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Flu starting in your area?


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People are buzzing on facebook about wanting schools and activities to just finish up for the year before more children get sick.   If my fil had been planning to come for Christmas I think I would be telling him to please stay home and we'd see him in the spring.   A friend of mine had the flu and ended up in the hospital with pneumonia, she is home now but can barely get out of bed.  some friends and I were going to visit a friend in the hospital before she has surgery but I think I'll stay away and call her instead.  



Praying everyone stays health and well through  the Holiday Season.    

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It's here in northwest Illinois.  And I'm hearing that this year's flu shot is not helping- I know several older people who have the flu. People who have had their flu shots every year forever and never get it are ill. They're prescribing Tamiflu for family members of people who get sick- is this typical? 

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It is widespread here in the western suburbs of Chicago. My son's school had 18% of the kids sick last week. If it reaches 20% they cancel school. My 19 year old dd had it in early October. She was the first case for her doctor. My son and I got flu shots but I've heard that they might be for the wrong strain. We are looking forward to Friday when everyone will be done with school.

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It hit our family in mid-October, a week before my kids were scheduled to get their vaccines.  I got it, then DH, then DD#2.  The pediatrician did go ahead and put DD#1 and DS (who was 6 months then) on Tamiflu, and they did not get sick.  I was absolutely amazed - I mean, both of the people who hold the baby had the flu!  We use formula, so it wasn't a breast milk antibodies thing, either.  DH & DD#2 also got Tamiflu, and it cut a couple of days off of their symptoms.  It was too late for me to get Tamiflu by the time we realized what we were dealing with.  


The pediatrician told us at that point that she'd already seen cases in some kids who had received the flu shot, but that their symptoms were less severe.  So even though it's not the right strain, it may still be helpful if you get the flu.

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I haven't heard anything official, but we know 4 families and a total of 11 people who have had Influenza B confirmed since late October.


We all had our vaccine in October. This is the first year we've had such close contact with people who came down with the flu, so I'm glad we didn't procrastinate on the shot (we sometimes put it off until Nov. or Dec.).

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  • I think because I pasted a quote first, I'm going to get everything bullet-pointed whether it makes sense or not! Anyway, I like to read the CDC's fluview site to understand the statistical big picture a little better. Flu activity is definitely increasing. The portion of the flu vaccine for the A(H3N2) strain is the one that is not so effective because the virus has mutated. To put some numbers on the whole thing, nation-wide 21% of blood samples tested from sick people who go to the doctor because they have flu-like symptoms are testing positive for flu. Of those, the vast majority are the A H3 type. The part I'm quoting below says that of those A H3's, about a third are a good match for the strain in the vaccine, and 2/3 are the mutated strain that the vaccine doesn't cover. Note that the vaccine doesn't do anything for the almost 80% of sick people with flu-like illnesses who test negative for flu--lots of viruses can make you sick and they are sick with something else. On the west coast, our flu activity usually increases AFTER Christmas break--all of those holiday travelers, college students, etc who travel to parts of the country where flu is more rampant bring it back here.


A (H3N2) [197]: Sixty-four (32.5%) of the 197 H3N2 viruses tested have been characterized as A/Texas/50/2012-like, the influenza A (H3N2) component of the 2014-2015 Northern Hemisphere influenza vaccine. One hundred thirty-three (67.5%) of the 197 viruses tested showed either reduced titers with antiserum produced against A/Texas/50/2012 or belonged to a genetic group that typically shows reduced titers to A/Texas/50/2012. Among viruses that showed reduced titers with antiserum raised against A/Texas/50/2012, most were antigenically similar to A/Switzerland/9715293/2013, the H3N2 virus selected for the 2015 Southern Hemisphere influenza vaccine. A/Switzerland/9715293/2013 is related to, but antigenically and genetically distinguishable, from the A/Texas/50/2012 vaccine virus. A/Switzerland-like H3N2 viruses were first detected in the United States in small numbers in March of 2014 and began to increase through the spring and summer.

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I haven't heard anything official, but we know 4 families and a total of 11 people who have had Influenza B confirmed since late October.


We all had our vaccine in October. This is the first year we've had such close contact with people who came down with the flu, so I'm glad we didn't procrastinate on the shot (we sometimes put it off until Nov. or Dec.).

Ours was influenza A, so a different strain.  I'm in Tallahassee, for the record.

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I haven't hear of a lot of flu yet for our area.  However, DS got para-influenza that was a bad strain and gave it to all of us.  It has been weeks and we are just starting to see the end in sight.  My throat is still sore and DS and I both still have a cough.

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Starting?  It's like the fast and furious here!  And it's not just the flu here, either.  


There is the influenza strain that the flu shot isn't effective on.  


Then there is a 24 hour tummy bug with aggressive vomiting.


And on top of that strep is pretty rampant right now.


I know way too many people right now with one or a combination of all three.  I'm holding my breath as we've been staying healthy. We have dance every day this week, but once we get home Saturday evening we're done for two weeks.  Hoping we can avoid all of the ick this year.  

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Ours was influenza A, so a different strain.  I'm in Tallahassee, for the record.


Interesting. I'm in Central Florida. I wonder if both strains have been a problem in the state. 


This map doesn't show strains, but I'm in Brevard County which shows as having moderate flu activity.





ETA: Leon County is moderate too.

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Yes, I'm concerned about it because one of mine is having surgery Friday.  The doctor really wants this done this month.  


On the way home this afternoon she told me that one of the kids in the carpool is just getting over the flu and coughed all the way home.  Sigh.  I dosed her with every preventive I have, but she's staying home from all activities for the remainder of the week!


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We seem to have three different illnesses going around our area.  One is the flu; the second is a stomach bug; and the third is something that causes fatigue, headaches, and sometimes fever.  Several schools have closed to sanitize.


This has been happening in my area as well.  I have also heard that this year's flu shot is not effective against the strains this year.


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I am in the upper Midwest. My dh just tested positive for influenza, I don't know what type. Him and our 2 year old were the last to go down with it, but DH was the worst so we took him in wondering if he something bacterial on top of it (coughing up brown and green junk.) The MD said he just had a cold but I asked if colds cause a 103 degree fever and body aches so bad... He's like "Well I guess we could test him for influenza even though I haven't seen much." Momma was right. Who knows how many he has seen that he told had 'colds' that really weren't. Either way, dh and the toddler got Tamiflu, so hopefully that helps.

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