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I'm home from the hospital


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and boy, did I underestimate the amount of pain I'd be in. The loratab and ibuprofen are barely touching it. I had the hysterectomy yesterday. It took longer than my surgeon thought it would take, as when he got in there was much more thickening and scar tissue than he had anticipated. 

I feel like I've been pretty thoroughly beaten - all over the abdominal area, sides, chest, etc.


On a positive note, I feel incredibly blessed. My sweet husband slept on a horrible broken hospital cot all night, helping me to the bathroom when they took the cath out, and advocating for me when I was too loopy to advocate for myself; my mother came from 2 hours away to stay overnight with my children, and I had several people (my best friend/sitter, my aunt, and my mother) who came to see me off in the morning (and to make sure there was somebody here for the children, lol). 

I came home to children still in one piece, a new Nook Galaxy 4 that DH had ordered for me, and a ridiculously helpful 13 year old Redhead, who gave both boys their bath, dressed them, made them dinner, and yelled at me to sit down when she thought I was cleaning the boys' bedroom :p


If anyone has awesome tips about pain management when pain meds aren't helping much, I'm all ears! I hear it will get progressively better over the next few days, but right now I'm not seeing a light at the end of this pain tunnel :(

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If the Lortab isn't enough, call and get something stronger!


I agree with PP. Set an alarm and take the meds religiously. Keep a little note going with what you've taken when. Time them so that you take one 2-3 hrs after the other so they overlap.


Hope you feel relief soon. :grouphug:

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Glad you're home. It always helped me the few times I had procedures to be in my own bed, with my own pillows and comfy surroundings and ::quiet::.  Hospital floors are not quiet! My only pain management advice would be to take the medicine absolutely as scheduled not as needed to stay on top of the pain. And if what you have is not working, perhaps you could ask for something different? 



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I had my surgery last year and while uncomfortable, I wasn't in horrible pain.  Get different pain meds.  I do well with percocet and that is what they gave me.  In fact, I called about pain, and they gave me another refill of the good stuff.  So ask.  


And just not doing anything.  The more I moved, the more I hurt.  seriously, sit around and do nothing ((HUGS))

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