too.

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I am going to join the 52 books in 52 weeks group this year. I did it a few years ago and not only did I find some great books to read by seeing what the others in the group are reading, I read less "twaddle," the two are probably related! 


I am going to work through MFW World History. My son did this course a couple of years ago and I kept everything because I wanted to read it and do a timeline. I am thinking about backing up and ordering their Ancient History and doing that first, but I doubt I will. 



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I feel like my goals are so similar every year.... does that mean I am not getting anywhere, lol?


Goal 1 - practice trumpet more and learn how to improvise. Hubby and I want to have a jazz learning project together this year. (He plays guitar.)


Goal 2 - sew more practical stuff and really start learning how to tailor. I have made a million dance costumes, holiday dresses, halloween costumes.... what I really want to be able to do is make 1 tee shirt, 1 pair of trousers, and 1 button down that I love... that fit me just right... that are really well tailored... over, and over, and over. Already started on this one yesterday by copying my favorite LLBean boat neck tee. Went pretty well, learned a lot.


Goal 3 - math.  I really want to get through AoPS calc at some point. I think I may have to bite the bullet and just sign up for their classes and work my way through like the kids did.




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 I also signed up to begin certification as a Restorative Exercise Specialist.  


OMG, I wanted to do this, but figured I'd poop out before I made it through.  Okay, really, I was going to do the cheaper one that's just going through her various books, but was worried I couldn't even be consistent with that.  Anyway, keep us (me) posted about how it goes!  You're my hero!

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OMG, I wanted to do this, but figured I'd poop out before I made it through.  Okay, really, I was going to do the cheaper one that's just going through her various books, but was worried I couldn't even be consistent with that.  Anyway, keep us (me) posted about how it goes!  You're my hero!

You should give it a go!  I'm on the two year path.  At this cost, I better stick with it. :)

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I am going to work on learning Japanese. I am working on learning kanji. It is slow going. Also working on grammar and vocabulary. Ultimately I want to take and pass the JLPT N5 test. Maybe in a year. That is a Japanese proficiency test, N5 is the lowest most beginner level.


Also I am taking recorder lessons. I want to get good enough that I can play my own songs at the spring recital. I am hoping to play Brahms lullaby with the teacher accompanying on the piano. I can dream!

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Okay, if this isn't too late, it would do me good to write down my unformed resolutions.


- Continue my slow progress to my life goal of seeing all of Shakespeare's plays performed. Need to keep a record of same since I may not finish before I start losing my memory.

- Read Susan WB's adult histories or something similar to brush me up on a high level of history.

- Brush up on my French using all the materials I collected for the kids, and by watching movies in French.

- Watch/ listen to some of the Great Courses I have collected and not done (or not finished). Same for documentaries.

- Read more nonfiction, especially science related.

- Khan Academy. Work on my math but also watch art history and other lectures.

- Read or listen to poetry.

- Attend more live art events (theater, musicals, opera, symphony, bands, art shows, etc.).

- Resurrect my genealogy research.


So a question -- I don't accomplish as much with this as I do in other aspects of my life, since those necessarily have more structure and deadlines. I'm realizing that I need to add some of that to my hobbies and self-education or I will continue not to get much accomplished there. How do other folks do it? what are strategies that have worked for others?



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You should give it a go!  I'm on the two year path.  At this cost, I better stick with it. :)


I just saw a Facebook post that she hadn't closed the 1 year option yet, but was about to.  I did it!  Hit that Paypal without even thinking about it anymore!


Okay, now I'm about to be sick that I just spent $150 without really thinking about wth I'm doing.  I might want to cry on your shoulder later.  

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I just saw a Facebook post that she hadn't closed the 1 year option yet, but was about to. I did it! Hit that Paypal without even thinking about it anymore!


Okay, now I'm about to be sick that I just spent $150 without really thinking about wth I'm doing. I might want to cry on your shoulder later.

Don't cry! I think it's going to be really cool. I drooled about the 2-year certification track, I soooo want to do that, but I can't afford to travel to the US, so I immediately jumped on the 1-year option! I'm really looking forward to start it.
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I'm going to start studying French with dd11. I have been worried about teaching French for years, so this feels really big.


I need to restart reading Latin, but I'm still having some health problems, so I'm not sure when I will be able to.

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I plan to give most of my self-ed time to Danish and Latin. With Danish, I feel like I am so close to a breakthrough in listening comprehension...but that it is just out of reach. So lots and lots of Danish movies and series for me.


I have been hunting for something for Statistics that I will be able to turn over to DS at some point, and I just ordered Life of Fred Statistics. Fingers crossed. And I have a proof book to work through.


Beyond that, I just hope to stay one step ahead of my student.

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I just saw a Facebook post that she hadn't closed the 1 year option yet, but was about to.  I did it!  Hit that Paypal without even thinking about it anymore!


Okay, now I'm about to be sick that I just spent $150 without really thinking about wth I'm doing.  I might want to cry on your shoulder later.  

Yes!! We'll have to keep in touch and peer pressure each other into following through! ;)

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I'm going to start studying French with dd11. I have been worried about teaching French for years, so this feels really big.


I need to restart reading Latin, but I'm still having some health problems, so I'm not sure when I will be able to.

Start French first.

I share your worries about it...

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